Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 3

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focus on industry 1r f i at varian hair breadth drilling pccctuom of such a tcbtarcf thai optical aids have to b uved ll capability of thli machine at varlan auoclalal limited in preparing minute parts for installation in modern microwave tob tf rnachln drills hole about the- diameter of a hurnan hair operating the drill bar i william nair peter jonee phots at c c i a new picapac dispenser ftftty sim smith holdi torn of tba vane tie of bltcuim and cookies dispensed in package by this iww coin irvack bar being manufactured by canadian compact indus trie at eagle signal split second timing mickoiux timing device ara checked for accuracy by eagla signal foreman charlie dulfl prior to shipping the highly accurate and precipe timers r uted in controlling timing of machine tooling operations or wherever automatic timing devlcai are required urban board georgetown rep calls plan n return to victorian days a upr outjy txwm tbe daputflttst of kctmicipal as fair laid of tba farib hilopci1ubbaatd ua wedacwuy algbt tbat a plan tat t a county uacatauouit rommliilnnar la hakom could ba btd toajvdatory saoietiiim la jan of tbla yar donald wright said tbat ip pcoral baa baas inbtlm daartaaint to provid govern- aaaat aialstaac tp th county attar u ba luafalbtd a cojd- 1 addition to 2900 iowaxdj the aaury of tba coaamuaua- mt la oatafio jawcnuncnt will alio provido up to 80 par cast of tb eoa of ottka aq ipmanc lacludlatf bualnaanf ma cioery aod proeaaalog bf va lla aald tbat ooc lb com mtaodoifar baa beeti cboaedby th county council 1m canoot ba ituwiuwwi without permia- aiad from tba aaaeaaiiig dwjv artnmtnl w otbet word oti can t fir him ttbbut permlkaud from tba talnlataa k i d vlm you to chooaa youi can dldau wu mid tb u4 wr ha tainted out that lincoln county baa ixuulud a tout ty inmtii and tba coat ruoa th county ilso per capita iu aald tbat with th nw il iu municipality to feniploy aiucaawrt without th approval of lh county council la addition ba aald taunlclpal couru of luvlaiot havti kivch wy to county coukj coutinulnc wright uld til local iw ptovr ia htj uku tnit dbui and qurlm will all u dona at tba county i vl 1i uld at prnt plan are for an equalized county aasfu- mcnl but thll 1 kubjt to atnandmnt undc lfthuon with tha brw atup aald th aaaeaaor tha county will ba given throe yar to dear up ita old bttaincaa at tba mm- 0icipl level bebforo tbanw ayateni ukca place u aald tho ideal ayatcm for tffjtfctung jn mi ninuit conv n it to have bins lo cated in a eeatral pot la the coanty ao that ba can overaae tba compkaa operation a pro caaain unit with lfial iparh- iaary would bava to ba oeot- rally locatod ba pointed out ilia dpartinot haa found a bubcr dct7e i competasa oa in larger communillea than la amell dua t tooiw vlflci at macaaora ana aquipment hp aald ma did blrlni t part um iuvaavufa cboica of amtmora at tnu nidpal level and uhdrf th jurladicuon of tha conunia- donn wuuld hava la b tnd t tb municipal lev- nd aabioct ulrf to aiulofrmnt by county ctiuncll pointed out that luuon county i o of th nrht tountiea in tba fovitic wttb totd of tha biggest lldii4rir in ill tawlt with added automation in tba ttifimrhl drartttaeat he uld lb procuikik of appral ami omrd which laorniilly tnok wk can how bt don in a matlor of hours 1u mid thii would cut down on tba cott of running a county a- tnent department contidrably one voir of dumfulon wai raliad atfalnit tba propoul by councillor jiw r mtumnn of ceoriftown h told tha u wisor ttiat he thought that a plan for county aiirumeirt was a rwroicrruive move it aacmi to ma wa ar go ing bark to tha day wheh lord cumberland rulrd the rooit thii ti a return to the old victorian dayi and it immi a aexly move to have the county police aariimntj in this manner ha uid two through the tunnel qualify for next ievel monday april u at holy croaa cburcb 5th company girt guidea and sth pack brownioa mat fof a flyup ea- rcmony collaea cununlna 4 ajuaai euey wera the two brownie hjriug wo cuildaa bobbie remaui opaoed tba meeting with pnryar andtaaa the guidea and browmkaaaaf tbw quaes brows owl lorrainei kilo gave anne and couees tatki uluiu tbcm tbry bad ed bow io