Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 8

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t- j plan reper465mfcak for varying appetites thro meali a amy setting you doom sick of the peren- nui question whit will 1 haw loir npprrti beotv soled the dietsrr depart- bent of georfetowo hospital plan d prepare on hundred and sixty five meals a day for the patient at least half of whom are on special diets and of conirs the staff eat admittedly all this done by one persoa the di etician iftn john sommtr 1 hejpjfhya staif of eleven who are on duty from six in the morninc until seven at nixht no they dont work 13 hours a day they are on ahlfu with everyone working eifht hours in s two week porinrl esch worts tea dsyi obviously here is one mfel john sqmmktt isnt place the employees csnf have saturdays and sundayi olf the beforebetl snack is not forxotlen either food is prp- axwj and laft lrntiabls for both the paiients and ourscs different colour cards adorn the treyst not for decoration however the blue card steaas the patient b ooi refulir di et ihe white card means s liquid diet and the red card rovers all other special die the diets of court are fol lowed ironi dlet sheets made out sceordini lo be dortari orders for each patleal as st home lae basic du rhantm with tbe seasons wtb pore cold meats sod rule u uds in the iiiinni at usual the wutnro seem o likl thu lore than the men having trouble stukirtsr o the fimlly food budget hov pitau loo kav ihu prousat thy hav to work on i bud ft that allow oly so uy la tri srh patient no you kiiuw why kleak atid wuij- rooms srri a rarity on hbiplui stmnui i1irf r a ivw thlm a bout th hoiilil kitchen th housewife might envy first and fornioil is lh ling siud duhwakhw which alloi the duhei far richly popl to w stack rd wakhrd and pi away la half an hour a lhorter titn thh k av- aras mother spiids yllini at the kwli trying to ktlhem to do the job painleis potato poling li the order of the day with a machine that many an army private oh kt would hive tf- vert up a leave lo obtain not only potato hut carroli or apples can tn peeled this way un komnv who trained at badfi haden in germany il so liutrurti duhstica how to control their litis while in the hospital or out if they so desire here in ontario dietician usually train at ontario ag ricultural college in iuelph or at ths university ol tor onto seek professional status capn advice to nurses ori april oth the georgetown dr aun to a re ltd district resutcred nurmpo prepared tor the hoyal artnlziloi tponiored a meet- i cowmuiloii in l0fi2 in which lnjf of the committee for the the lutemeat wu made that advancenienl of vrofeuional dlploaia ducatd nurses that approximately nurses approlwately 125 ttursei from all fields of nun- lng including directors super- viare male hurwj public health and industrial nurses as well as general stiff nurses is graduate of the three yrar hospilat nursing course were not really professional nursrs she pointed out that if this ever becama an actuality due to merging of the registered attended the gathering in the kuran and the registered nur wrigglmworih school coming 1 assistants a urge body of from centre aa far aa ilamu- bobprofeaional technical nur- ton uivunfttan oakville m w home a source of cuelph urawptoa yilton and technical labour without atton mrs miry simpson president of the georgetown and district ttg altered nurses organikallon welcomed the group and ex plained that alnctf one of the jkirpoiej of the local group of biursei was to obtain a compre- swnalve view of nursing trends they had ftfck4th committee for tbe advancement o prof essional nursei to come to georgetown urs simpson commented that during the present turmoil in many fields or the medical pro fession each registered nurse should consider it her profes blotil duty to be aware of the issues and be prepared to u- an active part tbe president then introdu ced urs ruth leroux ren chairman of the cavn who x plained in her opening com ments that the committee con- uted of twenty registered nur aea who were all members of the registered nuraea associa tion of ontario she emphas ised that cajpn waa not a ap- arate organisation working- ag ainst the ilaglitered nursei as doclatlon but rather a commlt- tee of registered nurwk auocl- ation member which had let itself up to effect- democratic reforms within