Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 5

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j- tonpres6yterial executive rr itrij hjo united church women met at balunafad hmtom seiytllai ucw executive rttoetirvo wel held monday april 27th at ballmafad united church wiih mr e sovereign mroibywl piikinl in cit4q left 1o right ere mrl d linitead peiiderf of melville ucw mrf k e5perce cooltwille criitin and citidmhip scrttsry ms sovereign mitt b hilts bellmafad oldest activ mm- bif pf the peibylearul mr f w haywed lowvitle are peiident end mrs l b king goofqefown pcrtidenf of 5 jow ucw maltoa mamok wash tub and fiddles set toes to tapping lively squat dance muur prayer in uniaon mil the aing tlngkij wr featured in a entertaining protiun pre tttcd fa the resident by twe tr entertainer beaded by fred assd steve houm of tort credit saturday nwht april ifilh t4ie ifoitt brother hid mad tfce arrangement or the en i ariunavrdt od it the begin 1 nintf of tbe program 11 fred house exleiided greeting to the residents roni the group mrs d uou wu the mittreu of cerenoniw for the occasion tbe ilous brother orches tra in which the two brothers f played lhelr violins also feat tared at eordion three fiui- n th dnms nd the rnuoo t1m selection by the orchestra were ted id number and they faceuded such old favourites as i lirky in the straw lnthr shade of tb old apple tree redwing the last two by jlhuel air norman vigjfer joined tfte oroheitra to pby tlm boo in a few of thee tmttber ad mr varley did a step dane later on in the program bill lehman one of the vuukig group played three olo cwi bu electric steel gul- atnootf these was tihe lov- i ery hum harbour lights tb house brother arid their ttuakal rop are by this time old trietod of the residents end the vuilos and the ri- dent fead in opportunity to these friendship when coffee and cookie wexe tkjt t t w dunalart apova jr hobuentif ftd a aubjct of the tweotythird paolm when he eonduhid th ehurtk aerviw in i chap i cki sunday aftemoofl i jrii iftth he bad prev- jotuly rid the dearlption of the cood shepherd from chap ter 10 of st johna goipel aa the stttyture lraon an atmoaphere of youth and fun pervaded the auditorium on tueaday nlht april 211 i vbeit the srtor cititwa club of muton held thfcir april mee ting in eompmywith a larjre wntblatte of residenu nob laklntf the preaident of the dub ted m thilrmin after the ainttlfttf of o can- mu the repeat of t lord in uf the happy dlrthday aonn iii honour of thote who lkve april birthday very gay and entertaining jroirm wai prei- ented the prograirt wgin with a mouthorftin aolo ttie lload to the ulei and two encore pw- yed by un sjcljuiiuin ttiii waa followed by the reciting of kiplmci poeon mp and an en core by mr v lladlcy tbe famoua rhyliini lund of the club then came upon fie scene while o amall orcheltra comiitintf of two violini a vaahtub base fiddle and the piano pliyed kcotlind the llravr rhe rhythm bind enter rd the auditorium through a rear door and marched to the front of the room they were playing very original miniature muticil instrument and were wearing their ipecial navy blue and wbte hat tby were lead by urj jean andenon and accom- pariied at the piano by mr john mowat there were aeven wonien anl two men in the rhythm band in addition to be- u the leader of the band ur anderson played torn of ui piano accompaniments lluiical selection played by the band and the orchestra al ternately delighted tha audience and set many toei tapping am ottj the numbtfi played were 125000 in contracts to varian associates a georgetown firm varian auociatta of canada i id ha been awarded two con- tracla by the department of defence production lion c m drury announced here that the georgetown firm will supply magnetrons to the value or 120600 and in a second contract magnet- rons to the value of 25020 the two contract were among 230 unclassified de fence contract for 10000 or more awarded by the depart ked wing and my wild irlijf ment iurln th latter half ndhof uireh total value of h contracts is 122601372 itoae mrs tow bradley u lakinff tan two duet whiapw hithop aj- kow gently swee4 afton mr gorilon macnab recited the bridge builder and im fine how are yout the member of the rhythm band and the orch estra accompanying themselves on their instrument aano smile and a a finale tul we meet again th latter witfti special word suitable to the oecaaion then the rhythm band marched to the back of the room to the music of scot land the brave the singing of the queen brought ihls very enjoyable program to a close a pleasant social time wu apent with these friendly vis itors when a bountiful lunch of aandwicnes fruit bread scones and cookies donated by the visitor wi served with tea and coffee 1400 front north haltqn entered in 64 festival j lfj hloil uuilc id tjvu judged the bmt ever at the iitoual meeting of the tcllvl auocution