Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 12

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mik s the key majn fn alberta s plan the university of atbrta somca bears intercollegiate bocfccy champ of the 4 are laiwinr heavily on cexirje lowdi rod butcb hyd in their qurt fur 11k canadian title lh we it a rww from univrrwty of albert u herald hid this ta sav when uaivnity uf albert igoldeii bear feprrknt the wet at the canadian interfile jut hoci chjwnpuiaiiijp at kin j ontario march 13 m i they won t eotaturtrly lack c cnrnce in such matier 1 although iu the uruiiw in altrip to th national final 1 rot include iw rap from mr m tier unlver lly at hamilton a 44 yrrid ttjtrv of exr frlowd ortunu hyde u in his flft veai of grtdute ktudl 1 alurtj and ki h hu hit tmr hutch actions on and off th ire curtlfabt like thr fletltwu lr j 1 h and ur an uiiikiuii in if tn fcovrtiirled i young nun uiwmii game hyd converts tt the drop of i the puck in a hardruhrting hlurllnrr tn tie three wea inum llkialr ilk ruii imi t dyed in ihe wool criminal lliyd they rim hia r t w 1 1 th enemy o rotintli is scorn if charters although he pajrvs only 155 pound tt ott a hvefo t eliht inch frame hyde has n nt w i imi klio if in the turnu of the 24 lna uxhtiftl hluflme urililf hi the laities assessment but no taxes formanytown buildings bellev it or oot tbcr ar place in town that don t pay uul they r u big place wblcb can boast of big w nxot rating but tbir ulrl oevcr kelp awell lb town rof en buildings which houk iiopi u patienu or pullr ur fire men ar allowed lo 111 out when k aeaamenl depart moot make ita quarterly call or caah they are ul juote ui keialoom exempt churcbeaf future o ort tlat of lot luenta i here- are eifbl o tbpl wipi nil aeaaed vlui uxoim but top on ihe jm of lin th geokgftowm rlekald thurxuf march ii u fag 12 miss mina mc master buried in greenwood leslie mcausland achieves life and religion awards uciv ladies honour member on birthday ctwrflom ajpruxolly ashoftovb ithu grand udy and wlahed her a very happy incident took j many more puc at the lunch hour j hen mr harvey nurae carried in the w i held euchre and a lovely drcortted cake the dance on friday evening mar had made for mrs r j gra only aiatfif of mr david wleilltjcr oil htftmivf tb otirwtth vrnntrhrrm iabee bxm who a clcbia iwr hurten ib queen ht wiai tk- tirw tlntf km b rtlled w eighty ftrmt birthday that day mima memur died at jtij- iluppy birthday to dale arrea nurio bom ln wm o s u norman bcarboro on march 5lb io lh o ou twol rora ow m d x rfl jur kb kad lved lr tomnln all z zu wv coplsd i by and mr h j crbam attend ber ik and bad worked u ln th e ncrly don n a lun i he funeral of their couain prrtlcal nur sbe al lea dur afleroaon wmd 1 to c u b vi our bepkma and nieceiie u w bird col durtw melody men orcbeatra- and the on iiurdiy afternoon mr jack lrwood mra jl ahort mutinx and corned with lllcky ll d w by r sctrd colder jin and ken ma 77ytz7yji ur u j cur brr ran o town carney had th devotional w t kev norman youa cundoc rrl f wllncuoeailug fi 7f hc durt lb funeral rvlc un lh e lllli vlw w s bul don i katurda at the harold t mc lllw ff0- kap annuvteun 2 y w ialle urauatand wa uf ur umu home and in u jobn waa by mr t united church ontbu- n i u k caiiuud m 11 11 w l tury mr b day march sth april how after thai wi i and mt k alrauuud ii k l pallbearer were knlcunnlnjiunl red iba minule com may and th uunnlng and jim llurren jack w- laaf month a meetlnn nome tbankyoo notee wwre read of u tke lovely flower one of the pall alive bulumaa aiaf arhuuli tllttlcull t bkv a lolal kariut ia fimn lb butch hyde ha become tk lb leorieluwii dttncl tt evr tjiullfy for the life aid tuetrian award at t award lhat lib a total aaartkiiient oi i howl in merit badic iilddlcr m82uj0 in thai the riytrivrr niut reearn fflakkicu all municipal projierllf arlil y u exempt hurli a tle pump andre unllrd tburch bouae lh ambulance corp inliller hev k c johlilt nl beaikfuartrr be dlpoal plail vim tiki akmrd tke 4lh gour i fend the uuiilcllpal ullldlng uettwn cub in bulk ike arena wllh an awe llif blub award menl o sji 000 aid the wiiu enlalion at tning pool with an lurumrul hl a st of vduot a dy a fa la tae marrli 3rd are contented in atllition l ji nt cjletrrir 1 a dead likur aiuutrl llit lu rt ultlm wkl in hli u frinpt ofhte poln led out thai only the churtlm are celilpt but nut the paru n ate vicarage or rninuttrul i hoinri of the town however a miulnary would tvr ertnpt inre it wuuld be uutl lor liv wood jaidm golden gordon vpivc and peu hunter couples bowling urh 3rd 1wu workinir toward made the lf cut i it- i ai irtw tuculay 1 llle la a titter al vie lilf i oolv fonfirence has trj4n it u lii a and i ward iuallf nt fur the lift and itfliki m awird for the wit art f a year tie leaders aid ruba of hi are juitifiat ly r ud of their mate achievement a are hli mother and fatter who altrmlfd thr brewnlation tlirer dai after