Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 28, 1964, p. 4

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m own ibuttat aaaw la i rbavmarieeps apy svmps i 23 mato tsreat 1 gewrgatown ontario wc1 page 4 thukoay may 28th 1964 editorial comment unnecessary controversy the iuoe of ceiwdieo 4ug ku ecccnpiusid om thing itlw shoved cyprus otf th froni peges of the nw- pepen end give up topic on wui v- eryone cn kev n optsikxv if it mrwi no fraught with ihm iftiouk lmplcatkn tht s 0ovrnmnl could topple bceu of propoid nw flg w would njoy if much moe 5or bcus ih vir ion oovtmrmnf u minority orm liver is we dertgr rht te flsvg lnoe could ud to cesvedss rfikd nation election in es many yeev appeet4y the nw hag is so t font becaum it wes included in ths llbeels uo tion promises tws i lint reason for intro ducing it now for thr hes been wy lil ts noticesble pressure for action if it is meant a a trmkiotti of unification than fche govrrvmnt edvluv an tedly off th beem for it hai the polomttl of ripping certede wide apart for every qoebe res ident who might favour tke rvaw flag and w heve no niaion to beluve it will be any more popular there than in the rati of can ada there will bar two who dont in oliver provlrvces and no merle what a new flag con- taint ba it union jack start stripes mapu lesvel besve wheel sheev or triuiunu no one design will find favour with any urge maforiry better to low little fat not just a week a tidier georgetown li noticeable after councils promotion of cleervup week but itltf hiva rwyb0ilfgolowri it 1o gel the reputation of neat wellkept community residents have been favoured with excellent weather this spring the holiday wekend wat particularly well tutted to outdoor work end avvywhtf in towrt you could ft- householder busy removing the wlntet fresh eccumulalion cutting lawni pruning hedges and planting their gar den one incident marred cleanup week when youngsters invaded the tulip bed at ftemembrance park and did considerable ownaoe the town works department which had planted the beds report about half of the 600 tulip torn off and many polled up by the roots thsy eek parents to stres the beauty of such planting and to avoid a repeat performance by the youngsters we not many of thtj fowni lovaly ihen to plunge canada into another unwan ted expensive and unnec election the prim minister has been reported a laying vote in the house wiu be free nd thai liberal members may vote acced ing to their personal feelings rather man mi party frut he added a rider remind ing htl followers thai a negative vote might forte the governments resignation we imagine a liberal mp will think coupie of t before he woiet mmielf out of office we cannot speak for other provinces no even for our own but listening to talk around town we would sum up george town feeling this way there is a hard core of residents who i istet the red ensign dont want it changed and will fight bitterly to retain ll as national flag there is another group who might agree to a change only if new design appeals to them and there it a large group who have never given the hag loo much thought accepting it at we do other facets of life it it within this latter group where the danger lies for they are incensed at the foolifchnett of creating a national ittue where none need ehlit rightly or wrongly they believe that this is a political measure aimed at lite quebec vole and they are bg inning to resent it bitterly the government may find it hat tiger by the tail if it it wise it will retreat at fatt as it did on the first gordon budget treat on the chopping block the town re moves dead and dying elm treat and a few old maples wnkh have live i thtir ute 14iri betides the new planlingt which will some day make new subdivision more attrac tive we hope council will establish a pol icy of replacing trees in the older parts of town too council hat decided to stress to resi dent- the importance of piecing garbage for col fee ti ion in proper containers too often loose pipers and rubbish end up blowing around the neighbourhood instead of on the garbage- truck this has been particularly noticeable on main st the past few friday t when heavy winds have de posited papers on the west side ii is to a merchants advantage to have a neat main st and we urge care in placing refuse in containers and not piling loose papers on top to blow away clvk neatness is not a