Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 8

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twentyfive attenbei hepatitis lhthls area but none reported here th nwat outbreak of in oetioui heoatilis in hilton hum t touched georgetown ac cording to county medical oft ctr dr archie bull dr bull said uat week that only two eon armed case had beea reported to htm and ooth of them had been isolated in aclon dr bull ei plained in early ufta the aymptonu q infec lioua bcoatilia are aimiur to influent but patient should be wtcb j rarvfully and the family doctor notified in the early lu nausea headache and ahdomijjal pains axeiyjpptonu dr boitadviaea everyone to take precautions at all times making aura hands are washed thoroughly after viaiting th washroom before eating and proper health hibili practiced at all times dr bull advises school cbil dren not to exchange food aj lunch time or place pencil la mouths fe said hepatitis seems to strike during the late fall wto ter and early spring but ip pears to be on the downward treod at present laddie- haines platoon wins royal regt trophy organzing sons of scotland yuf th second straight yk lh huy kgimeot truphy has ttme in a platoon roownanded charles trwtt hwjlu by u leh william atudent so 1 j isloocl rotnmruastoed y cailrt utut liiidu- ulni- iwi william won the cup sons o scotuhtd held n oaanaiki mooting wdotdy evening jn an attempt to eitabl h a north halton camp w v u ti hoedlng the group wet room cioit gand onehsin to canada from toi who wi an hod by bobert bar 1 1 of l ii kt t atnjruy csdrt toronto elvo tko gtinti secretary troaiuror alto uniting wat robort w lion han lion area organ or for soni tu- pljiuon wmiprlillort tua of scotland pictured front row left to r ght are mr bell mr boil and mr w lioi in the back row are mra jerni iiy attr i 2iilh lddu older adam mil ton mn jotk c aider ceorgelown and mr mulct ion ceorgelow united church showers bridebled c howden married 58 year have hamilton family party kden umled churtb ucw rd church packed a bale in the church hawmnt en tup day nht april 28 thry all attended bihle itudy in ihe r hutch following their takk for the day met on tuday night april 3m at th ham of lira rrank hall with 10 intnlber pr ent the meeting ojxttfd with the ucw thrm aong at i payer ur kill hill prrld ed for the itiealing th devo sincere aympslhy li rvtend tianal period waa in charge of ed to the family if the isle mrs jack nixon umulea uf mri town ley llrttcklrbank the last mcwing were rd h who paed away al he smith the secretary air john ha i eel llnipilsl on uednrtdsy mlltnri lira vlmer llay ua april 20 appointed to purchase new bread and butter plain a lite aften o n iraug ui i report was given by urs msv of hornby i nited tliurch mel on hiring the ulllon jimmr on wnlnrulav april 20 at 2 service to ctean the churrh p m al the h me of mr al it wai decidd that lb hake hert uarrhment with seven la and apron isle which wi u tlici present the aflrrmvon ually held at the annual lunr un tprnt tmg two q n its for heori b cancelled for this a hale to be sent to an over year the luncheon will be rsi depot tea and em kin held at 1 pra on wednewla were served by the hi itesi may 13 with kthel chapman as the guett speaker the uembert of hornhv i intel next meeting will be at the ch irch gathered in th church home of mr john tordinglev hasement on rridav nighl the meeting tloaed with pra y j t honour mui carol ef and a delirious lunch uai howden with a mivcellaneoui served by the hotei ihourr the evening itarted toft uith a joyoua ung song ol a euchre party wai hell onj by numeroui garnet an i friday night may lt at the rollowing th enter rloyne community centre in tainmenl carol waa given the eld of the newly formed ural of honor which was taste ontagh tumor aofthall teami fullv decoratei in pink an i there were 17 utile in pla while and the umbrella which with the prizes going to the hung overhead waa