Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 1

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fc printing publishing vi am uafslal ku hiv vvvl hwwel itti nee oeeiatieara and 01- rkt at rvtnrere end ewwitkan lace 1u7 horlna ikikwhi flae artarlna and am eevar- georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district jads that pay yea aaa plan an ad eatne hrnla cteaasaed aajee ay lliilh y 71x1 bwrtr eelfaaa tae mares aaaie w will flad la aetaa ea sacand clem malt feat offica dap ottawa rotarts new london oiaigilesn oat twadvy april ttri 1m em mar yaar georgetown water deficit sparks angry discussion adjust rates or levy for deficit says dma trmer jones vboto theyve removed fog and added laughs a cockxry kowht oietf joyce van leauwen and a cockney nawiboy ron hunt have eye for each other in tfll tcane from the rotary clubl hohdaze which ttartt a low nloht ruri at the high school auditorium friday this tlut twith londont oog raphy more than a iihle liltt the fog and team on the cockney humour for lome harp humour the ahow ron april 3425 and may 12 5 btis service proposal yoted down 54 lvv r wt ewetlng- council monday aa botlotl weapre- by coun mldebrajull and baava hllott listing tha route fare and frequent of tha proposed inlamowxl bill twice com hildebrandt laid thil waa a reatllt of a bleating of ratepayer te which theree- a the mayer and he had been brttrad the try of tee- ret meeting aroee half in jest the motion propoeed a full aarvlc from monday te sa turday inclusive from tan m till air pm with tha fre quency of eervlee te be one circuit par hour with a 25c fare for adult and tan cent for children coun kmmeraon claimed ha had not been aware of am- tin if it la the concern of the whole town it thould be a public meeting he con- 1 tended if not if juat for one area they thould foot the hill for the deflrlt i waa not awara of any meeting nor an 1 now aware of any propoeed route- ob jector coun rrancle councillor young also ob jected whan you are going te aaddle the majority of pe ople with expense there thould be no aoeret meeting the heave explained that a ratepayer invited uj thought it wti jutt a party the mayor added mr will invited ma te her heme and i dont invite ethara to private homaa deputy heewe hunter opin ed that all meeting thould he held in the municipal bull- ding thl motion la premature laid coun kmmaraon there- tldanta in other tress ahould have a voice thu la bated on the voice or only thirty pet itioner the motion waa lott by a five to four vote might have used solomon to solve council problem strike enters twelfth day keeps status quo oakville labour council planning saturday parade the strike of local 14181 district 0 united ulna wor lex ai america against o rtitovdi largest company smith and btone limited an ud it 11th day today with no signs ot a new propoul from either aide nor even new talks tha alrik turted sunday april is when local members voted overwhelmingly to turn down a wage contract propo- smith and stona ehtnged thalr oiler of a jw wage increase to j for each ol three year but tb union wanu a 10 per rent raua epnad over two year other major issues era a re vision ot tha incentive plan rate and thrwe waekt vaca uon after 10 year service right now the firm hit of fered three wake alter 11 year tha old plan wai thraa week after is year the atrtka involve jur kera sj1 men and 111 wo men tha atrika ml worker ml men and 111 women kssentlsi servlcs are being mslntalned and salaried emp loye are ttill going to work daily bciuie of tha delayed pay system tha atrlkar are eull drawing wsgee awing tha last pay cheque from tha company to airlklng wmployee will be issued today after ulu the union will eeslst it member financially but only when they can show need far assistance no lille pay a loch la an ucipaled the company weekly pay roll hat tn 000u there have bocn amall ind dent when there appeared there cwuld be trouble at the strike line but to dale ttoth ing aerioua haa developed 1ollc chief hoy luley said both the company and unloa have retpected each other and ha don t foresee any violence problem at word of the strike spread smith and stone customers htva been flocking to the pltnl to pick up diet ind molds which they own last week a truck wts relu ted entrance to company pro perty by the strikers and pi e of equipment had to be carried from tha plant and loaded by company officials at the s and s blkellte di vision on king sreet police broke uia una to allow a truck u anlar lamb street at the side o the plant one visitor returned to his csr to find the air out ot bis tires duplsta workers from oihs ws members of locsl 221 un ited auto workers of amerl ca added their strength to the picket line for hsll an hour and then joined the strikers in a motorcade through the streets saturday morning another larger psrtdr soon sored by the oakville district labour council and involv ing outside unions will take place thla saturday that waa the baeln vople of business tt a general meeting of thettrtk ing local in tha legion hall monday night selling- delrex hex hulor the wlf ot demr nev opmrnti to