Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 14

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t moaoummt mr tatst re yanfaiy lyva cerieuf wish to nnottnc hm apftnnt of tbelr ytjun- j dukatcr jue jhlargaavt to mr iraaklla john lens u- fctaoa of mr and mrs joha baput georeto tba mrri- ifc wtll uko plac oo satur- 17 mftrcb 28th 194 io knox vttmhytoriatt ctiurch it mvco dock in to cvooinf coming events sl jewi ucw hike ue mdjy lunk 8tb in united gm oac at i p m 55 aumtiack sale wnj be ww stunuy atjrdlltb io 3k- c6rt jaxub lull under hpkt v iti a ymoavwca jnltu- cili jub vrry kecxjad tburi ky kvcuint kwery fourth 3urdy itxuoon open huum wtnteis utr avt hwpiul turuoi6 sunday wilfrtofd march 1mb any qoc jntctttrd in attritio- jklexm tall 877 jaso 3 17 doat tol ibe m imrlrk ouchn hiy at maituri lull majrb uth kikmr by um kaquriunit axiculturil so ciety haukb blrtbday eurbjf thursday urcb mh 8 13 p m look hail good irur r fybtnthu kvrytli cxxdlil ly ioviltd admlwd wv i kuchr ttwl tuhr4 iiair d by abrove w 1 uutb 8 suwsrtlown hill tuthre 8 15 p4u mruwjy urn orrbtraj good trius rlreihirttltl fed kltelon 75c sunday march 6th si albani ladles guild mother ing sunday uiffrt nipper 4 00 pm io 7 00 pwi in 1ariib 1u1u wjllumi adulti 1 etilldrtn 5fw kveryot wclctim 3 3 jsuis day in uoryauwrt and ttlrk kj cra cmfml march lih unvati w- uaw yut tlsjm wn lnfntui 17liu 313 s0ltfasboitn saturday march uth it halllnaisd unit ad church 3 30 ta 00 pm admlulon adults 1 53 child rn 12 and under bic span amd by the united church women s 13 giwral uefrtim of th goorfetown ihd dturict maitt- orial hospital auxiliary on ttadarr march 1mb it 8 00 mm in th boapjtal eafttrria th iprakisrt will h mr g oithooly and mn krlsn on tba benefit of voluntefrt to um hospital lat gtorfif town scout croup cnmmiltk spring danca with the slartiehtfn qrehaitra saturday uareh 7 jo pw stewarttown llall boor tritrt spat dane4 lun choon procda for camping qnlpmnt adtrtlulon 13 00 r eoupl yickeu available at ibm door annivaraaky danci ftlunafd cfftmunlty clf cruy march ilft danclntf opm to 1 a m dave ukn11aus orchestna boot priiri rrfreihmrnt booth kvrryrm welcome blfttht bailby charua and juna bmo curtia ara proud to an nounce the arrival of a grail andrew lha la georgetown and district hoa- pital rebruary 19th 1mm a brother for brian many thankaao dr a t uacintoah bajllant1nk mr and mri robert rallantina 4 mur dock street are happy to anaouoce um birth of their dauxhter joanne dorothy en yueadajr ktbruary 23 1w4 to georgetown ajid district memorial hoipiul a litr tor mfcchael ko6 lorrin4 thi 0oiyown hikalo ylhiraelay march i 144 pageu mkmoriams g1vkx in loving memory of a dear too in law and bro ther in law bill wbo paaaed away march b lsnn toe world may change irura year to yea and friend froaa day to day but hewer will the ones we vc kroio memory pu away mr and mr a mawey and family ujluso in loving toi ory qf a dear mothc grandmothrr mans loruuo who ticd wy march 3 lfrot little w krirw wnu w wok tht morn ind mi sb1 ybe lurtu thv day wulil happy to un bring uouo the birth if lbron call wai uddu ihi ihk cfrjury kdward a baby brof ary thr for cbrylslv sntlto part with oiir w htvd ta allan weight 8 iuj 3 o dar bim february id ltwm at our barti still fcclw with id 4b im rj and fcwiret teari till flow mactntyrk marirsnnand what it meant to to ou danui macinlyre s3 sirgfiit molhrr koad ar plead to an i jj olw wl rv know hounce the birth of a daugh i yhe flowrra wf place upon tec kathleen uhiis on rrb- yiiur grave ruary stth 14 at george will wiihw awl decay town and diatnct memorial u for oh wh hoapiul wight 7 ibi 5v beneath om a tiatrr for maureen stn dtvpr fde iw two in hospital after tobogganing accident other hill after llanley waa injured on a run down the first fairway the toboggan he was on shot off the edge of the road crossing the run and went high in the air for about 10 feet oo the flrtt run down al tba nw location balnea and be ker went hurtling over a na tural hump and landed beavl rhantf jim had maureen