Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 6

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timmitm sixday bahamas conference jhended business pleasure slhcmod wi bald their annual aaettliaf at the how of mil marchictaa eo tltundct vvalac april mb 17 nanban tn4 twy visitors aojo7de plae mmti waning the uaoiban an- vand cell cbu by payment oi dnae tna eoovvoers mrm umit jooual reports wtoics thtrwpa a good yaar tmpi gating com- elite brought out tha slat of ajttccrs for the year e fouowa ptwiowoc hra g- burt lai tic lira g utwwjerao 2nd ice mn l tarmiohoel eecr us treaurr mrr if iroa- aidm aub lln 11- scott dl- tria dirlcorurxw m nor- too branch dircctoix airs v campbeu mr h wixhloton plmiat tj uodaay aud- llora mr d william airs g tlndrftoo convener a follwws acrieultur mr h uilw caudiaa iwkitrici ur y ixiflwld cuiaaoalp uri i cw pniccwaj eucmlort mls uhr houwby o caldwill iii maiuu a rrd bf coil till lied fcqod arvlc to hli eorttdunily and tba wuulnd subpart of bis customer hv oajmed caor- cawu 1ca dealer kd cald well an upcnwpajd trip to nassau in tha bahitaej mr caldwell arrived in nas sau lest wektid to attend a laday iga eanfrm on hu- aoan rcstions and community awrvlm th eontetint is aponorcid by th oshaws wholesale limited toronto iga supply depot in central ontario mr caldwell wis among w- vcral hundred iga dealers who wwera flown to nassau for th conference on two cnartrd panamericin jets tby aw pajrtlcjpilln id sa- tu of acaaionl on humin re lations conducted by dr law- renca yeylor viterfsldmt of lulsd college hillsdale atlchiau one of north amer icas outetsndinf authorities on tha subject tha conferic isnt ill bu- alneas of coura tha iga dealers fcr gallant plenty of tlm to enjoy lb caribbean urn and tha waay forms of yecrtatlon which bav made tha luhawa ulands a vacs lion paridli accordinaj to iga officials tha conference is an advance study for iga food toarket proprietors who are be ins re- coenlud for continued mem- plary servica to their custom ers and dedication to the highest iga principles mr caldwell however pre fers to attribute the tucceu of hli buiitwis and this spe cial recognition from oshiwa wholesale to tha people back home the made this trip possible for me through their steadfast support and loyalty i am very grateful to my cus tomers and hope to bring back many ideas on how to serve them even bettar than before b said dim wltukoa minaeer of the produce department here accompanied him on the trip the georgetown gardener green thumb jusf a myfh ky coreleri lkidtey bfllth k 1 6eersew this business about green timmbs mysterious ability and luck is overdone anyone esn become good gardener tod tit anythinx tfat wiil erow id cmnxit h hi ukm hlue cart ttardcttlptf febould tut b bard tpork and a tat of biuacla fa liot rwjukid tha tal htth of aueccia at haln mirvetoua wmrara and lftd- crlai vj aiablci of kdllnj rid of vttdt buu and dlaaaac u nhiaiiamy alinpla it can btrautttmed up in oaa abart artteac siva your kacdm a littla rulir it iantlait and at th right time 14m laat part u tha moat impor tant tbera la no troubla in con- irollltk waada h tbay ara ra- nxxad n uwy ara imall tha ort bug or dlaaata can b deftad in tninutm if wa wpm or duat at tba tint alga oi troobla tbtra abould ba littla duikulty wuh drought if a do littla cultivating early nd if w witar well and ahada hed tranadlantlng tfaa main thing la to glva attantlon at tha right una to wataf when it li beaded not after it u too lata to eultivata befora tka ground elarta to baka to thin befora the nlantj bacoua crowded to give earn aupoort befora a atom eonea along and amaabei the tail tlowera the maa who adviaad a atiteh in time aavei bine tnuat have been a garden er and a good one timily tim a garden calendar or diary la an excellent idea thlj need oaly ba a itw alipa of paner at tached to any calendar at cer tain future datei or one can uie a deak calendar or diary in tills we note jobi to be done aeed or abrubl to be bought and planted new ayatemi to be adopted at aoma tltne abead it la almply a reminder eo that we get more pleasure lnteraat aed value out of war gardening operations gardeners who want to get the most of their hobby make a regular practice to plan ev- ary apring one vegetable arid one flower that thejrhe never tried before in this way uiey add to their experience enrich tbalr garden and often disco ver eomefbing that is real and permanent addition to tha flo wer garden jor tha table ag representative 2 others leave department office atoew agricultural repre sentative and a new fruit and vegetable extension specialist nave been appoint ed to work n tha halloa of fice of tha department