Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 26, 1964, p. 5

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eview successful year at alton cooperative supplies glowing financial reportsjand in 88 by 40 foot building were given last weak when of over 100 member director sod guests attended sbui annual omcuof of uaitfto cooperative supplies at stewarttowd 1111- the cu-op- bftivv operale store and lassd nflli in milton ceorge town aad end auditors c h ward and partners reported a t saving for tha yr hw3 before pat jsnage returns of 41 jut which u up tliuoo from last aretc as of the uop tul fsfcjjjdf in incrrs a 123300 ore n ytel assets wu recently erected at milton this will also be used for siot in seaaoruu item such as seed grain what bad before been ftored in tailed quarters laat fall a continuous flow train dryer was installed at milton to round oat storage facilities and provide a custom service to district craao growers especla uy or com for fcrsin be adfl ed at erin tnyll piece of pro perty wai u ust ear eofr- suting of the mill kaerway because of saalutieu prob ata and jue to a restricted flow of weur th krin mill has been ctxtverfed lo theee change be said aaset include 76 460 urr l t aaeel cash or hatj wrm the flbu hl nts and olrcli recvble ardd l0ually to a nweoiorie and prepaid uphx i member a son wirolm at o a h j108u3 property land w uu yr u ceorite boildingri rati omenta and tru 1 robinson of campbell villa mr lj u 1 thl f and hxr investments nurs pwiaed the hoard oi ubares and mrtagri rciv directors secretary aud man bd aicer fur thrir support during tw cw0p had itrou telr in hi v itffj of h33ju3 worth of members for their ewitiiuung pjtood resulting in a gross mar support m j h ceoirll in the past cooperation has been important to many fsmw and they have regard rd it u i good tiling in the future coopera tint may be gin of tzzam added to ihli was 10 707 revrnue from cost en work for a toul of xixs 401 les hi 1602 totalled 1 hi mo i am very pirated to report aubauhlul increase lu ulii this year with i corresponding inrreeatf in net savings reur lag president of the hoard ot director rrd nurse told the gathering kxpells- increased but hot u fast a sale and usei increased too he report d new bulldln during 1003 the hoard deeui d to build itorsg fscihtiei fur both beg and hulk fertilizer advertislntj idee a corn dryer was installed at mil tod and additional ware house and load dock space waj provided at fcrtn a new app roach to advertising was used this past year lo keep hmo bers informed on program la furedstioa products and service available a patronage dividend oa me mber sjuatoeee f 3w per ceot on greteraj purchases iw pel- cent on broiwyfeed and one half rent a gallon on petfuleuul pmdueta rvtroleun dividends wji be paid la cash during tb meeting kuaaell iluurrew and don cleave were elected as hew directs jrepi song j mruoiuld aod blf ma hou who resigned after keiferst cas ut service on the board director uoyd msy wss return years later the directors wet and named bpvwer wllsua presi drnt v j lawreilce socrelary and denney charle vice prai dent for 1k64 other directors include past president kred nurse iauj hsrrop albert hunter and harold ueok tiirx4 engraved silver try were presented to the winners of the breed competitions rain- a rmjutftnfit for econoth itwj milton fair uauric bile iurvival be closed in his manager report chi rle harru noted additional mixing and tnouulng equlp- birnt at georgetown during itncf changes in agriculture and development of new rropi and services are always occur ing to keep ahroest of the ehangci your cooperative hr etidodvored to provide goods and services rompatihle to luadhead presented the jrrwy award to uauric iwaty ijm harrup gave the guernsey ward to lloyd chiiholm and albert hunter handed out the best dam and daughter pair award to jsmrs carnsy uest speaker was u u jjsr shall manager of the norwich district co op hit slattett syd scott of u l o present and termed the flnanc statement one of lb best halloa coop evef produced and one of the bt of 15 1 ve seen in the past tea months he pointed lo the patronage return of 14 403 the coop will receive from the united cooperatives of ontario baaed a ctuioo volume of 1903 purchases through uco and said the local coop ranked ninth in tbe province lo u co purchaaee another speaker was derail lawrence president of tave ual too yederetioo of agriculture he eajd lr coops financial report was very ratifying and praised the cooperstioo brtw sen the two organization j a krancis e pressed tbe depart pieiit of agriculture s thanks fut the coop s help with breed show the 4 if program and the crop improvement program mftley tuwer the meeting followed a de liciou dinner trvi by the akhgrove united church wo men jack mcdonald ejlyrcsaed the group s thanks to the ladies a lucky draw for an electric clock wit won by cliff lirowit liill uahon fcccofdpanled by mrs d charles led the group in an afr dinner singsong a question