Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 10

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rj aiders have champs reeling to finish the job here try pro switches clubs bruton to north nation georgetown golf licenced georgetown raiders raujt u the odds theyll pull off an upeet 2 orangeville duller ins collective blood pressure j sagging interest and 4 more than i lew eyebrows in orangeville monday night entered in the nt woaa league play off in their lenj thy binary the fuidtr jolted the league soothsayer monday by wrestlintf the lead io the semi flail playoff wy from the team that coppetjf the tl tie handily ut wwon afej went through the rrcnt ache jjule with just on lo tn second setback suffcrisd by the lrbmlu dufferlrf ww here sunday when haldrrk vene the series with a 79 victory today ihe dufl h oil the ropes fcher kaideid livered their sreond punch a m triumph right in the cam jjion a own ulr raider ran fmah the tall it took only a few minute a shuffle ol golf proa ior moat of the big lead to er revealed yesterday by a geor- r r it- ode at the 45 second mark in the third period solomaa scor ed at 1 37 grant smith scar sd and at 3 57 utile scored agalnat georgetown who were playing it very loose orange vine fourth goal waa harder to com by as raider plug ged the bole soloroan acor ed it at 10 00 the busier aoonded with the fcmell tie auti teasing their boslriu ii of a tlarw getowo oolf and country club director the club spokesman uid the club u nterviwing golf proleaaionalt to and a re placement for doug bruton lie said bruton who ha been at the ft h 4 georgetown club for m aeaaoo and a ball was taking an offer from the north lialton golf and country cjub to move there- aj pro- manager a north llauort official eon it wlllbe two very deurm aclcd by the hrnald and asked ined icearmirs facing rch to- if kb kelly waj uu with the the harft tomorrow nlghi banti beat jfanrieri meet brampton next tom iiun mil cm jul flue hd noieonuaent the georlfcelown oolf ipokcl tnifl avittouneed wok further cbaltjea st t cvur lit fcalil kd owen formerly qf the cfeonca chaiby ilifrtlike alri and i club arid sum wb hd beejt hired tb beil int played thi u rour4 wp isrv keuvii by acton tujilnu did xdiouon hi been md coulee hot keep teoraeown runlanti iinanef turning trtrk rltlit here ln u uu bl wl preln lo lh nit luo jlo ijusr day rd iln ill a ui of wioiib half tin- urlud oruiiif raudd of ihlr ilyofi coilrol ruird 6f oiiurlo hid llv krlm vill hd r krld brk to with aruii lounht teiurlouily kr teunttort coif ceortclown owiril lii l1 ilvlnl wlill luiinu 3 1 lo tirjf u i li th dl rumn ndlnk inlo the final hul hij laamjrd loilown ukt tun lay lwr m iht poiod monday trld tmwitrh k h 1 l ii iwam iwrond kinc of twir total lo- cillm q ir u1 fall pd thiii and survive thre all homf and home let they penaltira in the lair atagfi of were ellmlnalrd 12 3 on taw a e f r ih nruu round bake bile souvenir hud valr who iritirrril 3 rorfrtown irorisl in the hauler ioal drfinieman dro firat and third period 1 tfi i m fcud varky uc booth ladici plans a laouvrntr boolh l uing it art ind tomatod fired goau b lb ijdm au he ulr in ihe game to overcome wk t lu mur wrtk airman family leave for german costing air and mrs jam t john- aon nee diana sherfng and 1 yr old aoa t j uft from trenton for a 4 yea aiay in germany on tboraday feb 17 jim ia in the cnoaftian air kurce and baa been tranaftrred to gertnqy ur ad air harry loher f hnnce fcdward bland as vt kjtia with mr aod hx jack lieed or george lo ww and other reutivrs iat uw diatnet lira lowther waa th former lou uae wabfa thy are pending a faw daya here before flying id naaaeo fot two weei bol ulay ilarry won the trip for belling tfae wiiuung uc4t id a nation clt conut the wirt ir got a un day iafrl ih kl rica ur aad ufi art ueadowa hnd baby hlhaxd of caledonia it- u i sunday yvk zsfil wlfti ur and ui s vlahburi and family urt kiihuirn return ed with them for a wr4 hoi iday sympathy u extended to lira percy lealiie robina and airs bui fanderaod alice on the death of their motaxer mix m leace in georgetown 4 dutriet memorial hoaptuu hockey group i banian hockey tuurmnent r rhy and cojlkrepr j uthrmy opened it anit stw i c a trie re ti i i nut but