Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald pulirthirl by hum h pisjon unlit 23 main street s georgetown ontario wciw pag 4 thursoay may 14 1964 editorial comment larger catting area originally pnrd for my 7 th motion of re cllirg lo the brampton telephone excruwcje it doy mi fey jcns 7th free eallirvg t somwhat of mil rumor for there will actually be en irv creaae hi phoop rates varying from so o j2 60 depeoehivy ot the type of service ci tired however in view of the ejtioj ad ventage the bukt cot 1 rwminal there we uxtp oppont on in lown to the chenqe bo i town council loundaf- ter dotmrvdirg survey of cu tortr das hes thel majority ol lelenjhon utet wither wentod th ehtre fcervte ut wiujld not cwtinitely oppose it like any other pfogreit v act w deserved bigger ijfouses we thae ttwj disappointment of bolar lent in the lack of support for th annual r view which failed to fill 1h high tchool sud iroium for any of it four performance wd wer particularly dltsppoinled b ceuie the how always of a high cat bra wat the moit original the mott amb t out and ma in i mod at least at high a calibra of performance while experimenting with new id and a fail paced review formal with ralph urtel at lha halm both at director and planitf one kjvowt that ro tary know will be topnotch of court georgetown n fortunate to have such an accomplnlwd muiician in charge and bar nrd shrubtole t work at a choral director not ftnd favour with everyone there arc mry eldehy peopla particuurjy living on food income where another 50c a month tor something thvy doni neecj of want u hard to take on the orher hand a larger tree calling can be a boon for business mnd industry pftxufarly and me broad ad ventages whch these can bring to a town are hred by all reidnli we can envisage the day when free cell g aea get much bigger this it only one step in an eventual plan which coo id tee georgetown able lo call to maor cen tre hke yofonlo hamilton and guelph toll free and perhep ihe day will come when one can dtit anywhere in the province for a monthly flat charge uh i hie to be deiued in the motlcai de part ma nl the ihow wai full of bright topcal feferwncel motljy local in intervit per t cularly good wet ft letter tmd by enid urtal trying lo explain georgetown i cen tnnial and an entire catt nunber at gan 6r airport which displayed the tinging dancing and comc talent of m catt many who say the khow will want to attend aga n wlen it it preiented in cabaret ttyle at the riviera on- june 4 thoie ww dtdn t gel lo the high school would be well adv ted lo view it that njgh w guaran tee you w u enjoy your evening trying to restore the uw of gravity sugar and spicc wise words from will circulation grows steadily the herald reached a new h gh in c r colahon laat month average circulation in april was 3 466 copet weekly an increase of almost a hun dred over a simitar period last year and tne highest number of readers since th busjneet wat etlabhshed almost a hundred years fcgo it made us think back to the days wr afar led a quarter century ago when one thousand wat the mgic number we thought the ultimate had been reached wnen circulation reached that milestone and if is particularly pleasing that the targett portion of the 3469 people who purchased copifri of the herald in apr i live in or in the immediate trading area of the town over 90 of town hornet ara served by earner delivery or by purchase from a dealer that it tomathung which few towns can boast and is ample repay ment for the hard work which the newt and production staff putt in each week to g ve readers a bright newsy local publica tion we haven t reached perfection and we nevar will the fascination of the newt- paper business it thai there are always new ideas m news presentation events which don t gt into print pictures which thou id be taken so mere it a constant stimulus to do a better job we shall keep on turning out the very best paper poitibu in order lo merit the readership granted ut by the public bill imluy thb mail mac boj good deed draws praise of local lady 11 kwlntf stmt georgetown dear sir i thought perhip your reader would ilka to kn6w of an lncldeht that pleated ufe very much at a recent tale in the tvel rex trea i purchased a imall table however my ear was parked a little dlatauca away and i wondered how i could carry my purchase o the car i aaw a youni lad ktandlnfi dote by and asked hint if he would take it to my car if i gsva him a quarter he said yea but 1 don t nerd a quarter when we got to the car he carefully re moved ihe legs of my table and placed it in my car again i offered him the 23 cenu which ha politely refui ad laying let that ha my good deed for the day on the way home i kept thinking what a shining ex ample for old and young alike in this day and age when to much stress for old arid youns alike la placed on making the quick buck how refreshing it u to see right principle b4ng taught