Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1964, p. 4

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to h alton wfaxly omtvatiom by ml hafcly hatuty u 0t rlaltom increased benefits come to members of coop medical ttm put we in th houm of goomikmu btr1eii a rolei- rvely qulat ooe- at tbe pretest urn budget re oluliont eiii lutrmrl dtm back to ifc budjet seoluuoai oai time mo- hio tint two day oi lhli wek er taken is by 1 suppiy mouoq wojco i ore ly tcirhiiiojty to allow tfe oppotioa to dbat my miiv joct they cpooaa and then pre- ant at the conelualoa 61 th two d dabate a vote of boo-eonu- deoce in pw government tl topic chosen u coiuervatloa of water and wte pollution while thli ll fe very lnhorut matter and wtl preolpiuud by the low watcf level in tbe great lakam ike iasua never really placed th goverckmaot in eny berau poaltioa u wotgw be hard to vuuallfce n election biiag cauaed by alkob tnatlcr a i km kura ell wrtie in the hon of comwooa art xoo- caraod about this matter aod wul do erarytninf to aid aolu- tion to the prdblam canadian bav traditionally thought of vlr u a gret aooree of ooercy txa jiyrlnvcl actric jowr bat it la w incrfaainajly uiod or oew pur- poeee iuc a isduatrial uaaa irruatlon and pollutioo con trol tbe conamnoiloa af water of eottraa la alao ttteraaaini it earn ukeiy aval aooa of to water now flowing ttorlo lo tbe ajxtk area wul be rwdiractad tor ua lo the ao4itbexa part of tanada i cad reear ilo le ike crand canal a tchacoe lo direct waur frvoi northern on tario fcrvdit- odd into the ottawa ttiver and ceorgud bay woat bcemed like 1 gren- dloee itheme led year kd buy beconie a neceaalty within hajebar leti yrt darin the raoaot ontario okmbber of comamrc roaat- taj la ottawa i waa plaaaed to moot re pre wot i uvea from mil too oekville and buriindtoo an wire moat pampia are a war felt tbeatuton dumber waa awarded a plaawa or their skll- julaee of biatorical jbeoaa to promote uiltoo and diatrlct thl waa for their work lo prompunjj 01d faafiioaed dy in conjunction with the steen show of ontario staam and ao- tlqua preaerver ajwoclitloc mr don bath of oekvflle was hoaoured by election aj bis ector of the ontario chamber of coouaeroa other recant i- itorg to ottawa ware tbe rj-ek- lock liio school baod wtbd i met for 4 few momenu before uu opening of the kiurnoob of aba iuum of cwn sawotsf of ujd19xjo for aha finer- el year aoablad tha dtroc- tora of hahon cooporatita afad servkaa to rooommafid to the mamben at the amtoal u as increase in fe fits too lacraaaa will be in tfao farm of payment lo full of xraye aeadad for diafooatlc pujdoaea for the manqcr and their dependant premhaa lo- eaow for the yoar amouatad to flfure of 779040 for tha pra- vfeua yoar tbe lncraaaa wj attributed mainly to aba mtro- du of the coojprahanalva which waa favourably jit- oapnad by new eod lormar workers think overtime after 1000 winning slogan tirttiyn of ryovhnclfcl yi per utnlted gaortelowtl are acreuhlotf tbclr beds and uk- int tbclr brain or winnlng compahy afrifcin jul k rob erta weaident of abilibl wer tnd ptcr cooipjity limi ted wrote hii eiihployeei two weeki kjto and annouocvd a alotfan cwut with wtxxjoo bi prlici for fcb lucky vlnncf mr iloboru aaked kii em ployees to dicrlba tbtir opin ion of the bliffa lundard of quality reflected u abitlbl pro duct reaearcii fcervka and th uibner lo wfaleh abitlbl doe uuihca he amkad that the tlocao u eitfl word or lea the tonfeit 6pch to all abi tlbl employ bu puaad tba balfwiy point fend 3103 n trie hava bead received kfl trie crloie uy 2s tfa rule of lb tontaat buu that tba entry blink ire num bered ho thet tba officlu lud- fchtif the contaet do not know lb iourta of vba mrlry krt- tranl