it art touk a teim effort lo fcltplli dullf nnt arlon determination the ac hay whutlrd dwn 0 l wa uored by ur- 7ilw vp m t ttr u h vlwt plwlo t wa won by ur harold iwd nniuiz in p in reuitoiur the week wll be wold camp itoltogl nd had hot choc k r uww j an lhe oppoiilion for the curiuwi a r wwlma itolile ufore continuing oi their travellinc prue by mac alex aniler morval the door pnie tin- f r inlrarti m dc rite in the second pe town plajrr penallica r inn gan fed hud varey f r itantami in a wriri starting v cvujtlviii1 the final loal at a minute and tha sunday in lirawpton they ln hom of urf sim w mrs v l thompson dis- tnet vice preaident of west toronto premjytery waa lhe guest ipeaker at the regular moothiy meeting of norval preabytenaa church wms held at the home o mrs graydon chester on tuesday reb 25th mars thompson gave a very in tereating and inapirin talk o prayer mrt- andrew mcclure preai dent waa in the chair for the meeting mr art curtt read the scripture leaon and mr t mcgee led in prayer ttw dedicatory prayer wu given by mr harold mcclure mri- t mcgee and mrav jy att mccluj- assisted the hoaieai in serving lupch the nl ttecun wilj be be4d oa march 24 and will be dcaaert lunch meeting at 1 e clock in th church the gust kpeake will be hev fcll nor lard of ttrmptod kar bmnibee 18 riietrd td bring a frlrnd or friend a very aucceaalul euchre w held in the 1 inegrove hall on friday evening keb saih w th 10 ublej filled norval jut lor fanner were in charge f the etening idir flrt pnte uai won by uri tmet hamilton h h struville and tecorul prue wat won by uri george hurt h k gorelown urn f nt wjii won by jim carney 11 h kteorgetowrj and second by norval girl guidta nioyed s sparling it it streeu hike on saturday rhruary v ijdtei travelling prue city of oakvilli t wiuun the neju year or o the town of oakviue could be come city ol oakviue accordipg to mayor aiun maason a study will be under taken shortly to determine the advisability of applying for city status of this community which now has a population of 49000 three tunes the wtfcnmjiiw re quirement for incorporatioo- c0mt19isljsvft toap0avt7 puawforoii tom haines of the inlllalper return the vllt tueiday lhl f w 15 tverotulu wl which uw no more irnrlrue j iheo i harllon from lloki cuu ningham boomed in numlver 2 wlthdrdw chdrqc ol wai away to r i i i irore iheet noradolt lltcllcc lici6w woykt by tfen flah rranch 120 s most nomadic member and ex hgyptian cor respondent hat returned lo our snorei with hi pockets full of sahara aand following a sort of lublime to ridiculous trip by plane tratn car and we unag inc camel and with slops at beirut athens pisa shannon trenton and toronto jim gor and georgetown dominating the uud varey from w thoiupson a t mike rinniisn frc m varey and a fln of d r dave iron puyintf on the de r without a lie fenw in ibwnre of hill hing l niriry to lhe game and ham and varey from thninp i afl waaorvithdriww ag ron pushed oranceville hackl wh tow 5 i tfie court he had nbt hunlrd rabbits keb ib and 10 i a fif officer for the dept of ijnd and forests said he uw the i reined drive his car av h onto property on the 3th line lllllii t ln township he la jg y ol foun1 ts gauge shotgun i in the back of the scented s car he testified case dismiavted taid uagi jstrsle kenneth ljnfidon what aboil my sun aik ficer for the 10fl4fi5 season nf accuied the legion kid rlockey are as standing room only at wingdingandfry follows chairman jim yatea vice chairman cyril snook curke secretary verb iusin son treasurer le laorusso committee hoy morion jr doug unsworlh george storey and hoy norton sr the kid hockey executive and all those connected with don hit georeelown last rnday kid hockev are to he highly co- without a dancing girl mmended lor the endless work jim reports that he was very ihey donate to the oulh of tired truting an overnight stop in beirut and went lo bed a likely story and likewise dur inj another overnight in pis another likely story hit first chocolate sundae since leaving canada was partaken in athens they use cremedecacao instead of chocolate and he climbed georcetown the kid hockey dance will be held at the lefiion on fn day march 13 with music pro vided by the rhvthm klni ti ckets