georgetown herald pubushad by ham nmpul limbed 22 maih street s- georgetown ontario w c ub4h fobttew page 4 ihuksoay march 19tb 1964 editorial comment t2x decision in the balance v gvorgctown 1964 idmdle tnll hangi in ibd halice mdju gibbom is dutiniuned jh m rata will drop thu ear while at vt thiy councdlol hv indictj that it iould retnaih ut lh preterit i vcl or ovoi incfte aliqhlly th ajvtrjg tapyr it li ft uiriwiwhat trl doubt as 1u whjt a lle lut dtlicji lv trfyorve would welto a tmallrr ij ii and it this ciii be clltniatjid with fudi loui pruning ot expanses wh le hill prov iding necessary rni nit njrue of irrviifi ken wi re all fur it on the oth f hand if cou ol were to know ngly reduce lie knowing that next year expenses mutt jump lx caue of tin- and rvtcplitjle a ihit p mcnase an evt n ng out for tin two yujfi is the wise move whatever tl e oultoine of council s di 1 liberations we must reinefiibi r that the town treasury like that of it individual con tnbutofi 11 not a bottomless p t whicfl produces money at tlve asking lets j the arena dunt g ltiter w k the loc il jreni 1 liu7ing as 4 1 irjrm of bantam hockey players vie for lie co honour of iwr irvg declircd an mti manorial lhamp on team ih s n the fourth y jr 5 ncr the dea conceived by jick gudgt on which umc into being larrjrjy through the efforts of walter red asstlt ne has been m la si ence i ho tourn in tut got off to a good it irt and its pace lias never slackened i tier e are more entries ea h eir than the week can accommodate the quality of hockey is now about industrial show a wit council will budget juu c 1 vyise individual ll wll 4 to el k vju th mo it nooiiitts and th odd luxury whil saving a bit for a rmy dy if it txiffow hkny utl be don for such major ejepeudituftft 41 rw tctvooli wator and sewer e1niiont it mutt look ahead toc mure that pamenli tan te made lin tctutdule it differs m one respext it cavot save nvuney by budgeting to a surplus at can an aid vidual its saving comet in low er tax rates with he dollars tiayng in uvg pockets of tht taxpayvrt it it alxjul these thmgt wh ch we tiope rourtcillort are thinking at they dobale ill budget and not uit polit ct o justify elec t on compaignt 0 lay tlta grourujwork for the next eh tlion and we trust that the majority dent ion will be made n georgetown t lest in tcftits iia hiarh hews desk extras by terry ruruy bout aqythiiu that larw ubrip ou will fat into print but bv rmusm the iqthan dldaf icb tbcic aamci od addresac we fed auch adpuutlon u only fair tbe herald k- pr opinion weekly nn tb editoriaj page aod any reault- hn cummeodatioa or crttitub cornea bene beoau ute source uf th opiciaaa la the herald jnj theft bi po attempt to di ijuu it by the fcjune token the majrce uf opinio oi 1 hesulta of a uirvry of cutjfec tie xiurrifin medial ai d a mlll mt boa a report unkioi wiiok ii- ciboaa report unkmi wiiok fnf with ciiwrr kre about j clear a pool hll air on a sat urday uiht couffrfticiiirra uy rijfirrlu tatre hvtu t lppd hut at the buu tliiie v are up modjnjf to til w 0 wlw rf 1 hv lee hl u tup hijoluh a n will flrop in od 1 jwn 4 jopituou u1 toakj it l jh i4klliy of pipci hw yaiijwrrald fjumtiji lnd our at kiwbiijf ttw vrurjtu uf th bri lfiyu from the yroi ll kut dlhuuu the ttwhprririucil be jut aa public it akwayi tllaappolnlluf in liave to sit on a well composed epitle wcue the writer rhox to rrjium inonymtiu oo let- trr hfci been hed bark tfcu week for just feurb a trmwtl u lh orikoti who klnfd their letter w- r im uam eajtv w 3 u wavrr fur mora capital punlkhmnt but it dlftuuit the luekperirmril f l but it pw amuker ll he 0- with noi a uul lf ih had itvlovnre of ilia new habit so lo twnnl tlw vrdki ll did liromi no unokr and no to lh lhuh na j auby no tmnkr and no to mi uif johnny com the aiilrrun ivro sefiui uif johnny ram lh a inurprrulloit of duply pipen deluw pjcifi 1 an- acuilla would havf itruik a powerful vhii of th- iwtt rontrihu jjuw or th- theory that there horn to uw jleraltw mail ik no runi in the world jiut r riarh thr kjljlr illntkx tiut one iiut doeuit not lion 10 uw meraite mail no riim in the world just 11 a 1 nevir rrirh thr jkjijit illmhx tlut uiif iiut dovuit ot braue fat- rioaorkhtp juki tl by our adw a appja second run on the pension slalom sucar and siici excellent and tfip youngsters