Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 11

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math mdjsam jane oa wednes- day maren t 19sj4 in geor getown end dlecrtci memor- w hospital jane mclean of 29 charles st george town oat formerly of erin township in her 00th year deufbter of tbe lau donald and sarah mclean and dear auter of mary and janet beetlnsj at the harold c mo gktre rxineraj home m fejdhb sl georgetown where aerviee will be held oa friday ailer noon e j oclock teanporary interment in connlngacry mor uaary rev normad youni wlu ofbeiau harley urges four point program supersonic transport for canada oritw c a tout point program of a tiou by ih ubrnl government ww urgd tthirdy by dr lur ry lurley mp for lullm bpwaklbg during tin- twune simwcb debate iv iuhy fcald be bopod lb goverfuneht would fcivt priority in lb lollowmg rder to a canada peruloti plau 11 uan plan lor univrity iluikoli bxuuklob of family 1 lowsnces to lht ae of 18 fkrt uu i uml4en program to i i serve the medical need ftf the wrrr mad- with the lucky win ham and tommy stickland aijdn pple er bring mlu don mtcarron delicioua lunch wii fcrvd by j ml there ij great pub t i i i 11 l uri j1n uly nd kred iub lh udlfl th n inurrat in lb pension plan loramunliylluo mects a delirious lunch w will be held on saturday night n p bust atop fell iwvod by the ladles and march m social hour wu noyed the canadian jaclfic airline w auraouotd that it 1j kigiud jul kaxiveuiril with the united stfelam tmirt avialioo agency to irerve thre delivery po hitmw for the aatitci vupr maple trkiuport an artiu tu v prvuiotl of which 11 keen here costing fen raumatfd u 000 000 met um iwsri wiu be writ ml tod to cfa i ibjernallonal rout moftfttsy pivtm drnc tl it fecri of 4 s00 tniui ttid uiby will u de uivd ui crry utwmu 150 nd 10 ttmtkjc at hkcu of up u 2 000 lulloi ta lout uk uj trroruc4 will br rpbl of ouutni ji hiitkvfilaucltv rifl tn bulm crulfcinu t tlulude ltll of v5 0o0 fft thy will b a ju put iti lirt iuptrulc into paihla of flying frotii vtinmjvr lopcfauon by 1074 u tokytj in ut under four ttouh a mvlllj ol fcltuot kvtil bouri ovr tadjyli ftil cotu hifrciaat aircraft montreal la uoiiia flying un would b four hour irii llwn lulf th pxcnt time under favorable georgetown exchange addi 229 new phones in 1963 uatargetown a bell telephone cxchauite added 220 hcw tele i pbon in 1m3 e e jarvi mmamgv tor thk ar rcporta miss laura morrow was once librarian a lifelong town rridttt wlu uui morrow or 12 corg st dld auddenly on kriwiury 20ih at georgetown uoplul tubiif of the late uavidl ad kkubctb ana taylor mor row ik w ampwyvd fur ma by er at tv old lowef pperl toil i ol provincial pe hht had lao kaerved b4 tuwd library john i united cburciw laftat tamamtcr of bct filllly j ert whwisa arid arthur ai d a feiaur woreyr kev ian rlrdhittf lonductwll lh fuwl kervlce on kalurdjyl a th lurold c utrtlure 1- un 6rml iloteas sad uternwnt wu in reehwood cemeterv 1uteir era wwe guvld i4cilvray cruaacu kaniclt jv viion td uorrow jack u rrow and hourt uoov a total of 5 163 in itvu aa the 8t7 exchange at the year end tiiiiiiot wax the krynour in bell opcrationa with an uu precdnted s234 mlllloo apent mi construction total leleph cam in wrvee in lamda i 4 0ft0 102 net iiconit u 163 wjj iafl3 tallliou faqujvaunt to 21ut per abare or a return of 0 1 per cent on total capita dividend pf tt 20 were paid the balance of 29 trliu per ahfcre waa addex lo twnlntfa einvtfd tn tke btuin owr w pel cent of tofeferial usa wai produrd in cmuf of total lir holder vf eeot live in cakada fend owo w pirrnt of the atock v in plor hold tiz crtent unuu were uef utlled with two union representing 2d 00u employee adding about thrre percent to anjnill pyr 11 rxphe the firm employ 33 441 birfi and woolen with an annual ayroll of 170 sw 157 ity 1067 tbe company