Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1964, p. 3

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after a dormant winter thi oaomrrowm weald thunder apr la 1m pack 1 i construction in georgetown is moving again comslehjctsom ion alao plllutl studios the plena for a tmf wu si a tmll factory whanlt li complete if a being modem twoatorey apartment building going up at the conaliucted on the north aide of coelph st opposite snjntj- comer of gower road and reytewn crete ard products on peculation iavth j0vd4o machines umrtelo hill in front of holy crou school end puth it into tha maple aw valley in rxoperetlon for avulruction on th ultramodern holy croti church houu kuilbtno if alio part of hw nw com 1 fuel ion activity workman twarm over the partially completed iheil of a houu on chipper court rvtrr jotted huilo corbeff to again head 7965 redcross drive tbf gorficnro teed district take placo on the powids of bad crou braadv faald their her bom at 201 delre blod like the flickers forced down in field but pair made delivery tt lnuet hav looked uka a awl not a u movie ceorgetovn pllou don sad doe and waldo dlggini bjuln tug to k through the ml lard gingerly aei the light air exalt down in a tolling field iored down with angina troub le bontewoere in indiana a eteep roll in the middle ei tba field akl jumna the plana aad lt airborne again mom ntartly out of the white falling enow ahead of them grey formlee shape become lushing tree ihrub and reek don saddon tug at the eontrola and the plana rollj to i halt just abort of a fence there la movement on the port aide the men strain to eee through the enow sfounl formed man carrying artniare climbing over a fence and mak lug toward tham to th right a atatlon wag en nulla to a atop at the op peelta aide of the field and more uniformed men nohrout it all happened during four adventurefilled day lattweck beddoo and dtgglnl are wembtr of the guelph flying club and it waa for guelph air service haled thcrkuju they made the aouthrrn hop to pick up a new 1064 two- eeater aircraft juit purchated the pair left mallon mon day for the flight to chicago via tca vanguard from there they flew to kanaaa city and then to wichita where the puneto be dettverdwi han gared the tint leg of iht return flight got them as far at south bend indiana where theyitay ed the night when they put down the temperature w in the eeventlm next morning the mercury ut about to degree lower and flying condltiona were leal than ideal it waa windy and cold and vltlbllltv wu limited when they left south send the little trainer wia at a tout 1400 feet an hour out of south bend when trouble joi ned the ride the engine drone grew rough end irregu lar tin pair decided to turn beck- but the puttering caua- ed the aircraft to loae altitude teat they flew low over what they thought waa a factory and touched down la a field near by- the prop had bo aooner come to reat when we noticed the armed men cloelng in on tie from both aldea waldo dig- fin recounted when we aiepped tram the plane we were confronted by the county sheriff and guard from a reformatory the fac tory we paaaed oven tiding over- a penitentiary trouble but we muat have aounded convincing when we explained the tltuatlon bee suae they allowed ue to make an adjuatment to the engine and tike off right away the sheriff waa in eurprlalngly good temper too 1 thought einee hie car got etuck up to the attlea in the muddy field while be wai trying to get to us once back in the air the men dlicovered they had made their emergency landing about three mllee from a major airport they act down there replen uhed their perilously low fuel aupply and made the reat of the return journey puthed hy a good tall wind and thank fully without incident gardener wins his caseomb reverses decision a hornhy man haf ahovn that persistence paya off when he won an appeal agalmt high attetament on hie property uartln salibi 20 of hornby whoie appeal againit what he termed unftlr aaaeument on bottom land on which he growa vegetable wai defeated in a court of revlilon and county court appeal two months ago lilt weekend saline appear ed before a municipal board hearing and won hli cite lie will now only be required to pay 40 an acre on hit so- acre holding saliba sam more than do ve getable groweri in the area attended the hearing in support of hli caae he said the hearing has spar- ked intereit among grower a far away u scarborough saliba appealed hli taxes when he noted hit farmer neigh bour are only- paying sl acre on land nearby hi argu ment waa that be la receiving no more aervlcea than hit neigh bour he pointed out that water which he uaei to irrigate hi crop come from hli own pond and from a well which he dug himself saliba