georgetown jf era id pali nil i j by hesow hi apapiii lbwrlaol 23 main sires gecrgertcmn ontario w c mbq4 pslilia i pagc4 thursday march shs 19oi editorial comment cfawfr starting place th ouitiewi church today u in it mtdit of 4 quiel upheaval we hear ouilflf talk of tcunmil ooooclu dlculvlcu be the srceaes 6fvj in pobl geifvario of the ixtvdi fo untjor fceov fo jv d ifoeice htd btok througn the barriers o mulwwiofitdimj and d v- iruit which he ye bean pvalcnl for loo trieiy bnt gai if is e complex problem one wit th will probably not occur in our i fa time though hutory booit may tomodey indicate the uxteei ss tin um of church union ttm orw imlt area wfvir we think the pr attic could tlrt right now georgetown hit in extremely act ve boy scout rtwvement which embraces urge portion of our youngittiri it hid ill rebirth wme yeart ego largely through the efforts of one man pov john sm ih who because he was mm iter of f john i um te fend becauve this was live only church at tfw lime willi adoquate fsc lihei centred activities ground that church a signal honour georgetown little theatre it to be con gratulaled on being chosen at one of lla nines for live weitern ontar o drama fet tival in s mcoe it it the f rst i me the fledgling group has attempted such an amb tioui urvdertalt ing and lo be chosen at one of f ve en irani from a f eld of fifteen is a mark of distinction in ilielf the play undar the sycamore tree s directed by tony lloyd and will be in com- petition at sirncoe march 18th its public presentations here are scheduled for early april win or ice it is a signal honour to ai rww group grduejly formed scout ing lerhded to brnch to other churchea un- t i todey almoaf every georgetown church he ui own group tre is lonw dtqmt we miitk in eon- cntrlivg icoutintf ehcluilvely in churdtei whre il tendt to betomd locuun cr1i ly church if tu cilnui are o be uwd by y fcixh qroup mut exert curiam cofilol over opera ons but this ihould not be car riod lo tie point of turning children to enclusivcly sectarian groups on live canuuy it u a good thing if yourvgslert of faiths can ml on tl common gound of scouting fo tfough scout ng orig nally conceivd by tt chtit tan naturally has many principles of this fa th included in its mkhp it is oaflainly not a rl gious body membervhtp include children of all faiths and it can provide a dfin te step forward to the brotttarhood of race crd and colour wh ch iim world so earnestly seeks reach even this stage in an arse which spreads from windsor to sudbury lon don hamilton wod stock and wei land are alto successful entrants in its short few years georgetown lit huood donor service do you know the blood volume b roofhly oportlooed to body veifttt the average eraoe he epprai lmauly u to u pint of blood three qnartefs ol a pint hew uf 4mm k mk w the eetaai giviag tekee only to 8 bsiatfue approxiaeiel so minute is speot el the clink thiat iaeludee ume or teatlox rvslatretioa tmmt had taifwh- metttjl la 4enf mimmj no there u no iiooajtvt pefieaod i itia mood ovmaooctm every phaae l the programme u under prof- tj kupervuloil bpocumy irmind burtee ujuke yon dooetion t i kewe w y fe hued wld i mj a irtmhafwelm w41u u mm ujlulv iuv you dofiam botiiy your locl lad orrma u ceaadai and knnemcnu will be made to repucei the amount of eminryet et rfcar whet b he m- keeeelt anyone la food hfa0 be- tweea the of lehd ts yeera my give blooc georgetown herald tndnctioa ft tny uarvy aljecf brwuej rw lulitor accovouat a alac bouilaa aoarnala mim1 kra wullas gaols 0t tnlat aao cvrfim fcaaalar l fesur joaoa wilocraaawr laaila clartl b uaatlatv bob oaskanrtua alyiaa guaaak joha alcclarbabta atambr u la waakiy niaipaaaaa aaawdatioa hoi um oauru aaaocutlort cwnjl akar4 wlnaac whos walking whom sugar and spicb oh how we danced in ihclr tffortj to ttep ot th lrtiportflbe driver but it could ba thy r puncblnl la jthr- wrong spol itia hlbituil ipder ii an i addict and though rvpclted hw yu wakj kmhn hu hu hm i tm- mt willau lni 0u luly ii vi kavf ltua a wlt al uihtar uialr tlht v7 llljjxlwl mm traruk- pparaatly ruin tha uw tla thsata ha rjvan a great dl ol pi j p llvtwa aakaj lr iar a oldln a driving llna ox th lura lo a numbar of people who taka part jwna i- intctiku craja yifhl holding tha pall in