cook veawtahlea make porridge grow knit and light a lire i niea wblch would help tbeaal aa cuidca therm will ba other tbry will leara ea cuidca wblch wiu blp tbcm tbroogb out their life rbj bxownirt formed ataav bd and colleeay and anna with wlnga tud on uw tbruugb tba tunnal to ba met by pauul lcadcri llwod llul ma and buaan brbalti who took tbcnl tnt to captain kree- taaaii and luul u bcbaltl car t krwman pr tinted anne rilry with br cyclula bailie rarued fur bicyrlecar knawledi of traffic rulea and minur rvpalrinic anna w trfctfd by conaubla freematl brown owl prenud co- ea and anne witb their brownie certlficatri and a gu iding handbook and a world lin tha brow niea and guidea then played a gitna and the guidea did a din lib dnra called th dane of tha ev en jump coffee waa aerved to tha gu esta by guide kllen iafofelte and the meeting cloed with brownie and guide tap guldei and brown lea were reminded that cookie day will le usy 3nd huteed of uay 6th and that they will be out telling cookie dooimodoor ou that day tn four nubsr cauaea of apcing graaa and bub fir ac cording to xaattam cocmty fir bttratsat la opes toe into dry flalda boaarea oa wmdy day sd cbildra paay- thb softoattown esawrtl m 1pm pack t teat dtb ty in abort avaaa ap tba bureau uuxes6web is tba bia3t csoaa of ata ontario ontario nai all the bignd4 fed tbe variety for one of the mou exciting vacations of your life ontario coven 415000 tqujrc mi lei packed with fat cnatirtg thing to tee like old caulci and cathedrals art gal iff ici and lorif undy bcaclet tcdcoated mount tei and nug- nihocnt wildcrncit cannons ajidcbarmmt iulewa1k cafes your ontario u a itirrmf eicilinf place take ttu tuiuv ntcr to eiplorc tor more information write ontario department of travel rom 220 parliament illdgt toronto ontario i lohougahu jiuuis a uld jj it iter ncau youth held bail at 1500 63yearold man beaten up x aranlaa yautli will fa buxltate i court april 23 cbartfnl with causlm bodily karu aad intcut to malm or dliuur e 3 yaarold cor- t4owd b curw ctrty tba 18 yarli wi alio charted with aauultlnf poll mccra th mud waa confliwd la tba nua wltb hil ball ul at 1300 euh and 1 om pro- party ball for th okwa which toot plac april 1 charge 8 with billing elderly for repairs two rnontba of intenalve in veaticatloh inlo raab of fraud chartfea involving elderly per- aona in halton county mulled in aeved men and a woman appcarta in niaillrto court i hut week tho chanea involve home repaira for elderly penorui and have been under uiveatljtatlon by police and tbe antlracketi quad of the ow mailftrate jamea black re manded tbe aeeuaed until hay l3h and let ball at 2000 caah lor each f the uaaiatrete noted that aix liouieboldere were bilked out pi a total of 10830 with lunu of money nuulni tttim i8s up fo 3900 v aa the court opened four of rhha accuaed were taken from their eella where they have been alnce a predawn raid car ried out by police crown attorney peter kt lle- wllllama aald thtfnlda are part of a carefully laid plan and were the culmination of two mentha work on the part of the police and the anti- fraud aquad a police apokeaman aald gens of unaerupuloua confid ence men have acoured tbe county potlng u repairmen their method of ooerallon it usually the uue in all caaei they approach elderly peraona with oflera to carry out repalra to uwlrbouie and under pna- aure exhort large aunu of mon ey from then for imaginary re pair work to roofa ehlnuteyr and televlalon aerlala milton man to hospital after base line crash a two car coulalon on tha baae line juat weat of the 8th line weat laat wednesday at ternoon sent a ullton man to hospital and caused over 1000 damage to the vehicles charles nelson of- ss4 pine st milton waa taken to hos pital after his small car col uded with one driven by john dudley rjordlngley- of it h j hornby a passenger in tbe cording i ley car kelut mosat r b s received hrulaea and abraalons but waa not taken to hospital nelson suffered lacerations over hla kit eye and waa also examined for back injuries the cordingley vehicle came to rest in a ditch while the nelaoh car remained in the centre of the road north halton opp aald the cauaeiof the fccclden waa nof detcrauned water safety stressed by red cross speaker the member of