held is teuton wednetday evenlni el lut vk the north hil ton and south hilton rttlvalk a total of 8400 atuitrnu irom h pubhe and leparate cboola partlcipatlns secretary mr d e martin announcnl la her annual report to the j meeting- k trowbridge principal of brookvllle school and pre aident of the north hlum metlon of the jcatlval preald- ra over the lneetln 1 a declilon n made tp hold the eatlval akaln lit thesprlnf of next yeav- in the meantime ll trophlea are to be checked over and repaired if neceaury diacuaalon waa held on ipurklnl canada 1967 ceo- tennlal with innovation dur ing tha featlval and opinion if the tchoola are to be aaked t the poajibllitlm of compeu- for mtlalcal fnatrumenta ku centennial creata for tlclpanu and a mailed hoir concert were offered 01 bumtlodi flfli her annual report the itary noted the rural dlvl- um of the featlvil waa dlj- banded thliyear following the oomolldatlon of moat of the oneroom rural tchooli the coniolldated achoolt in the north llalton featlval which was held at acton and about 1400 students from is schools participated there were 5000 from 20 schools participating in the south llalton division which was held on four livs in varll oua achoola township chief says ambush meant for him gunmen friday night am bushed a police constable on a back road in jhlnguaccciy township in what police be- ueve waa a trap set for chief kenneth slder cit stan tetgart escaped injury as shotgun pellets pep pered his cruiser he was believed touave wounded one of the assailants when he returned the bre chtcmslder said this was a del7berate 1 end planned plot to getme todays infocmatlve item no matter how faat a bird files he never perspires served montreal bank as accountant here a forniw town rodent krnnrlh i wilton illnl re cenlly at hit home 87 ucltse drive leatlde while in ceoriown mr wilton was accountant at the itank of montreal tlie bsnk branch closed during the war and the bulliljng now houses the lloysl hank he was a lay readir at st georges ang lican church and a member of the masonic iodge mr wilton wss trsntferrrd from georgetown to toronto after hit retirement from the bank he was sitoclated willi the st john ambulance in the city he icivet hit wife olive an only ton lynne of ottawa and four grandchildren the wil soni were retldenls of george town from 1024 to 1037 onloiwal kksidimt mabtkt vll viah oil of the lrt residents of tu lulton onthinial minor albrrt itaktr celebrated im ultl birthday on friday mr luker was born in surrey kiig- isod on april 24th ivtj and oline to cnsdi in- 1013 and moved to tiil home in tha ma nor in 1c2 wlicti it waa first opened rod and custom majesties use elbow grease to transform barn to clubhouse 8th ltodrta tj pt coupu of moo tha mry hav wondered about am th activity gotnaj oo at a certain two storey brie buildw- tfae bulwkui 1 add imth- urn mmlewa bod mad cxatam clob of cor- itetowo for th irt fm tbe buildinil oriekmuy tatwd ae a barn wm cluturisd with nuay years ofacunulatd by dart cobweb lujik had qkaej pet4 iii a abort time u penal hd been removed and with little cutw k ppiid to tb layer of dirt a ftmcw urf cboub for tti frt wm crtd uubwhilc uptak a clubroooi vj alow4y lmin put brtbatr ktoat bf um hbairi of th juci fll prry himl fctwrt enouib furniture w4j pilfcrvd tram homt to txtr- au a rumfortaue liwtia rootd cojiipjcu with a larrd rutf tou- din louiiiit eliair lnps tablrd tvirl ted record pu- yer to adl to uielr cojiwok 0t uya uadar tlia guidance of dn norton built an oil furn ace dowmlaira to heat the building the weekly dues of 2 00 pr member are put aside to buy tool and acetylene fur the welding torrfi the taws is well tnough equipped for the ujjettlc to do anything to a car that any lon1 service sta tion might do exceapt pump their own gaa the yearlv election were kelectric in llmrulea wall j lur aikhi dillon arid had spoilt i held a few mantlu ago and dixon and frank walterluhie moat bt hii tit in georgetown i w7 dtxoawsar electod prv- idcol bob hyde i u prei- 4e dourf piicker i uurr and bob fioailtld wa elected a tretwarer wsot ihion j m dmrt of publicity and a exxs- cno f wayqe surtoa jim t indsijf mil wiye are ki cbarxfl of club actmtk otbcr tnembur ire gord uo cock dq robakm jacjttbocjt- moa danny u7tl from gor- leiown bob hut now uv kijt in brsmpioa tru oritfltwly usnnbor of ul kacort of rev imjl km westuu tuid devvvcook are from urtmiiploo while yrnl walutrhouie prt owner of ssiriordjik swed and uttiil id llsaxtpu oallj cj xlflh hi luuiie trlach itkllvidual tinibcr will b dtctuied jn further detail in iatw cohmuis t4t club now ha a fuu rol- lectiofi of auto unuala hov to ku your car books price catalogues atid rod imhjv thefae booka were used quite often du ring the pst win t is- and roctl to be a very vijuahle liitt to hve club uaiiy of tiie tneni- tr plaiuusl to dra their cr rrguttvtd drag fctrlp of course during the iummr