ryank are bjpy to announce the arrrral f their aocood koo krin joaeoh uoyd on fabruaxy 2o 1v64 ar cueln gcaeral llottaj a baby brother for jiai lawk mr i doo lwr are a spontaneous toboggiaftng party ended abruptly frway nlgbt when three georgetown men wervinjured tn two acci dents on the north llalton alf and country club hills still in hospital are lawyer terry baioes 3 moultrey creac and dave baker 0 moultrey crete both men suffered back injuria a third num ber of l party murray hen ly baine had to b transport lr 30 mal ave w suffer- ad to a car by toboggan baker d brulaei and a ahaking up made it troir ol tba wy oo bis he was rayed hi georgetown feet with help jjjlhoapltal and albwed to go- home si couple went to thtf golf course to take advantage of the perfect hight for toboggan i tng but the party waa over in iras than half kn hour they wedded to mov n an silvers havm a for every member of the family and a little bsby for irjnut diayhi cookk martha lllen warnri on saturday february 20 10a4 in the ivwtoti nurs ing home toronto martha kllrn warnei cooke wife of the utr jack a cooke and dear mother of cecil of to ronto and lha late arthur and kvi mrs charles ltob- rni dear aiater of mrs ii wood toronto kric warnea south 1orcupine and tom warnes of georgetown funeral servlca waa ronduc ted at tha harold c mcclure runeral home 34 kdith street georgetown on yuea march grd at two oclock interment was in greenwood cemettery georgetown rev j k max well officiated dsurmer row- son in uw auitin jacklin anil granddau ghtara marcia and suun lqhusso in toving memory of s dear wife mother and grivdii other maria lortwso wbo paaaed away on march 5th 1060 always retnetn bered by husband lmmanuel and fanujy owtmio dift of highway out auction jalfc of ulldluol for gwoval dimolttlom htopihtv al wo t2el4 one iloey on room atone iwhool houe aluched plywood of mjni in ih put lew mon ki vv u cession 7 fuwiuhlp of kuiues ing oouuty of llalton located on the south aid ol highway no 7 estt aide of road allow aiice twtwren conceuion 7 and 8 approximately two miut wnt i of grorgetown third bereavement lor local banket and wife uuil lunk tiunfr w k kill uett and hn wife have had mure thn thrlr har upon ha mr rustti niuther dird a ifew tnoutbi 10 and on vebru tlfepa ary 3th mrs uauetl father i i u lllujn scare died in itrant ford on feb 22nd her mo thr died alto in llrsntford gen eral hoipital mn ithel state wnbuin toronto daughter of augutui y inii oiarlra jlutband and mary i 1c sale to be hrld on the prop- lohusso in loving mem ory of a dear molw maria maai loruaso who paaied away march s 1m0 peacefully last the world i weary trouble and trials are put in alienee the suffered in pa uence she bore till god called her home io suffer no more sadly missed by sons ftocco and mike daughter in xknnkdy basme may dick uw barbara and grandchildren on sunday march 1st 1044 it milton and district hos hojmet a graduate of the im ivrsity of toronto with the de gree of bachelor of miuic she was a member of the staff and i teacher at the toronto cot lege of music and was noted as an sccompluhf ensemble and solo putiut sjie had been a llrantford re tident for 35 years yhere she ed to move a injilding along waa a member of st jude a an acroti or over irovincul sleeping rrsiing st g cmrch jni acuv i in a municipal the ladies guild hoad or street persons who she leaven tuo daughters may be interested in purchat- mri v r helen lljsiett lftsling his building for the pur iocji time tugsday mahch 31st 1944 tistms aih or certified cliwjiif plus 100 ivrformance bond chejjufi nude payable to tlw treasurer of ontario to guarantee that work will ba completed in accordance with dji o regulations noticr a permit is reuir coming h0lidaze immanukl lutheran church howard wmeeliiwokyh ichool auditorium m cuelph sthket wmf urva 10 m m j kiikkner public skating sunday 3 4 p in arttl j6hh important au hletibr mil pr9kpctivr tncmberi pleatr iltenil ckokcbyowm unit army navy air force veterans association sunday march 8 2 00 pm bill