Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 30, 1964, p. 4

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itvraamsmatkim i- fcfi in own hj i i artahhwwi 33 mam straat i o ontario wcj page 4 thursday apm 30 194 editorial comment zto- we vote man or party darfvction of two quebec of prlrnnt frym4he ranks of it sed cfdit to the c brings t inim- etftng lsu focfont cundin voiv j3oe everege voter mwk hu blk for man or for poihlcj party and if jha telle doe an elected mambar hve at lt moral oblioalon k lay a frety mambar during ku stay at ottawa to all intanta if u party which ii of paiamount importance at lection time good men particularly in the ranks of the third party nd kava baan tidalrackad in favour of man uu qualified becetite the maortty of vote- appaar to support the oloar astablisnad patlas when an election 1s over wt maka a qraat todo about this or that party winning tka vuctlon and if tha winner ts not strong anoogh the party w soon ousted and another alactlon held there is valid reason then for aan to continue as a party member as mhej he retain hla seal and if ha becomes dis illusioned or hat a change of political phi i- a- oaophyvhsen ha should resign and seek re ejactlon imdar hes naw- colours tf is interesting to think what could heppen shouad party- witching bec the taahlon at present the liberals have a slight edge 1st fftdeal luppoti and tha co n tlvasara braathlng hot on their necks suppose at the net elecillon tha pc dec- wed to have a number of their moat popu lar vote getters deny their party secure the liberal nomlntton get elected then switch horses later on o more realistically suppose a nonv ber of preset mp followed h lead of the two qoebeckas and suddenly beceme conaarva t ives the balance of power could change radically without any mandate at all from the etectors and our parliamentary sys tem confuting enough is it it could be come virtually unwokabu silly perhaps ltttmpouibu cancer group needs help with cancer month drawing to a close officials of tha local oro concer ned with the financial support to data in their annuel fund campaign they real lie the many call that art meda on peoples pocketbooki and luch a campaign never looks for any large am ount from any one parson ideally a dol lar here a dollar mar a a law extra dollars from businats paopla and industry and tha fund is over tha top tha money is urgently needed to pro vide continuing r march to fight a disease which li only too wall known in george town ai it it in avery community in can ada that it will someday be controlled b tot just at tb ha bean conquered just at diabetes it no longer tha killer it was a few generations ago just at smallpox hat been virtually eliminated scarlet fever cut lo a minor affliction so will cancer soma day ma an while tha filter research pro- grattas ma soonar this day will coma and tha mora money wa donata tha mora we prooreii to succeia entertainment par excellence tha annual taolsry thow it almost to wall known that it should hardly need a reminder lo put it on your must list after two performances tail weak tha show goes on again this friday and satur day night in tha high school auditorium and from report of those who have at- ready attended it h at fine a thow ai the rolsrient have ever presented secondly while it it not our cutlom to edvh local people to teak their eniertaln- mant out of town w recommend tha broadway musical kltt ma kate which it playing a two weak engagement in hamil- ton sttrting may th the hamilton thow it tha raaton why tom trouten does not have hit utual part in tha rotary thow for this fine local singer it playing tha lead in thii many people travailed to kitchener two yeertgo to tea him ttar in pyame game many hava teen kill ma kile when it played tha royal alex mutlc fair ui movie it it one of the bett mutlcala aver written brimming with comedy and lovely cola porter tonga wa had a small temple of the performance of tom and leading lady carrol anna curry when we attended a press preview lait week their voices blend beautifully in tha romantic duett wundarbar and so in love for convenience of those who with to attend tha thow reserved teat application are available at tha herald office tha thow will be a sellout to dont leave it too lata to order th mail has terms sewer service charge is exorbitant whs