will he opvfrtli t anada flm oiaj t eurtronic central office it will fcarve tlr world lalr anj parti of downtown uuntrtwl irrvwaattowm coplandmcgean wedckng in st johns anglican coogratulaiionj of tbe com totituty fere extended u uf itd mri rod copland tbe former carat afcclem wro were tea rid la bt john a arigbcan caburcb us4 krldiy tvtnlai fairtbdjy greetinxi uj todd bucket t who u 5 yrt old aod k ibjllia bricsa wbd u v yeain old go tbojakuy aurch mb and to jmie lawou wbo will be five ye- on saturday katrch 7tb mr iwid m aruiauong au3 faently ahd mle he led artnatrong vuitcf 01 sundj with mr and mrri lorry kd wardj in statief mr and uri vrai jeniin ix ortblhrtowl wr rwent vlilt of with mr and un wm lluttit hreyn fyupjthy of the onimunity thi mortutowm hira twwraiy march 5 144 page 11 u eitaoded to tabe fajuijy of mrx j m lethe erf the to line who paed away in th georfetoam dwtrkf hoephal on 7viauy february 28th by motion in council t am kervby audvxlzad to pfoclaim ha ftkxins of aaftch j red cross month for ttve geogelown avxj d itkt red oo solely joseph gibbont mavob jildolu tflia euchre game feature next euchre party will be hld clkh williawj nday night march lfi in i f their regular thursday glen school takes part inhaltonmusicfestival tbe north trafalgar com n unity club ebeld their lebruary amtan tb home of utt gordon lwue with twenty one nc t manibera attending mrs allan rom prdent was in charge a meeting waa held recently ol the buainew period i hank i by mambars of utt wyd out g school will b taking you utlm were read from ratepayers aaoclation lo elcit pirt the two day muiic fei everal frlmda who liad hern committee and executive tivail for north llalton to be remembered with glfti the pivudrii iranard fluckler hrw n k mlr school meeting clowd with he bened vlceprendenl harold ulgfiar ln acton on march 24 and 23 ictioi thi- program which foil recording secretary uri c the f a gponaored an owed conaiated of a rfintiat ln sweetman treasurer melville nul by tthe llalton ounty k bf urt arvderton may dolby and corrciponding sec jj teiival auociation if un winner wa mri jert relary iew sampon hher ljsalie several gjmta of euchre committee members include further efforts to block or de lay it tli plan will toon be referred t a ipetul committee and dr harley uld uw com mitte ahould tit every morning to hear wltneuei ui that the legislation can be returned to parliament lfor the aummcr reee4fl midgets still march niagara are victims defending ontario champtona hie geortfatown uldala are alill you hve a child participate tl lat nia or are jut intrretrd in mulc i on nurch t1 b n ulli ivcral imie ot euclirr comtnllier mran inriuue or j in mulc i played with ihr prirr ir ur gordon pot howard co y will enjoy i 1 ul won by ur hobb main land geolfrcy drew nrook an i i tke bordrrtown lo lead the bel and mr john llannock ihe jack uarchmrnt march melln will be held at st paula lloman calhollr ml vini a it ue home o mr cliff ha church held a euchre party on j aitc jkey in danny wat a euchre party was held on saturday nahl 1ehruary so tfaffe w1i deejay at the thunday nlllht 1ebruary 21 at the north tralaljar lomm nn ponaoreil by the by tlta north trafalgar comm unity centre with twelve table uub tnr yyca in onlty club at the percy merry in play the prliet were won wrtuleaworth public school school there were 18 table in b mr clare wilon mr laf wrpl pjay with the prtle soine to helen ileatty jim llamilt n crii lfarvey dunn ulu olive and colin lleaty two lucky mr john mo ily i patterjon r wallace and draw were held with the lucky dltrlcl atabb main tliree lucky draw winner beans mr cunning we wllh tu recovery 1n or lopltal scout corner of 3 wtond round playoff on game to none the second game la here tonight ilartlng at 830 jan popeh scored twice and single goals were scored by simon 1 lewellyn john