are available at the bar tl patricks day dancc a st patrick s dance spon you ii have to get it back from the dept of and and eoresla replied the magistrate lady darts mr hsie hiylock was high scorer with 132 polnu at this week a session of ihe ladies dart league r vetyn rubbery won the door prlxe standing are a follows originals cc i community kurniture terra cotta discount lurniture joe i tuck shop police nino a the leaning tower of risa with torr this year by the hfanrh a pocketful of stones to recon 12 i section will he irm the law of gravity al hpi nn rn march 20th shannon both plane and patsn gera refueled then the nenl slop was trenton froru which a car ride and an early morning train brought him to georuo- town jims itinerary for the next fio days is nothing absolutely notmnfi hiving consorted with arabs and numerous other pen pies of dubious character or the put year lhe powers that be have decided that a rest of mind and body ii in order hence the next sixty davs wilt he used to leach native cus toms to i ccionaires not for eifln legion canadian leg inn stag op stags a standing room only sort of aim is the beat description of list kriday night i wine ding and fry at the legion president ralph hiwea made his welcom tag speech to is urce a group ai has ever pack n i the i ranch t20 hall wn will not attempt tn extol the virtues of lhe entertain ment is far those who attended it would be unnecessary and for those who didn t a few words catt not replace the loe inj brjtnch 120 a pride and joy lea legion nai re led offi fol mriowedthy the sykes urotheri tftock and jack the koppl kau jim meeklson in high land dress art dlison the steel bandlu jack sins alone ferguson tommy gadd roy farmer smith and the barber shoppers entertainment was followed by a steak sod mushrooms wllh all thetrimlnga meal pre par ul by pave bowman and his kitchen bandiu and throughout the evening gob collier and his anapacap artists kept the refreahmenu flowing a grand time was had by all at kid hock by result of the election of oi- general meeting the next uneral meetinb will he held on thursday marcji m at tl p m f 50 v dkav 1 uckv winner jack henderson ticket seller mens major bowling league march 2nd 1smu yaam standlnoi itirn no 2 ii provincial 10 nurr 14 1m no 1 ol chtiblw 0 dum pumi n lucky blnkrs 0 gcoraclown dairv 7 klrhy fl tlmpaon fi fxchantr house fl comers wllklv hloh trlpln gforup llarber nil boh harris 800 with lldcp ian martin as7 jim graham 821 wakly high slnolai genrtc barbtr 122 bob kiaril 318 with lldcp boh dowdall 320 bob wbhatcr 30s saiorit high yrictus gcorim barrxr 03b with lldcp bob gourllc b38 tenpin bowling feb 0th 1m4 aaiian a itahdlhaji 6 30 silirt r lintitonea sltrlutea alka seltien rnrketi 0 00 shift rturkera mlillli whammiea kl kala wuiy hlfeh yrloli b lngleby j carney u rhynnld wulily hih slngui ft fnsleby w weatherall v smith uttmi high trhua b fencleby sase high slnglal b vnnlehy avaraga j carney i rhynold it norton inaile neat meeting waa lit for uarrh ftlh kin to spend s900 on edward st park a targe delegation of geor getown kinsaien led by presi dent jack klndlay attended the zone conference in burlington lat sunday this conference is the annual meeting of the 14 club in this area and included in the agenda are such things as club progress imports re ports from various association officers on a zone and district level election of the new dep uty governor for the zope and various competitions one of our members kin hugh powell was the george town representative in the public speaking contest and al though kin hugh acquitted himself well he just missed win ning first prize by 3 or 4 points in another competition ba ted on service projects the georgetown girls softball league project was adjudged worthy of being the best pres enled to the inn snd will now be entered in the district com palilion which will tike place at sarnia in may the club celebrated lu 6th snnlversary al ha regular meet ing on monday and it wa a pleasure to welcome all the past pretaidenu to this ttnet a year meeting three of the past preudenu clare nurns dean taylor snd harry levy ire still active member and to complete the list the welcome mat was put out by president jack rindlay to