unlnldenuf- fi nine iou wu announce tills wpfk by dlre prviuunt uex ileilop a utter fxbu w u ho hun i wtraiintf uj lb toiyor dirvctor of uualcitel aecouti jweu ia ug lru thy luv tliuf tot tn dtvriuint of tlveil uwir pmvuml tiou but firm official gives no a rn if not unheard hippmnfl occurrnl it gftor m w v g f f 8 ii getown council monday nl q j qiks with union when a recorded vote was ta kan on a motion of adjourn mant the motion wst lott by a six to three vote thut promp ting coun franela to ask how another motion to adjourn that night waa going to be tabled ha pointed out that it is illegal to present two mo tions on tha tame tubject at one meeting in theory he titled we could lit here till our next meeting well look like damned foola he added thli it ill due to that ri dleulou motion you paseed tome time ago that council thould adjourn at eleven o clock unless there is a 23 vote to tha contrary opined tha mayor the meeting finally adjour nad not on a recorded vole at a quarter to twelve with the account being left over till another meeting call press conference smith and stona vice pretl dent henry vlartln told mem bers of tha press and radio uondsy that tha company has already ttarted to comply wllh one reeommendtlton of tha conciliation board in review ing its ayttera of job evalut lion tha union requested wado this and were not going to wait for a settlement mr martin slid during a pretl conference in his of flee we have already engaged a con lulling firm and they have started training the time ttu dy people in the naw tyitetn mr martin reviewed the conciliation board report and then antwered question the tlrike will definitely hive an adverse affect on em ployment in tha plant hare- piled to one query he based his statement on tha fact that smith and stone cuttomer have been taking their die and molds out so that they can give their bualneat too- ther firms i peter jonea photo management concerned at strike damage ifi muxxmhbumondkyshilb nd storte limited vkepretldont martin 1 concern over thtthlurl rb strike et that plant vjoing the town end the he alto indlcawd that because of aharp losses in si s coiromer the com i rfll be unebleio employ rneny of the untonrrwmboc oftef settlement above ysiiletrsnw he feared many customer wont be back after a aetle ment and consequently lets jobt will be available the strike is doing severe dsmsge to tha company in terms of cancelled orders and itl going to hurt the town ha tald the union hit ec cepted eontrleti not it goidl a this one smith and stonai offer at other plant we feel our it ftlr and reasonable our offer of 3 meant increase of 7 te per hour the first year which will cost tha company an additional 1d- 000 mr martin explained the tecond yetr it would mean another tie per hqur more ind another telooo ta ihe company the increase at tha start of the third year would be le per hour mr martin denied that the employe had not hid awi ge incretae in four year he ttld in increase last year av eraged he an hour and lncrea act during each of tha preee- codtlnued on back pure beii hires survey to poll opinion on direct move the 1111 telephone co un i illy raiag bell with lh 1oji council monday niiht and har mony wai achieved tlw uell telephone co off to hire the stiff of the interiulional survey ltd who would operate out of the bella ellrton ava nue office to call 700 george town cuitomen with thla rvum ber probably 5v lntimewt would be complrtc1 george town councillori would be wel come to mojutor any or al calls 1ht 1111 will avt up qulp- mnt which will let the coun clutu br hrtk -id- oi tb conversation in addition the telephone company la preps rd ta pay tb eou of sao0 providing council agreea to ab ide by the vaults of the sur vey t agree to accept thu of remarked coun r franc it their hand la extended in fiood faith the bell u sure of the out come added coun c hilda- branch they have taken sur vey i before a i usfmillan or th tele- phont co present at the meet ing told coun hlldebraiult in reply to hji queition thit get ting brmpton tojay on th ex tndfld axes a3fvlce has no con ntsction with sttinfi toronto tomorrow wc has our exten sion on actual mimbw of calls popt r willing to pay for a motion by coun power and francis thanked the bell telephone co for the offer of survey and indicating councils wllll nun ii to abide by the nu ults wsi pawed with only or hlldbrndt opposing he oppo sed on tha grounds that the survey was unnnawaaary since the bell had dread proved the results afcubclp affavui spiarked au fetigry dbeu it council uoo dny ulsijt hi lb letlrr bt said bvas rturning thi lutj finiivcil uuajent to the auditor for cunucuort and hited thit tb euuhicnt not b publuh ed until thla is done tbc di rector dicw ttttolloo to the deficit in the water supply kytlem pointing out that he cording to the statutes the rat uift have to be adjus ted to cover ibis deficit or a ifvy be made on the muni cipalily to recover the deficit your auditor has alae cum htenud concerning the bor rowing of m oil y by the board of parks management and the parking authority the teller continued however these authorities hsve