quacken bush btvnt talford and doug malcolm the midgets are coached by grry lnglii welt swingers yo ir leader baa at lat mauagd to sum mou from the minute rt eurcci of his mind i the amb lion to write a column if my fiwiory la correct the lait piece of literary trash appeared four weeks ago tbe big word is still llealle mania thoie m with tbe tkailr are still going itrong tbey still liave ihr top iinjlri and the bigheit talei rxordi for ij of all tunr the beavers are doinj a dance this krulay and tlungi appear to be shiping up for a rval mover the lleatlenunla will be led by the jesters a awingin hand from to these boys will ik appearing on hie list at tha y dance ufll tlut h for tin week i ii lean you with his dec ration n r you to jerry douse fire on 8th line a fire alarm at 10 30 im yrhtrrday amounted lo nothing fortunately or firefighters and reihenti ot an nth i ne home like the cill r v ho summoned hlp r m liie corgetown de p artmt nt phoned bwk momenta later to cince the aid saying the flamrs had tieen doused and it wji j is l as well fire- nirn who irft the station prior lo tlr tffond call had lnmbte finding scene of the blase websterjackman ltd ffflffil streetsville a good place to buy mmcuky km larkf mitcuky moktcuht mitfo couit mhcuiy tluck all tira amoua 130d ancua ttahoako comiul coktina w kuj caej uij can kj tnuba 8264462 open 2774591 evenings unhl 10 m p m lalutjay uftril 4 00 pm promise to god theme in sermon to scouts the flrtt part of he boy scout promle 1 promlae to do ray duty to od was the tbeme of an adreu delivered by john t amiltlrong to tame 400 georgetown scouts guld eat cuba drownlei rover and ftanttera at a ipeclal church gervloe in knox presbyterian thurch sunday afternoon feb ruary 23rd ln hi aermon mr arm mr and mr ted middlelon of dunnvillr vuited with mr i and mr j wagtalte lat sat urdy mr and mr c wadworlh of hamilton were sunday vial tor wllh mr and mr t ilarlh marilyn barth attended an indonesian dinner at the inter national lntitute in toronto on sundy evening mr bill mcgowan spent a gallon cadet marjorle pew cat few day lat week up at to led gave the call to worship ibermorey where he ay the it wat followed by the guide anowplouih went through every hymn day to keep the road open ranger janet collcll and i we really do live in the ban scout wayne den more read ana belt don t we the ftrat and second lessons the offering for retarded children waa dadlcated by svouter dave hastings the scout hymn preceded the addreu by the guest spea tron pointed out that conl k privw r br detingall the wonders ol the pouter pete macljnnan earth that god ha given u 1 h is only right that we should wpay him in some small way i cruisla filrrtc m aald this can be dono by- attending iii church service fnfatrf airl filln through hi people and by car tle viich in for our own phyalcal and stoutcud fathers aplrltual growth i duribf the service reaffirm about fifty father and aon allon pf group promlea were sat down to a hot upper lat made by district guide t o i monday night in st alban a btlaajoner anne carmlchlel fur parish hall mother provld the brownlea and guide car ed and ihe support group serv ol ln for the ranger and ed hie goofl thing which both aaalatant dllricl commisioncr the hoy seouu cutis and fa dou ward for the cubs and thers thoroughly enjoyed scouu at tha beginning bf the ser vlea a colour party entered the church and the national in ihein was sung by tho congro ashgrove fathers loin sons at scout banquet thft flrl aahgrove scout vt ther u son banquet was held lo the basement on ivutay ev binjl eeb 2s when ten dads and twelve scouts alone with mm distinguished visitors sat down to a turkey dinner at prettily decorated tables in the acout colours of turquois and bright red also scout place mats and serviettes at tha head table with rev john hill kid leador