Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1964, p. 6

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impromptu speech winner aauimajbao region field commissioner mjtl teacher parents proud for a reason annual smorijasbord planned at ballinafad the aftfroooa unit of the ucw nut at um hoina of un j black ipr february meeting with un c aickwry preaidiitf tba w opened wi a hya and rcpeiing the lonta unfw sbortlil ma is ctiarge 9 tw auvottaat ud mra t cibaon had law topic whicb dll wiu the cauucbm la india tka froa taw study book urt tywn d mr feuek m a dul irjrt t given wai apfwtaiaad ury irumw l tw cvoup o tw opouai year kad tke talis uetm of buaiacaa i rludjajf tw plan for ttw scmmt- tebord id be bld la the church m saturday urb mlh ind 10 the catering td a roup from ullttarttwl m la way two dlrgeii wfrt kpptintgd itas attend the lrrbylrll o bdal blihg brt uarch 5 in icwksvili church ura lie wy wa ia charge of rr tiori add she kjv a rdtag en lewis at dad n son dinner iomtown hikalo tkoraavay fturafc i 1m4 page 6 arnold rathbun raacaaantarnv kim llfl or canada 47 ltavwy creaa bjlamjton 411mm heat your home davt uaney winnar of tlw imiuompl tpcli mikui in ii icodry ulvoof iow w j sim a 11 f butcy commilitomil vc gunn right auiilsnl comnuiiioner doug ward dm ct g at ui and t i i j t cub miv aaa duft turrag and ballinafad seoul mail frd bodn litajn n fml conlit nfewnwlli lii lactv m at lvvg and ng u a- ou one ra xoon tn n sd y 0 ro div gxvbliwn hgl u ll llauha v g0l fw c dni h lwi 2nd from right hi to ay scnool i udnl lln lioilrj in ktviujj a dltf l w n oull ipajaaar at th ballinafad troop t falliar i son banqut latt 10ui lunch wk wlwra tiui plctur wai tabn 1 1ua velun unit kerrs column m t r iiokyi to ciomoitoww hcm quuwj faut by ccokci keftl interest lagging here for homeless children auo iiwt w aih dsy tt th kofoi of un ii sharlitl uin th uw outlib of program ur jji liavon wai reitkmiutiu fur thai dfvotion ura maclair th opir un v haiilh th liter aton th lunrh llrt ur- a r woman id t tha fart hl on ur iwr and ur sn o rflueu thjrr 1 iru in ppl rr huilfl ng adrew kecnail w3s 0arm a utter wil alu wid show th w ft u tb fro uaron ml jimuy kirk h l 1 i iu lay on of lh m a y p1 v lo pay tha fotrr parent llr admlllnl thu alliludr la dyutly in addition to oul of drrtor tt djbh toron u kd crunnl hritford al hrt iithwr arton and ckv i1u hwr culph former town resident i r h thompson hardware kumbino a hiatiwo in ywi wrk thp fily of him tlton prtrilfd a private lilt which included a provluon whrly tkt nty rnuhl rirmpt eld i pnionara frow paying that portion of thftr ril prop erly uira impoid for rhool putpairt tit mkiiroum rxrm tiari would lw 100 64 in any on yrar and would apply th poptc who have bn a id ii ownrra of real prop irtfbla would not brnrftt from the public service superannu tha llamiltoh bill 3 u would ho el ontario the ttie world day of 1rayer wji ohurvod a group of u pocket enpentea ticheri superannuation fund 1m reprntin uie rowwuni not peculiar to llalton he laid lark of intrlt u he ial trend arroai the continent mean that youni married up pnnauon rum f j 7 al p he aol ontario or reruin plana now himnaiau meenni lor mor ortun thjj moit lea with children f prubool tftft ln tjjny p ib lk fhurrh ia a reaerva of over 0 ae having large mortgage and huuneaiea in the provinrr on h urtl in 1 uri proaprtiv fcter hoaiea wa payment to meet and aqutring after lb plan goea into eff irank smith conducted the ur for c but he tald the neceuitiea of life would ect and contribution are made vice and un n sinclair waa dld bot ah alleviate mareholdra of tlw antftony i u creacenl road in the have to heir an additional taxtach month a targa reaerve appointed the key woman for thft problem aa and oil company soma of would place anthony f shares on exchange a town re dent a frw year ain andrew kecnan died rec enlly in toronto with hia