bravery brings letter ml kay duvchkumj axd h commended for pool rescue convince council better road needed in subdivision will k w bmklcy u spok ttwr ares pay j 18 000 la croup a reudenu of taxes h pointed out and pr- tnaoent mhacang would uvc the own tobitey in the loag run mayor clbboiu explained that at s rod com lai ileal tneci in the queatioti bad been di- th cioh01towm mikalt thurads jimw 4th 1964 pace 13 orr kubdivulod appeared i in codvlncui couu cil monday that a permanent uhbtv should b ij ibis year on their roads mr fainkley said they had i cuaaed fcnd a decision toad lo juat learned that lnatead uf a j procd with the cheaper jolt planned asphalt hurtmt court boad thairmaa win v hunt al would la od chip the rf said the ctnitilttr had vul road he 4plaiued that the ed kl this wy though h aubdiviuba had very hltl poiully favour blacktop t road work la iu first un year ad in 1m1 toideau had de clinrd sidewalks but were hip py tu know that lb roads woulj b prvpard for aurfsc ina im1 curbs aruf gutter ad dd- village chaoced hands is th recently mr and mr ford have sold thru home beside lh lrebyiend church lb forme alcpheran ho to friends of first president frank petcfu i viiiee wtyppoketojrs a apeeial jurat al the villi teth anniversary celebration of mr the peel county junior karm s h x mr d b it wa l i ft ceeto man frank i jj t ipekh so chapd st k the or orewd the lore and boat j fl pjdeul offu at hornby and will awn ur wlch k to lh he lakiruj ov ilijbum- h eu c they have two children at a urbrfu c0 bomt jk who attend dlir u u ceoretown hlh hfhoot fclld rrtffbirt a ol pooo ovr ur andpu lu public srhool thy u7 euinid h rhipa tuiioalej al w0 lll be really udad u imch wllh aome olher eounr lllora j village lullinilint they would rhanj kjoj larney ha aold the their bplhlort the baalter wajj carney hoie tin lraler si tol 1 buaballd m kueau of tu leel junlora referred hack td the ruad eon tfijtue for further aludy wo val cubs camp overnight at creditvale park or hamilton womens art aiiotiation to visit r cotta gallery hl brutwr ut fclvl air tori cairnry uf h r 4 ceol town tbry hv jmlxj tb uouae to hf kiu mm ctkit uut of mfkrrntf mr malton sfid tluy hv l by thucadiy hwrnlriif jun 4th ulu chutinr srftiplr of john a of th country il cefgtowa bd fonucrly of wry in trri cotts will b hoftt toronto i rrtlrd urhool eh lo forty womm of the iliill tr hu inovtl into u uoyertun wornm art auuciatiun apart tnrnt lov thr orvsl mr ajk a tfallrry will h ilsinlrrulnti salon orwritrd by thejr firnt itop on diy lour twenty thrr norv cut tuu dutrtrt annual mrming ulu vlol hunn at rt ih wi mncf lu wife npit n ovtriuxht cwp on bu in knuit prbytruu ur uri m dfcukl1 mr a h may s4lh bt crjivu hrk t butch i actoa ou usy 2ilh l gmlt rum thrw wmiirn by blmwlf ami ywy njod th tamp llf i ilrantford to strrrtivillr mr ronfrkt to hlwg lughlly choking thrir mrali hikr and i un it rawfonl u a pttritl u arthur kinbsrdt rwrvouj tt tht protwft bwimidinc without a iinifu rat in rnrluwn i dutrirl ucin u uavid mark antl michai kollowin uauty srvire srouu david onal hoapital w with hrr a ur kinhrdl hai bn iran ry atopovfr thr women plap norma a ami scott douglai al tpcdy rfovrr wr- norval presbyterian church 126th anniversary sunday june 7th 11 00 a m wp cuar stakik the rtev j y fraser chepla n of sunnybcook hoipilal s p e cla i muflc gutst soloist mk c w kipf tb tsijoveno guist soioist mc5 c w kipmb sopno antleim by ik junior jnd senior choirj gutst obganist rob tilt wtning mbs b miiiups a mui uark anil uicharl followmn ihr country ill ur irirad from thr hayal llank to m the anailian art al tyt hi fomrt acllow in laving five year old bohby aiivnnvil l fru to minarr of th lery and thrn tom thoinmn meid from diowmna in nijlibourl iwinurunj pool a at the saturday tilnlit camp voral vnllid hurrh v i w atoyal u sslaallvulr mr lituiiio at klfjnur ur tliom month fo mrl rulli dulcliburn 70 bslrex blvd kai been fire voul uaater ken itiler niel la ihr uiureh on turaday i u uo 1 wn waj the founder of the commandfcd by lh gorotowft branrf of hie canadian and amitant ilou