Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main straa o ontario w c iww tsat rag- thursday march 12th 1 9aa editorial comment encourage more teachers tket wee ciuitel thorlege of hgh ac4xoi teachers m ontario it vilrtl wun one jeedvlh classified pegoi of h yovorv to prt ft from the eiublkhed procedure of e board intefvivwtng applicant thetkiivg on teir quemttatknw end ruoding wro will beat fill rlv ob for jim whool toocarrwd abere ere wild amfcui to q up anyone wins tle bar it minimum of ducatton rvc- eeeary to lwtld the ob on two ivcvfw saturdayi ictiool board reorewntativoa took quarters at toonto hotel while frppl cnl indulged in a frantic bavy of mtorvtawi playing on board q eirut another in en effort lo drive ua bait barflin orw canrvor be loo critic of the leicl ppllcnti everyone want to get llw best lalary nd to have rfvt belt work ng cortdiltont censorship how far oof department of edixaton ihould be taking a lewiou kok at the future rvj ootmi up wlth bottaas tilt c pi h to ov come khat look like lontmuirvgi thorlege a iottq e tkr ere mwe obi than pqopl to ftll rrurri the to ex i o uerfl will b re peated each ipirtg modi mdresempriaiii ihould be plec od ort encouraging young pople lo enter tlve loaching profno and if there n lo u i lertoui lag bo- lore enough young uniwu ly grdutetj will be available few tlve pol tlvere thould ba a campaign errtod al enlicmg qualified nn and women n trvjuitry into iwilchmg lo the teaching profion it it too lenoui a mailer to let take carp of ittalf willful a planned campaign for el long at it exiih our waxhing darvdardt will not be at h gh ai hvay ilvould ba and the qual ly of ontario education w ii iwlfer the psi aponeored halloa county community pun will attain be apeoae for enrolment betinnin march 10 lultoa county resident will rccau the caunpain of ut yr bcn for the first time the couaprebeo aivc dociorpoiuord pua waa offered on an lodivvduaj ttu tbouaatiuu of fawih look advantage oi tbe initiaj offer in to avah u uu eovertxe whjcb kaa been accrp imj by many lad u trie and aumllar opportunity ty r bow be ciufuied frtjlmx 6 tug ad v ott are things hot enough in ottawa local enrolment campaiqn dulu requires jo mdfcaf e amioation or cutcment of health and does not exclude chronir or prrexuun cond tiooa charlie blone psx tpokes- taiii old the herald that tie enrolment period wiu be for boe wcefc only aiarch lath to urcb zut ud that bo appli cation can be acpted after the deadline ur htooe further staled that retident fcubmlttib appuaet- loa tuftetber with payment of rnxolt tae hrt quarterly premium wi i to any have coverage itcu april pernunedt rrl4ent of lialtui 15ih 1064 tejaporyy offlc county who driir4 ttweralr ihjve bd fcstahhshed by psl tv romprhwvie bnriut md brant hi uurlmittto olxcaed by the wan intludv ajlitdepboa bj1vku and at 313 firtt u ov or kme colborne hi lo clakvule office or inimupiul tue by tflf auwwi hltn phytlclan kurgrry dmjnij- unty taideou wlahlnv tn en u6n of ktiseathraua utjmttad rol nt lurlhr uitormklfutw to kay and rytotupi and uk i ua kr igrfd 4o ctmtjit brooatbotcupir towuiktuwi thrir ijri 11 information the plan haj bo aj llmu fut eaur news echoes rrooi tu taoe4 4 tba 4 id 193v nd t9i4 in dictatdrvh p ceniorihip it an eaty rnehei a tmall group of nwn decide on what people tluhjld read i eat kar if tba dictatorship it decerning tlw com munily it healthy and happy though not rteoaiianly content bocauta human mrndi are not created for ttnet regimntation and tquira a certain meature of cho ce and decision censor ih i p- democracy it a much moa difficult problem one hat on hie one hand men who taient any restriction and on the other the ptiur groups which would bar mu that or tbe other from the public domain the problem for us is to hit e happy medium to ksp freedom within the bounds of good taste to let a minority en joy certain privileges which may not harm them yet which could be detrimental to omen to allow freedom yet keep this irorri being licence nip it in thebud an outbreak of hate literature aimed at si wring racial and ant sametic faellng in canada hat me canadian jewish congress deeply concerned a young toronto resident is apparent ly infant on distributing literature designed to fen any latent fires which could smoul der and the frightening thing is that there u apparently no legal means of hopping him it is not the first time this