decorated following mrs doug pickett i aimilar manner two ait airs ulhe campbell rredj cupula added to the beau workman and v bradley a ty of the decoration aaiim delicious luneh waa served by the committee in charge the proceeds will go to buy awa ter for the boya anyone who was unable to attend this ouehre and would like to give donation to help get theie ing carol with the opening of her gift i were diane wrlg gleaworth fcrtd i ynda 1ear mont among th manv lovelv gifts wai a white bible from the sunday school cirol x prrxsnl her sincere thanks to boya started may do so bv frtf h m ovrly anl 1c y useful gift a delicto lunch hay ruiier i wai sered by the ladea in th lidiei of hornby unit irharge kerr hails transit study says commuters benefit m in miti rfprfiwilinn nil inffa in thf ran to thina ty n to tncnurize puhhr coflnrilion mil hnpnai iicil ihit ill information will b rnnfldrntial and utrtl for atatlitical purpoara th nd for conwiiulff prvtf from lullon county to mm lubopalilanxdronlo arra u abvlaul lullon utt gfnrsr kerr ii thll wk caimiienthie ml tlir an ikkinfcaiieni hy idchwaya mm icr crurua ucnauthlon that fetucry will be unrirrukrn on the am a truuportation nerda xrcr wld ba thoutht ihr fur vey wtt prjhapa tnn roally one aiudy will contert itirlf 4rh tranaporlauon and the ef tvcu mi lnd u4 and papula ttan ou future tranaportatlon on wlih ouimutera attitude ta train travel taul one with i phyalce1 rulrejoenla and coal of an tuiperlnlenull rail aervlre toul et of tbe aurveya will b 1h00 of which 113 400 will id trtuie reaearch cor i poralipn 1 td d the studlea will uke kbeut a year to eom t pletc and a yew for declaion to be hnpleaienud an earlier arudy abowsd that kbout bo of the m0 mla of rail llnea rad uulk front tortmto mlhl be darted to- rapid commutw tramalt kerr termed good newa mie hlchwoy ttiniiufra ilalemenl nd aid mich a plan will do much to iih the daily battle ol having to buck the traffic he added that auch wrvlce i to the entire area will be ben i llciat and aatiaiactory u all the people w muat eontmute dally 4bb the toronto area both the cnr andcrn who tend to benefit from auch a eoromuterfaerrtoe triu coop erate in prorlfm j information 1 1 coat s i helton member- aeked ihtilhieounlyretujanla cooper- is come to thek door faorrjiehoik brulltv ywn coimftandd vtn winning putoiwi lait year iv thi g0cltyowh hieuxb umfonal pvltuiu uk ybomliv uy ih- uj ij conhhtitlou vaiiv t comiundmia the othrr ftur plaloona were cadet hick ilmp stxial and personal j ta v illarrluiji ljndnn cadet 1 ieut a family gthrridg in huml t a tm i- w c too 6rt saturday wa a hapoy o u det ucut drew wckwi of bur i for ur and llr a w xt atrutlon apring norton ijho celebrated iher i lh nlal th cup wlf ed to the mth wedding anniversary that lnh 1 wllliaina cadet officer at day 14 r in ur arfteld lie the annual iiuneclloti salur the couple have spent all i 8 uelph si were day u nl i k hell do their married life in the i ime sunday vlntnr with ur and firer conunandlng the ltoyil house diktnct he n a rcturasf ur harold 1 uaccillivray at regiment of canada wai the qujrrynun ijnaing iiiapecllng officer their eldrt daughli r mr jeisie lamplcll uai h uten only two at their im nednte fa mily of five uldren 8 grand children and 7 great grarulrhll drew were unable to le peent tiey were prriented uith a pole light and mirror mr norton us urn in to the council ud ratepayer scotland anl at a per al tea f townktmp of rqueaing ture of the part a favoi rite j t wing reurvtrd 1oic i uke a he 1 it e wii heard hv made an eiaminalion at the ivnoki and account during a radio h w ralle i ilea townhip of equeung and itaaawiated hoards or the uiiture y edd december 31 1m3 the examination tu been conducted in acordance with the regulations of th department uel wee ttcre from r 0 municipal affile and thwe la attached a completed queition ton milton eorgrtown and njlr cavrr p auditing requirements tie sutement