kliliburn evrnlnj uay 26th villi mra l lo having thrin hvmi croup ol seven pilnuri tied croci a letter from llva prendenl lauded mri dulth attended and led in a mill born for bar hiro c siw heard iii child a icreami andaon ttirre hover seoula from rvhd iricycl ouliide hie pool fenc and rhoooh aha toronto who were ramping hu a fear of deep water lumped in lo tave ilia chokinr arlw gladly areepted yonnta mj s wlah who halpac i mr dutchburn o vujjm u aafaty receivod a imilar commendatton tlr jonra pluito limmhousk hrrn atilitjna with tht cub hrv i lnd 1- rrl thowr for nmr time li now tub lead rolourrd cr with firnmrn kutlrdi and ratiport jamir artrr aa aulujiita brnton text word thronr wai anawrrrd in a vrrw of srnpturr thr mretuik flotcd villi thr leord irayrr the sorval irratiytrrian t hurrh hoateia wrved luty drt wms met at the immf of mn karl ruun id u chair th y i t lumillon women i art devotional wa taken by mr te white 1v service sla awlatlon ha mamhrn ranit murray laird and mr gord6rti ln c th mi1 i iu from prore paintera miller followed by the bmm i mrly operated by jm to sunrfay painten marchment waa taken over on i junt ut by harry leave and on nda rrd nirr suite bni failc uri dun f i fundsfor wyola camp i by eaa and reporta from the var loui ronvenrn aflrrwarda fllvfftwood family surprise party mr mrs earl scott mr and uri karl scott of bowiuview formerly of lame- bouij were gurau of honour at lurpnw party planned y- vllfnr tat by then family at their home lofonio vlillor ndi on friday evenin it wi the oftll djrflnly diftv owuioo of their twenty fifth ouin duukiay tdriy wedding annnenury and wai the silverwood womeni in attended by hi brothers and stilutr met at mra k c uml alaura and their famihei from aayi on thursday evening may bar j 23 to prepare programme or the toming year some inter tervlcei at limehome pres eating evening should rrult byte run church utll be held at 030 a m for the summer mr and mrs dutfield tpent months beginning on june 7 few days at their cottage at with sunday school following sturgeon point last week end at 10 45 am uri jennie foster and ur and mrs fichrnan ol tunh of toronto antl mm buffalo xuutcd the pattersons flint and daughter patrv vu uil week ited at mr and mrs ceorce buru on iunda jun u the wti m h thf the w a met at the home pecial orruion wa the bolh h awitr bv mr suth of mr crichton lat tuemlay birthday of mr foster and of fr lrrt mri w j lire 1 avening when plans were made fourw birthday cake to help ncx w be hi id lor thetr wle of new and good celebrate h m of ml npull uc clothing and bakng 1jr on jun an iha w m s met a the home diesel problem solved oi mr crichton on tuenlay r evening with nine attending wott t bother resltlents airs kirkpatrick reading scrip lur and mrs crichton leading klnff jijaan wm not in prajer a special collection lrounim wlth now was uken for the camp fund d jn ulurf counni cau wrte vcry mrs sanford in charge of the wm informrd on m much ippreciatr and we hope a study chapter on educauona pr iurry urpy m fp tha many morp wl fotlnw ork on the wul and jhansl uyd worj from j pck mt u ca l engill that the deptof trans impossible to kerp up with all port had been assured that the nrw iterm that make the engine would not be left nnrwl news interesting such running in the cnr sation as anniversariri tripa visitors yard during winter nignts parties etc without the help i resident claimed interrupted of thr reader if you have any sleep last year and bad com little or hig new item please plained to council and the phone 077 fi3m or the herald harold urclure on turwlay may 2fith with the president nf mrs andrew met lure in the chair a report on the loolh annl verury ol thr presbyterian church wms held in monlre al on thr urek end of may s 0 and 10 waa given by mrs craig mrtlure and lrt harold reed who attended thu special event alonff with the president mrs an irew mcclure thry re ported a ery enjoyahle week end the dedicatory prayer was given b mrs r duncanson the chapter from the study book was prepared by mr r rawfont and given in the form of a play by