Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald krhawnmmmtwm 22 main sfta 4v oooraa ontario w ci paqc4 thuisoay aput 16th 1964 redffewal comment midgets in the spotfigfct georgetown midgets scored an v viable raccad whan lhay won an ontario championship ior rhe second successive yaar it wat a particularly p le win for coach garry inglls and hia young player flva of lait years slellerteem were mlae- ing rhli aaaaon picked ior tha nh1 draft and tha sideliners in early season gava tha teem llnla chance to win melr group ut alona higher honours tha learn gained rnomentvnl with ev- hard to cope with coimtil k found th utf bcui nghbout frty not wnt n pfmnt koumi it cintyf b binnd unuu thef u 101 ration tfv ct it kt a lovrt lk tut of gtsofqalown nedi tprtmnu and prop rly eonitructed building with rgulni which dtrrvd orut rqulrmnti for play fti and parking can b vaitly tup- rior to converting torn of th lror old homo into multiple xomfnodtlon ylv citiel febound with blighted trtial whef n owfor u inlereitod in tfv lirgaif inconm from the ttrviluit inveilrrwnt and ih biqq ctotqmown grows hv more we fc thtt type of condition n older a houie will be split into the four or tix apartmenti with jerrybuilt pari it ior a uwtgd lyttofy dsiign5d for on family most suddenly wrve 15 or 20 people puy this story is sad tr herald i biggett nw story this wk at w write this on monday is th untorvmanagemanl disagrmirtt it gor- getowtv lrgt industry which ud to strike action hus rnornirvg it is th first mor link in the town hilory end wirh everyone who vatui happy living in a wrtll town we pfay for it ipdy wtt lament a itrlke in ft town our tlx has tnorar implication tfrt ft in a urgor centre fot our aiiocutlon and relationships r much closer knit peopu on both slda of th drtpula belong to tha urn sarvlc and sports dubs mt each othar vry diy in dozen different way and it u mbirre- ry 0mf end hf beating tsemlngton in the fcenmiriai end then taking cobourg rhee straight after drpfq their opening game of saturday the team toured town in j tavatcecu of convertlbl drawing hw attention of shoppers who crowded the ieh in this iuxt fine spring day- we congratulate the teem and official on good iaaon fend the good publicity which accrue when a foam go this far iff are lndaquat the undtofd pefen to have a constant winout population be- cum he refuses to spend a nickel on any improvement if hat is conscious of the fact that his property u dalanorating in value 1m fiquftji h can raip a msmimum income and the dickens with worrying about the buildings value twenty ye4rs from now a solution is not easy it is impossible to lat a certain standard of cleanliness to say how many times a house must be pain ted to demand that grass be plenlad and cut a town can only legislate on that broad bain of requiring adequate sewage- and water faciliies the pity is that it lakes only one or two such houses to start a general decline in neighbourhood a decline which ev entually costs every tan payer money as toonto it finding with its redevelopment plans for blighted areas sing to both to be deadlocked in such a sar lous drspule whllexarrying on social activl ties which bring them into close contact in church fraternal and social groups we hope reeiort and good judgment will prevail and that bargaining towards a solution will be carried on with good intent on both tides situations such at hanover which were- widely publicized in the dailies recently when e strike spilt that town into two camps will not happen in georgetown w trust our town may have its faults but we re known as lawabiding average type people who get along with our neighbours lets keep that image harley to halton weekly oftsevattons y djufjatvmy m for hjtvdmn hatuy i am ion boat ot tha conttl taenia u avara o tfca taunt prahlama and dwarantal oi tha moum o common and tha senate tbaaa ivouami ac tually 10 back to vureb cu 1804 whan tha tlnal auttplan- antary aatlnutaa far ims ism war introduced la tin unuaa of conmciu h la uaual for tfcaaa la piu in a law boura