and answer period followed the mewing plan double production for 7th line egg farm esqueaing farms the mass production ejti business on the 7th line of lsquesing north of hornby u turning out to be a double yoker construction will start this month on second building to house 12 000 laying hens the business started in decern lie r with 10 000 chickens in the first long narrow house that features automatic fedlng wa tering and eg gathering drv ices and piped tn music to sooth the producers cliff wriifglesworth who ma nagee- the business says the increase to 22 000 hens will mean hiring another man un til now he has been able to operate hy himself because of the machine help th new building will he constructed by snow construe uon when tbe second building is filled with laying hens it will rnfn something like two tons of feed daily will disappear in to the huge flock in return the hens should give up more than 110 000 eggs weekly we re getting about flit production right now wrigglesworth told the centennial project is discussed for halton we always seem to think we have to do aometbing to use up a grant opined deputy tuevc lester wbiting of oakvule when the ajueatioa of setting up a centennial comsnittee of use county council was raised lie essnteiided that each quo lcipelity has its own plana and doubted if oakrille of bur lingtos would wish to partici pate in a costnty scheme warden c gallagber foresaw the need for a larger lake- front park as a county proj ect he also noted the museum board were hopeful of having an ontario agricultural mus eum established at tbe ha kon museum this could be consi dered a centennial project despite deputy rcve whit logs objections council agreed to consider the arulog uy of a centennial committee page 5 thi otoltoattowm hiralo thursday march 24 194 debate modern youth junior farmer meeting the march meeting of tbe bjorval junior srmers was held at the home of hutb and wilms maaod at tbe boye separate meet ing president john wilson dis cussed tbe coming events on the ctwnty level end chose tbe rommittee to plan the exhibit fas the seed fair tbe girls joyed a demonstration by mrs charles austin on fancy icings bbe showed how to deewrste our owri wedding cake and she also lred birthday cake for one of the invtltuta member ills vsti arkel the institute d rtded to donate 10 00 to th with a lively debate on the sub ject itesoivcd thil modera youth isjtnore interested td material things than he or she is la an education w the jim tor were divided into two teem with lh train chuoslug two debaters iointfr on de biting were given by hlu wil son and aj1h hruwnndgd be for bllnnliii the affirmative tatu debilitl were joliu wilson and joe iove fur the regal tve marlbn ueeve and his van arkel memberships for 1do45 art halton music festival again due on april isth and everyone this year was aikfl to pay the member th joint meeting pnedl 1ff th apn y scootnsave fcul su tax lncrm la tx april tit beaver special woodgrains champagne cherry 496 10 to 24 pes 4 3 25 pa end over ua f 4 satincote ceiling tile lovat 11wu ft dlvwj ub aad cany vinyl asbestos cjj 10v4c houai oo to sio ftldav ontil i 00 p m satotoav 1300 beaver 11 watu jtupt w 7mj4 retired employee of ttc lived at keiwick a retired employe of tor onto transportation commits ion franklin hoy dunham died on march 22 in st joseph s hospital toronto his wife uanon rorgrave is a former glen williams resident mr dunham wai born at quecnsville lived in turut to mr i for some yeors then at miami her beach krswick he was a mem aid all but what we sell sther of the masonic lodse the door ii being bought hy u his wife a dau msple lodge farms maple t mrs donald rigor yvonnrt iodge farms is operated by and srandchnldren susan and the may brothers at norvel toddl ksquesmg farms uses de 1 service look place in quecnsville teroicni wai kajh pullets they are about 10 weeks old or younger whencvmetery shipped here from a caledonia wednsday and qurrtisv farm and at the end of their fifteen month laying period their destination is the canning factory for chicken soup the georgetown girdcncr peat moss conditions starting soil for seeds by gokdom lindsay 1miyw ilil 1 grehwrt one of the biggest dlscourag emeriu in starting seeds or ellpe of plants indoors is to have them commence to grow nicely only to wither and die shortly afterwards this trouble is usually due lo a toil disease celled damping off the eas jest way of preventing it ii to use sphagnum mou vermic ulste sand or a special and thoroughly sterilized soil the first two are the easiest to se cure being available at any seed atflre actually neither the seed nor the plant slips need any great amount of nourishment to ger initiate and start growth juat keeping the planting medium moist but not wet is sufficient for the first two to three weeks later when well rooted and the time comes jor first ans plan ling nourishment u provided in the shape of rich potting toil with some drain age in the bottom of the flow