wife and daughtfer hope h lived in the pretavent john uira home a 16 park ave when ulu keenan waj aacretary at the sykea tool plant lie later liv iub fund will be built up ur ro- neit year ibarti bellevea that 00 of the bunlrn to aupport auch tidy ror thraa reawina the prijmoney collected from ontario b m vate hilla loromitlee of th u ubtcnlirf hould he inveited llvc plqcons utlltjue rrty for at leatt ten yean and ulalure turned down thii par in provincial aecuntiea to that ft b qualified for anrh eirmpl tirular icctlon of the city of the income from thia inveit kmics 31 rcniiy ialc ion by way of a ueam tnt hamilton kill it wai appar mrnt can h uied fi r the de in presenting una lection of ent that the hamilton city veloptnenl of our province an 1 var etv of prnei includ the bill the uaor of hamiltt qi fathers and the city iolicliorhelp pay the rati of rwntial a 0 i p were you have a 13 year eld child alrta kubmittrd that at thete people iwer not aware of the pro aervic parttrulirty where our win by p who attended a wiih w emotional problem tha aharaholderi favoured lof the moil part have paidvulona in ttia welfara act taxation fielda are i mi ted ng tnd p ul jfbruary what do you do with him rhool laxea for a number of canada tuml ha tlie 10 which the rrderal j3 m the loot 1111 the t ii la often difficult lo find them from ceorgetowti voted the right home for tha right j lo attempt to placa company child and nt course thii can iharaa on tha a tack aichange be the reverse the wrong al a general mealing in acton child for the right home latt wek he ei plained that ihera are the company haa 21 opera many hornet who are anxioui to ing wella in th twunty tome ilopt an infant tut then of them on th georgetown out city he leave hm wife hatille perk ma and three children hope of toronto norman lon don kngland and ueiley f lorne park kuneral aervice uat held al the chapel of a v uilea wth interment in springcreek cem ery clarkann harris floral akrangkmitm con mvikv occasion dallam cut fumrt wjjik auuuta it malh ii h tk7u1j yaara and bfcaute thay do not a gtfat dral hai lin tatil rovfrnmrnt ihnuld retain tnlni wal tpomuiml by thr tun idminntrr tril ljuli lland bfandford imall hamai fir aald thr only solution it liave chlldrfn attrndlng srlionthr latt wrli or to about thr would lw hay ihould tve rlirvrd of tlntanada irnnon tlan ircni rr thr plan and alu for raponnhilty during thnr twiroharti hai b actyiaat of ftmant purpoirt pigroni otbrr winnrra includ light ran trying to ituttlr tha fadrral tbr ldaral plan ilw not rv lurraoji nitlfry k tl idra of th upr of ut plan and blork ii implawanla itfnrf banafn to auriuora u rlrvl rr lalalion it mmmrndablr anillion tlirt rhargri wrrr mada and drprndanta via think that u htra he i whralar pillow rata illutrataa the narriilty of g during tha lat irovlnrial rlrr it ahould particularly vhrra rrally ralirvlng honia ownfrtition campaign sine baplamb- a prnmonar din prior to reach vlton toby of aoma part of that portion of cr a dominion provincial con ing tha rallrcnianl agr and hll u qualifying for till panlon wton bridle act mra nal robarla along with one or two i think it li important that wno ny fw urj face of incraaajng populai fcnunicipal taict uad for ucation purpotaa thoia who oppoad thii olhrr provincial prvmlara wa wa should avoid a certain action did an on three trrnunds i able to convince ottawa that mount of eraolionallam and par 1 there it costing general leg certain amendments were tlsan polillral bickering over illation whereby a municipality necetaary to make the plan important legislation such at way pay supplementary aid to work this uoal people in canada want id age pentionera to meet the roat of their aheller which rould amount tn a maximum of m 00 per month 12 uderlv enple renting hnmea or apart tha moat important queit to tee an effecliv ion raited bv the ontario prem abl pension plan