of agriculture following the re signations of the three men preaently working the omce agricultural representative j allen francis assisting ag rep douglas burnslde snd milt and vegetable specialist garle v mulr resigned this ilvutrwooo choose mrs george burt as president of w historical eaaaarcbe mrs t ohdpoell currvnt evenu maa 1l c laiodaay home kcoaoca- ica mrs h- uodauar haalth un p iiwki puwic rela tions aod preau mrs- il scou coorteay mrs applayard mxa- corbett twadamulr history mr campbell mrs mardtsiaa ton fruil and flowers mrs dtsffield tba apadal faaiura of tab yooa waa a bake off cherry pla attd bran umdttiw viooers lurc g burl pie mra g mukc mujftm the tieat tpaakcr as mrs uckmo- nm woodbrid4c mrs mckanoa aerf oov judjafj tbabkixui but tv a datlifmlvl talk oo food rdpes and bouaahold hima kunsj bopny sloriea tba to cojppwte tba tftanlnj the ntmbtrt jt dowd and the cherry pie and mucins 00412 w tea sad coffea and bwurt wr unanimous in bopiitj mrs uahceno wvuld eoaia back aaraln tmmitla awarded fellowship studies in england dr richard phil p eurrantly tnpleting doctoral stwttea in pharmacolsfy at the volvenlty of wastes- ontario baa bean awarded a 9000 postdoctoral fellowship la aviation mexiiclnje by the defence llasniitl board dr ptolp will use the lalknt- ajj in rntm mtle tm a svreeaion atrkna at tba boyal college of surgeons la london enjjesd arith jrof g v r- bern a leading aarlbor- hy in the tlald dr psllp 10 waa boi la quelpb and kn ltqt aiaduatad eran ontario veterinary col- be practseed in -wood- eaock illinois tor u sneasjjhs tbea aaovad to muoboll wturf ka atayed for tine yean in 1801 ha vtat touwo t begin work on a itao in pthuaaaeo- ocy he will go u eragund this twjc send gift greeting cards to new bride in england ills wife fa twforreer wolra ally daughter of lav snd aire john d kelly 11 albert cartel and peel counties in may 1057 and became halton ag rep in april 1080 at the retire ment of the late j earl white- lock earlier he graduated from oac in 1md and be tides working on the family farm near renfrew had spent two and a half years as as sistant rep at south slmeoe county and five- years as as soclate rep in hastings tnershlp on k 013acre farm tnprth cobalt 100 miles north of north bay henry j stanley preaently assodats ag rep in welling itcjn county will take over as halton at bop on may j attbejame time fruit and vefeisble extension special- lit andrew kuenberger who is stationed- ttt vjneland staoon will be began working aa sept la halton month and have gone inlopk bongrbarnsidecalnetohal ton snd peel counties in may 1061 as assistant rep- arle alulr began working as aaslal- ant fruit and vegetable sped allt in halton peel york and part of wentworth counties in 1833 and has been the aped allat since ibfto prince edward island in 1b- 89 grew 18 per cent of cana das potato crop on 15 per cent v the nauobal acreage members of ot stephens axguican cburrh guild met on tuesday evening april it si the borne of sirs howard bradley tha meeting wts op ened by the president urs john busiell with ths repeat- ing of tha guild ivsyer in unlsod there were u mem bers and several visitors pre- sent airs craig koyce rvsd the secretarys report the treasurers report was given by aire ceoftrey drewlirook a discussion was held on the new improvements which will be msde in the church base- ment drapes sod trscks will be installed w devlde the basement into different sun day school class rooms a wool blanket was sent to joan ho- blnson in england who wsi msrrled recently ii wss decided thsl sn sp- ron wilh greeting csrds and donation included be attach ed froni each member and be sent to joan to buy some thing needed for her new home after the business period wss completed mrs krsnk chls- holm introduced ifrs sylvls jones of oakvllle who is s saleslsdy lor artw ssles ol canada urs jones illustrated oa the art of doing fancy work by ell painting each member wis given a handker- chief to work on display were usny finished articles such as aprons blouses bibs tow els pictures lunch seta and handkerchiefs a sale of ihe finished articles and unfln- tshed was held with the guild receiving 10 of the salea urs vst fllppance thanked urt jones for the interesting talk and illustration snd urs bradley for the ue of her borne urs frsnk chlsholm was ut harge of the lunch with utst edward robertson and urt howjrd bradley aa- aisting on tha serving the next meeting will he at the borne of urs john russell on tuaaday evening uay 12 the ladles of bethel united church are making plana for their annual blossom teaund bake vale which will be held on tuesdsy usy mth at two pm urt 11 jordlnson of tjwnpton will ba