nuvttlts and found tho booju ve ry informative uany of the cjub iiuvnthti including wayne dixon wjlt dixon doug 1acker terry 1u- tchie wayne compton danny martel bob hyde ken weit- fall am frank walter- house ukrk art coowner of a speed stop cbi own terry speed st in oriiua- jack tboohmoa w employed at cajiadian tix in georfetowii vhiie bob bob- field puu in time at norvai auto body xiv ceek wrb at mccracaca autooiartic special ut in krampion btrtb daooy bpbaoci aod cord luoock wori at smith 4 hionm and bob bua- au work at kuauderviue 1utk lo brampton wajoe norton la at the kuocnent ouf tnn of xtimutr and tctacnaa of pe ckrlawim fajfj nutharr bmmbor i tied up knoat of tba tune with a wiwlcule dikbributina bujofle a i bmxlumd ujure tuny of la innobcr kv worked aji wlntn- prfsparint for the drt w think wtj haw a good fumitter ahtssd and if ev erything worit out we should u putting in a trujihy rae next wwitci cat that kiii nd twry thh giohoitowm hktald thoraday may 1 19m pagb 5 urn attended chapel sl public achool and served witii tbc r- ma ki the tint world war he bad beeg aaoiayttl with bxokia cil paper tca york down brampton wbiu terry ritjgotr dub lki branch 120 jjjj utterly bad been on th local hospital ttxtt he vu a member of branch 120 canadian legioc- str dillons tint wiie ano umj hllta died in 1m0 be lea ve hi wife kathleen berne wbocn he married in 1001 five children -air- fred jyencb shirley of streeuviue un jobri minaon audrey of scat bora be of georgetown vtr urn aloleiian buth o vor fedgin and selaon ot toronto irr atr walter peck kd t0i of brantford 5 zrtndchlt drru and 9 grctgrndcbildjwn a ami cuud ws killed ovtr mas iu 1p4 w4ilu rviaf with tbe ltcsc hev kajvin johnitori of ku andnwa united churc4i roit ducuxl the luneril rvit iallbrarers wer tom llrrbrrt jackcok ivmuhid chabot hrrb arnold jtvry ohaplin and maltland lurlia inlerineit w i s in rvr n u oh1 cijtir lery ceurgelowu hospital employee served with army in first world war funeral aervlce look place last wednesday at hie harold c mcclure funentl honie for percy dillon 87 wlw died in georgetown hotpital on april 27th a native of st catharines be northern was tha son of tom end iobel arnold rathbun feprtnftl un lip of canada 47 suvly trm wtauiton hum ulaom your p0nt1 ac buick acadian vauxhall dealer invites you to his i h s disease and pts reduce agricultural production by nearly 14 billion dollars an nually notice to creditors in thi hstatk op emmi e- bennatt wldaw deceased all persons having claims ic alnst tha kititr of kranii k wnnett late of the town of milton widow who died on or about the 23rd day of march 1004 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of may 1d04 after which date the kstate will he dlatrlbuted with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall then have notice and the undersigned- will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this 20th day of april ad 1064 florence miller and noreen corley executor of the estate of emma k bennettj by their solicitors dale bennett latimer a balnes 23 mill st georgetown ont 57 s 1 3rxin ij pontiac 38 model in 11 srlel buick 26 models in 7 tsarles oabm rwoa curio bpert uick wsudl 2doy apart ccups beaumont 10 modols in 3 behas acadian 6 models in 2 berleal v notice to creditors in the bstatb of msdlslna mullih fcartary daaasad all rxrsona having elalma ag ainst the eatata of madeleln miillin lata of tha village of glen williams secretary who died on or about the dth day of june 10til are hereby noti fied to send particulars of the same to the underalgned on ot- before tha 25th day oi may 1m4 after which date the es tate will be distributed with re- gird only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then hava notice and the un dersigned wilt not be liable to any hereon of whose claim he ahall not then have notice uated at georgetown this 20th day of april ad ibm douglas victor latimer f pieexecutor of theesute of madeleine mullln by his solrltqri hale bennett ijtlmcr j v bainea 23 mill st 7 i auiaonl bport pjua coope aii causa 2oooi seaa record hewcart sales bring you special celebration deals thesuccess car sales celebration 80 choices and a wide selection of is your pontlacbulck dealers way fwedajlmcno viva of showing his appreciation for tho wonderful sales popularity of- pontiac buick acadian and vauxhall so now is the time to take advantage of the special celebration deals he is offering there arg more than models available for immediate de livery and because he is looking for good used cars he will offer you top dollar tradein allowance for your present car so dont delay come on along and join in the success car sales celebration today go where the choicsfls greattst go where the value is best go to your ucat rontohn dealers today a oencral motors value ii 124 guelphstreit ai phone 8776w6 gj

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