the rertfiiio- jutlh vdrral b idinn hr ny w vl tru nuourie and lllr iwll ofllfe y dnflir allui ul rllnllonei knocker irllc annonballi laickyalrlkmi blower i inner ra jeloii ilndleaw 13 u 10 m1m kly hlah yrlpla thi ciorci iown iardinir a v set those wheels turning and be a nonconformist are exempt from lxa lliiill but the federal kvernunt arr exempt from local tuatmn y which in most risen am hint t almot the umr i if they wen balllhafad taxed aw i- e an 1 fellow slier it kirnie leap lp to the troop i turi ie invettfnl aa rnutt scnil uter harry allan w ntchulivon hallry wttlf hlh tlnelia tlutchbum lay art ulerama tom klrby ace hailry jw7 7m hlijii yrltua 010 council briefs fidrdow lindsay smith r k 1 ctfflwr in this da jnd age a i t of u may have to live in llu tame tnrt of hi me h i i the lam unt of oli and rin we r the lamr sort of clothe a th man nrtt door hut when eoroea to the tjrden there no nccesmt for this humdrui thjl nari of the ast wraith of annual rorktown co null r day decided to har im nrh mclmd to mck to o what r har alujs lroan hy auans old iun ii ss like thr ril i on mon thr tn ail dance proceeds help with hall panelling the lommunity hall orlanu jti ii hefd a very successful an o inrilli n l fti i mu foin kirby nirrary dance on rnday nikhl nthi m inc i ace 11a cy and they are pleaaed to report uth a hlfrh sugut iui1 hi nil ha in ace bailey i avra george nurse kirby 421 378 220 224 petunias urn ia nurikolds jlyssum and nasturtiums shout 1 conhnur to be includd and soil e penally if we rhooe s inr of f j23 he mw and fitly improved hidder wh 103t t n tr irw t jim rortri enlv r ucre a t tat tt r have now financially com irtrd the project of pan rllirii thr insl ir of the hall th ladihs weekly hlfth trlpus jean lraham 77 therrsa rord iwi vjnrtirs hut a brief list like louche the fringe ajmilant at all hire we can berime indivi 1 ta now availahlr lo anj uals a and that is nnr of iardtncr rvrrywhrre in ln the impirtjnl and satisfy ni a thincs about janleninr it i a lolal of close to iv annual not at all nccrarv or tkir flowers are stocked 1 thr a able that aniens should in a kr canadian seed he use and like and especially so in this t least half of rj where houses are k r w oliver author of many canada ror twtu of solid col af the current federal gtivrrn r ihrre are in addition lo the nvent bulletins in gardening podiilir onei already mention puis it this way to plan the e1 snapdrafion rosinos lobe fianlrn area adivjuately we li ph stotks and jpiujt think of the things we verbena there are scablosa want to do in it and h w it can mlpfioh dahlias gallanha he most conirnicntly arranced cypwphila celosia and nearly tn facilitate their iwlng done a score ot othrn which could if the family likes cardrninj hae a place in a cutlinj gar atare mutt be ample apace forili rjcpcrirncrd gardeners f lowers rvrn at the expense warn the bclinnrr iaint try of the lawn if outdoor game mc too many new vanrtirs all are popular then the lawn will t f liecaue rach predominate nut if the pre i must tie handled jut a little ference is for reading or tea differently hut they also urge flagstone arras to hold chairs that at least one or and tahlei will lalte the place two that have never hern tried of the lawn and shrubs will re before should place flower borders is they each yrar require less allcnlion verttsed pp intrd milton lurkrr a wrd innpict r f r an itji wlly hish slfll vitinl mrs h race hell t ice mana r a i town ice learned lhat the put ic these can tie i ichonl hoard v ill allow the actortly all across town to instal recrrution t ii ipment on any o the t ns sunlseam mumaslrr five public scho il grounds will discus a procedural by law reviewing copies of ac ton and nrompton as a liiidr hiard raharn roup t ommlttee of ihe v i ii met at live home of ur hei 1rcnch on monday nlwht j raham la l wrrk the two new r lulley lih leakri mrs itorren cud tev ait mr murray urose saas s hl trlplaa wur invtltml fi tame night svlvia jt tt n where the dutrirl of jean duals wrrr pre enl j j hl sinfiua sylvia norton nrat iuil ns to mr vrank ann snu h who recently won i con awrih sol it in pme in the canada sylvia kurd 1 ackers home tic shortening marg spires pans tudxby control ijean raham jacksons expansionand with better values than ever cis1s iong sueve blouses udie5 ayyactive cotton dusters beaul lol ilylel s rev r 14 special tefylf rie a 1 u r i o ill 99 mai y d ffee colours skc1al t iiy et paten t and s398 boys tailored clkls mrttty suits cotton dresses neat i it e iu ts tk n s ei i lo 6 special irt verv crabe shark 895 si ail and br rjl t l ii f rjl i lor spr vg ses 1 lo 3 special 1 98 mens suits f et a i wool n ate at i greys brown and greet aid aiioded patterns to rela al 79 00 and 89 00 sirs 36 42 special 49 95 jacksons w1ndbreaker5 just r ghl for 459 l 0 bf 0 n th s changeable season szes 4 to a spcciaj 1 main stltt notyh bargain centre heard a irnthy idler from john campbell 