matter of e special week its just good housekeeping on a collective scale u costs nothing ex cept time and pays dividends in beauty newsgathering needs helpers a weekly newspaper ll only at good at lit readers malt it try at hse iwwl staff miohl ll cannot hear all th news without the help of ov ary rudaf w seldom miss the obvious council and school board meetings wed ding obituaries and longeitabllihed or ganizations rut frier ant dozana of ilemi aach week which would eicap our attention but for a tip from reader w always count it a favour when someone calls ft an item whether its a personal or a meet ing account a family bereavement or a wedding this lima of yaar for lmtr w ere featuring graduations from universities nursing schools and other institutions of higher learning wa dont want to miss anyone on this important occasion to give u a call if we havent been in touch you can help us with childrens birth day parties lodge and social club meat ings itemt for our social column about vis itors particularly mote from overseas the herald constantly elms to report every pos sible item of news to give you the biggest reading value for your dime 61 any news paper in canada the very model of a modern majorgeneral themslvci e idhf tuatry nd tradition in canadian blatry the three bfle leave luv been tweerrt in the shields of the previneei of ontario and oubr since 186 the cjtu- dlafl kut6rernis iitboried on 21 t november 1031 by the late kin gort v contains this thr red maple leave on a joined item at th bottopj of the shield it u inlrilihj thta the first canadian forces ovrsej in world war ii un- dr general ucneutfhlon car ried a fla which contained 3 oltid red maple leaves this tnepl leaf tey alo be seen on the diktwite button of world wtir ii veterani on the new legion button and on the can adian pennies the mania leaf bat therefore been a symbol of canada for miny years three red maple leaves joined on a white background is now the national tmbum of canada and our national colours are red uid whiu ttls iseiw i expec ted to be tiwed beore the house of cocnmona la tbe near future the people of i u it on county at the present une ap pear to be divided fairly evenly on thla matter judging from the correaponde nee and the people to whom i have talked i would welcome further correspond ence on this matter a letter addressed to me here at the house 6 commons ottawa ontario doe not require post age at the tame time it is lik ely that 0 canada will be made the national anthem of canada the flag laue of course was a part of the liberal partys pltorm that within two years of assuming office we would bring forwerd a distinctive ca- baduo tug a4oeerlng on bahell of tbe miltott chamber of catumerce torian best sought tbe support of county touncil it their bid to nave ulhoa declared a port ef kntry and have a sufferance war house established- mr best pointed out that the closcet port of entry la oakville and bible thought for the week me that htih the sen kalh iii uu he that lulfi l the uri el cud karh bet tile i jehm si 11 god has glvan us a criterion for determining our spiritual condition do li y out self advice from county to milton pcs announce award for decrying pupil an award honouring the late stanley 1uu upf who served hauon for 10 years hae been ejtabliehed by the lulton coun ty lyogrvsile conaervetlve ae- aociation president cordon beetty announced last week the award will be made an- suielty ugiwaiug its lfioo to a deeervlng student in his final jt at the orttarla school for the deef at uilton this will enable the student to either continue his academic vocational studies beyond the regular provincial school program or to buy equipment for ms trede ur beattle ex plained tre school was established at uilton site a few years ago while ur hall served in the legislature end he wee credit ed with much asileunce in the planning of the school the first students will not graduate from od until loofl ur beatty also noted the an nual progrtasive conservative picnic will be held september 19 in lowville perk a gueet speaker haa not yet been nam- felt the distance was a hin- drence to industry reeve j elliott explained that the first step ia to have uil ton declared a port of entry then the warehouse has to be applied for separately at the present time he went on georgetown has made applic ation to be a port of entry deputy heeve w huutar of georgetown