the framework of the itegistered nursei asso ciation making it a- body which vould more effectively repre eent tha fts per cent of its wfcm- borsnip who are basle nurses fo tha attentive audience mr ukoux hated kjc4i in dividual must feel professional within herself and att it she cdnilnued saying that tha weh known apathy of nurses must be csst aside the apathy la due wi part to ignorance of ihe is sues the speaker ton tended feuuittaddluomthe straining period in which she is expec ted to follow order and be sub missive help create a candi date for apathy kiequentlyv added airs le rous nursei who try to im prove the working condiubna are lsbelledes trouble makera by their employers and are often ostracised by their more intimidated nursing colleague continuing the speaker claim ed that the capn baa been accused ofpolltickjng but with large majority of burses be- irig paid jby the ontario hospl f services comoiuaion a gov rntnent agency ahe felt they inutt become politically mlrtded even the right to strike in prac tice they might have the right but she felt the public would not tolerate such action the committee is thrrefore advocating a form of legisla tion whicjt would allow pro- frjujon to control luelf without government interference and would provide for contracts which would protect employer and employre in ordrr to enact- such legislation aha eobcliuled nursea would have to employ lawyers and econom ists since mines tend to be too softhearted a lively question period fol lowed the speakers addr and ihe meeting closed with urs klain sales thanking mrs irouv stkwakttown mrs william humphreys is esquesing wj president 14rt wm humphreys wail attend a thort course on anrll elected president of ksqucsingj 20lh and an evening mejng women institute wednesday j on may mth when a member evening april 8th at their an nual meeting held in the t k quealng townshlip road suprr- intrndenta office at stewart- town mr c a grant chaired the meeting for the following elec tion of officer lion president mrs w r law son lit vice pre sident mr robert mcdonald 3nd vice president mrs w r wson secretary treasurer i lire yrd armstrong district director mrs w r lawson al ternate mrs walter lawton committee conveners elected are agriculture and canadian industry mrs herb rfid cltltenshlp and kducstlon sirs jim staddon home fon- omlcs and health mrs robert harris historical research mrs walter uawson current kvents mri bruce necvett public retationa mrs c a grant pjanista mrs reg wd- items and mrs wed armstrong sick and shu mm mrs 1 v la wson and vi n j c murray auditors mrs robert harris ant mr 11 i lawaon knter- ulhment committee mrs gen atkinson and mrs robert mc donald prior to the meeting a pot luck supper wa fen joyed by member tind their gusti ably convened b mr w r law- son and mrs wm humphreys mrs- wrj lawaan presided and opened the meeting in the usual manner with the ode and prayer then warmly welcomed the visitors the standing eommiltee con vener gave i their respective report and mr c a grant gave the report of the district directors immediately following the el action of officer mr h p lawsoq presided over the in stallation ceremony members received an invitation to attend the 40th anniversary of moun tain- union branch- to be held in milton on wednesday april 22nd invitations werejalso rj calved from aahgrove i also re- apwx t from the ontario hydro will be guest speaker mrs walter iawon moved a vole of thanks to all who had contributed to the meeting mrs j c murray returned home sunday evening after vi siting with relativea in peter borough yhsl mail hag tribute to macarthur served usa faithfully r ft 1 iimehouse april 131 h 1wm dear kdltor as this great big world kvepa on turning another hero of the twentieth century general douglas macarthur hi bean laid to rest one who served his country well with a godfearing courage and conviction of a true american saying what he meant and meaning whet be utd in all his actioni men like him are easily un derstood and needed in this world oiiduxent and comprom ise he had one thought that one man life 1 al dear anothers whether he be rich or poor but sad to say that like senator mccarthy he was rebuked foi honeatly doing the job be undertook to do we all know that america u faced with many pro bio mi at home and abroad and i would venture to say there ll an an