Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 3

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feound worth deyelqpingl s i issaashiiill ii ii w i charles troll vbola channel defence into town punt i kajtl shot of two 3 lo avian proloype ikelf nngr doo acton pnd ut wkt now iimw nnouirflrvg te dpt of twienie wodue- km 1540000 ctnlaharmg development pfogfam on the gotown aircraft the qrtnl will ccvnplauf a 1 mi mtllton dollar program lo rrae the avian gyropurw evaubw to military and civil market lseek seven extra lots for public school site toe ceorgotown public iachool board a4 wore than ntiaflcd with the tveeut irana- actioo with council that lamj d them ue deed to the kite y preferred iw georue- vdi alxlh public achool ut the treel uitt big enough r punttin ehalrmaa lie llfoooty laid at attectlrtf wed iy that the board wilt us acquire wore land to fika tb ait tartf enough for elbe propooed khoo end ffroufidi ah6lhr 7 lota u the iixe i ef the kdditionl land the f feoord will aeeji to purchase i front tha develop who that la he hrmlop recently made h public that ha la telunx out bia company delrr develop- wctita to unidentified finance boii and at the time of the board meeting the name of the buyer vaa fclill unknown the tnuteea decided to try a icttfc to the lut known owner delrex dveiopnenta anyway to tart the bill roll lax toward buying the nrces aary property diuuulon on miking a phfioe available at the howard wrlggleiworth public school which includet an auditorium that frequently boutea public fuuctlona concluded wednea day when the truitinra voted unanimously to have a pay phone installed in the corridor the wattrr was tabled or finally at the board a april meeting when trustee g slg urdion proposed acceej by the earvtake to the principals phone in caw of an enter geney the ides met opposition from trustee harry sjtortill who ttressd the office and its contents ahould be avsilabu to bo one but the principal after three or four alterna live suggestions the board de cided to try a pay phone kerrs column m p f hepokys yo ceoiceyown mom dues nt park by george kerb tba lllatur wound up lta ittlnga ust wrjt- it has been apaenlly conceded by the member from all parties that ttw aeoalon was lively and pro ductive th lead v at tha new democratic perty remark- ad that a aurprltlng amount had been accompliahed par ticularly for tha ftrat year in tha ufa f a govmiment ha tax a urge majority it wat not a routine tort of sitting as expected and tha house aat longer thla year than it has for tha past forty year tha leglalatur paued 143 bills providing new and amending uglslauort dealing with every department there were also si ivtvata ml in from municipal luea and educational instltu lions dealing with everything from fixed aaaeaa- mnt for industry to setting up cooperative college ret dene on various campl loot in th controversy and furor of mil do an act to mend tha police act was legislation implemented to protect tha right of consu mers borrowers inventor used ear buyers teacher fir mer th aged labour moth era students apprentices etc aa a new member 1 was f sjorprtied how much the pro vincial government affects the dy to day uvea of the people of ontario ther la no ques tion but the spheres of influ ence ara cratar than any other level of government in canaila j l nd are becoming greater an i t illustration la tha fact that on- urlo plan to apend about li will on dollars durintf tha cur rent flacal year and aboul billion la budgeted for all of canada there la of course a dan- it gar that goveromant will be w come too involved in the dl- rectlon and influence of the in t dividual aj our aoclety be- cornea more complex aa so- called modernisation tstab- uahea a mode of life unfortun- f ately there la a demand for government interference which ometlmea qualifies individual rights while attempting to pro- i t tect them aware of thla prllne mini riding bisic civil rights liberuea 1 i hope the chief justice will dttlde thit many of the boarda and commisjiiona now in rxls tence should be elimlmted or at least the trend towards more stopped on the last diy of the se aloa the prime minister set up and reconstltuted five sel ct committers which will meet from now until the house reoonvenes in the kali these committee will deal with consumer credit munlcl pal law youth mining and resources and the aged i have been appointed to the committee dealing with con aumer credit and thla comml tee will hold public hearings interview witnesses and gen erally make findings regard ing the cost and methoda of borrowing retail credit and time payment plans during the last week of the session two acts were passed which will particularly interest student health hwnti spend month in halton the third and fourth stud eats from jhs tjnlveraity irfhool ol nuroing in toronto to entef a ouenonth