of flevsjiua and rupenditure d h wa thai the town hip had a amall deficit on the year a operation of tboion1 tim has been deducted from the surplus brought forward from prior year which now auivda at 15 002 44 there it amimed a statement of gum and lottei from the budget showing how the dafirlt aroie the rhief item 11 a re dud ion in highway mwidy of 5 4m 84 the budget calcula tion efclimalrd awiri work at 80 subsidy than was actuall per for met congratulation lo iorothy vr call attention to the unpaiotaves wnich now hand at ann and karen 0 kourke on 144 301 57 representing in total 32 or tie current years lew winning the hronie medal in in our opinion thl is a potentially dangerous situation violin duet at peel festival last nd should ik e matter for concern a determined effort friday and to karen winning made to reduc theie unpaid taxes the gold medal in violin aolo the capital reserve fud now atand at 7m 13 aftercontri township of esquesing auditors report for 1963 inspeetlng officers fyr tfie plaumto cunapetltioti wr klalof william and cap handy alllll gen of the roy kegiutent of cansda while a small group 6f ape tators cotrliaued largely of the college hifjt h the rad eu famlliea and senior student looked on eotd putooi kl turn went through a set piece drill on the prd ground the pla loona wr judged oe basis af drrks foot dtlll artii dr1l gen eral tteadlieu control end the wiirk of uvelr eomninder the parole this year wa a very definite improvement over lit yea uid ualjf cojcb teldreaitig the esdeta after hi iiipciuhi ona thing 1 do do know about live appelby col lege cadeti is uwt they always put wi a food atvow saturday a inspection was at tended by ijddie haines par ent ur and mrs hohnd haln ea den wilhami iue from ivovince of ontario due from other municipalities due from acton fire area trailer destroyed house partially damaged by fire greaae betas lased t potato raipa icnlted a tare wtolch demftllaherl a trailer and part lalrj deatrered a bouae behir eooatructed eearbj tba taaally oordoa cadd r ft 1 georgetown waa uvuag in tka trailer arialle tnair faouaa waa betnt eeaetructed the ire araiea occurred late wedaeadjef aflenaooe april 29 claimed all the raournu of the trailer and apread to two partial ly eooatructed walla pi roe chief a k clement of tbe mlltoa nr daoortaieot in wnoae territory the btace orrur red aald no eatimate of the total damage waa available ad- kotice to creditor im th i1tati of rrancu all pvesooj haviux ulma axalaal tea ruuir of kranrji llaia traham late of tl towunl bf rlmturdn ritt leman who died on tr abut the jtxb day of frbruary ii 04 are berrby notiflml to arnd particulara of ume to tor un drralxned of or lxfor the utb day of uay loot alter which dale tkr kaule will be dlalribuled with rvard only lo ike rlalma of which th undcnigiird ahalt then hawe ootlre and the underajgnrd will tu1 be liable td any ber ton cf wbuae rlalia aha ahall not then have notice datvi at capetown ihu 30th day of april ad 1ixh jan halterwd graban aole ataacutrla kranda ha tn grahana by her boll riture hale ltennett la mer and halnea tl will sc georietown ontario a7j7 171j7 sj07 01 norval mreet ijftbt area itiblir school caplui taira rrcelvaue ltt j01 57 1cm allowance for uncollectible tiiea ml hi l5t3s4 sarnie iu600 75 i y slinitw uabiijttw luini 10 ue limikousi orouke sisters win peel festival medals class on thursday mr and mrs ola here of torontn visited his parent ur and mr kiling berg prior ur and ur a c rattecwin arid mjsa joy pal t e no n wera gt it all at the wedding of her niece mm arol ann sinclair and mr william i- rank hick in m andrew a presbyterian church walland on april 25 and the reception following at crow und prckhylrrtan church buting 10 000 00 to the coll of the municipal building anl 8 735 00 for the 163 debt chargea on the driven hi re th budding account hi tieh of d 4a 60 which is reom red for rotnplcliori and fmlshlhg of building in additit