to our youth i feel lure that hli good dead or the day waa of far more value to that young lad than waa my offer of a quur lr tie more ou giving to thoe who need our help forgetting the thought of what the re ward might be bow much bet tar ihis old world would he for our hiving patted this way sincerely katherina lordaro chamcud man arcn t you the tame man i gave a piece of mince pia to last month no mum 1 m not and wot a more the doctor uya 1 never will be a tvw ruts c lslt i l tke fckeetly a4eus ef deafly 4ur canturua ef stley- ieittg eww ike year a fvw relut stmft htat ii tj the wtuflntmt ntumtuln l so avtu el tlimuah whe had te merue chunks 4rm hi wefc personally 1 think the dia eordtnt not it caused by the rapid rotation in hit grave of toe hone of the lurd a shrrwj businessman aa he agonues over all those royalties he ii not collecting otherwise thin tee awl twlmtvtlnely a th crlilct and re el vtllh y ad pk aneta the nanlflcmi ewwuj and the hse arvomea abeot whe really weie his fciy waxes a mam whfc fvttle hy but in not concerned with that thar are enough people plodding about through hit work trampling poetry under foot aa they search for clues to prove that he wat really ba con or marlow or the karl of something la a leak for a hvmht at lha real wilt thkmr we rind him in the hundreda of brltf passage that have set v everybody is writing aboot shakeeoea y 9 the dyt th only tour aota in the fanfare o ac claim mark log hit 400th atuiivvrsary is a deep ram bling sound khet hu many people haf led cotne ringing down the ycrt with lb universal truths he had to out thrm in lha mouths of others of course but the man hiuuetf is there warm a ive grinning scowling scold tat nulling what uuu we toar kumm that kit stride ut ms awe xc ct wtwi the eanlne hlht el hamlet vj ik site sday wat a sniash he ewttly inmrted ut the last sca and at the ikr el the wet th leylul 11a a hit a vary balple hit we can ser hii amused tolr anr of his wife lack of mut d in another famous line sie had been spring cleaning and had slipped a disc while trying to move an old trunk full of sonnets irailty thy name t woman quipped uill w cam tynttuthhe with his hoaasl raoe thl was belere aty clatlntf at h scrubbed the v ett hit new silk breathe and bellawed out umhd pt out i say what man a heart don not warm to the bard a forthright suggestion in henry vi part 2 the first thing we do lets kill all the lawyers it there a heusewlu llvu whe haa net teheed t seme time haketaarva immehal eafhenl whet m wlf cwna hem front the buuhar with a stringy reaat this is th west imklndeel cut el kill many a tnan has wished be had the gift and the nerve that will displayed the night he got home from the pub tid dly and tardy and wat con fro n ted by his wife her sister and hit mother in law did he aay ha was sorry and would never news echoes fromth rfl at hm haru 19s4 and 1939 10 years aoo accountant at th bank of commarc tara from 1935 to 1940 jack hart will toon ba raturninq to town ai manager mr hart who u now manager at richmond hill will succeed ffad chapman who hai bean promoted to the manaoerhlp at peterborough with tome ttill waiting word of thair yeart ratulh at unlverilty a maiorlty of local and dlitnct ttudenti have received the newt succeit it reported by trmlms hun er john hunter reed hunter elllng berg carl schenk cordon graham donald lawton and stewart alexan der hope that georgetown will take a more vhvo part in the work of the ground obtarvef corps was expressed by fo w a lonploy when he tpoke ot a meeting in the library let night at present only one local man it employed at thli important volunteer task which entails spotting and identifying planes flying over town is yeaks aoo georgetown baseball club made a better than average start for the 1939 baseball season wherf they cameiout on top of acton tanners 4 3 bill bryden on the mtkwd and bill ritchie behind the was the winning bat tery others in the llnayp were smith a ritchie chap lin kemshead tbst l ritchie and mcmenemy of a possible 900 voters only 319 polled jhelr votes on th sewage by law on monday with the result that the bylaw was defeated 225 to 94 thlameans thoro will be no sewage system installed in georgetown for some time to conje n da it a2iin not h 11 rosr m i low nnw yuu itcrei msrk and mkttnljtht hstfit ka kitaw mm at wiitmu y avr twnmori that mafi ara tntrmt wkrt ttv tra frfh knia ha knw wom toa thara waa kvr yr a fair hmmu tul t na4a maulhi ih a slait aa uui ira of raarti rfliii 1 rin hrr a multitude of ljigllih trsrhrn tjyins in unlun 1or this rrjlef much ihjiiki bible thought for the week we accardlh t hu prtt- li look far httf heavoht and a tvaw earth whareltt dwlt- th rl ii pelr s 13 god has planned a magnifi cent future for those who trust him i extras fcy teny hariey news desk mmiefw heram editorial ottawa may 7 ifam tm mail nvao mr walter blajta editor oeorgetowb herald 23 main street south georgetown