field experlrttce program at the hilton county health unit will arrive uui month mrs catherine graig a reg utered nurse and graduate of the one year bchool of nursing course will be working as a itu dent health nurse under the euiprvlslon of a field guide uiss chnitlna watt w4u is majoring in kipervlsion and id mniitrition will work for one month the first two women to wort at the hajton heilth unit were from tha university of weit tro ontario who wera her dur ing march ttie program is outlined to provide the participants one month of practical experience which is required before enter ing public health nursing we feel that the program fits the needs of the conimun ity said mils grsce j leavey director of nursing service at the hilton county health unit if theaa people are going to accept reaponsibility we have to see it as realistically as possible ahe said and pair business to obtain a lie enae for their trade in this way there is some control over those persona or flrma which have been conducting home repair rackets in our area doing poor work and charging high prices sometimes under false pretencea thla will as sist tha honest contractor well as the home owner another bill provides that in future a committee of ad juatmenta of a municipality rather than the planning board will handle applications for land separation many muni clpalltlea have requested thla change and the main reason la to permit a eouncll to im pose certain conditlona in re apect to services and buildings when granting separations there will be a right of appeal to the committees de clsinns thla wilt mean a great deal wore work for thla committee of council but it will alao al low planning boarda to deal more thoroughly with mat newspaper in th first 50 yeara of the hmh century were primarily political organs the people of hilton one authorlxe munklpalitlea to ten of overall planning and require peqple in the home re i not an administrative function georgetown gardener notice to creditors in mx itll l john ak thu yhommom uturl fy guftrd ji4l all persons hlvlnj clllmi lnit the mlite of john arthur ttioropmui ltu of th town of georfletown aecuritv guard who died on or ibout the 21 it dty of february ism ire hereby notified to lend particular of aame to tha un dertiffned on or before the 8th day of june 1004 afler which date the eitate will be dlilrl buted with regard only lo the clainu of which the underilj ned ahall then have notice nd the underfilled will nil be liable lo any person of whoae claim the ahall not then have nouce dated at georjrelown thla ilh day of may a d 1004 marearet iteaumont admlnlatratrla of the eatale of john arthur thompion by her solid tori dale rennet lall- nur l dalnei 23 mill st georfietown ontario s21 dodort hospital board hold dinner meeting lut tfaurmlfry evening the cinbr of ckratowtt medt el aim iltwa and we tobrt of the board of governor of the oortfttown and dulriet ueu srtal lloipltel ul at a dinner weetliuf thli vn the flril of thii type of refiling held by doctori and board memwra at uie eonelualod of dinner chairman john t arnnlronj oilde a few remark and ral led on the hospital admlnlttra tar ii criham gilhooly to uy a few wordi a umnber of the ttorj mayor joieph clbboni alio ipoke brlfly the evealnt vaa brouifhl to a clou by a film ihown by ibe adrttn litre tor the man ueio discovered the telegraph in 147 samuel kin ley hreete morie waa world lamoui paintel 4h club activity ten 4h clubs were organic ad in haiion county in april the 4h forestry club has m nipping since january i 196 club project wqre atarted it i hoped there will ha 100 completion in alt i 11 dab thla r mw jkattiaatmka tbm 4 nana mmnrnr assiatal agriculturml keprceenuuvv la bruc huff a 3rd yr oac atudeal he will be attcd ing all tb tomtinga of the jjiilton 4 h ciuhe yrtcw civ thla year th tractor club taktf ue place of t 4m bleetrie club the jitt koet lag ol thu 4u club woa held monday may 4 lb tender th pri of liry argue u county agricajtiurmj engin froni brampton- the local leader of tola rlub la mr a p calloway wha will b a- aisiing mr arau in the ar tuitiea of th trohtw club fur the turning r mew ctuu tiure u a new 411 potato club fw the brt tltne this yr and a bw 4 h grain club at acton we are pleated a fee teoougb interested knem la fond th two bew cluba in hallon namely the hilton 4h grain corn and potato clubs and the acton 4h grain club these dubs will have thlr ftrst regular meeting during the ust week of may activities fe jwne there will be up regular tub ggoroattowm hiralo thuraauy fcuy jith 1m4 page 3 r 4h nietinga in the month of june because of the large number of 4h members who will be in the midat of final examinations during that time regional safety meetings hower for all 4h members have been blanaed for late june having a storage problem call- fs moving storage 77410 k ftb istlmate