swer to them all if aeriouanes were applied a it should as it stands now it will get worse instead of better and will be left to the rising generation lo buuie if they donf go under we can credit this to brave men like those i have- mentioned who strive to keep the flag at full mast with decency and re spect for- rightthinking people in the world they have left a good impression behind ttiem timiarbridge by alii caat the end play u bridge u play la whaeh declarer places use lead with ooe of tha oppoo- anta at such a lime wbes the exponent must make a favor able wad for decurer ooa bridge writax baa said it is like knife to out their erwn ihroeu tha and play t more useful at suit eoffcsraet but can also be used at no trump- here la an example which occurred la a rubber bridge match i was poulh satf declarer on this hand the oppaaants were god so 1 qpuld aspect no- gifts her k-j- 9 hq it i 4 da 6 3 1 c a k j wet vt s a a 7 j m q 10 it 7 s j m a jh d 10 v d- fr s c q 1 c 10 9 o s uutfc hx ml ii k da j 4 c 4 1 nortb waa the dealer and bithr aide waa vulnerable you may not agree with the bid diaii hut hare it li last tow id 2nt pass pass ihft pass int all pas weilod the spade five ajid 1 mad my puo it wdl mm of a plan at this atage but 1 could try for four dub tricks our dtenwnd tricks and a heart so the spade nine is ceiled from dummy east plays the 10 and declares ducks xast plays the spade queen and south ducks again rjow east witches to a club this is won in dummy and s dlamood is led and fineaud wharf this worked things were loaadog up r led the heart king and this was allowed to win now i tried two mor ixads a clubs but thy did not brek but om thing i knrw kt had th lwog rhjb and no spade i had to getbecfc u my hand and leave kt with twi rardl acept hearts and 8 flub 1 look the diamond tee and led to ui diamond king diamond wuk evenly mi i had a good hi of diamonds 1h dummy this is the position with the lead in iaiiutill hitld wilncssei at guelph threedy seminar jehovahs wiineasc arouhd the wo rid was the alogab em phaaisad at all iaalens of the thrseday toavenllod held by the witnesses in tbe oualph collegiate institute march m ti 1mj persons heard donald milu lst supervisor on sun day li one religious course of stu dy practical for all nations to day cta you learn to w a lay preacaar for your faith by the asm ueihoda whether you live in africa or norway can your fsith overcome materialum whether you live la lbs usa or wast germany yes by means of a special satur day evening program using a east of individuals originating from these countrlas mr f a mills district supervisor sho wed practical results ran be accomplished working over time tv nunla love of enter tainment fear of ridicule are some of the ohslaclas that pre vent the christian of today from living a balanced spiritual life personal knowledge of tha problem of tech member of the congregation and patient loving administering of scrip tural guidance and counsel ii being used successfully around the world as tbe solution to these problems so torn won in thia age mr met taylor local ovrseer for the witnesies was in alteu- dance with mrs taylor several ethers from tha area wre pre sent mr and mrs uoyd dew and family and prank milton and his amity krlday evening in his wel come address to 750 dalegatea mr milu stressed the global view of the ministerial work by slating the same tourse of study and apostolic methods of evangelism are the tlei that bind the worldwide congregations or jehovahs witnesses toge ther the same course of study being considered in 163 lands this week march 1s23 was time and tha holy scriptural those aelacud aa speakers for the evening enlarged o this theme malvilu taylor or georgetown stated man u dee ply conscious of the passing of time however it is ono-djfec- tlonal the past li gone and can navar he repeated but tha future is always flowing towards we are interested la the wise use or time aa it effects our future this results in ma ny going beyond their meant and children suffer when mo- the rand father work nofeval lois rkoional drama nerval junior farmers play the while phantom failed to win out in a regional juaim rvmar drama festival held at dundas monday april fl the group under the direction of un william brain won tha helton drama festival march aft and attended the regional festival u mauona represen tative