Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 13

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high schoolshow window gfiasplatsi rreach and ad picture wh f pvu duplajs of aatt baili iti tfaint uw technical opera uoo bmkctbll wruina and the acbool a bw est port floor hockey for jlri entertained tn audience in the gym a special night in april u planned as dimj and tntuic tujlbt for this facet of school activities iw pm kom irt fd it was mon rran a tweak u mh he tils able torw used in aj be u0 uunhwj for tks ftntookvr bar by mary p kj ujbjrfy if was easy lo sa hit beans three teachers leaving town high school staff iocu from ol the high school teaching ere accepted at a high hoard meeting monday mr ann chillincworth will retire from teaching when the current term ll completed w talatrr machine ukop instruct or will uacb it burlinttoa fchd mists tenlyn yeaadale will tecb id ottawa moat o the meeting ws u ken with budget diicuuioa but tore oretow and district pupil and the ymcaywca wui have an additional urn ynvmuy evealiifs for adding a badmin ton profram inspector of eecoodary echo- ola v w vkkera was eet at the meeting and eoled a favourable report on the kcboo operattioa and dufuiuob ta the future d a fu- bamsmiths the great mun- er you might like to havei iu scottish companion too highland clearances by john ptabble it tell where poiaibir in the word of the people con- eerned how tne hlgbuno peo- f pie were uprooted and their ao- cirty deatrofed in th ibtn century tbey were drive n out in fa hxi stories ind fcliubeth our of the indulhes of wool icc the liltl- ciru art and toutiri and were dw- dition to the building aroe for country by bbadbelt is a coll the top ten fiction quo- fen igmltut their thief the tne lirl uaxf in a number of ectiod of abort fctooea wt m ia n york time law and thexabuahed churchy thi gekmuactown hiralo twndey march 1j 4 page 13 ome immediate buainees wm with opinion aprenew zealand about city people tranaected rrmualea to uae wj that the time haj arrive who for various reaaona ha- j the rjrmnaaium waa granted to hire group the sebsqsa will jiavw it april 13 for their charter nlgbj the canadian acadcsavw of huiic will n it may 5 or a rwka uy r i hiahmara vj district president pays for tb initial btepe to be tak returned to the aliuphcity rf country life a book for our kwaum of the dwreaae in toed tdr perticularv and the town grwwtb rate it up- fclthoujth ths turi h not ilkely ike board a original plan eoiihcrtd there it a unify tht will be alixxnj aw rarwy tjrwia- td colwction johd o kara th- jlal on the hd alao a rullcuon of visit to ballinafad w i ayi vvi jtu uvm lullttiafad w i tut at th hotn bf urt kobcrt yrrjirry tburatuy mrch 5 lb 14 tntm be aiuwercd the roll rail tbu povtd to be vtry amunig hi ttii hiiriwr dniioiutraled i alliiltdlhg frsnlw tnd tb other uaiur prsrtiud aftr lhr rrjlh of th blln utea oj tkr prrvtoui infrting by tb fcmyttlary un rrank smith the prviuvdt rodducted tba uuinru the teasure ur t jibon gave gruf lug report of tha vauntin par ly atul pcnuy ulr othrr ufuu of buainrbs owllwith by un jahiirion rontainrd plim for visiting hilton manor for the march birthday party ind the annual meeting in april to be held fct tha tommunily cn lr um sevl thank yor social personal wre rad for ireali nt out and rd by mr ery tjrkl for tbll hi ting w4 tb wridnt of hallon dla- trict woawn liiitlitutr miai charlotte tumar bt mthod miu furiier wa wlcoiiid and iblroduyd by ur jamlcaod miu turorr poke to the ua iri about tb opportunltle fur blpfulncu that people abould not neglect to blfck the tooet of mrs ubboh wfci rourtriy ronvriitr thanking tboe wbo took part in the prograiu intl fipwiatly the speaker a lunrb wai terved by the hosteia aiuued by un k bar council relalixei not legal solicitor while rounrll haa barrrd employ merit of rouncillon re lativei by thr town utliritor krj hrlftod opinion l that tkre is no ul bam to n force it 111 a irlurfcttml wntlrh opltt ion mr helton told council monday that ihtit n no jrfin tlioa of imuiediatr lamuy in niunirlpal law any artjftthe council lakri thoutd he ly by law rather than rrwilullon hr taid but he doubt the valldl ty ai municipal initiation mutt be impartlil and not dki crftiiinatr aitwt an individual kniploytiient o rrutlvri swinduhurfct ur lunry uilui tbui b a mailer tor and ura don urown 1 council diwrrhon he ljk that bears out my ariuni tit rrrnarkrl r hob rvin ris an opponent of council nnov the people were driven to th aluni of claaglow where manetf yotf have rend cecil wood died of feveeand amajpo 4 barragers