retain their corraapotad- big ktub which muat be pre- enled lo obuin ny of the pri- kc award include a firat prlxa of 1000 kecond pru 1500 thin priie ta00 thr totuola- tiou priae of 100 aolea and ib reilonaj priae of s100 each rtw cootest bj run two weak and it would appaar bbat w uiulaid for abitlbl u uih recorded by the popi who abould know music depl head praised after conducting elijah tr onrw wluoii th xtd ol ma cnuttturwii hltb srfsool music dcthroimat rclvd k- wlntf watdi from a ctwlph uu- tie crili iu undueum f- 1u uodiluoho kuji in filled kou iu1i gixlph ten oy til pn u prewnlesl by tin cuelpb lum optra com- juny lloln ty in her review uid ufidef bit ureful tundi of 1u tondurtor dr charts wluoon th apirltiul and m- otlonil tontiot of tha work hi caminuaiuiad with clarity fy ika tbtatij and lolnitu u tba draulue iiaty of the propbt tiafdldd the work mmj in mtt allva weieu the ktory a ux eontramny with bui vw 4pltiei the trufbtfaim dr wtuonl initrufnent and xodueed totne wonderful en- iemble lounds we thing guelnh thould theriih these fine tololsu and ehoriiten and live then msra opsortunity and encouragement to perfornl lnuoruht work if bhey are trained and led by u capable artiit ae dr w1i- aon th oloaofetowm hkald thurwy kuy si ui pack 4 bower wowvr bowr euklvet- ort power drlvco cihj we imply tit and tar tod wtloh ihiati irfrv but there li uw u much fad and ubwxhlon la roo- ln it the otbef od 6f the aula where w maka arary tquere hmej eouot in thli caae we eon- omtrata wa huh mia tiny aoweca dwah ttartjoldj tkv alia and aa m and the tmall eoawuei rowinjt vejfeltblej like beane cwrrotj radith let- uiea beeu tnd herb thlni that ylald heavily for tbe apace ueeded x foot row of lettuce for in- altaoe will more than keep an aeerate feeituy in aejad materia lodnnitly upaelally u we tow araomnely a 10foot row of betni li good for a duaeit tnaali tad the tame le true 6f earrou baeu and radlah we taake to- kaatoaa aial wa grow aquaah aad aucumbare along aba fence all that li ueeeaatry with theae poetaga ttema gardena u a little more planning and the aeleetlaa of floware and vega- table that will fit and of eouraa good rich aall eontain- lng plenty of ferulltar the georgetown gardener garden lends itself to any size or any energy by oordpri llndity smith r it 1 oaaraatawn one of aha great advanlagei of gardening aa a recreation u that wa can adapt it to any bed tpace or to any amount of pertonal energy if we have korai at our dlapoial we uta large planti big glint marl- soldi ornamental lunfloweri bw tlnnlai urge ttrlklng badi of petdnlaa- arid ao on aa or vegetable u than la lot of room then we can have doteni of rowi of tweet gar den corn only from a garden at tba kitchen door can you get top duality grow a winter eupply of botatoei indulge in trailing pumpklni grow tun- flower aaedi for tbe bird tnd perhtp plant clover stu mil let buckwheat or tome other quick growing thing in half the garden and have h plowed under for green manure and with these ipaeloui gv- deni wa uta power ol couree wool ctaima pay mania for bar aia to 1772x9 duri4 aba year lor aurgioai and med ical bill onv- lo addition bla- ior medical paymenfa toullin- 0u480 ware paid to 48 mem- beyy who bad exoaaalve drus buraln embuunee and therapy t euoh item are not tie taauy covered by ordinary health lnaureoca plan atientioo ha been broutfbf to bear on the madldl plan offered by bhe cooperative by competition lfl the bealbh in- arahce field a reported in tbe rvvaidanftf meaaaxe by mr fiawd rinolr hornby katenlve promotion wa cerried oot lil order id retell tba poeltlod of the uedlcaf cooperative in the bounty with quit utiifavctory fvsultj ba uid- member uanied aba detail of tba