v oxford puxtbe vauant won monday and tbtvoup will go on to compete sthhe provin cial tineis at oac guelph oa april 17th others in tone com petition were waterloo and haldknand counties tha adjud icator was mre jelsle thomson of hamilton players in the nerval cast in cluded diane wrlgleeworth ma van arkel iluth mason john wilson hon brander bruce van vuet and gall me- galium whether their deedaere cher ished or not god bless them all and reward ihem for their cour- ge on earth i g rahajn k- h q 10 8 c wl kill ka 8 7 s 117 htji i d- c uulli 11j i- ca c10 i led the club eight and played my hurt ejght vliat is end played katl must liid a heart to dummy and allow j dummy to acore the wart queen and the good diamood it would have deme iust no good tn take the hrart are ear lier for the kait would have to lead into a dummys queen 10 of hearts bridge winners on monday were mr and urs art nfr- tii lit mrs reu ilewson and uiss olive logan 2nd karl btmond and jack hooper 3rd rnfde licence 3uspermied after ramming milk truck a 20yeerold georgetown youth waa ftnad 129 and his driving license suspended hfor u months when ha was con victed last wednesday oa a charge of impaired driving- the chart es laid after the car hewas driving hit a milk truck woedby stejetvl deiry 10 water sl george town february z2- lawrenee lalooda 1ft gocjpe st the driver of tha truck tcadfted he was driving east oa guelph st at shoot c10 em oa th morning i ft guectioo wben be kw head ughta on the same driving hue coming in the opposite direction i was woadedngl whether to pull onto the side walk or atop when the car hit see- be jaid the witness aald the ear driven by the rrvi truck i to left side ut hu txuk u detained light bark tniuriea whena rrata of mirk fell on him ha added ceweetowit polir lonalsble hoy henderson tqld the rourt he arrived at tbe scene abort ly aftr and found lh accu rd car alter aatjiklrttf th truck had trivetlrd fir an other tj fet throukh n lgh f6ot gap between m ur and a hydro pole tha fonatabl told the eouri the aufc4d was it i vert a brea tkil iter teat which hhowrd i reading of 17 parts per thous and blood alcohol content the aqulvalent of awveri boltlrs of bear or 10 ouorf of liquor you are lucky to he here after narrowly tniulng a tree kntrd crown attorney peter mcwilliaais hive vou a problem with liquor he ask ed he urged the court tn ie that the accused was kept from driving lonaw than the man da lory t1 months period the crown withdrew a fur ther rharee of tarelaas driving tmbt moaarrown thvrsatay aavil v 1h4 brampton glass co ltd 0bs you s complete home and commercial glazing m aluminum sash m custom made mirrors hdb enquiries phone 4515061 uh comctfti olavu kuodima ituo koat okavet hu ami tor sou stohf wok tom haines eit wihum 1 yuo to mave your w1atmb at hhf via furs and valuable cloth garments today oui 0oceated stotam vtmlti akf km youc rsottctiom all you can pack in the box kmomv 475 kui uouui my otlnimo barragers cuamui 1 byud ii ma1h st s 4 harris floral akkancimimyt- ron vky occatloh 10 uau l klttyjsaa wool w l samurtm ralllnarad wm a wiiuh tkaarar hill gforkelown brampton driving school a w will pick you u at yaur home a spclal atlention otvan to httrvoui driven 1944 modal cart a- govsrnmgnt liconssd initructor w mclauflhlliu for enquiries 4515061 collect 0 otr it n bampton spteiaj irvi4 bulletin for mutual lift fioluykoldrrt have you bought a home since you bought your mutual life insurance if the answer is ys youve bought sotaething your miehty proud of and you have a right to be after all a home is probably the biggest invest ment youll make in a lifetime you spent a lot of time choosing the right location style and size those things were important because you bought the home for your wife and family too and youll want to make sure that they will go on living there even if you are hot around your company the mutual life of canada can arrange a repayment plan to guarantee that your family will have a debuf roe home call your representative or mail the coupon below for further inforriiation i m the mutual life j assukancjc coupany ov canada iuuxa ovnoai watbkuxx oarruuo awralibiiaa i distttct remestntaltac v jqhn t armstrong clu f honisi t 711 ofhci tk 72454 mildincf s9 main stuit south oeoroetown ontario t- sv- tfwaf r w i cxstuv v l1i

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