Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 5

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is cherry pies muffins ju dged georgetown institute meeting twenty our ladies attended the regular mmling of the wo- i mmat initltnle held in knox hall wedoeaday evening may the uaual opening xcrdaee tha roll call wj an i awcred with what annoyg me fnoat at meeunss tt cor reapondeoce mm rad and deal with mr x uaihewt mrt g buaaell mra t tomp- fc and krt w wilaon wr i osaad delegates to represent i yhm ceorsetowb wanch at the l district annual which la to be bald la acuta on may 30th mra w wllaon gv a tplvn did report of the direct or csaetiaj which ahe had attend ed in milton and a diacuuloii allowed on soma of the high lixhta of the report horn ecopomifli and health with mrs t axnutxoog and mra t bailey u ceovcoe was the topic lor the program and aome very worthwhile pa pert were given on the fcub- ect the knullo auo lo kaeplog with home economic lt lfctt lace po4er to catch a hian but baking powdpf to hold him w wa well takea by mra g wllaoa there was ajw ji akeoit oi cnerry pl and hrvi knulritis mrt s u croat and mxa 0 spence as judges who declared mrs- s ho bin winner o the beat cherry pie and mrt thompaoo the muf an these winners will again compete with other branch winners at the district annual the judges then spoke or a few minutes on how they had judged fea plea fend muffins and gsve some helpful hints for future baking mrs k nwhouae delighted the ladies with 6ne piano agios and after thanks had been estrndrd to all who d taken part in the evenings program the me ting was clos ed in the usual way a lunch of bran muffins and cbrrry pie and a kociel half hour was much enjoytd sssk ttn mfts uted aftmsttono wl home economic convener peient prices lo mrt tkompaon and mr syd robin whote mulfini and ckrry pa were tudged belt in i baking competition at the may meeting the odgei wars mrt s b groat and mrt gordon spent sr spring is busy time in office of agpep the new personnel in the andrew eilenherjer fruit agrlrullurel 0 hilton are end vegelable hatrnsion spe cialist u very busy with the soany inquiries at this time of yeir lsrry argue fnfclneerlng ex tension spectsllst or hilton and peel counties works from tfca brampton effim however appointments can be wade to bttt with mr argue in the hilton oblte on wedneidayi of each week by calling the agricultural orate ullton prior to wednesday the plans for bulldine and remodelling etc can be discussed in thte interview thli will greatly speed up requests for engineer lng assistance appointments can be made with mrt coatoin home eco nomist for hilton and reel it anyone has a particular prob lem or wishes advice on iny homemaklng topic contact the agricultural office and aulst once will be given an ap pointment would be arranged with mrs cossom active with the numerous spring projects henry j stanley agrlcul tural representstlre is setting up soil and crop projects rtftae include a date of plant bag and two atrailne projects aj on corn- in the date of plant tag project one acre plots of com are to be planted during the srat week of may on an other acre two weeke later and the final plot during the brat veek of june these are to determine the benefits of early plsntijig of corn the atra due project is to compare atrailne applied at normal pressure of 40 pa i versus ap plication at a with preasur i 00 p s 1 to onlrol weedi n eoro the 6fne te uormil atrexlne compared to atrailne in an oil and water emulsion bruce huff summer assist ant is active with the eleven 411 clubs suggest corn planting early for best yield lesgue at the hoyne com munlty centre krpresenla uvea were present from pal ermo omagh glen williams hornby lowville and tansley the election of officers took place with the following poil tlons being filled by wllf in gtehart president oortloit sinclair vice president and doug leriche as secretary treasurer the first game of the season will be on may 26 the hornby nifty needier held their eighth meeting at ihe home of mrs jim mcksy on saturdsy may 2 at 2 p m the meeting opened with the 411 pledge repeated in unl son in answer to the roll cell a number of finished articles were shown the girls judgrd three charts on choosing the beat blouse msterlal to suit a certain skirt material ac tlvltiea far achievement day were discussed and their skit for that day was prselired eseh girl continued working on her unflnuheharhws a delicious lunch of cheese cake squires and coffee was serv ed by the hostess this haa been relatively lata spring for the planting of cereal grains if you are to get good maturity and high yields corn should be planted aa soon u poaalble corn should be planted