no authority incur debts in their own right the diivctor then went on to recommend that separate levy be made in 1m4 to discharge the frccuriu lated deficit of 4043 of the srklntf authority and to re pay the bank loan of 30 000 with respect to the arena coun j kmmertoh explain ed the 30000 borrowed by the board of parks saying that the members of the bo ard signed personal notes to cover this and when they re ceive the one mill grant they pay the notes off regarding the 44000 wa ter deficit stated coun uon lwtjrt i rwtioiinaddesd tain- or increases two yars ago but my plae fell on deaf ears now we will hav to cover the deficit plus the amount i owing to the town general treasury i feel this deficit would not have existed at all retor led usyor gibbons if there- commendations of the ontario wstf resources commission had been carried out theres different levies on different in dustrlei the mayor went on heatedly and atpronlmately 30 000 is not being col lee ted from industry but residential users are paying their fifty per eenl liey are till being pd utf with puiau tooy u ill tx pendituxeal were u4mw tb jii- riiedictioa ot the bailnkipauty w d b btijje to saiy about eogos the uavor uni eoe- rowfully ibouk us bed uy- ing the pwrklng authbjity has no right to borrow and when the iwpartttaernt tells us thai we etui t advertise an au dit as it has bfl suboiilud to us here his incm trailed off coun smith agrjd tiuttbe ajena renovations wnt neeetv sary but cuimed thai all cosls should be approved by council all the recreation grant shouldnt go to one bull- ding be aaid immiting a fay vourite theme as far as lh loan aiul signing tvtrs he o- plnen it is a bad ail nation turnlnjf angrily la the may- coun don powere uclii- med you said the iewcr ser vice ciiarge accounts for uv deficit uia l just shows you dont know anything about it ihese funds go to geiicral revenue not to the water de- partmenl betorted the ulyor m had stuck to the origlnaj dir ective you wouldnt have the water department id the wont meas of tvny department la municipal government in ge orgetown today and the r- orda show il al water cwnnaa it med appropriate tbet coun ptrwen reuluud youre all wet we made fe pswlt n 3000 with no tanceealons to livdiutry i ktuek to the recom mendations the way that fund 1 jug gled you ditkivjwwblyoa are doing rvplud the mayor well i trust youu be out at the watt committee mee ting thurmuy to give us the benefit ef your wisdom the water chirmsj ahswervd dryly youll need it respond the mayor the finance chairman eoan mented eelmly rbe auditor drew our attention to all this council okays rarade union can use park the local itrike crept into councut bmlneea uondsy night when a letter read jrom w k cock prealdent of local u1s1 dutrlct so of the uni ted mine worker asking per- mlaalan to hold a parade and use the town park on saturday april 2mb at 11 l m deputyreeve w hunter felt that council should offer assist ance in bringing the parties to gether iam opposed to giving our oonaent to tha parade stated coun c hildebrandt the members having chosen demo- eretscally to go on strike and it la not right to advertise to arln public support the issue la between the employer and the union membetahip he contin ued it it not up to the munic ipality although i have no ob jection to ualng our good off l- cea they are atlh taxpayer contended coun jsanda whe ther ttaay ere on itrike or cloud mayor joe gibbon agreed i heartily akree that the rdada and perk tor the pjeple iattttier ta etompa or not jw help la requested council wdll be available if the need ariiei i hope t will have the guts to do what la right concluded the mayor the vote to give consent both for the parade end use of the park passed with only coun hildebrandt opposing however coun powers who would rep- relent management in tbe atrike and coun emmeraon who would represent union went out for a smoke ao they would not be atked to vote on the uuestlon a look at the weather april max min is wed eaim jfl thuia 4- 64 it trl 81 18 sat 68 tt sun 46 s3 20 ion 43 38 llttioe 41 37 max 81 mln 23 precip to date nil i abcu f c ocott ffilo equipment moving new plant on dixie road industry hungry georgetown will sea its lndustrlsl balance slip bsck a notch in about three week when h1lo equipment a structural ateel firm on king st shifts it operation out of town a company official told the herald monday the flr will move to a new plant on dlxiej road at hwy no 401 tha plant haa 47 employ the company bpokesmari aald the una will carry en twsentlaw ly the ainte operation in tbe new location but there will be personnel changes the move wlu actually be made one department at a time and ahould be completed witsv in the three week structural steel ahelvlng tacts and hydarullc trucks are ililoa major product 11 peter lone phot hrtilbokwhosacub counctuorjim youno raft it congra mated by bill kinrede chairmen of rras cfirittlan education committee of st joh nt united after balng invested as atalttent cub leader lottseek district cornmlftl oner vic gunn centrex conducted thicere

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