mowotomitlfys carasc clmn williams v provincial conimil will be pill beuir uiy dick krnn edy ol it henry slreel gear lelown formerly of hornby in her b7lh yer wile ol ihe lilr ceorjt a kennedy mil deer molhrr of florence mr g a kmsl dillon ciikorj of colldn ciufornii dorothy hn y g spall guelph aiul deir tiller ol clayton b dick of corgelown kunecal tervire wn ron ducted at ihe harold c mc clure kunenl home 34 edith street on wedneidiy mireh 4th it 3 oclock interment wn in hlllcreit cemetery norvil nev nor man young officiated lksue mary ann huron on friday february 2llb 1004 at the georgetown and district uemorlaj hoipital uary ann ifarrop leille of k r 3 georgetown in hrr 04th year wife of the late john ilorton leilie and dear mother of gordon leilie of vernon b c mary robena mr percy ialle and alice iiabl un w it anderaon of georgetown kuneral aervlce wai conduc ted from the harold c mcclure funeral home 34 edith st on monday afternoon at 3 00 oclock interment waa in hill creil cemetery norvil ilev robert duncanson officiated uolutow ijura suddenly early friday mornlnf febru ary mth 1084 in georgetown and district memorial hoipi tal laura morrow at 12 george mret slater of the lite flonte morrow funeral aervlce wai held on saturday it 2 00 oclock in thr harold c mcclure lunrral home 34 edith street inter ment was in grernwood ceme- etery gcorcctown rev ian fleming officiated cardt i ymankt would like uim st n and mrt it b bxanlford and two grandchildren kathyrn ind io- nald thorpe slie wia prede cealed by her huibind a ion office noted below ituotl to ralph and two brother ir v jthk sa1j poie of moving it intact or aectiom to another location must obtain informauon regard ing permits from the district gjuevk i uiink friends and relative for ihe gifts flower csrds and visits while i waa a pat lent in georgetown hospital special thanii to dr beben k and dr 0 dwyer mrs mary grieve lkdwidgk i wlh to thank all my friends and relatives for the flowers gifts and cards which i received while a patient in the georgetown and district memorial hoipi tal a special thank you to the nursing slsff dr thomn- lon ind dr odwyer i lene ledwldge mcdonald my sincere thanka to friend and neighbour for cards gilts flower and vinte while 1 was a patient in georgetown hospital spe cial thanka to the nunea and to dr bebenek ken mcdonlld s1iaw my sincere lhanks lo dr bebenek dr odwyer and the nursing itaff of georgetown and dlalrlct memorial iloipitil for their rare of me while i was a pa llent there alao thank you lo friendi and relative for their lovely card and flow er lome shiw smith our ilncere gritlltude to tleorgetown pllee force georgetown volunteer ambu lince service georgetown hospital and half drs mar tin odwyer andpanabaker or their promptnei auo many thanks to frlenda and neighbour for their esprei- alons of concern and offers ol help they were apprecia te wright and monica smith 03 prince charles dr c husband snd a o husband of toronto rev 11 a r rurh officiated at the service at thorpe broth to ers luneral home and inlermenl was in larrtngdon hum ground preaxnl ilf uautr miitino lol245 tuesday march 10 joojfiai- wlo ojrialx vrvw matmoriams i given in loving memory of the late william lome giv en who passed sway march 5th 1063 a loving husband s kind rather he bade no one his last fare well he said good by to none the heavenly gates werif open ed a loving voice said come we often sit and think of you the things we used to say wonder why you had to die without a chance to my good bye though out olslght youre ever near r sum mlsstt loved still ours you will ltvewlth us in mem ory until the end of time sadly missed by wife jean and children engagements thb engagement la gnnounc ed of helen catharine squlrca daughter of mrs john arthur squires 3fl allen m b water loo and the lite mr squlrei to brian charles asmussen son of mr ind mrs uvern as mussu r r- 1 ayr the mar rlag will tike place march 21 at four oclock ui christ united church clarkson seek municipal advice on employing relatives