tha guest speaker congratulations to ur and urs stanley turner nee al ice falrbalrn on the birth of their ton on saturday april 11 at tha south peel hosplta e the- anany friends of urs george gslhralth are sorry to hear aha la in the milton pit- trlet hospital suffering from a eaae of pneumonia e e frlendt will be pleased to hear mrs b wright wts able to return home from the mil- ton district hospital on wed following eevere case of pneumonia e tha north trafalgar com munlty club held their april meeting at tha home of mrs morlce williamson eighteen members and four visitors were welcomed by the presid ent mrs allsn ross the bu siness period included aevertl thankyou letters and also a letter from the principal of the sunshine school for re tarded children at hornby thanking the club members for the two electric sewing mi dlines they had purchased tor the school plans were made torthclrelnn tu be held on thursdav nlht ap ril 13 at the percv merry school urs john hill horn by was the gueat tpeaker for the evening she spoke on the life of the retarded chllrv ren and the amazing progress made by the children attend ing the sunshine school ade llcloul lunch was served by ihe bosteas and a aooiallhour enjoyedcv s k e belated anniversary greetings to mr and mrs keith jackson viio relebrsted their wedding day en wednesday april oth birthday greetings to urs henry aeoold who ceubrsted her birthday on thursday ap ril loth to urs geovga hamilton on krldsy ap ril 11th snd to ulldred uclui- lan on april 10th a ipeedyrscovary li wished for urn george hamilton who is s patient in the ulllon bis tret llupitsl get well wiihei gxt extended to un k mckay who is a pat lent in the mlllon oniric hoi i plul wedding anniversary gresl- inga lo ur and urs jack ioos who are celebrating their wed ding day on april loth iilvirwood notice to creditor im tm attat of leei aieneh wlsww deceased all persons having claims ag ainst the kstale of kmtna k bennett lata of the town ef ulllon widow who died on or about the 3rd day of march loot are hereby notified to send particulars of to the undersigned on nbefore the ssih day or uay lftoe after which dale the eaule will be diairlbuted with regard only lo the claims of whlon tha under signed shall then hsve notice and the undersigned will not be usble to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice datfd st georgetown this aoth day of april ad idat rlorence ullier snd noreen corley execulora of the estate of emma e bennett by their solicitors dale bennett latimer l balnea 23 ulll st ceorgstowd ont bf stone school is gone silverwood landmark a landmark at silverwood la gone the stone school built in lies on no 7 llwy and the umehouae road la no more ur fred brooka umehouse purch ased the building on march 111 and immediately began the de- molltlon and now only a void remains it will be missed by new residents as well as by old timers in the district six ladies from silverwood wi attended the summary which was the conclusive mee ting in the desserts course at ullton wedtteedsy april 1th urt llsjril ilardatona of t ea ton co china department was gueat speaker and demonstrat ed formal and simple tsbla set tings and also the use of col our in clothe and place mats to aeeentueu the colour in the china and crystal the aampllng of til the desserts along with a cup of tea conduded the af ternoon e silverwood tnd ashgrove ill girlt attended a demonstration at the singer sewing centre in georgetown on april 1st urs emmerson damonstrsted differ ent machines and attachments which produce the mtny fancy stitches and- designs made by all tehee three portable machines were donated for use at the april 3rd meeting which was held at the home of urs fred camp bell and the girls spent tha v- enlng making blouses tha tv- anlng dosed with social hour halton county cit liens lost over eooom laat year through grasaand buth fires polntt out tha halton county flra preven tlon bureau tbatt what it coat for firefighters wages gat ell tire and truck maintenance fol lowing ovr mo graas and bush fire calls in the county laat year notice to creditors im th tatg op arvllle wrlm wlevsw all persons having claims agsliut the estate of arvllls wright lata of tha town of georgetown widow who died ed or about the 30th day of oc tober 1m1 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the toth day of uay ad ibm iter which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un derslgned shall than have not- ice and tha undersigned will net be liable to any person of whose claim be thall not then bave notice dateo at georgetown this 30th day of april ad harold wright sols executor of the estate of arvllls wright by