explained that the industrial committee fait it was uatler for miltod ulf to pursue and not a county mat ter we didnt want the coun ty to look tike it wis using pressure for one municipality he concluded mr beat replied that only a letter of support from tbe coun ty wsj desired no decision was reached but moat member seem to feel it was a matter for uilton to investigate walk awey your tensions thats the advice of nearly a thousand physicians who ware asked what they preecribed for patients who complained of ten slow swimming golf bowl ing and gardening were also mentioned harley to h alton wtocly omuvatvow y dr harry ha11iy mf mr haiton news echoes front ike aflat omhe herald 1154 ad 1m ilia meet newaworthy item on paluement hu1 mala weak has been the flag laaue which of cnine i not before pedle- nenttt tblrtlnie lefiabiikm b proceeding normaur and moat of the bills are oahrlntt what i would tau normal treat- menu- proateas on these saat- tens la ateadyai tbe p time but none of them ll very controversial the flat laaue haa become the major controraralal lain in ca nada at the present tima it 1 it members reapectithe unloi only aloe lat january 1mt that the paopla of canada have that dale ufa rfr ottlien- i act oatne tatoforet v and wu aa a nation it la now proposed that another symbol of canada aa a nation abould come into official balnf i refer of course to a distinctive canadian flag the red ensign was author- bed in 1948 for uae over gov- ammebl buudlnga until tbe go- nrnment deemed otherwise the red ensign can be confu- aad with the british merchant marina flag and wuh tbe flags of eewahbritish colonial tar- litoriaa the government and jack and tbe red ensign and all that u stands for in our history and tradition as a symbol- of freedom and democracy many of these members of parliam ent eerved under it in the two 1aihdwmrl faal tft unlpn jack end the red ensign should never be discarded but may be ueed at any time parti cularly tor commonwealth pur- poaea and occaalons however the hffleial flag ot canada a dbtincuve one ahould fly over our government buildings and be used for official canadian functions a great deal o speculation hajbeen golhston aboutade- sign for a dlatlnctlve canadian flag the design moat common ly mentioned la based on three fed maple loaves on a joined item on a white background two broad blue bands at each hdeaod tep our motto from boa to bern have been diacuasad i would uketptpoiai put that tbea maple leeta have sugar and spice a good old civil war 4 le tw bsieksafif hasttsas tr ute like mefclog t asw rsk sif hympioals of the tukloaei ul- cj era eerywhete the feroc ity of the carsadiaji rug argu- ment she lurtriag ihresst of vio lence la quebec the growing dshanfe ot police try youtss trans tht increase lo bomlci dsl uctlats tiu our higfawey lea little wwld kureaf twr mative land el tws tsnesft te evlbeie en saajoebewe abav everythuag tren the heluaml amrheast tw tse wa se level u the oree lsk thirfs also the tnatur of ibterdationaj prestige all the ug boft kiutland krence and kueeu the ui cblne heve all bcn shcougb an allout civil wur and gvcie lo greater things in each case the coun try was so whacked out by the end of lb wr that everybody etopped bickering and complai ning and got down to the job of becoming a grot nation tew we kepe te eu rase set el the wehsl m we he- ves pw hirevest lestln time e4 teetklnay hatred bnmeflev akle crtreliuav asmautt wr- us and all the take intared- lents el e ajeed elvll wsrf jlow is our national charac ter to b transformed fora lumpy porridge to forged steel if we never throw a uolotov cocktail blow up a bridge or hurl ourselves berebaoded ag ainst tanks we sheuld be ashamed ef ourselves mumbllne and tori kjlne aheal the cftvc end the hdp and the fted inslfsn and o canada and whats tw wpf- whett we ceuld be strihajtnfj mp cahlnet mlnuurs dynamhufj the tee leeksv and saeklng the okteje centre v the irian had a rebellion nearly so years ago it lasted e few day but theyve written countleas books about lu ead swears be w fii h sn belt edmst be w 00j7 n of a boy at she ttase wby i we heve scene rend srtadjtassstl like thett bwii think el the sriee wed i yea hissir wee there beeai ka k the lejwsav ereed aswawl fug s ess oti i csserfwfh wmtswjsi a issai at t wtrh a mreew 1 i arhlswi ewwtst ssw swassi wsnned issfe she cttr assd llred a aetee ef fwarwtsaasc one srfrhe