has happen- ed 5om years ago literature came fre quently to the herald office mailed if we remember rightly from a flesherlon postal box ii contained all the old chestnuts there are tome bookt tome pa ntmgs tome movies which are to flagcntly ob tcene that they mutt ba completely banied there are words which cannot ba used be cauie of tlvair connotation there are cut torn which society cannot condone without restrictions organized lonely would toon slip into anarchy parents mutt ducipl ne children by teach ng and by ex ample schools mutt have rulei to mutt the butinet world the mott primitive human ioc ety has moral and ethical codet and no man it a free agent to indulge h t desires with com pletely free choice we believe society mutt aim for the graatett good for me greatest number ceniorihip mutt ba sufficiently rigid to do e proper ob yet fluid enough to adapt it self to changing conditions sugar and spict let late sleepers lie ibible thought for theweek i m tha vina ya ira tha braikkai ha that kblill in thin in lima iwapla in dan t lava ma any mrl i j hl v ill wha i lull naturally ad wltn h irl la lda rlm al l 1 j without hva v o neth- wire awvario sr h dllh jeb u i theia are jn i spiritual fruitfulnr u lin reus kaautl l v l ro1 posible without a rrc niton nswmilalion of that powrr blaming jews for both commumtm and cap italism for world conspiracies and dear knows what we don t suppose that any regulation can be devised which can make every can adian a believer in the brotherhood of man bnt we should have regulations which forbid any men deliberately inciting people to racial and religious hatred memories of what happened in europe only e few years ago are too vivid to allow us to wink an eye at this sort of thing the laws of libel and slander allow en individual recourse against untruth per haps this could equally apply on e group basis smiley an ih r specie k i alujs frit i should a 1 nirc uis vir hjrl itupr surclj i thouliit thrrr is until tlunj clean am fmr anl wh ilrwinr in a man ujio gru up rarl u niter or lumimr and facts lift with a decent titf in hi mouth and a to 1 appetite per yaars accuslamad to wi klne with shear herrer shrink ine from tk mamant ef truth and finally swinging my had ian in the flaar with hath handi oreanlnej i lurched te the hathrnom i fait intarlsr in the preiance ef the karly bird now when it too late lo do much about it except publicly admit that i have always secret ly haled thr harly riser i learn thjt he a bic phon that it s all u matter of metabolism tsl my oltl species the late star ter is just as normal whole aome and decent blcs us ful wnin rrthinu but dynamite lo art whe are mad him out of thr pit and off to ttt eld trt rk she retorti lo torn on wha ean t rhlcf cjiarmme iet s see a little of thai nay vivacity we biva a dang fjw 2 a m when ou wcrr and littl kid dancing with all the women al wha are thy the parly iet bear a little of out brilliant conversation you ut re promotinc l three whrn errybotly with any manners hjd kone home emild to to bed to our hoits which maintains lifr local resident is ompa director news desk extras by yerry haruy well march traditional lion like en trance wis a little tardy mlaaed the tnark by days tto be exact but when the be lated turbulence finally arrived local umber bowed before it like so many strain lug fiih pole wonder if it waa any eo- inddance the sale came on the annlferaary of flrat political gueta- of the tm3 federal elect km camnalgn ita an lmposlbl meeting now but at one point of the weateni onurlo athletic as- lot hockey playdowni there was n outside chance that georgetown and acton would meet to decide an intermediate championship for the tint time since the early imoi comic- on the square eye have the bell telephone com panyi number these nlghu target for their satirical darta baa been the trend to axing living breathhuf operator and afflijilie with recorded eld uut week a guejt wit on the john y carson program struck a hsry whea ha claimed the three eheere and a half dozen tiger for alexander malcolm ton whats that you say never heard of hitrtt neither had we until we opened thursdays mail and amid the uaual inel iterator fodder was an obese package from a m containing printed ammunition aimed at who was canada s first prime those among us the majority minister uh huh well a fella were afraid who think the can t know everything now