3 drlrea v reviewing correiponence with thr highways department about roads in the lane subdivision council will review the suhdi vision agreement next monday onewhen ducuixing mr camptwl 1 s complaint be introduced saturday concert by do wi want a kitchen garden pace tn hang clothes i play area for children lit cani- 11 fl we use all of our property to lotldoii lollecje lnoit make family life more com pi ele wen wr have conmderrd all these points carefully and kniw exactly what wr want then aufnt up mr oliver we can urt to plan ouranlcn ixmdon nllrlr of missions will present a service of sacred ing at maple avenue baptist hurch saturday mr warren adams it mui paper and later transfer these d sd to the ground we have cnli l ui available in any case the main a w bra idea i to create a garden that mlnlbfr hmr prlnc were told bv solicitor r red llrlson that a councillor cjn not be reimbursed for salarv lost while on town hutnei unless he wrre appointed a committee ol one an naid a committee fee allowed in the municipal act town rnunc 1 lort receive a j20 fee for mre tings hut no fee for commit the 3fl voice chorale or the i lee meetings nible ntl winter parking regulation no moyok vehicle shall e carked on any street in the town of georgetown from midnight to 6 am fbom december 1st to march uth by order ioy haley chui ciutabu aulti you and your family not nftfeieuily the neighbour or an occasional visitor now is the time to decide which kind or garden we want this year gardening and fishing fishing and gardening have much in common hoth take one out into fit open air and aunthine luith offer a little eaay exercise and both are rel atlvely inexpensive and you can upend as much or as lit tie as you please hut where use two hobbles are most alike ho we vert is in th advance plan nng thinking nr dreaming we can da about them and in the blasting itervvards too the now may still b a font or tire feet deep oulstde rtaht nw but there ir nothing to pievent us pouring over a can aoiati iwed catalogue ordiring same new varieties and plan tkjnjf just where we are going t put thohi and this planning st only riults ina better d far more interesting iir- dfcn hut it will give ui iota or tun right now it ii well how frer to hive a pad and pencil mady and to jot down just what e are going to add and where ajid when so that when spring foei atrive iind there in a nat tfral rush to get outside we sjill have this new information eight at hand out op the rut f hegardlwm of the way we vo id in the lait election or will i ihe next roo of ui when h pes to annual flowera are far new erscy and received lu master of music degree from the college of rtne and appl i ied arts ilnston univeritty thr fifteenth annual concert will include specialjiymn ar- angemrnta sung hy thr chorale as well as quartets ducts and solos ir william foster assoc fate professor of theology and lifetime friend of tlev llruce woods will speak briefly london college of mhle and uisslomi located in ihe heart of downtown laondon is an in lerdenominational school since the founding nf the scool in 1035 5fl0 young people have graduated to srrve christ a round the world 31 calls so far community value the deorcelown volunteer ambulance service answered 31 calls the firtt two months of this year fifteen of the total were out of town and of that number 6 were to highway fece idenu there was one in dust rial accident v a new rcteakc from the gvas urges trailers to give the dla patcbey sufficient informitlon when they summon an ambul a nee they require a name an address and correct location the ambulance emergency num ber is 877 mil i more volunteers are still be ing soughl for the hon profit grdup anyone interested in serving should calf 8776394 or 8770738 for more information tune up now give your car spring zing special minor tune up b cylinder engine 705 plus parts 8 cylinder engine 995 plus parts our factoky trained mechanics will tune your car for peakperformance and economy expert body and refinishing shop may we have the next dents jthu homo of the sttuilnd buyer h e chtc simpson motors 310 queen st e 4s12490 brampton 2779597 4 on all lumber supplies at mackenzie lumber yes just two weeks to save become the 1 iv sales tax coes oni you can build a ii jc recreation room wkjust economy model sludl nails tr m pilliburnh floor paint ce ling t la door and tr m sla dn wall board c0 block wlli ask about our revolving credit plan 12495 mr fixit booklet ktet wuittaa save on these items and all lumber supplies spring is just around the covherl staidr1 masonry paint top quality paint available in a variety 6f pleasing colours 5 lbs for free delivery 250 gyiroc wallboard prepared ready lo paint aurface sale 174 a retislant x 7 tlieel free uteraturjf compute desion svici jb mackenzie and son ltd a james street georgetown i77mt7 jeffitiwabs lavtfiuomifa m j x ivijr ite atjjtv

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