ai uiay repna- ant final apaadlnt for tha year which ended slat uarch 1884 th only year they took hondaf wu in 1002 and they took i oayi but at thu tint no bodt had been produced and tfcuj wu the only method of du ouaalnf theaa ntattaza thla la not neceaaary at praa- ant for tha melon that wa are dlacuaalnk tha bodjat now having two mora daya to go is thla debate and already harin dlacuiaed the budfat tor 4 pra- vknia dan our eaater alulnta wera to txoceaa tbeae final aupplantabv tary aathnatea wa an atlll cttecusaltu them wa are now id tha twelfth day in dlacuaalon on thla money that baa already bean pent all tha dlacuaalon ie being dona by the oppoal- clon mainly tha canaerratlvee and the nop part of theaa eetlmataa were heaaed end bent aa two aepar la bula to tha senate for ap- ia pyu aant one ir that la senator oxeery ottawa a conaantailn and editor of the ottawa rafiamt to glre third to the senate on tfr ll barahr deprlvad asm 1 unemolojwd of nent b rjm6awtey other ataltlw rjmnx ealflnaottbeautlwettd- layed over tha weekend and tha bill pawed on monday it wae aald toll vy done u a matter of principle but 1 would paint out that one of theaa two bula waa allowed to paal and the other tapped the one atopped wee the one affect ing the unemployed tha one pained did not affect the ur- einployed and their payment if it wu matter of principle then why wu the pauage of tha the bill not ttopped in atead ao that the unemployed would sot buffer aa a reeuu of thu the bill to aboltab the senate waa intro- dueed into the houaeofcou mona there wa an attempt to block the introduction of thla bill try the leader of the op- poaluon mr dlelesbakelr us ually tha introduction of a bill la a routine matter there waa a vote on thla the coruervat- rra trying to block it and ev eryone eke votlngfor the in- trodaeuon of the bill we do not neceaaarily agree with the bill but in a democracy we feel every member baa a right to introduce a private bui in the home oi commone u was vary rarprlamg to tee tha originator of the bill of bigma oppoae thla fundamental right of a member of tha home of commoni the vote wa won and tha bill introduc ed by unanlmoui conaent it wa debated tha following day debate 1 a generoua daacrip- 4am tor what went on in priv ate hambere boar between 5 pjn and o njn the hour ex- plrad and the bill now goe to the bottom of a long 1v pro bably never to be been again iwerabl argument for th ab olition oi the senau la that tha senate la not answerable for their artlotu to the electors ot canada si la a member of parliament the gcorgcanrvn gardener straight from the garden leap yeab proposal sugar and spice love that sunday lut sunday was one of thou day w thy outside with baud and rein and wind blanul liulda with everybo dy bond end crabby kill ollay i meached areutij the kaue sjleenllty wlihln tha a eauria waa dry er the trut eease eien yhen i steh tmrtbliitf aheot what tundey really mm was ashamed al myulf and cheered u cea- sldarahly e a al some wit remarked to our anceetora it we tha holy sabbath to our grestgrandfath era the lord a day to our fa thers sunday we call it the week 1nd the tauxth u net al chris tian erlgln it waa arlelnally a jewish hery day an the leaf day af the week like tneeff af the laws ef the ancient hebrew eaeervenc ef the gekhalh wa emklnallen ef rel and eeentnen aene man needs a day afreet u every seven ha ale- mande umloallen tnatks in the life sentence he i sevvina however there a vast df ferenea between the slbbmh of the ancient hebrew and tha sunday of modern man the unntr lived e aesterel iii when the fekbelh came aung all he had ta da wee ha eraond end eemint hu ha dlewr heve w rell areenuev af kwd emee e tela teiw- dey nlm ecremhu aond try- in t be hi emlly eh te church week the car er cahlt fuh er tuy drive 10 miles ki visit kem relelles al ml b welch u it were not for sunday the saturday night bath would be- tonie euolete if it were not or sunday many uea would go through lite without shining their shoes if it wsre not for sunday many women