er pot or flat sphagnum of peat moss too is an itk conditioner for fceavy or very light soli a two inch layer dug into a flower bed thoroughly will chance the whole structure of the soil in a few weeks making it loose or friable ai the experts say and far more retentive of moisture lawn work early one place the impatient nrdencfen urt oocejjie enow goes and the ground is fairly dry is bo the lawn grass is a cool weather plant and can be sown as early as possible law mows and frosts will not hurt it at all as matter of fact it is well in most parts of canada io do all grass seed log before or after the summer heatflhls la up to midjune or after tbe end ofaugust 4 too many people seem to forget that graas la a plant and like other plants it needs food and moisture regularly iutvtfae beat results an appuc atlon of commercial fertiliser high in nitrogen every spring or fall anljhorough watering uuring very dry weather will insure a smooth luxuriant growth and deep rich colour and this will also tend to erown out weeds of course even more import ant is good seed because with out it it will be impossible to produce a first class lawn any good seed for the average home owner will be a high class bleu ded mixture of several variet ies of early medium and late maturity specially balanced to produce even fine and deep green colour throufiout the en tire season si john examination for class of 35 the largest class of first aid trainees aver lsutfm here wilt begin their exams april 14th a3 registered for the clan which started feb 25th fred cooley nerval the ditskonal officer for the st john ambu lance service is instructing the course sponsored by the geor getown volunteer ambulance service cliie are in ths gvaq bull ding every thursday dr c a thompson will con duct the final elimination sytfwaittyown auction sale at institute meeting an auction salt proved the highlight of the evening when lsqueaing w i met at the home of mr and mrs tra arm atrongfor their regular march meeting mrs george atkinson took second place to no auctioneer in the surrounding district an the disposed of the numerous articles donated by members as they answered the roll call everything from the makings of strawberry shortcake fresh water cress and rhubarb to plates which really dldn t he ong to the donor mrs w r lawson presided and mrs fred armstrong sec retary read the minutes and correspondence snd gave the financial statement plans were made for the pot luck supper to be held at the annual meeting in april hippy birthday to wendy pearl nydam who will be five years pld monday march 30th limeh0use communion services were conducted bv rev v n young at umehouse presbyterian church on sunday with a good attendance mr and mrs a c patterson visited mr and mes herbert sinclair hamilton on sunday mr iifj mrs bert benton visited her parents mr and mrsgofdon quinlonof jdea- ford on sunday we are pleased that susanne rdddojl ad peggy mcdonald are both home from hospital einal notice to all dog owners tags for all dogs are past due tags may b obtained al municipal offlcc or 1 li arietta st 5ummons vftt ha lnuod if not paid by march 30 1964 m harm colloctor of licences chevrolet vj jiuu cirk lwrpd hpirl cup4 llul tjuil goto any length to make you happy ml ceetmlf su ires jfeew cmh fpmaa w wf x general motors vtjwe luxury cars thrifty cars sport cars sporty cars big cars small cars long cars short cars family cars personal cars 45 different models of cars why one stop at your chevrolet dealers is like having your own private auto show and if we hj room here we could go on and on and hut all the engines chevrolet off en utartltitf at the chevy iii 90horepwcr 163cyhnder ita the thriftiest mod ranglntf 11 the wy up to the btir chevrolet extracoat 42horsepower 409 v8 it the greatest i we could wax eloquent about the choice of tran- mlaalons and how they team up with those chevy power plants to produce some of the golntfesi ajaaj caw ever or the fact that you can have umpteen different exterior and interior coloi choices enough in fact to allow some of our lady cus tomers to have the sort of fun in buying and iii viioiii ehooslrtsrlhat they generally rosorve for ahoe stores andall the models with bucket seats and all the models without all of them comfortable as all gotout and the hundreds yes hundreds of dtfforentr extracost options serious ones like ptwltrae- uon and gay ones like the new amfmi radio but all thats best left to your chevrolet dealer the long and short of it is hell go to any length to show you exactly the kind and sute and price of car you- want and exactly how reasonable that price can be for you to bo able to enjoy so much more car the great highway performers chevrolet chevelle chevy ii corvair corvette s your heal chevrolet dettlvr be sure to see bonanza on the cbctv network each sunday check your local listing for channel and time andrew murray motors ltd 61 guelph street telephone 8776944 i-

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