hw parformaruiel and tha public which i turday aittrnoon throujh tj alvl a ilaa l sf 1 ha auppo w acloryatta- jilsslrk dance htaeneeeeeeblal i i llenlllllllllllkri there are many empty seats however pejem i no let them ttava thrtr run for most of the shows in future with such so ltd endoriement of their ebdittet seats should be at a premium when a play it presented locally make it a point to see under the sycamore tree next month stops where we want it a mail bag letter last week wondered whore increased taxs are going to stop like if or not the democratic world aitensibly a capitalistic one has been ap proaching socialism by a faster and faster route and it would be a difficult thing to check for human beings are loathe to ab andon tome thing once it it establited the trouble teams to be that we want fo have our cake end eat it an impossib ility which must be realized at the local level there is constant pressure on council for better road dust control more parks improved recreal on facimut thare is equal pressure to reduce lex rales provide purer water at lest mon ey wa want more policemen better achool facilities ayd the best teachers yet we want to spend less money to provide them senior governments are in the tame position we vote for the party which pro mises the most unemployment and hospi tal benefits increased old age pensions and lower taxes patently election prom ise are as far apart as tha polls yet each election we dote our eyas and hope for tome magic to happen we re no economist but we think the stopping place will be jut where we want it to be if we want to save for our old age ourselves get by with a bit of dust take our chances on looking after ourselves if were unemployed drop tome of the frills from our education than we can hold the present tax line locally and federally or we can even reduce it if however we believe our form of socialism it better than the old every man forhimtelf philosophy then we must be prepared to pay a targe thare of our in coma into e central pot for distribution thowixa one j hjve wy a unj t of tho tefi lhm ucu were running the cause of to much concern the nul holding the steering wheel es dance pro- around with their diiptra dinfi iriftl thought gramt or ling i wn chemaxheeiun didlc tunttely i am it on enchanted summer even neither old faut toned nor high blood pretiurad it hill smiley here but i mull eoofe 1 wai with ing i wwe s3 year younger ina and breathing haavily into for the week the ears of their aunt uabela th mail sag compliments librarian for thoughcfttf- help 63 main st s dear ur editor i reed with interest the re port of the womeui world day of prayer from our varloui churche then the acoul ami guide hewi being tntereited in youngittr frotd our window i nee the children in groups chatting be tween themselves oa their way to the library i imagine about books they have read and books they intend reading mentally 1 join in their col ourful eagcrrieas saluting out allent friends books which give ija thftlr wonderful minds bilnds of great thinkers past end present to browse throunh public libraries across our lm menae country small and large towns k4u k feeling of fam lliarity of a warm welcome to stranger so quiet and coh tented a feeling our creator gave great talent to authors committing the pleasure to readers many books donated are from the local daughters of the empire one of their geat urea of outstanding educational contributions we all may have a period ol forced stay indoors imagine the wordless delight to have thoughtful librarian take time from i busy day to choosa with sutwiawev sfisitive per teptlos towwiadge of books 6 one would enjoy tbqnlftrlcjineaaofhourp district news at a glance mamrtom a new industry from wind ior windaor converter ltd la moving to brampton to tike advantage of tha premlaea to ba vacated by union metal hf co ot canada ltd at 43 meuurchy ave n strategic broxlmlty of the town to eeti tral canadian market waa cited as a factor in the eholce of lo cation stkkbtsvill1 one of the town beat known eltiiens wa left homeleaa eat saturday evening when the old ramahackle hduse in which he had lived alone or yeara wa destroyed by fire arthur beehoo was 111 in south peel hospital when bis home on church street burned