ohlropraalk fcnd tba aye ear plana khd manlberi refer red aba ulur to lb director for further ttudy uls riotenc uft and mr kou hawohb both of burllaartod vbo have been on tba board of director of tba cooperative airvfe it liiceptloi id 1m7 retired do to tba preaaiira of work id other k tivitia mia meara bu bead promoted to th prihclpalahlp of a ura public aobool id bur udjplod and mr seftaworth baj bael alacted to tbe rveatdency of th cackadiad llolateld aaeo- datioa tribuu wera pid to thaaa toembrt at tba intxtal ueetlii and they vall b iora- ry ulaaed wbd kdportant dec- blofa ix to b tawd william it ituou uuud and mr j norman bird george town we reelected u direc tor now director elected tbomu alderton horti- by and dr j w yurvey uiv tod dr turvey li formerly of bjl scotland and new member of tba cooperative at a recant meetiaf of board of director it waa deci ded that patron loan aho- catad to aba aaember froea aav- lafi m lflftjlftoe be paid back la full during may after han 1 mrs boy coul ter who ba been mcretary treasurer of tba medicaj coop erative for aba poet lea years t be raalypady will be repla ced in the ofice by mr trad edwards campoellvilu mr j bryrr croa jaa baeii appointed naajar aad will bej in dure of o axtealve promotion pre- as iq tbe jaar future k jikjo expert newest policeman or town a hale drive raaldent ttarted work for ahe town yactarday ti probationary police docuu- hie ikrry ubehy 10 hau drive ui replacing uruca atcquarrie who haa rulgned to take tn- ather poeltlod coming here from toronto air liberty bit wife and heby have heed lewd raaldent lor foue year the taaw cw table la well known acnoog the notice to creditor iri rhe ilu wf johw km thuk thomroh aacurl ry cuarav d all eitson3 having cltlmi agalnat the aetata of john arthur thompton lata of the town of georgetown eecurlty guard who died on or about the let day of vebruary ueu tre hereby notified to tend particular of tame lo the un- deralgnad aa or beiora the blh day of june 1mm alter which date the mitt will ba alitrl uited with regard only to the clalmi of which the undenlg- nad thall then hava notice and the undeyeljaed will not be liable to any peraon of whae claim the ahall not then hava notice dated at georgetown thli tin day of may ad lftm alargtret baaumoat administratrix of the xetate of john arthur thompeon by bar soiled tore dale bannatt lati mer av balnea b kill st gaorgatowa ontario younger people in town partio- blariy ha haa lnitructad a ymcaaponaorad judo daaa for aonva moolau uw slip a paragraph lo a new atory nportlnga meeting of the wo- aaeoa club ronltinad thla utar- atlag atataoanl aire bob- btna annouacad that on wed- neadiy june vaeti he lual meeting wlu be hall- dog owners warned to watch a for outbreak of distemper ceornajmm doit ownera abould be on abeir guard ag aknat tn outbreak u dlatampar here warns inspector auaa aac- nabh of the humana society tbm lnapectiar waa wfrtlfhi uta laat week by an animal hoepital in burlington that ao e of the eanlna dllaaaaa baa broken out in the south end of the county and that a num ber of dogs have been taken to noepttala if the epideenlc u that close h will probably reach this he taut distemper wbkh- tumaily 1u appearance thla i of th year is a di proven fatal to dogs ha l tome include cougbing mucous diacherge does that have not been actuated against the aouu receive inocujauona i mediately ears enepector nahb and ihoee trial hava i inoouuted ahould ha booster shots u the considers it necewaary a dumber of dbaesrpcr i georaatown animal cuaic ataallaa the your wool return for patronising our own organisation ahlf collhct to our registered warehouse no 1 western ontario obtain sack and twine without charge from