ex members ami past presidents hill hewitt and jack spence the scrap books of the past presidents were on display and it was a refreshing reminder lo the older member and educational lo same of the newer members to reminisce on some of the things that had ta ken ptsce since the club was chartered during the bu sines portion of the meeting ir wa decided to spend up to 000 within the next few months for develop ment of the parkette at byon snd kdward st and it was also agreed to allocate up to sooo to set up the girls softball league for thr coming season it is anticipated that there will be 12 teams this year an increase of 4 and the soft ball committee under the chairmanship of kin tom kent are already busy making prep arations or what appears lo be an even more successful season 155 th our first years operation twas won by john hawhniton get well wishes are extended norval to mr ijmj ijiim who has been the nrxt ici rr will tie hell a patient in princess margaret on saturday evening march 21 hospital toronto for the past ladies provide wt i did you know yway t the canadian healtor i a uaby brian keith rurton and monthly magazine published by ins sister ronnie children of the canadian association of mr and mrs arthur burton r hsiate hoards for it mem were bapliied by rev r stub bers its circulation is in escess ley in st paul anglican church of 14000 on sunday march 1st god par eflti were mr and mrs ormie thk gkorgitown histald carter and the children t march s 1u4 grandparents ur nd un john hawlingson eye appeal fron toe to hee buster browix rhe boe u tritf tv she tku ii i um t- tvr buaai lo ukakt j i ij nrtim ani uaaaf taaraufhouc you r turx ft turfed u trttfa tiai ikied brooa 6- fonl klin plus watbfttd ih ilvers quauty wot dftaktmint pa r 10 ii 10 4 0 7 3 3 sst m7 sos 223 100 107 would bus shoppers to downtown and the plaza cr charles llildebrandt urfi i ture only to underwrite an ed a bus service to the town s possible deficit which he esti nutrt could not pass 15 000 major shopping areas uonday but found no apparent backers on council the councillor said merrf anu and the detres firm should get together and provide s sys tem of transportation a couple of 12 seat vehicle wiith a 25c fare was his idea the town would enter the pic a new venture will be under way within the nest few weeks when ticket go on sale for a trailer raffle it i hoped that the public will support this venture in the sawe spirit that has been given during the last ma years nash and mcdowell flumllreo arid hrattrw wlr iohtnmn f walr syiuml kpalrt t allrrum tr 72842 ti jobs taxi mr t mrt jmm kurns th 79286 radio depllchod fully insured 7 daya wk frea phona ir ueglbbon houl m mm d riufl s4son high singles chris caatator with lldcp casts tor average george barber jack timpinn tom graham bob harria 421 243 236 282 232 meet the beavers hockey dance friday night 812 at the rose room 1 i join in the beatle mania with the ses yolt at lhe rose rooea friday nightl j esters 1 admission 75c year in fact thrre would he a good chance of a small profit from tbe system he said cr lmmerson reminded him that a local firm already hat the franchise and has tried on num erous occasions without being able to make it pay that a defeatist altitude anwcred cr illldebrandt peo pie need transportation and we should at least investigate attention bird fanciers f we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water softener salt baled straw master rabbit pellets and master dog food cau us tooay wl dutvir master feeds stewadtown dial 8773512 116 not just another stretch strap adjustable stretch strap bra you can ie id difference in ihli tlrelch ilrap bra the straps are narrower wont carl or dig and ihey aduit toju lust you the slrelch strap sweep in one continuous line under ihe arms to prevent 0applna and wrlntllnolthey swoop low around the k bock lo work wllh the smndex elastic so you carl brealhe and move easily just what youve been walling or wanting you bell youd belter hurry in and ailc for exquisite formi slrelch strap bra x32 34 b32 38 c3238 while embroidered cotton only the evelyn shoppe 7 main north 1 i 774ul ttf aaaeteyen e hh rr i jwastatefaiaiinti g

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