bwo or are buying their own homes reme this helhlngu achieved without tame effort so what about it you can hath me at itf mm and if not sueeeesf ul the hrst una you ring try again thanks april 13th ibm tt keata avenue ccuiatowd bear kdllor mrtkar to nty beef ust with which you headed my iaat yeeka letter iwouullka to maka my topic thla week water water a uduld compound oi hydrogen and oxygen eo- lourlaat tranapareat ud dea- tituta of uate and amell but not in georgetown ourr la uquld but whan ou nuke tea with it you nel ver know if ita tea you are drinking or aomebna la tryuuf to polaon yoii now for thla aervlce wa pay a vary high rata having paid to get thla very neceaaary li quid we are then compelled to pay an exorbitant price to let rid of what we havelleed and water we have never even sounds complicated doeant it but i wlutry and explain the minimum rate to each reeidenual conaumer la 6000 trallou for two montha for which you pay throe dollar to get rid of thla you are charged bfty per eenlafjsidrafirt i3j water bin and at thanuntmam rata you would pay ana dollar fifty centa towage charge ma- uu at total of four dollars and gutsr ajgrts 1 large percentage ofl i use laas than the tiflnantlty namely tro montlui tarl den etc yet we are charged for the towage dlapoaal of the complete tjmo galloiu why many aak nut ahmild we be paying ao much of our water plus fifty par cent of thla charge for aewaga the aniwer la simple my friends have you ever checked ts a what the chalrmau of your water committee la doing to reduce thaee charges you gey you de not even know who that la well its councillor don- towers but ut ma save you the trouble becauaa coun cillor powers knows only one way to keep out of trouble with finance and thats to keep charging more for the aervlce ita easy you see noworj rlea aa long at you and i keep paying and electing this an into our admliuatratlon even now thla councillor la advocating an lncreaae in tha water rata aa a cover for bad management la there any other way yet there la tha water rata re quires revising so that it is just and fair to avaryonath soppllar and tha eorumb bat thla means work and who is praparad to give thalr aradona hme osrtalnly not your coun cillor powart you dont pay hint enough taxpayers of georgetown it you want better conditions and cheaper living you hava got to help do something ab out ltv j ijato wiuuti tqilr the way but you must bepre- antjparad to help toautboaij r franc u it would be heavenly ww wij yw lllri te 8oea people would plump for a laaeuag of laved onee tbli i can never unaerttand it u uka a fallow who hat urved ufa tenunca waicuig to tx raetad by the warden when be uu tha ixtrly gataa h oakera tad tauk wild u w if fcey tm lint be heeev auum hapev all the a weuld be a real evae- there uafcly ley blel l- akle hu erb te thai whafl ieawhua seed bereem v 4i- it uleealflad qulla a fw who auffie from phyaleal aluaenu would be tatuftad wish peace and com- tort tha ineomntae imaglnaa days and nlsbu of solid tlum- ber the erthritic dreema of be ing able to scratch hit oilier ear without feeling at though hit arm waa being severed at the moulder by a red hot iron fll chaatad alrle weuw tat tle far a aueimelh beaam jthey fenel that mm ha mat ef ua wauld be intareatea soma tbapa i know would be perfectly oeppy to leave any time if they could count on a golf rourar with emareld fair- way and velvet greent lg holes s day la which bhay sliced not nor did they book and a good game of poker at the lwh with the bar handy may tebar eltuani i knew weold be happy lx kaavafl far ever afterwards if they could he auarantead ao h it li wrllleal that their wlvaa lr kuabakevi wauld be ki the eth er ptaca parmahatftly alcoholics would not 6nly be in haaven but the seventh of tha tame name if their crock runneth over perpetually and aomebody elta waa looking after things a few mllllehslrea e they h admitted they cauldnt lake it with tfcent weuld be terem lo a plaae where there ware m taaea he tabeur knevamentt he waawt la pay ed nebedy atk- liuj tham te dettale te taiitarhlna every 13 minutes bly peraontl fantuy ii t aim- pla one id go like a shot if someone would promise me un conditionally a dark swirling trout stream unciregnabl to invaaiou by women telephones and other nuiaancet i ran see it raw- iwlft deep treeked endlotl hi a