cultivate 23 acre of a 80acre holding heldin hi mother name three f hit brother alao grow vegetable on property along tho bate line opp must find own transport to work onurlo provincial jpolire- men who hsve long cautioned drivers not to pick up hurbhl ken msy find their suggestion working sgalnat theaisajved sf ur uay lit thats the day an order from commissioner trie silk prohib iting opt office- to be taken to and from work in cruiser cornea into effect the mad at tha worth hal ton opp detachment which pol icee thli area declined to com tait publicly on how tha uw rullnjf will affect them prlv ataly however dueatlaf action with tha order la evident tha practice of being picked up by patrolling erulaert haa gone on line tha force aurted one opp office- ttstsd and waa aaid never to have obstructed ordinary polk work in any way sgt c g wuldnaon of the north halton opp detachment who la vice chairman of dis trict no 3 of the opp aasocls uon laid the association had discussed the order but declin ed to make any comment another opp officer aald opp commissioner krlc silk bad been approached with com plaints about the edict opp men are used to accept ins orders philosophically and with discipline an officer com men ted he said the opp asso ciation was not aa powerful aa aome town police associations which can aubtnlt their arlev ancei to a board of arbitration opp offleara received thcli last raise two yeara ago they are now paid 5 000 a year for full fledged constables k opp officers are not allow ed to takrtx on part time work at least said one town pol icemen can be asked to hockey games other functions in the local parks and augment their income that way but wbo wants an opp man to patrol a stretch of highway on special duty time will tall bow tha nm order will work out in the meanwhile that if some spec ulation on tba reasons for iuu tng it and the two stronger rijoflsare said to be economy or complaints received about too many trips made to pick officer up geologists wonder what la causlnr land areas of the earth to be drifting in vartoua direc tions science note maybe its wanderlust what do you think fe yeu hiuur we theuld have a ceeratewrt cetteiuill uunhm thlt yeart- bmcthily meetiaai at the home of mia h- a joaea monday april atn the pceeldent mra j b lulffaea- tn the chair for the buaiaeaa which dealt with the fallowing item camptcm the executive tni the lallllii ac- waa tulavsl at the axea- meettnal oathttra- ay april snd at abe holy school the campaign dr corbett read letter from tpjtmts heal cree be which ev wk hel awake the georgetown and baatrtct rimpelrn auch a terri- waa thanked he naearfced that georgetown had bat highest percentage over objective in- oatarlo teaibbwerk only cevid that poaaible the efweeaoula took place to eawf aalve the problem which were encountered during t-f- tx corbett rlwth the jaweung by etfariag hi earrtcee a campaign ctuir aud for load blood the warrh clinic wu very eocoeeaful with 34 actual blood donor the chairman ktr jack fergueoe ut the meeting fcaow that the summer clinic date ha heed aet for aioday june 39th ibm dliasmt kit j g sliortad dluetef chalrtnafl reported to have gl yen aaaiaiance fat the furm of heller food aod clothing to a family who loat moat of their belong in a fire hovti nuhmng the branch had a vultor from winnipeg urt wuiii ualner lud crou nuralng dlr ecior of afanitoba waa vry in terasted id the way the grot gelown and diririct urabch wat conducted the home nuraiog tour am to be more detai ud then in winnipeg and aha thought the georgetown loau cupboard outatabdlng for town thi aiae mia kainer waa accompanied by the onta rio nuralng director atlal u aloe dawun both were taken tour around the george town and filttrlot memorial hoapltal which wej directed by the hoapltala director of hur ting mr laurine keho the home nuralag cktlr- man mr w j solomon will have if weathed permlta the graduation of the claat during thi winter thureday june tth ao- ther information will follow in thia paper loan cufboabd a the loan cupboard will hew to be moved out of the georgetown public- library meyor joe gibbons bma beea epdroeched to aee about the poambuity of lor uda thi at a ybx2 aenrice to the public of the loan of beds wheel cbalrt erutchea etc- la caee of ulneea etc the brat rice preandent mr a m bnthertanrt ettended the tln and ftofceitnmf wo- na clah dhtder d at stans a otast room oat monday bnl on tueedey march jl the branch enjoyed a social at the home of mr and mra w b memunety on atmemsxs the boeteee had planned thii evuauut otatett puauiniai zaff the volunteer wort done by tha btnimjt tor ttva twiinidty mrs mcmutray spoke weomly ef the part played by the bed craea to earing the life of cage relative daring