avk only hero producer by canadian him who killed a bar when in the am history was nelson kildy he he was only three the musicians company were tbe on the bejl telephone hour note fnf jo anyone atlu getting this number l jaflw now that aewstrict 80 of aefbap workexi ilbaw hallhooi the fact that the 150th anniversary of the birth of sir john a macdonald will be jan 11th of the next year and will slip by with aa much ceremony a national dill tickle week the sad fact of it is he s right try this easy teat on junior j t armstrong corgflnwrr has been elected a dirt ct r f the ontario municipal v lectric association the omr and the asru ia winn of municipal t lectrltal lulilitin held their h annual s he oally ntf vlvaciautly mee4ng in toronto march 14 feats his way te the bthrail the 335 municipal utilities in and whan h finds it canvertaa ontario srre the electrical brilliantly with the yhlna needi or 100 000 rustomers which fate him in the mlrrer 10 ytasri atx fate of a proposal lo form a oed t vallw convervation autltor ty which has bnn undcr con deration for four years w ii be didd n may a mei ng of repreien tat vet from the 1 5 mun t pa i es whch he parlially or totally w thin ihe credit ti vef wtend will vote on vtie ittue tlven tlie election of officers i of live litiper al taction of the legion branch wet i veld text week with the following results president b ii broughton past pendent james murphy vice president arthur hertxrt vecrelary bob muir treasurer jack waring executive perc clark tom herbert sick commitl mrs tom or eve entertain ment alex taylor andrew cnchton hat beei appo nteti collector of cul loms and exc se in georgetown succeeding william matthew wlo has been transferred to brampton mr cnchton hat been employed as as utant at georgetown since 1940 as vi aks ago trapped by flames m the upper storey of a brick house i on ma n st mrs herbert smcla r dropped her daugh ter gloria afee 3 years from a balcony on the second floor in the arms of laer husband then umped into pile of mow escaping unscathed from what appeared 10 ba a iran c tituat on two occupants of the lower section of the houte mrs r f betsey end mrs annie hammond were carried to safety by georgetown fire men ine fire broke out at about 11pm the georgetown maple leaf hockey team which journ eyed to copper cliff over the weekend for the ontario midget nhl finals returned home monday tired and defeated n their effort to bring back the much coveted frank calder cup they won 109 and 81 but lott the th rd game b0 to lose the round delly beaumont 1 was the favourite of the north and the sudbury press could not tay enough about his fine play he scored 1 1 of georgetowns 18 goals thu uftirthhht- it t not mttatvolic it s diab olic georgetown herald published by hee newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c blahn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent terry llirlry aileen bradley accountant business directory tf not more j y seme peeptt they tall me are at thtlr lowest ebb in th marnlng thay can scarcely climb out ef the tack and dent flat warmed up until nean by midnight theres ne heldlnu them and af 3 m they are iust getting inte their stride these ere the late ajer tars us in the opposite nutohohc mess are thosi uhn can i sleep th mail hag still insists industry rebates discriminatory georgetown ontario 31 byron street march 7th 1004 dear mr editor the answer councillor don powers has given for permltt ing some industries to pay less er sewer coil toward our new million dollar plant is a very poor allbl in hi reply he ignores the threat made to water users of 50 increase in rates but year while he was fully aware of the concessions made to in dustry regardless of whit agree menthe may have come to with any engineers the fact still re mains that the only accurate way to ascertain whht was not being returned- to the sewejr only employees still with the was by metering and this basis was established as the only fair way by the owrc this has been flagrantly abrogated in isvour of industry and if each does not pay on the bails laid dawn by the owrc then this militates against the of beet intef eats of the huuse- i holder in discussing the matter fur ther with councillor powers he has advised that due to tbe amount of work involved tn supply i rig meters the house holder could not have them installed in the homes hence they are