cleaners dyers sooth coolph urt l7329 i mr and urs hob majria pro prietor of harris rioral at trndtsj the ditplsy arbool at the uuiud hiwuu convention at the koyal york hotel tor onto ull week ueftaoea swtjti georgetown good hosts visitors take honours wtklt wm it vkm eaalady puj uy kpnmg ferrt wfafed its crae tige ainsw tbe drt tsttwwiag ui fj hriwh isos efert baaaes uu satnrday a utqr heal wu btk at the l abovcmenl by the institute tjw meeting ai turned over to the convener of lurrent h end mrs win mren who red an appropriate poem un a mchnery prepared ind read la very complete liu of current events the menibera enjoyed kuit diamondi when soithltn iruh olo halwsy ilay sung takn the rtouua oul tu three by mra n sinclair accoinpan bpjde nuflh ran picture led by mrs i vcknrry hand tliat cannot hand three mrs don urown gave an i 1 mrfevt luttsc uut cluuh doullis v uth mtitit have uung lnah reading and the length in ipadn motto in die heart of a bulb is orths hand a rr nice the promiw of spring was pre dummv or south where as i pi red ty mr una kirkwood souths hind i alimst useuu las ilummj fox north alamm i ej uai irtrl uam ii c k cn v i rf or hkt meeting tiein oy isurr norm urtvnll nl nut have loo much iroollr mi f gtlj 4- rj lak yrriuuh unt lour ipalo up u uut yr corbflown th club in lununy tlif lin1 mretmg ol the trrn lj 11 ml 1 dllmond n liil soulh colt i ii club i held in ihf on starivrt loj to wcsu th of m l v vri q u tw two abovementioned teams rlub rotinu ru diy eebruary 28 it opened ted with the mrs j amolt early 0 mar ket st ha i uu returnad from a lioliday in the larbado wbere hc btiyrd at the marine hotel ji report that the weather with tetnperatures of s4 dgreea du during th day and 70 degrees at nisht mr j b lake powaian vis ited with tu uster mrs a ii ieller and mr fell- 3 km ery st on saturday mr ijkes son in law and daughter mr and urs jack hilts abd harry of toronto and mr r fliers on sat j uj jom tounuuicnt and thmlkl uk nc w ihe pllc ur ind un bamld u pow rkj hiiltrc o prfll lo mk- lhr marlfd with moll ol th thf ricutlvr or ihn unl rf l i a 14 bin drlw nmrt tomwtitnri ill up and h cri1 th lo ul prmjdpnt hlfn huntfr vir tndd lh lomul opnlm ol south cjn handlr any rrturn prrtidrnt donna oilrandrr n elpandcd faeillllfia for and tv iradini a lou trump i scrtarv karn luhop trcas thr society of induatrial it cot from dummy hr can drop the urer claire lllihop lreia re accountants of canada in ham ace of trump porter dorothy von 7uen ilton on fvlday february m the hand can he set bv the the following toplri were lwsa the opening was attend double dummy play of forcing i dltcusied by mrs rjihop and ed by some of the original declarer with rltibk but this is tha club members the requir chsrtrr members and other dl not likely lo happen in actual ments of the club working pro grutanet lollowing the open yn tatabi riprlfil fcut saw prepared to make thc wre emmp u wltom iw tsl ss at i yiafs uah tk isle notice uau of buck men blkm ti a f swlcer dm utsanali stu dettu anw injlek aaa lurry bel lo- v ttm- art luu bb nutmlinl ut ulltu ttlll uc- catay ad jud krdvy e ua saaa uwwtk jack cra art la aiatt alcdea- hzh tml alex ktaiucv d tauos atrae uccartacr voce laws sal tiptaa atalph pur- w aj reitue dare sisuilea aj danhlej adlbougli axst packiaat r u t tw ail wrwmn oalilwej for eatry la ta tw dutnct toansajmat la weuaad april 4ul suuves aill b kpnanlnl w akx kor- ack awl dumes w km de baovbi i ivaaa eaptaia du wilkes ita jrk tit x brawn had lull ball ni saj cessraja natar tw xaae boat la r swal sent saturday it laili tkorald aaalukt twse wearti ul far ala feraack iu at tw ikitnct tasisaaaaat aecoaipiayia iwtb frea c will be asf btkdr kltianruu ha rr kj gait ofcuw wilii aualllary twa activities ol interest to tle ladies in the near future are ike zone ruchre tournam eat atul the zone rowling loursuuieftl on april 8th and jslk respectively the sheet for aabses is on the bulletin board and ladies are irqucsted la put their names up as early as possible a large turnout is koped far particularly for the bawling aa the number attend repreaentalion permitted at the diulncl tournament cwtersl maaluia the neil general meeting will be thursday march mtli at s p m considerable import ant business is slated for this aaeeting duas the unic is coming close that liase being the end of marcn attest all dues soould be paid bud hill is just itching to get ail use receipts used up in that pinttiie filing cabinet s030 draw lucky winner vi hewitt ticket seluuv pat ctuuberuin play whrn the hand was pla ed three norths ended up in diamonds