at leaat by may 23rd with extra yields it planted prior to may lfith frost may hit early plantings of corn but it does not have algnlfkint effect on tha fin al yield of the crop this is particularly ao if the frost comes at the earliest stages of growth cora frown ts the ground alter may 2nd 1m3 plant lag at the oac recovered within four days and went on to produce higher yields than corn planted at later dates h corn la frown in the fall it u dead and will not ma turo further the result is immature corn with lower yield and quality to overcome this plant early and escape fall groat or use hybrid requir ing fewer heat units which will reach maturity before fall groat in the testa hybrid were planted at seven weekly inter vale starting hay 2nd- and ending june 13th yields ran ged fronv a high oftl taut- bell per acre with the early planting compared with a low of bo bushels per acre with the june 13th planting a corresponding difference in ear moisture at harvest was i evident 27 with early plant- log and bis with tha late planting although all corn seed on the market is treated with a iunglcide to control seedling ms diseases it u well for the far- roes to apply additional insec- tlddo treatment with aldrin aa of one ounce of so wettable powder per bushel of seed at planting time to control trou blesome insects like wlreworm and aeed maggots hornby rural softball league opens on may 26 the hornby garden party committee met on sunday night may 3 at the home of mr and mra jamie cunning ham to make plans for the an nual garden party which will be held on saturday july is the president jamie cunning ham was in charge 0l the meeting vines mountford was present to arrange the pro gram others attending were ken ella- blake inglls mrs garnet howden mrs john reenatra and jim hamilton a meeting was held i monday night may 4 by the julton sural mens softball harris floral mlltangimintf for v1rv occasion concmn mavfl wjitdino iand road oravel fill and top sou syont wotk tom haines ou williams y 74302 macdonald french named as school principals a uartiaon end 9 teacher with 11 years tcfcchlnf experi ence and a newly hired leach er with five rears experience will be iha dew principals of lurriaon and ark acheaola res pectively firtmtirimiftlrtfi coounittee chairmaii aialcolm freeman announced at a board me wedneeoay that the poaj will be filled by ltffiu mc donald and william french atr alacdooaid is ctade ax teacher at harrison mr french waa selected by the board trocd three applicant their dutiea will tart in september kcelfaetiotu ty haryy istospper who will be an lnaperior with the department of education this aummer and harold catun who will w come principal of a uroom streetselue acbool this fall created the vacancies the principals reaiination and reelgm uon from four othet teachers were officially accepted at the wednesday meeting teachers reaunln are atra john ratteron airs j a ik and mrs m keiers all of kennedy public acbool and mrs t j cutsw oi hark three wired at the same bkeetinj were mrs helen x kett mies marfaret turney and mr william tara the hiring brouht the total ef new teachers kdded to the tatf to eitht aotb ljb posulanj are til to be tllkj ormsv market gardens damaged when hail hits hornby a fruk suen hit part ofjfved wortmsn and charlie the hornby district oo thus trimble two lucky dfi day afternoon at 3 so p m the storm was in the area of the sixth une to the ninth una and included rale hall and wind thunder sod ushtning a cblra held with the prlxri go inst to mrs krhk mrcarron and david uaikll lunch was served by un jerk mllhr and mrs rred workman the ney was struck 6n the home nest party will be on msy 23 of jim lealie of the elgbtb krundi of craig kloyce are sorry to hear he had the mis fortune to rut the end off one of his fingers making it tmr aary to have five stitches to close the wound he was tre ed at the ullton district hot pital a spdy recovery is wished for frank hae whs had the uwortune to fall off a load of icay when helping his neigh bour tom alderton to move some hay to the aldrraon farm he was treated at the ulllon district hospital for shoulder injury and bruises use mr lealte had w ed the door to took out whan the bolt of lightning struck aj drumquln boards were drift jng through the air and many of the market gardeners crops sre ruined by the hall atones the ladles of hornby unit ed church ucw catered for the annual banquet of the mr and mrs club bowling league of m pauls united church milton there were 40 fcneu bers who sat dowd to deli clous lurkey dinner and all the trimmings following the banquet tbry spent the rest of the evening at the orange hall wbr they presented their trophies and enjoyed