hurlingtom llalllday homes ltd new company which will supercede llalllday co ltd announced spent reading one feels tre mendous uplift lrtniraulode and tllently joins in with the community in the womens world day of prayer clarice margaret mcmurray today ft will expand its opers tloos in the nurllhgton area at ter its recent purchase of the former company inou1 m c wation the vicechair man of the groves memorial community uoapltal board and th chairman ot the personnel committee recommended to the hoard that it aet up a grie vance committee to he the supreme court for any troub les with the sutf of the hoard ul uls suggestion was preaen ted to the tioaro ai its regular meeting on ytb lath he waa expressing the feeling of the whole personnel committee end the board approved the recom mends tloti milton milton public library should be moving into its new home in the formmtc s adams store around the first week of may library board chairman bob reed announced this week at a meehng tuesday even ing the board accepted the tender ot ray olan builder for the renovation ot the adams store jlis bid ol 1jm0 was the lowest of three locsl ten ders received rockwood the village of taoekwood may he small but cltiaens hearts are big when it comes to helping crippled children monday ev ening m jo was handed to the guelph and wellington brand of the crippled childrens oc- letydurlng a community euch re ttatyi kub aunc tkufully but bvmlly fa tka slaw hum- hare hassle knuckkad faalkar ktjla scarcely heaving ifttaat a tlr yl tlrenttely lmfirial but when tha music begina to clang and thump they come into their own they laugh they hob and bounce they wig gle and jiggle and giggle their faces light up their feat weave and shift and trace pec uliar pauerna they are very young and very much alive and completely caught up in that moat ancient mesne of commjn- icatloa rhythm walchirt them i waa sad its a pry ultar hlr4v after all fa have baett tae yeun far iha charuilen lee aid 1r the twill but 1 couldn i slay sad let ting my mind drill back over the years 1 actually began to feel sorry for the youngitere thste kldt i thaueht dis dainfully hew many el them have maiured a tlea as i dldt ture tfcey can de the chacha and the twui and the beasa neva but is there a tlnsu ene el them whe can base a whal era el dancing en ba l the tral as t dldf there lre amplebosomed middleaged ladles who will testify that smiley was a cor ker if not a terror when he tripped the light fantastically tha are grandmethars in canada england franca and belglurrt whose eyes still llhl u when they remember the way we whirled about the unce- balls a symeheny l smeetre nest a fantasy l fenlrehlng how many of these kids i wandered have ever danced with a brailuan beauty who couldnt speak a word of bag ush and was doing a dreamy tango while you were doing a brlak foxtrott how many ef ihenv i queried have ever been te a real eld country waiweilance where the slen that the dance waa ever was net the hand play- in the queen but the stove pipes coming down when the tight starredf how many 1 thought have ever tried to foxtrot with a brawny land army girl who wag bound she was doing a waltz and could lift you right off the floor in the process news desk extras by yerry harley pcrenniil trickle of phone calls that sccompsniss the trickle of swelling rivulets down the sun ny side of slopes this time of year has stsrted sharpeyed resders begsn jsngllng the bell unit on this desk two weeks sgo reporting their spot ting all sorts of symbols thai generslly llgnsl the loosening of winters grip and the creep ing advance of the second season judging by the cslls the signs sre msny crows of course geeie in irregular vt like s child would trace with a pencil when carefully printing a wiggley slphsbet s is k p known hibemstors gsunt from their underground fast plowing crsxy snske patterns in the snow pstches in their first elm less wsnderlngs s brave rob in and a green ahoot from a crocua ohvouly in need of a thermostat check i uone harbinger we spotted ourielf a trio ol schoolboys i srguing over who owns the sggle snd whether or not to outlaw highdrops snd knuck ling thst scene mult hsve jolted old tnsn winter to the core i the observer a channel b program locussed close to home