duitfro and pelleftued sloriqtf ackirto shvrtno t ctalthio cm cluu tt ii calf cluba will be aurtlnj their rle of wiy bmllnu tkl kt at tlxie nt toun ux biriibra will be dueuialnj typrf of feli md fdlni uetliodiand a thort dlaruuloa on hayinii and puture uanageinenl uu c eiuu there are fdlir vteld crop cluba ihlj yar in lullon nash ano mcdowell mumhmo twj ittartno d wtw mhmx p waur syitnkt kafulrt tw ahrluo tr 72842 tf notice to property owners destroy weeds notice is retrby qivo lo em per ion t in poiiciiion of land in accordarve with tls ontario wood gntrol act i960 sec 3 13 arid 19 thai unteti noxious woods growing on tlveir isndi wittun i municipality of coorhown are dritfoyd by clste ol jurwj 15 1964 and throoglvout tlva tejion tlie municipality may enter upon laid landi and have the weedi de stroyed charging the coitt agamt tlvs land in tdot as it out in vive act the cooperation of ell citizens is earnestly tolicited milton marker wd inspector municirauty of ototottowm 123 need 5000 till pay day try ajbnlka tltrlfty mty- txooo csah only ist fill pay clay cau bo ktkklst ay atlantic finance j7i71 13 main st i the rotary club of gtogrrown extend their sincere thanks and appreciation pot their aaslalahew bt pvwth0 ah holidaze to kakkik hmuo ami 6k0an nla hybl john tuiott i wilson the richer the greener chief juatice mcruot to in mtcatlfatc the whole picture of rfoternment n onurto include irjh mt boarda and commlaalona 1i and to submit recommendations jj which will eventually be ln- i torponted into provincial lilt code or bin of human rlsbii wthla will allay any queatlonof irjovarnment leglalatlon by crjan llndtay smith it r 1 caorsatowii if one remetnben that ran ufa plant like any flower or vegetable and treats it that way then half late battle la won like all planti bran will do a lot better if it la given an oc- eulonal feeding of fertilizer preferably one high in nltro- gmi as that la the element that makes green growth r lawn grass too likes tobe thoroughly soaked not juit sprinkled with water once a week during dry hot weather and of course the real secret of beautltml dry green thick and fine stemmed turf is the proper saed not some bargain but a mixture blended by pert seedsmen tbst contains l- v j i only high quality graues and sf1 tt j p ln1l the proper proportions only with such seed can one hope to have a lawn thltvill stay teen all summer tone and will actually improve rather than deteriorate as the years go by weeds of course are bit of a problem but poi too bif a oyer- one in m lawn jtsjl fed and well watered because in such a case grass growth is so vigorous that mjany weeds will be crowded out knd never get a foothold the lawn la any landscape gardener wllliir la the eeiu tral theme n any formal gar den layout and is well worth a uttle regular attention rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtddino amanoimints corsspes a tpotlsrtf cuf flowers and funaral daslgns wi wit flowers 3 alhort- tsl 7otm heat your home hae modef woyvvmi metvrej qmt amd smart a chinook automatic ga furnoc cum iui oil tvettmol gtuj wltk tka etelu cklhaolts will fjlv yew ertttattl keel wlkwimedteesw fewubla wliw yvnst aval proclamation town cleanup week the council of hs town of georgetown al its meeting held on may 4lh 19o4 resolved thai the week of may 18th 1964 be proclaimed town clean-ur- week in compliance with the aforesaid resolution i hereby proclaim week of may 18th 1964 as cleanup week in geokoetown and urge and request all citizens lo lend their assistance and cooperation in tha interest of a clean and tidy town joseph gibbons mayor town of georgetown attention horsemen a horse feed for every horse master horse krunch master horse feed j master horse supplement k mixino with youk own grain new master complete horse feed no hay needed we stock a full line of master feeds feed master for results that count master feeds stewaitttown dial 77ssn georgetown moretrainslowfares finn nrj faster gn train service and complete facilities lrlbuzjcd for your convenience and comfort tw cauooli fut mkl mgk w bwui-oiiioos- j3rjr oinaowi iriiira r h thompson hardware kummnqvh1atinq 4 ll672wl askabout w convenient departure and arrival tl tries v complimentary meals with parlour car arid sleeping car reservations to red whits end blue fare points on trains can ing rnealeervice can w cargoftall plan w red white and blue faim v special super continental and panorama services to tha rockies and vancouver a credit card plan w maple leaf package tours group travel arranqemenbi er regular skwplngparlour car and dining car service for youy eattnj comfort to london 230 when planning mp cornpare the cook arid compare the comfort al cns improved paieenqpr aewlcel for information phone your local cn agenf caivadlan national et r it p- r

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