ont sir 1 would like to comment on your nceal adttnrtal fai jeai man or party i car- s tainly agree with you that it la net fair to tha ejectors that man ahosild run la an ev tioss under a certain perty aral the preasure of setting mi- lea of type vttue racing ia one of hr y airajra phlcal errors that frequently turn coiiacifntaqusly written stories late aources ei for the report er even though the reader oftea paeeea ever the printed oooboo without even notlciag for our owe sjk we should nt be polptiitg them out but wat week two tines of type get swtlchcd in the k chaoa aod created a couple of dapdiea on page three p- peerad y an aborted beedllne hut reed stodelj vor kahloa hhew deullcd for men s liu b which must hs reused seen casuaj readers to dd double uke on page is ih other lines popped up and treated this intritculnie attention gctlrr african kjiprrirnrra ar- twosylwe golfing ladr in w ct recently ttw fouled up hesd1 toppl v k whirb of stories on a fsdiori hw and w toi do ou live ou soother party without rhe eon aeht of thee who elected hw late ooce vou- iuxgeetion that he resign bis seat ad seek reejertion under hla new colour u en ideal one and would be fair aod proper for all concerned your sincerely herryc haxuy ald uy tot ualtoej mam ol vaxtf tn a rub tiieeting trtii of thousand of words siuj ihomundj of itars find thfir way to tbtir rigiit slot but ont slip and the rridvf hve their unihtendrd wvkly uaiu we hivt bn ineatilng for imi time to hurl an over ripe onion in the dirrctlon of the highly bally huoed but poorly rsud teevee blight that was the wk thsl was in view of their lowly positlnn on the chart it might mm like kicking a show when it a down but since it rea hed its state ty hailing at anything popular missing and falling down we can t feel any mltgivlnga writers david rrot and company in our opinion mis srd the mark because they ap parently don t know the dif ference between satire and sarcasm or even that there is one vortir of the targets for their barbs are well chosen hut in stead of pricking with thr needle tw3 sinks the verbal harpoon to ihe irnuh and then t wuti it a picked up this tcric ei change while waiting to go under the clippers in a local crop shop customer lley how come your hands are so dirty uarber no shampoos lo- day made the remarkable aulement either side klther side uststrd th questioning atttsrney uhst do you mead by tht just what i said th wrtnea replied either aide when you are ol ng iwrlh u a on lha risat but when ou r going south it s on the left the wttbesj it eic4edl the lawyw cried georgetown herald vshluhed by meene w sllmhed georgetown ontario wahw c tluhe tuhluhr cahuld mccllvray production supcrtptendent terry hariey aueen bradley news vditor accountant mac douglas advertising manager mrs- william geggia clerk tyoltt anna currle reporter peter jonea photographer leslie clark dav llaatlng u aiuon j mccumanui member of th cajudlan waakly nawapapers association and the ontario association cwnjl award winner business directory chiropractor tknald a cay dc appmntmrnu mada daily call tr 74401 1 main st uaroatawii chiropractor earald w carbah bc opart dally ay tppalntrrtartt house cslls arrinttd irrusi 11a main it nartti cakh wetrwooo onltrla land turvmymlr 118 uounutnvlew hd 8 trin mil w a carv it v washaoad y 7w04 raa t 44144 djw develorhents lihiteo kulldara af fine hamas prop wtltar pteholok w7oi1 rrr 41s barragers clartmrt laundarah in ynr ib main s 1m guelph all wa daatl bfemliea wallaci thompson srd dlvlalan court clark ft commissioner tr 74943 t oiorortowm animal clinic 100 onelph street v zavttl dvm b poolman mrcvs dr pater coriklln clinic open 6 fl p m mon wro rt saturday 9 11 am o t walkik ko hob optomitrist l usln m s hjampton 461lm llfl 4s1s343 hours dam to 1 pu tuesday to saturday friday dim lo 9 p to evening by appointment robl r hamilton opfoenelrlst llfl liountalnvlew ltd s carretal bldg for appointment 8773971 massage maurice h mallor rm 9 cleaveholme dr 1774090 er 0 houta calls oy arrancml monuments pollock campb1ll designs on request inspect our work la greatrwood camatery phoni 4117ms water street north bali prank prtch licensed auctioneeb prompt service p o box 413 tfi- t3ar34 gaorgatown classified ads bring results dale bennett latimer raines karrwara k alulfara douglas v lat1ueh terencb r haines thlautu vs3s1 h w1u st caorfaloara george c hewson rarrlalar and iuihw lis uounulnvlew rd s carraul building gcortfalown tr mill frederick a hehon surrlw and wllclter 118 uounuluvlew rd8 carraul buildlui georfelowa tr 7 mw m e manderson qc barrister and solicitor ol mill st georgetown tr 72444 t van sickler ba barrlttar tollcltar natara dr wullami nidfj 34 hale tr 74531 kaplan ord barrtsrera and fellcltera sidney kaplan 110 uoudtalnview ad 8 carretal building 77f54 6s4ssisatslsiti ajsliii jjg gjmaijliijt a friim slk st tl i 1 u

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