billet ted n loal hornet and entertained royally by ler vice clubs during their stay boost george town over a wide area afterwards the tournament it financed mostly through the sale of booster tickelt entitling th holder to attend all garnet played so far j h tournament has rased the neces sary fundi to provide ice lime meals and iik dental expenses but one can never coait on past records and we urge ery one to buy a ticket and uit as important attend some of the games a crowd d ar ona 1 the best measure of the lounm u sutce i the irish in spring two ycirs ago gtpryi town h id an excellent industrial ihow most lo al industries prepared exhib its sonic traced actual sales to he show while others were content to let people know what the produced which per hips had some good elft tts on sales also the aren1 with cement floor ust instal led was excellent for the purpose exhib ts were uniformly fxer llent and ttiere was nolh ng but praise for the ingenuity shown in the arrangements ll was hoped dt the time tlut the show would l if not an annual event at irail one which would have a repeat periorm ai e perhaps a yearly one would even utally lose its appeal both to public in a tenance and to exhibitors who must go to a lot of trouble to display their wares we hope the idea has not gone by the boards altogether perhaps the industrial commission will discuss another show this year or plan for one m l65 it is a valuable show window good advertising and givct georgetown tome good publicity 1 harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley m pror halton the columbia itivrr treaty and the prutncnl ha n r ferred to the lxwrnil aff urs committt aftc r jjiprnxunatt one wed of dibalc hunnr this irhilr it tternnr obvious tint hie onl lart irppoud tojlu lrmution is the nt w dtmn rratic party wi hope tlut the toinmitwt usll report luck to ho lloue of t nmmtin sn tlut thr final leuislutmn uill jjsi i fore the sumimr rec is j is urgent that canada act on thin immediately before the am ericana decide to yn ahinl it lone with itimu on the ir hide of the columbia and bcforr atom ie powrr replaces hjdro electric pftwer the bill lo ket up redutrtbu hon of eterloral heats ib now before the hoikp tiub leuibla ion will not be considered on party lmuh thu lull lay down th procedure to be followed after each census the national census l taketteach ten yeara 1061 1071 etc ejch provfnre willliavc if iwiundary cnninniis ion that is a total of ten cumin iasions tlie main thini is that the commits 1 on is an independ eat body and will not be polit ical appointments at the prei wartime a 20 discrepancy is tfth allowed in either direction 1between averaiif populatlona of ridini the conaervatjvea wish trfls allpwanco to be xl the ndp on ttieothtr luind want it to be leu the allow- abce u tr etvetke commission wipe llowanc0 because of nat attttl buncurjea rural areaa etc jpobtfr will be voted on vtbo duciualon of the rcompoajtinnbi oaehi y lrtninrul commitslnn is to be four memliers one will be the llpprem n tat ion comrtiisilonrr ni kon castonjua the pre vioua ueturnirtc officer one other will ht an ippoinlnunt of a t ourt jiidjit made b the hirf justice of the provincial supn me tourt the oilier two mi mbi nare debatable the hill aimueati the prime ministrr appoint one and the leirtrrs of the oppoiitlon thr- other there 11 romo feeling 1 hiiwcver that h would be bttt er to have tin ie commnjsitini namld by office auch a the iti indent of a univehtftj or klectoral officer for the prov ince district news caulht lwtien hie st v in nth of in land and he twenty firtl of spring i ua in a quindar atwxit a topic f r una week epitlr a quandjf the mail bag thorold lady incensed saysarenathoughtless 2h mitdonild vm thorold onol to the ldilnr i wmild hnnril like to knou the mon thr arena manage nn nt telt ll so necenary to ki p the thorold irawre hoki tram out nf the norfirtoftrn anna on sunday lanb bti these twits had trastlltd 70 miles onl to be hit out in the cold wealhrr lh uere refund entranci unless thr public skatini fei of isf pi r bt u i piul thi hid tnvillid in ir no erv fi v bad rubtn r or boot and t j h nnr had his hocki f quipmi nt i do feel that the thorold arena minjurminl would noer cunudar a thought alnnc thc line and that any team could be directed to a dressing