a week ago mondsy it i deslt with s lay in the life ot minor hockey plsyer end traced his wsklng hours from his home to the arens snd bsck to his own backyard rink the boy was fiveyesr old ronnle cole of hornby notice the sudden multlph cstlon ol cssslus cjsy pickers the morning after his rug bull ing stunt immediately before the blssrre collision clay chaos ers were ss rare as fuel on the vul brynner cranium next day it v everybody was giving the sly wink nudging snd giving with the hemem her my picking him routine frankly i dont recent complaints jrom east endera about the speeding prob lem on some ot the major art cries through the delrex sub division made us wince at the possibilities its in this area that most ol georgetowns pre school age are concentrated and tha thought of theee heavy footed cowboys brushing the edges ol the sldewslks with heir lethal machines js fright emlng the sound ol screech ing rubber must make mothers with children outdoors freeze in their kitchens parents must feel iruitrsbodl as many as i lave i rebuke and rhsil kuiu if tven the seeming hsrthneis or cod li an expression of ills loving concern news echoes tvo frk tmm ml iu hu 1w j 154 loyfafesaoo at eyieiirvq council htli uk 100 wat paid id tkomes heirvai gun williami a a grant to the ontario ckam pion gmotqmiown nig t lactone 1e4 georgetown i 1954 ta rate n 45 forty five mil it a 7 mill irvcrveiia ovr tait year we can be poud of tkia tow tau rale in tuch a rapwjy oyowirvg lown corrvnen ted mayor jck armttron i tive first wek in april ontario hydro crews will move into geoqvlown to beoin tke door lo door job of invenloryinrj all frequency lent ilive electrical equip- mant owned by either dorvveitic or commercial custom art in preparation for tke 25 to 60 cycle changeover isyujhaoo several of our readers have commented on what they term diicriminatton in charging townspeople 2 to 15 a year for box rentals in the local pott office while coun try residents have their mail delivered to thm free a distance of from one to ten milet there was a good attendance at the annual meeting of branch 1 20 of the canadian legion last thursday rughl the officers are hon pres dr j g sutrverlandj pest president william boney president it col g k s coutant it vice president c par ton 2nd vie pretu dent r lavrrvonrti secretary j f mccartney treasu rer g o brown chaplain w g o thompson agt a arms s cwwhurtt i r i business directory chiropractor d6nub a gay dc appointments msds duly call tr 74401 1 main ik cererewn chiropraq0r csrsld w carbah dc onan dally by appelntinanl house calls srrsnged tnusi ha main si north cark wstwout onlsrle land surveyas 116 uountalnvlaw hi s yltlangle ms w h care h if wasrewe t yjioo iu t uu dax tevel0sments limitbd builders el fine kamaa prop wslter pscholuk barragers claanereshlrt laondarers tr 77 18 main s 16o gutlph all wet dene en premises wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark a commissioner trymu crorarrowh animal clinic v zavltx bvm b sioorroan mrcvs um goelph street clinic open 7 pm b pro mon w1d pl set efterneen 14 mai for kxitxt trt cam consult o t wa1km occulut prescriptions filled ii xisln st s brsmplen gl 14474 res gu 18s4s hours i p m dally rlridsy 9 sm to b pm kvenlngs by appointment robt r hamilton optomolrlst 11 uounulhvlaw rd s carretsl bldg vor appointment w 8773971 massage maurice h mellsr iic 9 clekveholrrts dr 17740po or wjys house cells by arrangmt morrison sandtrsom co and dyck i morrison 11 ouelph uereowwn b7733s1 monuments pollock campb1ll designs on bequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonr u1jm0 a water street north g a lt prank rleh ucenskd aucnonkeit prompt service po box 413 th t18m georgetowa j dale bennett latimer baines bonwiors ivalustere douglas v lattmxb terence r bainx truutgle tml 13 u1u st ceorgetoen george c hewson barrister end aollcmo iis uounlslnvuw rd s carretsl building georgetowa ym yu frederick a helson surrmor and sollcher 118 mounlatovlew rd s carretal building georgetown t 7m6 h e manderttii qc barrliler end solicitor 61 mill st georoeroyvn 1 tk 724i4 tvansidtlerbjl berelsrer awllehor mesesr dr williams bldgj jo uabl s th 74m1 kaplan ord aurrtsrars and selkhore sidniy kaplah us alountslbrriew tox carretsl boudlno v h4tm t