i would assume thst they never got their partners to bid one south plaed three hearts making four and the one i mentioned got to four spa dea and made it too bad inia ituc will fcoveni the degree otthad to happen when i was hast lets play bridge w tuu caah oaw af lb aoa thlfieult idau la brsdxe for a parson to at ttaaj la is usat brvdta u a putaerthlp tvstaf lfar loe ku ay arsdea puyers easi aaly tkiak boa good taesf hand u and what baa partner cat lo all usna too few bridge players pic ture tbeir kaad u auauay and think how their haad can help tfcebr partner it i alnsast a nliaiiiia to sct bottoaa aa a board abea the oppalseats use this type af eooperaboa thai i board no m frou ijai week duplicate bridge game attfae actea brsdceclub xkalar kavj- morth sooth vulaerable sk j 4 r ak10 d k q s i t ca 10 wast east s s 0 10 3 h q as u- 1 ra butis caj 5 4 x c k jt tauih k s 8 7 5 1 ll 8 73 dj c 7 r the bidding east tauth wast north pass pasa 1 c dbje i nt pass 2 nt dble 3 c pass pass dhle fas 3 s pass 4 s all pass weht hsi a reasonable tiinl band opener whcn north dou uc this u ataktvout dou ikle it roqueats partner to bid bijbeit suit once ljst enter tbe auctlott sou lb can pass kaats bid la really just a nilis- aobe bid it does not show and particular strength when west raises to two o trump north doubles again thig time the double is for pen alty but east runs out to three rjub wjien this gets back to nortii there is another double this double u also penalty but can be taken out at no time does nortii mention hjs beat sr- monday hndv club winners 1st luirl kmnnd and mike bar uam 2nd dlcnn llanks and mm mary hooper 3nl hmce westwood and duke wilwin a1 sires assure better production wm kilmrr research nutri tlonist with canada packers ltd vai buet speaker at the annual mertinc n hallon county members of ceotral ontario cattle breeding asunc lation held march sth at millon he compared the average pro duction of the shur gam hoi stein herd last year with its production six years ago stat iti that it had increased by 4000 lbs tha crodit fqr this he said bo lo umne a 1 aires sod food feeding pract ices he encouraged the breeders present to produce good rough ace protein la expensive tn buy he taid ahd so is enef ey several memberk of the c o cila staff and directorate reported to- the meeting a e snider secretary tres surer reported that 1063 had been a verv successful yenr for the association with 114 677 first services bred in the d counties and northern areas served hy the association dr c r ueeds atuodntion manager summarised the 1063 years operations including the beef sire proving program and the pooling of sires with the waterloo breeding association craiitrteld of georgetown was reelected to the c oc r a board of directors for a two year term and 14 voting delegates were appointed to attend the general annual meeting of the association to be hold at maple march 10th in georgetown the central ontario cattle breeding office il st ha guepb street red u re in cooking the 1ood t vs conducted foil guide fqr health reason for owed by a reception and dinner selecting a good variety of food at the royal connaufht lotm each da the importance of since incorporation in 10m vegetables to family health the membership of the society and gardening has grown from mo to over a lunch was srned to theli 000 registered general anfl rlub members and mien hunt i student members with well er thanked mr bishop on b- alsbtsbed chap tars from coast half of the eluh to coast with canadas foremost brands of footwear for the entire family new spring shipment arriving dattv r always expect fitting courteous strvicf guaranteed quality amd moderate muce at ilvers auairrr shoi wr ammint fred aaaveal continues his march hare just a kw kxamkk ustio hfltd new 1964 plymouth fury indihtald wathaa 3468oo 4 door sedan v8 automattc rad o wheel d wt wmdthtald wathaa back up lights licenied and ready to go deg 3 668 sale phici new valiants chryslers and fargo trucks at similar savings service specials front end alignment 750 car wash 150 rag j10 50 plus parti reg 12 00 save engine steaming 300 minor tuneup 7500 reg j5 00 rrg s22 00 used car savings 1962 chrysler windsor vb automatic and radto rg 2 600 sale price 1960 vauxhall station wagon 2200 recj 7w 625 1957 ford 2 door hardtop vb automatic 650 rag 795 sale mice 1961 plymouth o cyl standard transmission sal mice zpludu 1958buick automatic radio v8 smart twolona rag 8 95 ifctq saumice j 7j m avi at motor sales ltd main street north 8773611 xt ym i

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