being denied the only reasonable basis for establish ing what water is being used for lawn watering car wash lag and other use- in which the water u not- being returned to the sewers the householder does not have to be a genius at figures to realise how be stands on this deal nor should he forget it in the future council should net 4mmed lately and charge the 50 as specified where metering is not in elfeol your truly ed a peters they buttle about flarglino rattling pets and generally be ing alcktnlng theyve dene a full day s work by nean by 6 p m theyre getting a bit gray around the gill after dinner they drowse ever the paper yawn until the tears spurt from their eyea in rivulets and tetter off te bed at 10 full ef hot milk and virtue no marriage is quite as gro tesque as one between an bar ly iliicr and a late starter sad part nf it i that it dftesn t show up until il a too latcj be- ciube when people are courting they re keen thus before the ceremony the early riser desperate to win hit girl will fight off sleep until well pest midnight evert though his eyes get starry hi grin a bit fixed and hi girl whe normally shun the sun un til it is over the yard arm draga herself out of th pad with a supreme effort te meet e fc for lunch jtut when they ve had a cou pie of years of that holy old wedlock its a torso of a djf ferent hue he wouldnt trade the arms mac douglas advertising manager mrs william gecgle clerk tyoist anne currle roportcr peter jonea photocraphrr leslie dark dave hastings cob raskcrvtlle myles gllson john mcclomenls member ot th canadian weekly newspapers association and tha ontario association w n a award winner the national economy or efficient operation needa both production and distribution advertising la the cheapest of morpheus for those of ehi means of obtaining nstulmum uhetrj taylor she sparl that idlstributlon hes getting eld yc persistence is important john wannamkrt the foundpr of the john wanruynaker tor philadelphia wat tha lt advartlunti rental in tha retail udvcrtliini field in addition to the novel ty of hi odvertialni he kept pcnlitomly at it ho onoe uid contlnuoua advertio tng like continuous work ti moat effect ive if there is any en terprise in the world that pays the merchant it is advertising advertising dbe not jerk it pulls it begins very gently at first but the pull la steady it increases day by day year after year until it cucrj an irrlslstlble po wer to discontinue your advertisement is tin same as takinjt down your slsn if you want to db busin ess you must let the public know it i would as soon do business with out clerks without ad vertising chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tit 3ol 7 main st geargatewn chiropractor gerald w corblt dc open daily by apperfftmnt llntue calls arrancnl 74u1 11 a main st north for exfttt tit cam consult o t walkek ocrulitt prescription filled i main st s hrampton gl 11474 uri gl lw13 hours 0 l m 6pm dslly vridsy dim to d pu evenlncs by appointment cakk a westwooo ontarle land survyar iis mnuntamvlew rd b yriangl 71311 w h crr b i wattweed ttt 71100 bi ttt 441 m ux developments limited ttulldar of fins hamaa prop walter pacholok ury4311 or 177 ml 5 barragers eiarvrhlr leuiuerra tk 7m ib main s 1u8 guelph all work data en prattla wallach thompson jfd blvlslh court clark a cemmlsslenar tr jm robl h hamilton optoniamu ik mountalnvlrw ltd s urretal dldj kor apoolnlment 877371 massage maurice w mallar m 9 clsaveholme dr ir40x er 907s house calls by anangnil mokrison sahdmon co and dyck i morrison 11 cualah x conmwti 87j351 ororobtown animal clinic v zavltx dvm r fwhnan mrcvs ids goiph street clinic open 7 pra- b pm- mor wid rrl ral afrarneen h3 monuments pollock a camrsell designs on bequest inspect our work in greenwood ceoelery rhonr illjsat b2 water street north salt dale bennett latimer baines birruur t uiuhmw douglas v latuiek tckenc r bamrs trlanxla 7us1 xi uil sl cwilt george c hevvson surrtifctr bid tallaliw llfl uountainvlew rd 1 carretal uulldlni georfletown tb 7 3111 frederick a helson harruur nd telulter 116 uounulnvlew rd 8 carretal building georsetown yn 7336 m haniiersoo qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr72464 r r a nh pitch ucemskd auchdneeb prompt saftlest rabostu tb t4m4 0cag tvansicklerba rarrlsur sollclfm nolalrv dr william bldj 30 ulns- th74m1 w

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