would never get a new hat is a feet cemfert se these intent en aetttna ie heaven yhey den sehec asrh and aueo mien an sunday beer- hua- on heday they aa heck w the nerml li e try u1 ta mremkla la welhuel be- clel end tuancul bi vet tha crushed and hlsdlna bedles and eeule af their fellew chris tian secure in the knewudere that if there is a rusk fer beats an the ludement day they will have ss asll with the man- theusand year as eeu il neler m god who domain nlty ha our time hand sunday mean church th church too 1 a good thing rirst ol all it provide employ ment for ministers and em ployment or lack of it la pret ty important these days sec ondly it provide probably the only place in modem society where people who like to sing but sound uka hyenai can vent thalr frustration without some one telling them tohut up after church whet theres nefhlne bahiulrly christian during thla eeaalon of parlunlcharle e irvln of abmill klfrisintgd accidint conciralncg safety directors and author ties plant manager factory su perintendent and other thter- uted in industrial accident pre vention including k e hall ol provincial paper georgetown ont participated in tha safety conference held in toronto on april 8th and 7th under the auspice of th industrial accl dent prevention aeeoeuuoni more than 4 000 delegetei from all parts of ontario were in attendance and various pha ae of industrial safety went under the microscope for study review and inapectlon the program for tha twoday meet wu designed especially to stimulate action to curb the rising industrial accident rate and to save uvea tha deleg ate beard addressee by inter nationally known authorities on safety participated in forums and panel dlaousstona inspected displays end sstcty equipment witfmssed demonstrations and exchanged idea in an effort to make ontario industrial plsnts the safest in the world the hon rjohd p roberts premier of ontario officially opened the conference key speakers included v c hamfl ton montreal earl 8 harm ford new york dr floyd car- bin los angela california d f hamilton of the ontario federation of labour and dr irvln of ormond news echoes from tha nana al the herald ivm and lj nani i moat say the vn beaoh florida 10 vlaks aoo mr and mrs cllllord hunter will have pardonabl nd in their childrens success at th halton music festival last weak jatn and carol won silver medals end tommy won a broruta medal a clarence kennedy was installed m president of tha lions club last nlrgh whan bob cooper brampton deputydistrict novarnor olddatod at tha caramony ha succeeds jack gunning in ofllee another veteran teacher will retire from the public school staff in juna mist laura scott who hetjauoht at chspal straal school tinea 1029 is uscmnfl her last class this year she announced her decision to retire on panilon aa rav john m imlth has accepted t tall to the united church in whitby minister at si johns hard for sin years ha expects to be leaving for hit new post in juna is v1ars aoo 0 193b mumouri after reproving her eldest ton of tha of ansa of smoking lgrettei the mother thought aha should improve me situation tllll further and inquired of her younger ton age 9 if ha had bean smoking also no mother was the reply i gave it up home time ego a th old town bell came in hendy monday to give the erarm of flra el tha woollen mills tha siren which wes bl6wn down by s recant windstorm had not been erectatr since i threeyearold kinnath schenk of glorrwiiitemstemapecl wllh scelp wound whan ha fall from his fathers car travailing at 30 miles par hour tha little lad landed ortthe shogldaf of tha road a fact which his father believes saved his life eheot eenjuej eneeelf with feed i shtlng in a srueer leeklne at teleeulen what about a tuc christian game of golf with na swearing when one eliccs what ebuut a utile walk id th woods worsh ipping th wonderful world of neture- that wa created for one and if on happened to look down end se a fishing tod la one s hand one shouldnt wary too much about it menmur th eld adee kveneeluts hty rer bnd