the war the fl mr e j lyme represented the branch eg the daffodil tea held at the borne of mr and mra doo pow en eat oetatday april tth mcbryde uiabeh no j etreel gueaa an hugo dewinter 0th una no jim turnbuu main st vet i think to waller daupagne no why 4 should be 7 when canada ha lui centen- nlal vera macdonald should wait till why ibm vera walker shelley st think iti a watte of money uobel dobaon king weat we thould not tpend the money tilt year but welt till 1067 and do eomething worth whll jeff bllgh we thould wilt till loat one in 1037 thould he good enough for anyone cord hunt hale drive our town la imtll we should combine both celebration in 1087 sun narkhouie albert dosimi82wa chinguacotisy fanrier udrr aervlec for stepbes lobtsrt dolaed tx of t lur- kat st wsa bid at lhuroid c atctlur ituacrsl liotom oo april ff itr loloo died el 1ojtftdwu ltmptul on april mb alter uiislhy lllacwl bod of supbm and aury jajtvn udcane txtuon hm wm uro in 1bkz at alioa m tha 1ouod boocud as a young be attended the ybutlg alus hilu cuu at mount pleusal cwch in 1010 be mnitaocd urtdlng 6a the levrm bd lt s3 c4dtu j chlnguacoiuy bow owned by s bod herbert in 1su he uurrud lattie ann lectdie who prdcmd tain in idel juya keenly in wtwed u community affair u had uu a faithful attend ant at union prbyterun churtb and an artive mniber of terra cotta vvo a rw mo ving- to georgetown in 1653 he had been a icmbr of knov prbytrrln church ikiilftg his ttlrtnnt he had tnagd in many pleasant chats atid visits with friends and neighbour hi ueves two kooa htrwrd and lurwrt a fdster idle airs john vfrclur snd brother tbonias dolaon bramptod and thre grindaons he ws pr- deeeised by a uti wsllsce and abaters idubeth ur john hun teri lurrlrt um t l leue and uary jan lira herbert nicholson aw norman young conduc ted the funeral service aaalsled by rev robert duneansow tha tsllbarerti were frank petch clereac ahderson la verne thompaon albert hunter krlc leslie and wed 1oa neoh- wwa and neljxhboure wre flo wer besrefs interiivent wss la liillcrt cemetery norrsl bell lines e e jarvis your telephone manager yet twa can live at chetp at one but they will have but little fun the mcintosh represent 40 per cent of canadian apple production rosedale floral flowers forail occasions weddino akhanolaunti cortege e specialty cut flower end funeral betlgnt we wire flower w attwarl tft y9m isi need 5000 till pay day try atlantic thrifty rlfty 5000 coal only 33c till pay day qau bofe rowust at atlantic finance 77971 12 main st 1 11 thunder terl tka tlulra ha4i xk whale arht w ahaket the 11hu px0 tuckej dewtl ma h ajrtj rert t lev uu wwh t heyle the reirt ii cenmlrttf lavwfl sheeft lkhv turt wajue ytuttdr heamlhu pla itinailfid all eve tk laeau me httaher hew wrekhed the weather yu cart keaa hit aet iwlfvg ywur mephana te eesr al tlettlablltty tovfr cehtee arw fttud with fafwetjiriaad dry air if a cable sfmlrtei a uakv th feeoa al rheedtaplidry air hold ur tnottture and hiipa frhawa wrhln ah alsrrt auuwatlcehy tell ie the ucatut af the btvak and the leak 1 usuelly refaelrwd baviwi re4ue deveua t a ahead atid uae your phbt whai the sky efts up ead the rat ceve down and have your hacoh dellveixl ttlose sciuruncs you make during a phone call can tell souethlntf about you according to payctialoglita if you doodle animals or birds you are affectionate and undntaunding they say arrow mean your goals are high checkerboard and equares ehow logic and emotional stab ility while boats indicate energy and a wish for freedom howera and tree show loneliness circle give away a day dreamer artwork aside we know of one sure indication of a person who looks to the future and plans accordingly he keep personal hat of froquenuyoalled telephone num ber ah excited wtktun called police to report art eiite aecl vlent i i asked whefw it hewen4 ahe ul m dont hav tint to talk iww hi tellyoo wutt you bet hr tfven aha hunaj upl found funny to yeut toea to us too but things ilk this do happen if you ever have to male an emarpency celt maytw this little story will help you remember to atay on the line until yotrv plvon all the datalla t0vanc0uver ths smart way to ure and travel i extra coach car convenience to trutka your trip mora comfortable for other economy rod white i bluo fares call youk local y e e jarvis cfj canadian national you can heat water electrically six times as fast as average use demands with the new electric water heating appliance cascade 40 is nameless clean silent and there is a ten year guarantee on the tanlt apwrovidtrnro40barhetjr apvlivnc s n approved product developed through the combined research and resources ontario hydro and electrical manufacturer d i m lanya x

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