georgetown and district memorial llosplt al auallury held their april smeting ia the boaplul cafe teria on tuesday april 14 tba guest apaaker for tha evening was mr lola barker of tha water safety service of tbe ontario dlvlalou of tha canadian bed creas mr bar ker- gave a very informative talk en aafety in and around the water and also aafety in general especially in tha bo rne th heme la where meat accident occur and caralesa- is usually tbe cause water safety ba been sir- aed ao often and yet this summer 100 people will drown in ontario and every drown ing could be prevented mr barker stated that in all caa- a of children drowning it waa because pf parental neglect tn erne way many people on a holiday da not want to think of things like aafety rule but fun and safety can and do go together and can keep a happy family outing from be coming atraglc event never to be forgotten mi becking ton of the hospital staff kind ly aaslated by operating the projector mr b mcmurrey thanked the speaker and mr secklngton the business meeting was chaired by the president mr george hewson mr 3 mc- untyre recording secretary read the minute of the last meeting and the treasurers report waa given by mr a maugeneet plana were made for tbe an null dinner mrs r colter who is social convener pres ented information gathered aa to place and menu it waa de cided to hold the dinner at georgetown golf and country club at 7 pm on tuesday may 12tb member were re minded that tfil years mem bership 1 now due and should be paid by tha may meeting mis v moleaworth waa ag aln appointed as historian for the auxiliary tbe meeting waa then do ed by the rteldent end cot fee aerved during the arraignment crown attorney peter mcwll llama aikrd that the accuaed be removed from tbe court to enable usglstrste jsme black to sea tha ritettt to which clarence carey bad suffered during tha assault mr carey took tha stsnd and the magistrate noted that be had two blsckened eye sever bruises to both aide of his face and cuts the crown uld mr carey spent a week in hospital after tbe beating even after a week you will note that tha defendant is a frightful mess pointed out the crown kenneth laekner lawyer for tha accused told the court subsequent evidence will show there is question of his ellent s guilt he aald the charge of assaulting police effler waa also questionable yomt chequing borrowiog sod other lni i l le a buueeullke wsy at lowest coal rwoaccouwt ham keeps ye tree eelioet into your ksvieas amnlinvs bibayieg with irteclal rcftoul cheinno aecoebl only 10 a cheque and a royal taaurulm uun eu oteri save vou big bsoeey la uteres be teoney arus besk at your heerby keyel gaak breech royal bank wm f batielt aaanaoer georgetown branchi how much of a sportstar should a family car be there are about bb million acres of native range and po tential northern paatureiand in canada only five per cent of cana dian land ia used for firming about o much tn tha vottraon 1s0o ts if you want your driving to ba noyable somecar look wee aporbjenrv but they dont oetlu aportsou tha vw 1s00 ts does independent torsion bar bupenslon on all four wheel and low centra of gravity help it hold firmly la ony kind of rood he a sportscnr should l it has a noormounled audt with 4 4 synchromesh goon to shift which slvea- you ida satisfying feeling- of being id qbniplata control in oil driving coodlrlonx uka you should in a toortscar and ml year wa added mora bona power and a second carburetor nowycwawocoeleraletomsephei jut 12 second yet this mora powerful angina b ao oluclent you con aotpact around 35 sales to a gallon ol gas so it saves you money like o fonl cor should h fronh odluitabte bucket saab for you and your vrlfe in bodo room for 3 mora odulta or aquhbiaitt la children so w comfortable for long trip a a loeettv ear should be thats one reason we called it tooting sport ttsi w track and traffic magarin recog- rizad tha ts lor 1b engineering auperl t odryovoconsbicllotvaaslhellcv totol cosdort aafety and peif omonce theyve fjst given it melr golden wheel award you entflm any the volkswogen 1500 ts got whats coming to it be cause its got ao much going for it cv motors 189 guelph street telqz6531 k ttt mm

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