vail til- enl mytlerleus beaver pattd leaded with luehera i tea hear in the emeltlna mutter af a mull dam lual ereund the bend the tpuah el a tlartled free the tuddeit hearteepplna vakeeff af e dlahiraed parirldpa the whaek el a beaver tall since my of getting lo haaven are juit about as tllm aa my chances of a personal trout tlreem if i did get there i guess ill tattle on opening day for my old haunt the secret iltee wbere the lilg ones are not a aoul knows about it except me and tha 000 noisy character who have heard about it since last year news echoes from the peoet of tha herald 1s4 and lvj scoret car dealers for not checking crown attorney peter me- wlluamt told tha court that ear vendors that make it pot- bible for irresponsible drivers to take away cars without pro per licensing and insurance should be nude to appear in court he was- referring to a charge where kn r r 4 georgetown man was found tiuilty of driv ing a tar ha had just purchased march lath with no insurance with license plate from another vehicle georgetown police corporal i ted scott told the court he found the accused trying to pub hit car along mcnabbsl on investigation he found the accused had station wagon plates on his sedan car the accused admitted ha drove the or said tha corporal crown attorney mewaiumsl said be noted osa aecuaad had not ftwalaaa new r pistes for mm iving hit agent as uek- ing tie tftt totbuy than the crown aalaj paraonsl who nllean witbottt ontlni vasugsting the circumstances of the persons who purchasa them should face the courts he noted the accused had bor rowed hlspkttea from a third pst iauglstrtta janfeeblsck nn- ad tie accused 1s two other ejuua withdrawn- 10yiam aoo gaorgatownt newest doctor ii allttalr macinioth who lucceedt hit friend dr hemlth raffao in the practice which dr rtlfan aitablithad here a year ago cpl raymond bdckett who tucceedt cpl joe mcbsin at head of the provincial police detachment here hat brought hit wife and family lo town they are living in sunbeam heighti latest of georgetown growing littnif tubdivlilont it cloverdale helghtt with 69 hornet pihnned on a 17 acre tred of land purchated from axmiyor harold cleave the tubdlvltlon will lie belwean main street end churchill crete unknown until the lory broke last week was the fact that john frost of georgetown wat the experimental engineer on tha flying saucer baling developed st -melton- asyegfaoo l a large barn valued at 10000 belonging to archie mcmeokln one mile ealt of norvel wet burned to tha ground late monday afternoon tha fire originated in the itraw tteck neighbours moved all the furniture a tefe dlttenca jroni tha blare when tha house was threatened i his friends and acquaintances hare ware shocked to laarn latt week of the sudden death of flying officer thomas adam darling whose plane was reported milt ing over tha north sea durlrig britain i ah- marioeuvrei thomas darling wat born in georgetown and spent hit boyhood here haavert thau art dltlattf yet id werk ilka hack te twt theu ceyld a stream far me and me elena i keuld we tave if bible thought for the week grew u trace and tha kitew- ledee el aur lard arid avley jasue chrlt ii peter jils one does not suddenly be come full grown aplrtusllylt tikes a lifetime news desk by tarry marby jpoat be ttetpad awi htar ad dooshoooerl aakaepeopu wru the m b the ma era hoping nespntl nuns attitude to ward the dally tide of weste- i fodder thai ithreugh the suua will ee tarl asfe to jelly by that spring lever maybe the powerful motlvstioa that drives news edlters every- wwhere te ecoop up ermfulls pi enop literatiue and tbem in the incineratot twice a day will be dispelled by the wsrm april breeses they furure well ai thla newt deak at est they bit a sort spot a breach la the dyke of reels- snce i actually bpened tome of theae anuare brown envelopes that the trained news editors eye identities imaakuruly aa futypeae news release from the national council tor the protection of the dwind ling aardvark or the chairman of the board bt governors ad dreae to shareholders oi a but tonbook manufacturing firm in atort landing pq actually the direct keller association had better reas ons for picking april forthalr publlelty campaign than hop ing to hit newspapers with their dukes down this is tha time of year when the rloorlodeor con ar tists come out