hit solicitors dsle bennett ijllmer balnea 23 ulll st georgetown ont s7 announcement ifti- o waton stxattnedy j a cjuttou o t- aaannlrvq prasmont melton pool jtruit ev5virgt company bnnouncats tft jlfkjntraetnl of jolirt a carroll ai chairman of hvs 6v emptor adwiiory carnmlu law g watvort kruxiy efmeneqr of tk bfamplon cautm sjrw join a tdgar i antiuftl aasngef mr carroll wl contini to be active in an dvisory capacity lo m mansqecownt of tke ovampiori oftoe two ltttt littbbj chawobd thc malanimd a short little twmltr word ebawijcaxl ttw rotir beaaink olj a sutartaettt irwrluded in s ttoryr 6d two tntiiionwiti of the cburxrb oi jasus cbriit of it tes day ksibts uortton srv- loj the ceorketown ara ttta errotveous writeiv ssld tiir servlre is uetreuary sln there are no rfitulsr uurid tletf lu the uormoi church only in uy turgy the lsat part should have rvad only lay clergy iuee none of the tcnixbs turgy is talirisd- tba harsld rerts aiiy em barrnatiit tha ulktaka may bava laued kldera kbhru and tmrratx vbo he conductiitf u loul sarvkrs rkct 9 tmi saoottjatltown tmalo tlmiraawv aru stev 144 rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtddino awunoiminrt cortaooe a tawclalty cut flowers and funeral dellrjnt we wire flowers w ajtrl tt yl31 notice to creditors im thi hitatl of wll ueaeel grehem centlenlsil beceesed all persons hsvlng rlslifts against the kstste of frsncia listen graham late of the township of eequeslng genl- lemsn who died on or about i the soth day of february 10- ea are hereby notified to send particulars ol same to ihe un dersigned on or before the 25th dsy ef usy lftevi after which dale the eatste will be distributed with regsrd only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then hsve notice snd the undersigned will not be liable te any per- son of whose claim the anal not then have notice dated at georgetown thla 20th day vf april ad loot jean patterson graham sola executrix frands lis ten graham by her soli citors dsle bennett la timer and balnea 23 ulll st georgetown ontario w georgetown public schools kindergarten enrolment children who will be 5 years old on or before december 31st 1964 will attend kindergarten pakents lease complete tha reglslrelloe or uew sod oeward u the principal t the ithool u ttse dllrkt u which you reside this foum shouid m comkitid ano rohwahdiq not utl than apim lerti pshertts cofrtpuhnt this form will be advlseel af rlstralldn coniniendncj april 27th parents should hsye your childs birth certificate t available et retjlstratlen day childs name dale ol birth monlh parents name i house no slreel wees print tws infesrmaruei phone notice to creditors in th kttati op midelelne mullln seerelsry beeeeeed all persons having claims ag- dnat the estate of madeleine mullln late of ths village of glen williams secretary who died on or about the bch day of june 1m1 are hereby noti fied to send particulars of the sahte to the underdgned on or before the 29th day of may ibos a which date the es- tate wiirbtuhbulcd wutre gsrdjinly to the claims of which the ultoeralgned bhal then have notkersod the derslgned will not be liable to any person of whose eleim be shall hot then have notice dated at georgetown this 20th day of april ad 1d64 douglaa vicl6r latimer sole executor of the eatate of madeleine mullln by hli solicitors dale atennett latimer flalnes 23 hill sl 57 heat your howe f tarl itlsstural oese mmd smarts cmtimlt aulontaartc oemurnceca ctaaa taku settsttal tjeje with ike awl- mlk cwke will five yaw akwajaiil kaal w tie mhi ftjktakle wul yewvf ever y sevmaiiai tom tiopjlyj rhthompson hardware plmmiina hiatino tat 7awi the newspaper youre readio costsio 0rl3s foriisstkanio a day ydu can own a oilburner ivssi for u unle j1h pr month f0 k iittu mb k mouth aedketewimynwrt and m 4om mrwat tou cm own 1 vou un pjm i mew am oil iurnfj newcompinf mo oilfumuceimit huuiu to r- swt wus tesauu w mtltuatei is rsi tstl wk at smj i ntw em hullrf eaitilptttnt finance putl mikes it so cuyforyouio i own the kind of equipment that assures tafttyccfort end coovctv i lenee eaao heatuik equipment 1 no down payment you haveloyeera to pay eaao haatlnd equipment is fully ouaranteed by imperial oil ary bu t tci itit beetins a nunc through your bsso heating equipment dealer of mxiu mrtmr iryoe coojjoim muting aasringeeulpnwnibe aura yoa inynllasw she taringrll 1 tcs oucruuy for pennies sdsy you e banana- equlpnmnl sod bat su the sd staeafetfcalscrvloil ssmuplnaaytolhsecnoiiiiiw bsmy and comfbrt of fisao lkeu hestsiervkn it and bat su the sdvantsanf of base lfvjr vjv imperial oil limited call now mx rqndijmper womitm dv m

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