room retardlen of public skattni may r thank ou for out consideration mrs wmiini stcsrnnn 28 matdonald r thorold out acton a new oruuuj ilioli will i he liorn in ctnn tnnifiht when a senior cltiiens club it orfiantied llecrealion director jim cashum and acton u i are behind the projicl oakville a multi milium dollar deal uivolsina the aale of the titles sen ire refiner here una announced at noon latt tbuiidaj urilish petroleum w ill acquire all its ntarkrttnij and refininj propertie is a rmss ixluirn an irish h it and the firt djy of sjriiij in taiuda i coma ta thiol of it tha two hava a 11 ui ommn tlta irlth and ipring in ftii country you navar know what ts tvpact you may be in for a bout of waaping a hurricin of bov or a blatt hot air from tith howfvfr i uiuttd le have tha latl wxd on canada firtt dy fef ipring myialf hara it canadian tprlno aln t tvh a taaian it maraly a thine that a usually frim chincuacousy chihuaruiijy taxes are a monu the lowest and most att ractive in canada and there ia little uklihnod of them ell- mhinji within the forseeable future heason for their happy hlate accordnijj to arthur arm strong of llramalea coiirolldate ir the perfect balance of 10 remdenttal to 40 inducthal 1 brampton llie h it 1 brjinptutf youth who lit charted with i wound inj in etinnoction with the feb 25 stabhhl i of glen vandifrlfl was re loused on 500 bail feb 27 hiscase hai hewi remand ed until today he has n6t been allowed to attend school clauses biiico the stabbing streetsvillet fc btretuvlue lions eompleted their pledko or 10000 to the jtrochvill0 arena fund last milton construction of a 10000 curling rlrtkiin milton was auurcd lout week aa milton promoters reported trem- widttus interest in the pro posal the four sheet art ificial ico rink will be built by next curling season lowville the surviving member of twras botn to mrs stuart king of lowvilte is reported out of danger now born three months prematurely the tiny infant weighed just 1 lb 14 oz at birth a tvin hoy dlod short ly after birth the unusually smalt baby will remain in mil ton hospital until s lbs rockwood a hoyitl city ambulance ser vice representative met with eramosa township council las week and told them that unless an agreement and guarantee was entered into it would be impossible to continue the sor week their final payment was vice in the township and vlll- made with a 2000 cheque i age georgetown herald pubtlahed by ham hwap4ra l1mltd georgetown ontirlo walter c blahn publisher garfuld mfgllvray production superintendent terty llarley aileen bradley news kdltor accountant mac douglas advertising manager mrs william gegjma clerk typist anne- curt i e reporter 1 peter jones photographer leslie clark dave hasting bob baskervllle myles gils on john mcclcmtmts member oi the canadian weekly newspapers association arid the ontario association cwna award winner p rfup il 1 this ur pridu ij tnl t tlut ituki s tit 10111j111 v of the ili jiiii ttu i nun r sprnik in jii ui 1 mm ti a mn slant toiint of in w inh run nt hihkht and dtspiir i t k i- an expert m wifi is h ilf inh and 1 r ha ih d nn j thro 1 h a tninl frw of iti 1 m nilitnmres firt dn 1 f spriru 111 this la ui i navar knew any mor than tha klda do whatbar my wit it going ta hit ma or kit m and i nvr know vvhalhor th twtn ty tint of march it going to wrap ma in grtat voluptuout mbraca or fliy mt with a wind that would trl tha braint ol a brata monury tin re s a k thai nf nntb in the pi ptilir r m pt mi i those trukv twin tin irish and sprini in mi 1 1 irislimi 11 in vnopnsi d in h bubhlini nur uiih tin juices of lif tluv iti- iiiuhrsod to lui wai 1uhe11 ud clurtiuna ln mil hw l 1 ik ie exptel id to he srnlinii nt il ind elo qiient t 111 rmii mil ll nn are afid m in of tin 111 are but dont blama ma if tha firtt irahmin you maat aftar raiding tbli it n lugubrioui long facad mournful monay grubbing pleasure thunmg nit pkkino tall pitying paopla hating type soma of lham ara sirne with spntik in m id 1 itt tupposid to hi a dis uhen the blood hurblik whin the lainn motbi rs an nil nut with tluir new lubv irrui s win 11 the klin smiles vwldh imr tin scene whin the firs tins flow ir poke t ht ir d mils lu ids up uil tin slrt uiih mirrlt with rap tun nid the air mik ms iimi feels jnl like t luimpumu and soim timet it is but chance