ier is what effect will the in lanada and we vi federal proposal have on such politics out of such uilcos child a sweater inwe pillow case joe soakers and nightie llulme car lubrication and work uiaham server carol tnr proposal that it being eontld ered to tlart a number of amall group hpmaa wilb about five to six ehll tn each under house mother continuing be aaid the children a aid societies are tha lion by alefjplng up on preventat ive tervicei lie explained ij 1 that in many cases the child paul ail da j lend urt stan rud hall i fish eatblishad t j al i services provided bould keep pc ovid rowmn wrf v eiliting plana ontario at lont to bring thii about negotut manor ladies observe world day of prayer stewartt0wn hunket kir i normm hill bed apread mn jane iviurey pic tore frame and tllpperi ura robert cunningtiam child a alippcra and tox vema staple- ton breadleox uae huntar va sincere lympi hy of the com lfl j sjrgenl pillow fiui munity la extended to the fnt i uri van wyck necklace ken ly of tht late hitcn graham uaidment drain iraya mrs the world ny of prayer the sweeleat story tver told ft uon vib jack n uul ura kxiit nliarun 11 litll put nn voilc oth firev bfln 5 ulmworial vhlch wil being nbaerved all ind put on your old grey bon over the world on friday wh net and then led the audience hmpiu whera h had been a hlh waa ohwrved in the chipel in a tingong of old ballad p p w nf thp manor on the unit after urt s chiaholm wai the ace noon there waa a large congre ompanit gallon of retidentt in attend mr ada hill played ance and the service waa a tolo viae and apron ur harry pr fi wood towel ura mary trcey ovivt milti ura irene urcourt telephone index ura we eklejid get well wihea roy i ock golf balia l piano to ura wm hull and ur the special bingo pnie an willett who r patten t in electric toothbruih waa won i v very reverent and dignificdl coloured picture alide were ceorgatown and ihatrtcl one mr s uvckic md un sahown by or t u dutlan re wial hoapital allen were the two leaden in ctor of grace anglicm church charfi or the service and ura i in milton who apent aixteen ongratulilioni tn mr and 1nckie alio played i in nrffanyvari in india y hrnie keller nn the birth ura annia agnew read nne of the beautiful modern city ot 0 their laughter thia past the pulms part nf the aervice rombay the famoua taj mahal wr i orgetown dia which waa conducted according and the majeatic mountain nf rir memorial hoapital in the leaflet iuued hy the kashmir were only a few nf the wown a interhurch council many beauty apota xhown happy birthday lo david ja of caitada the chapter ladiea hut m keller who will ive one by ura jack oallialin ren a aid ran give friendly ed vice he thought the llomemaker hy toronto aaaiatance tn the aocitty the uomamakar goea to work for a mother who it in the hospital or who haa to take a job herself to make ends meet in burlington he aid red cratf has a iperiat aervice which relievea a mother forced to earn money to a up port her family wtmih werk at a myttng in tuelph rec ntly vyed pro moll th aocie ty a executive director quoted authoritative opinion that a scarcity of foaier homes is due to the rise in highly remunera live part time work for married proposal that wilt begin a drive to sell new shares and bring the company a tangible asaeu in exceia of 200 000 aa amp utated by the lectin les com misuort before they will accept th company tharea on the ex change tfiia proposal would have each aharejiolder aubicrihe for 100 avahares al the current mar kct price of h d5 par shara aa well as qualifying for accept a nee on the stock exchange the company would also have suf ficitnt capital o develop lear ea in two existing fielda and in n additional two fielda in which anthony now holda over 3 000 acres under lease a letter circulated to the shareholders from the president anthony seynuk and directors says a tulsa oklahoma firm