of moth balls and bloom in profusion tt your front door the dsa offers these tips 1 aak to see the credentials of any doortodoor taleenua you dont know rz examine the products and look for the brand name li read their promotion literature carefully understsnd sny contract be fore you sign and get s copy of it tor future reference 3 quueetlon all dealers about gu arantaee- a if still in doubt check out th sju of the dealer or company with the better bualneea bureau dont go for tha hard luck story ssys one of tbepsm- phlett wstcb out for tha low bargain prices be wary of giving infonnatloivfor survey puurpoete to anyone other than local orga la fasajliaw4 cellar thafj unless the to yoat nix the wants to fig your roof for a special rate- tt xrna- l far pertraits alalataua- tba ota had a lot oaara ta any bat i forced avjaehtotee reacuax the rjthag waa saaktajj what if aoaaa not vary likely i dssddadd it wocfldt tsju xaar of aa boor and a half ataj day te prospect mtrwasts btaaxaavachim at lagfty awaato i charles cesjtun aaaaataraf the oaa branch of taw 4 brewenf waraboosim coatsv any and auy ttalaj chief c of the oeortjeloarn eoaapsnys asboal sale privata award banquet at the coaias- i1p atotal in wednesday april tt the aeatjuet provides aoat at which company ortv- who have need accident- free tor the previous year re- ontario safety laoftte award medele and in ad dition company bonus chequ- tbe georgetown oatlet le cted la the delrex market centre is included in thektt- chenerguelpb and hanevar districts from which drivers empieyeee and gueo att ed of the eligible drivers at these locations lg received ontario safety award and company bale driving nus cheques this represents oo of the total drivers and repreeenta 110 yeers of accid ent free driving with the top eward going to mr a hardy 4 of the cuelph division who won his 14 year award emble matic of fourteen years of ac cidentfree driving the lath ering was edvieed that the a- ward winning drivers had lac- ted over loooouo miles wits- tout a preventable accident a georqetown herald wekllihld by heme mewspeewn uhed ceorretown ontario wehw c biehel publisher eemeld mecuvrey frtdncticet superi terry uaruy alleeat hvadley kewi kditor accountant mac boogie anvertudng bunager mrs wuliaa gegiie clerk tyniat ann carrie keperter tlmt jenea rnetnaxapher leaue clark dave haatintjs m cuauet j- business directory chir0praq0r domald a oav oc appointments msde dally call t r40l 1 maka tt baeraetaw chir0praq0r oeru w cerheh dc opem dally by bppa house calls arranged gyyuji 1ia make si neeth w mm m m cak a svlgtwooo ontario land svrvevere lid ilountalnvlew hd b talanal iml w r cat iltweatweed yit 13m ftee t 41a4 dax devaqpatefits limitid tulldersef rlne heeaee prop walter paeholok ayy4su ef7kyy4is tv fha rfarty georgetown glrla wora among the 23 anior- ad in the boauty contett held in conjunction with the alghltj annual bakekck picnic at oakyille last- saturr cley entarad frorn hare wore- evelyn sanderson mary ciimmlntjireala farmetr stlrjay dillon and jaan mcdonald v barragers cleenereanlrt launderere te yaf ib mtln s 1m guelph allwerhakne wallaci thompgorl 3rd dhtlalen court clerk ceenmlttlenev tkyaa mimattown animal clirllc v xavtrs dvm itaattnan mltcvl u oaalph street qlniaopan t pni 9 nm moft wtd flm- bit afaansaait 13 a t walk hol tulxc orromarntigr 11 mala u brsmptad eiluh tua sltttl hours 0 am to on tuatdty to saturday rriday 0 am la pbt tenlngs by appointment desk utimy auiaes robt h hamilton 1u ifounulnvltw hd s carretsl bldg ror ajopolntmant w 8773971 massage maurice h manor rm 9 claavehoima dr 77400 ar b7 rfouae calls by arrengmt monuments pollock a campsill pgsign on bbquest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni ealj54o a water street north jvaxt r ah k ucinskd aucnonkkb prompt service pa boxau tb taasa georgetown classified adj brffag rsyuts bouclas v tsstbccar r kabos ttaaasde v33sl 33 atu st it l i george c hewjoa ih htountainview kd s carreul buildiag ceorgetowa tat 7- frecjeiiclahelson seruw ami awuctter 118 alountalnview ed 8 carreul building georgetown yet 7xtov ileiaiderimqc rarrltrer and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 tvansidderbil uuriraar lellcitar nates cat wlllltma bldgj 3d main ii 74bm xuvrtataraarmamta wmttim tlwi

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