ar en tht twan ty flnt of spring youll be racked by flu youll have a hot wi your rubber your avaitreught will b pandul6ua with ice your car wont start the urn will ttratch aa far at eye can a en the bay arid a gal that wuld turd i tha blood ef a laplander la howling out ef tht north however thats life and this is my salute lo the irish whom 1 have loved and hated foucht with and laughed at and this is also my salute to spring which 1 have loved and hated coped with and cursed at parhapa w should ut onia mere dutlngulshed company hav the tait word br the irish like oeerg moore who is id my on claim to originality a- mong iruhman ia tht 1 hav nvr mad speech or mavk isvaln give an irlshmhn liager for a month and jiuk tt dead man ah irish man is lined with copper and the beer cartodes it but whiskey polishes he copper h1t is the saving ol him bible thought for the week h that baluvtfh en him chritt it not condamnad uwt h that ballavath net ia conde mned alraady bcauie h hath not batlavad in the nam ef tha only bgttan sn f god john 3 11 ilnu 1i1 ir dri the leachiriks of i od and how pain nt the 1 1 arhi r more than ft kinda of crop are grown commercially in i aiibill i news echoes rwrl the 10 tf th vutrnlj 1954 knd 1v39 10 yfam aoo ttj don barrager completed negohalioni yetlerday lor pur chase of curencv lain s building on touth main sf and etcti to have h t complete busmeit itomed there by the end ot thi year aji one ol georgetown oldeit buiinenev changed hands thit week when n01 snyder iold hit trariifxjrt hutmatt lo scob e tranport ltd aj a lawyer in ch orgetown for for ly yeart leroy dale q c celebrated the event on saturday with an open houi at the leg on auditorium over tour hundred people cal led at the reception is years ago 9 pev d t howard formerly of georgetown had good luck in onllia the other day when fie wai teeved an oyiter that contained ievenleen pearlt 9 arrangementi have alrtiosl been cornpleled wfrby georgetown school children will tec their majeihoi while in toronto may 22nd peervalion hat been made in front of the grandstand at te exhibition groundt or the children 0 tt was w th deep rigret tl at the otiens of fhn diitrict learmd tliurjday of the death in ballmafad of mrs agnes voung who was in her 107th year she wai be- lirvtcf to be thr district s oldest living women her death came- usl a day after her daughter mist barbara young wk had helped care tor her mother during illnett a double funeral wai held friday business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appointment nndr cm th 7 msi 3 luuln st cret6wi chiropractor or id w corbll dc opri dhv by pplnlmtnl llnnsr rill arrancrd 11a miln si north ifo txwit eft cake rontull o t walker kruhst prccnptiim lllod 12 main st s brampton 1 h474 rf 1 1 m3 hour dam 11 p m daily rnday 0 i m to 0 p m emninfi b appointment dale bennett latimer baines urlihri soil lion doiig1as v latimkit tkiiknck r bains trumu 73m1 s3 ulll kl cortlan cabb wesywood onlarlo lfcnd survyr 110 moulltainvirw rd s- th until 7 3111 w h carr b f whij tb 743m kt ts 44 1 44 robt r hamilton orjlomatriat 11c mounlbinvirw rd s carrmal 111 flu for appointmenl 8773971 dax developments limited bumdr s flnt horhal prop walter pirholok t773n r 177 mis barragers cutlurshrl laundrnj th m7 18 main s ibs guclph all wrk tlo ah tmmla wallac thompson 3rd dlvlloh c6urt clark commlulonr tr 7ij ceokostowij animal clinic v xavlht qvm b foormn mrcvs ids cmelpb stroel clinic opon 7 pirn s p mr mon mwbd frj t sl aiftanioon 13 massage maurit h millar b m 9 cleavoholme dr 77i00o er 9075 lloaaa ralla hy arranum 1 moktkon sanderson f co and pyck t morrison 13 cuvlph st g6rgl0wn 8773351 monuments pollock ft campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb 6317sm b2 water street north 0 a lt frank pbtch licensed auctioneer prompt servta 0 po bmrtlsirv til 72mc geoeietown george l hewjon ftarrlttar and solicitor 1 ih mounlainvlew rd s icfcrretjl buildine georgetown yr 73311 frederick a helson ttarrlsr and sellcltor 116 mounlainvlew rd s canrial buildlnd georgetown tr 7330 m e mandersod qc barnter end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72164 tvansicklerba srrltlr solkllor hotary t 1 dr wtlllam bltlhj 38 main s tb 71531 kaplan trd barrlttara and mlcltor sidniy kaplan 11b llqanuinytow ra s cuprtt liuulx tfs