dancing e e mrs len kueniig enter tained eight ladles at her home on thursday night may 7 when mrs jean hswklns of milton put on a tupperware de- wonstrstlon four contests were plsyed with the winners being mrs cecil till mrs krank hall mrs albert mar rhment and mrs doug mr callum lunch was aerved by the nostras snd a aocial visit enjoyed rirthdsy greetings to sonny illll on msy 11 norms cook on msy 13 to glnnlene rut ledge and garry hamilton on may 13 to bui marchment on may is to paul may and don shea on may 10 first wishes are extended to mr and mrs arthur plsnt who will celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary on may is e e e congratulation to mr and mrs jack thorns nee doreen howden on the birth of their son scott andrew at tha mil ton district hospital on frldsy may 1 weight 8 iba 12 oia a brother for stephen congratulations to mr and mrs jim nrown nee carol howden who were married saturday may s in hornby united church the north trafalgar euchre elub held a euchre party at the north trafalgar community centre on saturday night may ftth with nine tables in play the prises were awarded to the following winners mrs tha kden united church yps held a dance and aocial evening on friday blgbl may t at tha north trafalgar com munlty centre music was supplied by mrs cliff may at the piano and cliff calling out tha equare dances mr and mrs csrry hamilton and son kent were dinner guests of mr and mrs roy south of brampton on sunday birthday greetings are extend ed lo mra len buckler who celebrated her blrthdsy on may 3 bernard a colby age m retired executive vlcepres dent of the federal intermedl ale credit bank of spring field massachusetts died in springfield hospital on sunday april m he began his csr eer in bsnklng with tha spen erfport nv bank in 1019 ha waa a pioneer in develop ing many new techniques for the extenalon of credit to far men in the north eastern states his experience with the bank in agricultural credit resulted in his being called to springfield aa assistant treasur er of the federal intermedl ate credit bank in 1031 he retired in 1043 he leavea his wife gladys williamson col by who was a former resl dent of drumquin and itornby dlelrieta and a alsler of mor- ice williamson of the eighth line a daughter mlu jean colby of hartford connecll cut and a son donald of del ray beach florida funeral service was held in springfield trlf oroftgitown hirald thursday may 14th 1h4 alec ingram mrs roy break on wednesday april 20 deshjns cut flowers weddlnsj ooeoers 10 ma ft ntlt74sn a fwrhe t j v ww one transaction does it when you finance with your dealer purchase finance and insure your i tjoods in on transaction ask your dealer about his convenient lifeinsured lowcoast iac purchase plan fisici fa industrial acceptance corporation limited a canadian company providing financial and insurance esrykee for canadians and canadian business sjmtal ermct btjuttm for uutvil lift poucykcidtrw v heres how mutual life can help you plan for your childs education the vslua of a university education cent be flrur4 in dollars end cents but the- cue t can if your child attends a university in your area today the expense for books tuition free and dottrel could come to about jj1000 per year away from home with room and board indtidod use coat would be about 2l2t0 each year naturally coats will vary dependl on the aria tha course taken and the institution but in every eha costs air continually rislnc your child could pay some of this expense himself but probably not all of it he will need your help mrwt parents dont have this amount of cash available eithtr butyoucanlf you plan for it i will you take tha time to discuss this important rnatur with your mutual life representative t he can show you a plan for accumulating money through the mutual life which will porofes funds foe university education the plan will guarantee that the money will be available whether you live or die this is the way thousands of our policyholders irs building a guaranteed fund to enable their children to have a university education without financial wor rice call your mutual life of canada representative and talk it over with him or mail this coupon m the mutual life atlsuranck comfany of canada wuatjorktch waysjlloo owtajuo hwrssuslf ssi ums ves f au mmi ihltmul nt iwuag ante 4s leaf prvtajj ae jufuu lor my cxiw luttiut ewiimfum huvimc1s district klpftattrstativa john t armstrong clu hons tat 7h1 orticl ta a4s4 msidence 39 main stttst south oeokoetown ofclt amcu the newspaper youre reading cosworiess for less than 10 a day you can own a oilburner m roi u uttu st jj re mouth gss a sjsmi sssnsssf r0 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