three weeka mo george town council passed a resolu j tlon which would bar memb era of the immediate family of a sitting councillor from employment with the town immediate family was not defined at the time snd nn monday crs francis and km merson moved to rescind the motion with cr flill smith they had opposed the febru ary move thla time mayor gib bona sided with them express ing his opinion that an opinion on th legality of the remlui ton should be nptalned fmm the town solicitor nut the act l jon was affirmed when the mot ion was loat on a 54 vote vague ambiguous and dls eriminatinc cr francis term i d the move pointing out that a relative of a councillor could not run for election without jeopsrdltlnu his job he quo ed s clause in the municipal actt which be said makes the motion ttlecsl cr emmerson said he has been unable to find anything which would back such lejiisla i tion and wants a ruling from the municipal board cr hlldebrandt said he vot ed for thr motion because there is a dancer that a sitting cotin clllor might put a clone rrlatur in a job or tho njiblic might think hr did and we would not want in create thu this image cr powers bald he believe anolher section or the municl pal act concerning conflict ot intercut makes georgetowns move legal for further information please contact tba aucllanaar mr j a ttllatr 10 ourt street north milton ontario telephone th 80c33 oil cantrsl ksolonal ohka riflhtof way division department of llighwavs downs view ontario telephone 2433443 on hamlltan district office department of lltgrujj hm north shore illvd biirluiglon ontario telephone ja 7 0131 d8py ok highways ont easter its just a hop and a skip away and so are spring and summer be ready for eailer far spmg wj or lonwnw by wlecttrtg rfvat haw lun and trims rveo crsrvuvl now sebiw ffom rvw vryles sjsad nw colours it may lem a bt ly lx kinl mi crly tl my town actually make your ielctiosi now w will koid t uis our convenient citarc ssccount or fnvojvxj credt service cbarfja no mtrsht no ilvers xj a o inv krf r 1t qahe ihw gt6mgtiom kaamrrom r j lfirvey llrantfard oiil ario ii 10a4 president of the 1334smemher canadian aimc- latlon of real eatate boards b k wllloughby toronto on ario la first vice president and p d p holmes victoria 8 c la aeeond vice presideul 1 juhouakyioc ktakofb holy cross school association all new bingo starting monday i pm march 3d i rh riviira norvil 19 games of 1000 7 games of 2000 hus i5oono jackpot tuf i pkiolh tmatd ahm1a1 ides of march dance friday march 13th lva4 anvmta nofeval vs 00 per rmrlg brsruvmnls 900 raa v 12 30 am fob tkkets ih40ne 877wua ther mra stow 70 member boardi of the canadian anoc- jatlon of real eatale boards which ia on of the largest trada and profeaalonal biioc- ijlauonl in tha coimttry give your car spring zing 6 grai job oil chang rvacltlen tunaup w spaclallk irt bivlrttf wlntrwary fats tit expert mechanical bodywork welding paint job you can dapamtj en us for th bast iarvl esso gas and oil lincoln motors 194 oualph si r771m2 s i i lajlsso ptrooocttons sirtsjrsjtay dance party wstmkmfason sonny the sheas chkx dqjoay gtobge young ktaevxaceabeev jus eaembort 100 t omamce maij kauutapton dancino t13 pirth iunday in lent 51 johns unitrd church georgetown onl ulnuter rev ian m pfamlns organist and choir director k r harrllmi ajict rmt jumday march trh 11 00 am morning servlca 700 pjn evening worilt as much for others as or ourselves georgetown separate school board registration of grade 1 bilingual and english for those pupils not registered in kindergarten 1943 at hqly cross school tuesday and friday afternoons 14 pm notice of annual meeting ta areratlal meeting of gtoc dkimct mtmorlal hospitax assoclatron wdl b held rrha hoad wnggloworth public school thursday march 12th ba0 pm ta- mlk 1 i any person who is aha- hotdar of currant association i- matnutsassp oani b ajsrstll in vps for or aand for i eeadion as a dirarjor of tha hrjtpttal board ctu 1sd ivans ifaaaysot ati sav

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