n a claim ii being made ol 360 00 for refund of talei tai t it r mnw i u ui t georgetowrt higb school district ihows an underlevy lo their moving lo montreal last 6r pup statement 0 of 150382 which must be u levied in 1064 in this connection th town of ceorsrtown faded to alainaeartain dabeuirt ehejrgtu untildcrember 13 193 too lite to be included it the 1w3 levy the construction eot of plneview school is evplainel ai follows originally the school hoard requisitioned a0 000 00 for conoruction coala to be financed by debentures a hank loan of aoo0o00 waa obtained and the proceeds paid to the school hoard the school board aubaequenty decided that they could finwiee with debenluras of only 50 000 00 paying 30 000 00 out of currettt revenue as of december 31 the towflkwp owed the school hoard 3o04o32 30 000 00 of this is held to retire the hank loan when the proceeds of the 50 000 00 of debentures are received we also report that the chare of supplementary tax wai not paid over tn the schools and county by december 3ts is required by regulation hank overdraft temporary ioana accounts payable ivlacnture interest due due to other municipalities due to schools due i georgetown rue area milton vire area len street lights area inferred revenue llearrrr surplus total i labilities and surplus nvr7ho 4 1537 60 000 00 3405 05 51500 3 34207 44 841 51 1 b43 30 31 76 15 03 ding that the trailer was not insured and the bouse partially insured notict to creditors im thi estatc off arvlla wli wide naraand all perehons having against the estate of arvilla a wright ute of the ton of aeoralown widow who died on or about the 30th dy of oc tober 1001 axe hereby ooufied to send particulars of same te the undertuxocd on or before lh 25th day of may a d 1904 after which at the estate wilt be distributed with wfard only to the claims of which the un dersigned abell then ba not ice hod the undersigned wilt not be lidhle ta any person of whoe claim he shall hot then hev notice lathat ceorglowti this a iixh daof apu ajj 81 afl 31 847 02 15002 44 imqotm mrs cub gathering egg found one laid by a large tpe ckled hen whirh was aausane shaped almut one incfi by two inches with blimlish c4il revenue fund surplus account tli la nee at beginning of year surplua or deficit for year lrjrce of mietelual year ul n u012y7 2 01043 t 100244 statement of revenue and expenditure rfvknuk actual i cvii id total revenue from taaaunn liinglerffl debt rharsei recoverable 0aoob appoint dekleer to advisory committee tend it head umlled tel eraburg ontario recently an nounced the apkiintmrnl of geome fleklrer 11 ii 1 geor getown to ita joint rowara advisory committee tend b meah umitad ii a tvoultry nro- eeaalng plant owned and onera ted hy united co operallvea of ontario the joint growera advisory committee ll made up of ten poultry growera calx chicken broiler and four turkey grow era elected from four provin cial tones since this la the first year thit the electoral aye inn is in effect only four mem hers were elected for a two year period and six were ap pointed by uco for a one year term in office next year and thereafter the committee will be an all elected committee with half being elected each year offlrerailet trier lynn was home from rmc kingston over the week end mr dai ul rouglilcy was home from llycrson toronto during the week end i inichouse and silver wood women a inhtllutca combined lo lett llallon centennial manor to provide a program lunri and birthday parly for the el derly folks there on momby evening of cou5al hi would a parson had occasion td re prove a small boy swearing your father doean t eweer does het oh no air well then lihe were work lnj and stepped on aamahhing tharhit bird on the backrrhal would he eyr hed say you re back early dearl notice to creditors ih lb eilaljt al john alt yhuk yhompton securi ty guard dacvaiad all phisons hiving claims against the eatate of john arthur thompson late qf the