w l ianbikiom belunafad wm a wilion llhaew r r 1 ceorgetown a h takk tkaarer r h 8 georgetown or by writing to camadiam coopihativb wool oftowir limitid 40 it clair avwmm haa yarantav oftterl red fare one way trrv a i- the smart way to save and travel extra coach caf- cdnvenlences to make your trip more comfortable for other economy red while 4 blue fares call for further contact your rim nash amd mcdowell humauno and hiatireo e watar foftanere e watar syatahu a rapaant aharatlona tr 72842 u rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtooino miaf4mm c a tjeadaltr cu flower arvd fhiqaral- datlgru we wire ffovvart tt abiert tfl 74tm bell lines e l jarvis your telephone manager not visible if i tunpeee u may aeaa arranflet brlnglnal up co borga in may but if audaunry occurred lo ht thai they hava eenie la common vrml tha toupkono bual meal juol ilka rila nroatar bart ol art koborg tha roaaar bunt ol tochnoloalcal odvancoa in ta aacvlca u not visible lo the average beraon h baked i euepoct moal tolophona ueer would aay that phono atylaa havo ehanaod ovw rko veare and that tranamuv alon haa bnprovod markedly but that lit general tala- pkono aarvlco aervee tho aarrto alnelo function today aa it did fifty year aoo not sol for enemple tela- phono unaa today carry camputor talk aa woh aa pooplaa oanvorebhona and tmtrf charts dlagraena drawing musical scale and overt handwriting aa it la being teuirionl again tolophona una era used lo regulate traffic light front remote control positions or to togulal tho flow- of oil or natural get in pipeline panning tha contlnnl bui at i lay many of these aapect are hot apparent lo tho average customer custom made idajika to brlflg your jirtentlon again to the i pe dal tolejjtono handtett that we provide for cullomeu with ipooch or hearing difficultly the handtal for confldonllsl corweietloni i not only rnaint tor pooplo who with to speak softly for privacy but for hvoio who porfmpt at the rotult of an oporatlon cannot ipatk tl ioudfy at theywlih and for larynaactomlat of couria thorn it tha artificial larynx the handset for im paired hearing contain a rotary twitch thai ralsai the callari volcokwal to dotlred ttrength if elthar of these handsets or tha artificial larynx could pot- tlbfy make your ufa i little pleaunler plaato dont hotltata to call our butlrvmi office and inquire about thorn on impulaa the man tied written to an old frland with whom hed boon out of touch for many years whan tho outoftown frland rocelved the latter ha w long dltttnca call to our impuufva pal your fntrftar realty turprtad ma after tuch a lana hma be aald and whaft mora- today it my birthday ao i thought cd gtv myaalf a birthday present and call your r- i 1 rejarvis your soundest source of financing whenever you buy or lease equipment or machinery ask your supplier or call us industrial acceptance corporation limited a cewvawiiemi ownpeny ovidiod faaacil titd lninwc fcvici to cftdirv irvd cft4vdirt busifaa koiicuwtfititerayeue ccs rtluir cleehlia new directions in gas cooking brings you newf eaturesnewideasnew valuesf modern ga ratigei givoyou heat thats sensu live heat thats immediate the burners the broiler the oven all respond instantly tp your direction you get automation where its most euwtve personal control where you really need it and the manufacturers of todays gas ranges have dreamed up n dozen ways of making gal cooking even more enjoyable i theyre all on display now wo call them now directions in 0a9 cooking united limited stmwjorgsttl skissossssbwi ikbu tie titmt trad trw ar tew na uw tu lfr- prices n are the lowest eyerofihbdi ltglraate trade an gaw vpwjplc35 1 imtj

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