re cently computed reading a al two wella near hornby that showed 737 feet of oil in one end 1 043 feet of oil in the oth er mr seynuk laid the company ia pretcntly conducting nrgot ia ion with the ciuejr service oil company an election at the meeting returned mr seytiuk as prrm dent for the eighth lime dud wood burlington ia vice preal i dent p c wiltho brampton i secretary treasurer and the j having a storage problem cau fs moving storage duit fr and pallettlxed storao in sprinkursyttavn warakouie packing shipping i cray1n0 brampton guss co ltd ockus you m complete home and commercial glazing aluminum sash m custom made mirrors for enquiries phone 4515061 30 corae st n brtmptoh brought retrethmenta with them tlie firat sunday in ient whl rved with tea and waa observed with a terviee mln conducted by dr t m nuatan alellshtful evening rector of grace anglican church v lvln tha gurjltorlum in hilton nn vebruary lth c resident waa preaented mra ray waltera waa the or wil p viuntliw a red aniat roll of laca heart to which lroll of hfeaavera waa attached hraru and aymlmlt v- t lj of st valentines day were i 5 common ttobnl hl had very much in evidence 1 dee l fwf 1 w oration lor ui slag and wall t of the auditorium on monday night vebruary nth when about thirty membera of the hallon chapter no 280 order nf the eaatern star and aver 1 gentlemen came to the manor to conduct a very pleaaant eve ning of entertainment rour young girls dreaaed in scottish eoatuiuet danced a scottish dance they were barb- ara and margaret mackay and jeanne ind pohna ptirdy and rena curaella alao dreaaed in ft scottiib coatume danced a scotheh dhce after which all hvs glrla danced the flora mac donald mra marjorle purdy tveiteilft lauiiioroua selection johnny checker story t dreaaed in oldfuhjoned coa- iune and bonnets our ladle xfflftoh mra hadley mrs or aa it la today and of tha new- building which will soon b constructed beside it aptonoon tka at wiwdy hill farm windy hill the early can adisn home of mr and uv k w hvedehave waa the scene of an afternoon tea wednesday aeb 26rh the gutate were frlenda and neighbours the living and dining rooma were decorated with bourjueta of white roaea the tea table waa centered with a silver baa let ot while rose and laid with an antique hand entbrold ered with lace inset doth which belonged to the hostess mother the silver tea service was also antique and alto belonged to mb hvedehaves mother alloa junior farmers enter tslned dula lane juniors h their monthly meeting on feb ruary 7 tobogsnnlng waa held in the hlila jim lyons- arm at cheltenham afterwards the group met althe junior far mere building for lunch knd ivtmjiilf coulaon aangtea wa iwured by the hoaleas dancing ir yrar old on wednesday march 4th mrs george wilson wai hos tess to membera of st john i guild on tuesday last the meeting waa well attended with mrs j c murray presiding several he mi of btulnft were discutsed mrs hoy brad ley assisted thehoatese serving lunch fjmlen service sre wing held in st johns chuirci eatti tuesday evening wlh the rev j k maxwell lit charge or th services everyone u welcome to attend toboganning pafty when alloa entertains dixie special offer from your mot keeps your farm fuels clean the atlm farm tank filter fit all type of or qtound level or underground farm fuel tanks removes dust dirt rust and condensation which conimint luel during storaa eliminates engine trouble caused by fuel conlarninalion clear plastic construction liltor ele ment always in view wwill not crack in normal use m a permanent unit only filler element requires replacemont h drain plug allows contaminant drain off at any time regular 109s yours now for only latljhan half its raular vatua with lb puichku ol any thrae atlaa tractor filter fnore now more in the utute- from imperial oil ron dumper georgetown

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