town of georgetown security guard who died on or aboul the 21at day of vrbruary 1m4 are hereby notified to send particulars of same o the un deralgned on or before the 8th day of june 1h4 after which oafethr estate will be dlstrl buted with regard only to the claims of which the underalg ned ilull then have nollce- and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whoae claltn she shall not then have notice uaikd at georgetown this 4th day of may ad 1d v margaret beaumont admlnletratrl of ih katate of john arthur thompson by her solid fc tors balebenneit larl o mef u rbtnes723 mill st geiiygclown ontario ml j auditors opimion we hereby report thit in oiw opinion ii the financial transactlona which have coma under our notice have been within the powera of the municipality 21 the audit haa bean conducted in accordance with the irulrueuona of the department ef municipal affairs 3 the financial atatoments present fairly ihe financial position of the municipality as at december 31 ii kl end the resulta of ita operations for the year ended on fiat date lver lloakin t hagnnn and macfihkry license number 2371 capital and loan fund balance sheet overnments ontario children a protection direct jlelief health highway improvement unconditional per capita grants out hydro vjectrle commission 1 icenara and pennita intereal tax penalties etc mlseellsheous saje ftf htillilosar sundries l trnvs total flcicinie dcrirll jor tip year total itevenur section 1 175 01 0 772 70 l 33 21 170 50 2312 4 774 45 6dm7el boo 00 iso ob t 5m740m 537 36s03 udaat 4334 03 1 100 00 10 000 00 60 000 00 100 00 10 875 00 4 75000 8 boo 00 2 010 03 558 70m t 325 234 5 2h0 613 45 general fixed aaaeta work in progresa due from schools for debentures public schools high schools due from tile drainage due from other municipalities i cash uabiuties municipal ruildlng debenture drainage debentures local improvement municipality s share due to other municipalities for debentures temporary loaiu investment in capital aaseta 01 404 71 no ooo on i xpbndrturbs 140480 8 31213 0 488 60 iaajs7 no m 000 00 404 80 33174018 406 1k148 280 613 48 80 ooo 00 31 b73 42 toanjaas cioneral ovcrnment hxecullve and legislative administrative k other protection to persons and property ur street lighting public works roads streets etc sanitation end waste removal social welfare relief aaslstance welfare admlnletration kducatton including debt chargea aecroatlon and community servkee long term debt charges 73 060 be leas own ahare of eohoel debt charges b3s68 47 280060 270000 25 0j 01 2360000 326do0 3250 00 148402k 1421453 12703 r 1370 32 loa sea 25 1bai20 12 533 77 78 34 300 2ool 12 000 47 short term interest and other chargea s 850242 sb40 0 14 333 jo revenue fund balance sheet absisns caati in bank j r 47103 17 accounta receivable leas allowance for doubtfupaccounla b87 77 35847 dlacount for taxes taxes written off county rates adjustment of deferred revenue provlelon for allowances reserves and reserve funds 1771jl mm 501s502 470 ion 50oo 2000 00 280 232 30 12 402 00 1701 54 0200 00 l 1400 00 40000 48003 82 48757 5u 30 uroas lotal expendllure 0 58047 mia 00 55bt0aa jumte harold wnxbt sule urlor il llr kallr arvilli wrilbl by his so irltors dile llellllrtt ijl nrr 1 luiues 23 mill st ceufkrlowu out concern ckavu kuilblkio leno koad ckavtl ntl f tor sou xtoru wolt tom haines cu wmuma tu rxm wool halllnafsd wm a wllun ivr r r 1 georgetown a h uerlt thaarer uk j georgctowa nash and mcdowell hummno and hlatino t war soflrra i water syums t realr i alterariona tr 72842 rosedale floral fl owers for all occasions wfodino arrangements cartages a specialty cut flowera and funeral deiigns w wire flowers tt albrt tal 723j heat your h0vie jiwoywtmi fehjrj om mmd smart chinook aulomattc cu ilunl- ur4f wllb ik we iic cwk wilt lvdj y m vu ityltmkwtlow yww waow to camnqtfti 1w- hskal i klgea numbitoc s

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