h te a4aewi the kalenel debt and tese srsws cast rsd wmh int j or yes dyrt i wt aiwaye to remember and to teu your own ohildrea that falhcr was one of the freedom tighten lo the greet i hlslng of he wma uaduxg i wave of our gauaust uoe bs i loot uh uoerettng at- ck utt the sestxeib otytilaar j i lae a capitalist suxwatholal iut i waj rut down by the fascist fire- f boaea hod seriouajy wounded bl j the uh lower beck ftu hervically 00 the mlcker of rye in his hip bocksi only tlrvltum m rklef i ihuwry tatsmnis hkk eelisss- at taming ef w aairass weeoav aot ane its kraeker ijilust wikar ltkw aoalner see may i k m ni same ftu wiir georgetown herald slmume w haeae meween lumw georgetown oourio wrfw c hwm publisher e oahuu mccuivrey productlod gaperintesdeat rerry uarlay alloea bradley nw editor accountant mac douglas advertising mrs william cggls out tvdlat asm curru ttaeorur vtimt jones tbotograpoer uslu clsrk save hastlaa m cllsoa j alccumanas member ef the canadian weakly newspapers association md the oatariex asaoeutloa cwjjjl xtmi winner jt business directory chiropraaor bohald a oav dc appointments msds daily call t 7401 mau u 0rlw chir0praq0r gerald w ceruh dc oeen dally by appatntntent house calls arranged i77ui 11 a main ii narrk cakr a writvvood ontarle land furveyer 118 uounulnvlew ttd s tkiansi t w h carr wastl tat yuoo rat tr 414 yfars aoo geooet6wn was favoured last week with a visit by distinguished visitors from apia western samoa south sea island in the persons of ur and mrs a l- bralsby brother of mr fred braisby of georfletown mr bralsby is inspector of police end prisons on therllland and is visiting canada and the worlds fair during six months holiday leave 10 year aoo a things are back to normal at camp nerval following a weeks quarantine imposed when a young camper was takento sick childrens hospital with symptoms of polio the youngster was fully recovered a few days after ad mittance a to save what they consider valuable municipal property for public ute four local men have purchased two acres of land behind the arena and the property and house at the corner of john and guelph sts involved era mayor jack armstrong dick ucala art scott and hirotct-mc- cluro it is there intention to sail the house part of the buck estate and save the land for recreation use they would like fo soelt used es a swimming pool site and parking lot for arena customers v there is a possibility that at some future data george town aclon milton and rockwood and aurroundlng rural areas will ba in the same telephone calling areas eorgevswn council monday endoriad the idee of asking the ball telephone co tb pxllcstomean the areas for their opinion an 83 par cent favourable vote would havikjo be registered before the company -ould-tm- action i dax devetoments limiyhd rulldars ef fine heroes prop walter pacholek 77411 er 17741s barragers cuartarsghtrt launderere tr inn 18 main s ifte guelph all work dene en premlsea wallaci thomsom- jrd division court oerii commissioner trmhj a y walkik r0 dott ortomathit 12 main si 5 brampton 431m1i ras tslfdu hours i iu to 8 pm tussdsy to saturday luridly 9 am to s pm pvenlngi hy appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 11 uountilavlew rd s carretsl dldg for appointment pione 8773971 massage maurice h mallor rm 9 cleaveholme dr 774040 or 9073 house calls by arrangmt monuments pollock g campbill dlislgns on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni mirseo wjviter street north o alt k aiorortown animal clinic 10s oaelph stihtet v zevllx dvm b oetmanmrcvs dr peter carvklln clinic open r pni mokl wrp pri saturday f 11ajn 0 i prank t c m- ucensbd aucnoneer prompt service po boa 413 tr fgbo georgetown -t- classified ads btirg rjesuijs- dale bennett utimer baines twvbtera ellehere douglas v lattkxr txrxncx t raoos trlaagle 7g3st is mill st georgatesn geortje c hewson barrister anal selkhor 119 motutuinvlew rd r carretal building georgetown yr 7jju frederick a heuon barrlitar and telulter 118 uounulnvlew rd s carretsl building ceotjetown tr7le m e manderjoo qc bervltter and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 t van sicklier bjl barrister settclrar meter dr williams bldgj ss main s tr 74r kaplan 0rd- barristers end ballerhsra- jidnwrijn 1j8 morstaviej m carretiu bttttding aw4t m vvssiitimiiissi2isi esmmlim fcisgjtim

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