mr jack mcthirr mrs oliver hunter mrs sutherland mrs duncan ton and mr anthony lunch film put out by thr hurrh of ergrlow thry farm sorth india ii bowed thr rol ou s of thr moilrrn muaionanr n w l wl i calling al india today and bow the in y ihrr town ami dlatrirl home on llan owrnmrnt reluctant bualneu which thry have and saturday jelling named norwood motors uionaries how the in rnment napnrt to anyone to enter liutia to do a job that an indian ran do the mittionar lei job now is to train the in dun to take over the mmi in anes dutle for themselves a skit of questions and an swers on the role of the icw proved to he interring and helpful i unrh was srrved by i nit 2 and a social time en joed sevrral move and property streky1v1lli members f be t run to hoard of education were unpleaantlv surprised lat tuesday night when con tractors bids for the pm posed marvin height school came in lc hikh er than the estimated price the lowest bid was u30 200 peanuts antl peanut butter the re a ion to raise funds for the new t arqp wyoka in hur n tounty which the white oaks area will use for holiday camping leocal groups will be the i first to uae the camp when it 1 openi the first week in july it is in the harrisoncliff nrd area and has a lake and u acre of rolling wooded land i ic wa inv te you to tale advantage of chbisuus 4th anniversary special a ten dollar perm tues wf d and thuks only oub sptcial pebm is wcll known io giobgctowns haibabcful womtn just the thing to put youfi haib do back into tovely condition and give youb spirit a big lift at the same time call eabiy for youb appointment we tpeak english french tr 7 dulch 6761 and german chrisiells hair styling ha main south over r goucjeon furniture just to prove that kditonali are read two news items were phoned in to this correspond lent followinc the editorial in last wrrk s eorgetown herald kisgathering needs he fields wa astted in dialogue by ur nohle mm kirkpat rick mrs wtterson and mrs fingertip start uroy if you can lift a finger you can start the 64 lawn boy tarufla khort has bsn rsduead aa haw dooptool gaaacatchr i iflhrwaaom mapn qw railway air rangers tour new international airport last tuesday evening miy s6lh the 1st georgetown air ranger flight went privileged to go on a conducted tour of the new international airport at malton the tour was conducted by mr m maine of the person del division of t c a and cap tain mr lugene green and lieut carole lane were ia charge of the ranger f very phase of air travel and the airport wa covered by ur uaines begining at the administration building and continuing through the port itself including custom i im migration baggage and com menial evpreis highlight ol the trip wai a trip through a dcs and a vanjfuard during a brief ceremony in the administration building rangers carol ucgllvray and elisabeth hiy were enrolled and proficiency badges pat ented to chrli uelntyre elis abeth hay and carol mcgit- vray office your time and interest will he greatly appreciated mrs f ihirk mr g che ter and mrs f mclean attend ed the llalton women insli i special drapery fabrics jioili bolts of is 48 dripcry fibnts il lku savings prtms or plains no icpcns while ilicy lasi d 119 free lining during june s lun protection with purchase of regular draperies at usual low prices we offer free lining due to the great demand we sold out last week we purchased more imain st georgetown 2 and 3 band am and fm 12 transistor radios terrific values at tremendous savings 6 transistor radios slill only if you didn i manage to cjel one lait week jura you get ona now r complete line of binoculars 10 off i jactiona utual low low prcai i girls and womens swim suits g00dlets economy hardware main si south correction iiu4nr fhpk yuitolumn ual week we in error alated that mr bart fiddler wanted to thank frlendj reuuvej foti xlfls flower and vuila wblls he waa a patient in georgetown and dlatrkt memorial hoplul we ahould have laid while in hojdlul aince mr klddjer had been a patient in both ceorgetown and hamilton hoar pltala and he had received many klndnetaea in both