skeut only oed can keaea a tnsut of her own uhea wife audrey a story tjsat aa ta east week br tkasea aaat rnsi ask fata tma eaaaars- f aaaof nod a the aksen 5 ukely la ms puee tat th feaajry etaa hoak fee keek af the ear yen sexauaga bbm tke uk la reaar k trees oaae la te brigtdaa tkedr aapai i coukt test aea the pght- ef lag wider na the laee ef ueu branritiskra crerrahara aa ikay reed about tb plight of eoe jack begriif victim of b hej douhlecrosa perpetrated ay the oneors o a bowling eenieet bv eeeeu jeck a winner ef the conieet had the tenia ef taking his wife on aa sipmin paid date wail a pretty aaedal aaeaed joanne gayra 1 of toaoets bahyeat ior theea er taking th baodel est tha date winning ior bis wife a epring outfit katurally and with bj wua prise upperbbost la fcnind re blooded jeck b rgyeerttld lather of four klaeed hi bpowee farewell and went on th wln- berdaocing whhi with tha bao del heres where th akuldoggery tome id th sponeor of the liedaet ih blackhearted eoukt misin terpreting hi honest itaehar te pick up earn fre finery tor his true kne e k nkirne ta get out od th town wkh the prise chirk decided b shouldnt have all the fun said sponsor a pa od thecal found his wit aroid mrnintaliw of dirty clothe in coin sun dry and told her she wa go ing on a dale with aa eecnrt weltaed into th urn nightspot on th arm of her fernando lamas- type conaolatiod jack ayp ly turned thro shsde of blu choking od hi fortified serepe- one day b with the urd rill a thewand years itj u tb etoiy bay when he got bible thought for the week d-y- 1 etrr id ills over th shock b went vjuwuj bom with bis wlf aa doubt coovlnced bed ut heeal part of the biggest isnfiat weindle since the tv dae tkla we aaaka tha eou wary rink w tsave row asacjs deeer togetker we grew tore ale a aa done we have bawilaer neaslag ewe te lake its piece carrot beats end email st art ef baee far tmj caa be gzvwe la kharaase raw watk pea or core er 1 eiliu lastaee caa be raws a tew lent ef rowel a tame came wary early uk hsdiak agdawch end dee pes will be weed end eat af the way betore ecker leter beat in i eg eert reajalre fell gmrtjetowa herau yrodortle abaaarhwaadesa terry harwy allewa brwfley news editor acrnaataat ale bongla adeertiatag maaaawr afrs waham ceol clark tyelst ana carrie bepertar fwhaf jeeea lntljeaapksr leeh dark dares baadag bob baakemda atyle cowab john kvlmek eg the caaasnaa weekly waeenmais ad the cwjca business directory chir0praq0r bomald a oav dc appointments mad dally call tat 7m41 1 mau u chir0praq0r oereu w cenveh bc oewn dally by house calls arranged kyyieai tla main ti herth cakh m wtwooo ontsrle land turveyer 118 uounulnvlew rd 8- tkun1 mil w h car b weetweed tft u00 tte tat 4414 du devetorments limitato builder ef ulna heme prop walter pecholok gyy4u er attmu barragers cleenerajhlrt uunderer tyyf u ualn s loo guelph all work dene en premlsea wallacb thompjoh ird division court clerk cemmlsslener ymrns 1 oaokarrown animal clinic v xavrht dvm b iermen mutcvs 106 owalph street cllnle open t pm s pm mon walk ft tat efleii 14 o y waletnt tx- rxajjc dfatittmtsy is mala st s bramptoa lslf4 be 1s1bms hours us to pj tuesday ta setwrday friday ant la pas jnenugs by app robulhmilton lid uountalnvuw kd s tcarretal bldgj far appointment 8773971 hbu at massage maurice h mavwr kj4 9 claaveholrne dr y74n0 wr mfs house call by attengmt monuments pollock b campniu designs on bjtqutbx inspect on work ta greenwood cemetery phoni altnaa d water street north o alt p it a n k mich licensed aoctiortnai i prompt sendee pa box 411 tb 7jso4 classified ads bring results 6cottje c hwi lit mseetblavliw fcd l tcarretal awslulag qs us g ttt mill fratfcnck a helton 118 isoaaulbttea ad b carretal building george iowa ta yut barrlater and solicitor 61 mill si georrsalowrr- tr w44d tvwsicuerbjl or wluliaae bldgj i alaja a tb y4l al kaplan ori beavnnetejt 4rh wlltwfjil ikmlety kaman ul weaidtahrrtaw ud v itt3swt540 i l jp attw v iiff saababeaajsaaamaaajnaja tsii uk mk

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