bruce mcclure were district comrnis- alonea vic gunn district coun cil chairman mr harry tevy and adc douk ward who con ducted a alng aong after the meal musical numbem played byjdavid austin on his iuitar mr enjoyedjouowed by a re- preaanutlve from the ilcll telephone co who presented a him on weather thanks to the ladles for the dinner was expressed by ward brown- yrrtdge the benediction closed v frand occaalon roas giles showed a aim oil ilr travel by boac the guest speaker for tha avenlng was llr douglas latimer he gave an excellent address to the boys ancltheli fathers and left many good thoughts with them lo fake home after a veryen joyable evening square dance evening st andrews couples square dancing wu a fatur of tbe aebruiry owtuog of the couples club of st andrew a united church membars nwt at cedarvalc aciiool wbra mur ray may called and instructed for square dancing aatiated by bis wife a devotional period waa led by rev and mhs kel vln johnston mr and mrs rogw teuier were winners of a beetle drive reftwiraecu wra rvd at the close of lb meeting the averting program waa arranged by nv and mrs jobnaton mr and mr george riker and mr and mr- vrd target danny wagataffe ta sound effects man for the george town little theatra group congratulations to those ming chosen to take part in the western ontario drama teat val in sim coe with their pro duction of under the byca more trea council majority turns down purchasing plan with four in favour and five against a motion to name one member of the town office staff as purchasing agent wm defeatrd at monday a council meeting txplninine that they wanted to take advantage of bulk buy ing and centralize operation cr hildchrandt and reeve elliott were supported by may or gibbons and cr young in their idea other thought that the pre sent system with the treasurer and foreman authorlied to sign purchase vouchers la aatlfact scouting s spiritual values stressed in speakers talk the 4th georgetown scouts tod oebs father and son ban quet was held in st john unl ted church hall wednesday ev enlng feb 26th more than 100 dads and lads tat down to a turkey dinner preiaared and ser- ved by the mothers auxll lary of tbe group committee vic criinn dlatrlct commls- aloner commended the leaders for giving to freely of their time to scouting leach leader devotee between d0 nd 50q nouns a year ln preparing for febe weekly meetings ty the trootyor peck attending court es caropa conferences and hi kes mr jtamea munro was preaen ted with his certificate of cub leader lie la akeja of bt i pauls baptist church cub pack mrs rita munro was awarded tbe wood badge through the national council of boy seoul a neckerchief and waggle were also given to ber along with a epeclal necklace there only typ other leaders in the district with this distinction a bright and breeajirelng song wat led by doug ward aaalst suit dlatrlct commissioner alter which the guest speaker rev kelvin johnston was introduc ed rev johnston chaplkln of tbe 4th georgetown spoke briefly on the spiritual values to be found ln scouting a col our film of bermuda followed with jonathan winters wat rnown comic a commentator car wash wuvf addkd a new machine t eur twmn mm for tkjt44w service 150 combine hen inoirh and ca wash 650 twath coupon hook for tq00 porum man thru lrlday enly war wash 100 opon thurt m prl utii 9 pm harley motors 1 jehn w t 7mt 1 1 u relax find what you wan by reading and usin g want ads do you know of an easier away to shop er tell whart you make bur for antappelntrnent to ta the advertised item want ads do the work and qulciclyl want ads your marketplace all you do la place your ad and wait for the phone o rlnomand ring it will or all back and enjoy reading the want ad then phone phone 87722fjt georgetown herald vw f j jet j

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