Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1964, p. 6

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georgetownnd district high school newspaper high tales blcklnmn ba l mjl sleh advisor stiwaxtsaxl ldlto4nckl hid koitt boy sports edtor sujam tiiott girls socfrls editor editorial tbr la dd contidalni bat tu t c ton clown hlib school feat ha beo fouftbt war line the school euld md which lux produced only umm this i the hold itudent v teach r tuf aftyoo w nn re- 1 memur tin rood old dy at i bir alma mitff wlu iill ma catcher fchcld tha word of all ti huwvvtr tha constant feeling fcmotik pu pil that it u their job to rid ctila and rtl their instructors th uichtra who suffer the nott ar thou who ire the wort diaclplinanans the teach rf who mile i by blood and iron will bver win a popularity con teat but wlu bava rmjcl ind wuly claxi unfortjlnit happenings occur 1q lomi tin kvi public opinion tends to blame not the atudrnti but the uaoher who li litolled ai not abl to keep order are we to believe that trarhera ahould b sent to the judo club in aleid of teathera college the fault lira in most catri hftt with the teacher whose job ia to present us with know ledge not shove it down our throat but with the students who ahould realize that they ar in school to team unfor lunitely the few rabble rous m can apoil thjnsa for the rel ail t 1 phoenix publication georgetown wins hrst wrw ciub project 4schooitrack meet wy janlca rif krtllrt 4d uftfthodok bjtt hinjj the writer club under ur lejtxt a patient direction pngrtud to a vafiu eonclus ion rh frequency of cxamlns lie tu and the htjrh proportlti i varied topic test skills of debators maria wei the douunf and public spaaltintf club under lh apon aonhip oi mr uvlncaton and uiaa t4al had a yr full of interest taj debtti and pro- jecti i th topic j of dvbat wera widely varied to include the lbtrtu of practically vry on k fw bf bb wr tu canadaaetotniiad u a separ ate kuod 1um the ted justify lb ub atvd the iiilrizuirijf la tb kually ibauti dug1 la ottw tnrvtltiga preparad khd impromptu kpcvchci wr tivii with topi i a tram took to ice cream the fcroup hag alio apontoad halton county egg men npt informed says coulson htt produ4tr in llltoa counly r toc well inforamd of tb el imj kowl itarkctume jurt to b voted nm best tnonlb tjrg t prcaj dent of tb lulto ytx pr- tiucrri auocubo aad lu wek llu inimmimrbmnl tbjn foi lowing tb bwuuo nf lb oo- uno fftrw woducia alhrileujta bojti to bold vol mi tin- pcapoirf pun tw lpa wtf ipubutf hoeilm tkrouxk tw provtnafc duxlx fcfaniart d lurcii th borj kudw ufc dcciimm upoa lb rqul mt lb ootuio toulry wvdurrr aaociatio l thiol fcnrally 4klnt prodbcexa irt ualtojj- hr 1a f vor of pld chjuo d but tmibody knawa wktl lk prvpewed pbad lnvlyc tw aaid wtaum- uvltmi k tj lndbra kiv hot wrt will b dltltrult oeorgetown llifih bchool appro umately 60 itudanta were rn jinit and prnrmj thnnielve- power failure iet putm library increased by j w new books encyclopedia crltai muulfi and i were the ml of ou on tin tnv nicf l when eorne for the tii trr ichool track and town w hi duclp field meet mother nature hiwrcr had b klsi ddfd 11 oi doum 0 sports roundup uier or not we would twat mil b b acton and trm aijain f r nbrti out team had had vlt jirnrt yhti vr u h0vd 11 tut became of poor weather iruiuct e in the nlverwjre le thry did havf enoueh prirticr j at ha paat yean tni hwekr to demonatrate in ua i proved that part an ihlh tlut aome of imr top athlrtia p fur the fun of already had pulled mutclra ant priition a lack of trctat r ore juinu fverihirn the wpikrl dlluf1 0ur t0 p ravy coachei officlali particivinta lll th ever 8 hf li tn throw any numur on order now to naurt f fwiluhly rontrivwl plot it ui j wider variety next year our major project wai the publication of the phoenli of portrv by candlelight manlic idea net nutated an unromantic power failure but thii in prune ef critical evil i lowing ineehn r rnn ap praual if our wtrk and that of other we urre at le to cor rect our fault an i ihere v im prnvf afif viwiii wiut a titlcal mini a popular televi ion tluw vte ducovered how jmi r the pncram ar lib ii v wa i longer un we lie tuck com placently in eavy chain allow sarmenta latin a latin twin marjrt t thexjrd x latin club brd d by urx clyno and un blaney ha had a very aulcea- ful yr we elected judf utlli aa our coiuul uarsaret tbotnp- on aa benbe ead irn iceir u aaautnt bcriba our meeting were held at lunch hour la mr clynn t room th iltndant ba kept up very well and lher umj id bi a tiowiag othiuiaiii woir w bop will too tin lie until next fail at our tncelult we i did tooy lotvuuni ttunx nkk ailkiuoai afcavad uj bow to puy latin jaaaabir ybicb jw niojd very tuch ai haalay brively accompanied ui on hli bulur to puua mca ui ultra ktar my feonnie u ovf um ocm ami um pupa- uf xii lftlrat walk ri lil with our valcj wh be- ivr le il j la uakar any r rd but in apiu nf tfa fir we raialad in alogum atwsjwr have wa wu mforrmd it eevlnj a wod urn will h difficult u f tbe tb hlfbluhl or the y produera urrete4 u woinj w4j out wonderful irtp to th tb board khiwuiwvmnit bf jhoyal ontario uuuii we etvou outlined the bbjiiv the plm u la prvdrf lor i the prtnotio bnd advrtiuaf heard i very tnliithteninit lrc of ui and fowl provuuo for lure by mm ktujtibboii of the rrwirrb lu tnarkeun and lb liiueutn btlff fctfeblubtiient of bd rla indui kor tha final ftiruna w try advury commit lr la are poducinl i hortiat pliy bddition tb puai would pro- w ran hot yat innou e whe utd for a aludy of lermi red her richard burton w arcrptdltiom atcoftu rbrkea tha lead snue krptember 600 new book have been received pro j crurd and prepjred for circul ilion there ta alio a bust iscf member view film so little time fiului cu roariiri u ind rfportfrt pullrd out in l an dn inltrnillonal nrclop- iddfd to our ttjtrtnc ihr field or o tlir fouri ihim jd hedfd in hlili ipir the irelo irn in im icat ion o ilir photnli ldi wi lonru 10 u town uhph luorld rol in t u 1 iwr by ihf room nd wnf nlillfd intulpl fnblrd t s mhul ll aprl oi ur vnrr cluu i world nd 11 p 1 h b th fevrr oi pulllctun cntrrd uul 7 h hloodh rn tped redy lh r 1 volanw tin trick o the ontuno red tr eruted colltel ontno ak i alukuh the srnir llelli culturil collete ind prepared iitt he perfect irainn in lie to fikht for lint pljce thii ri column they did put on yeir eorjetown huh vhol k diplj of foothill iuki do them ntiny l ho chool wh ch mrn on occion amwlcin jhi1 hie found tad to run ih ho nwtndins acre jck skht llt courthork very well did put up hood ho the tr lleppe in- ai mr wteer the reult teiclr kidet corp mnl iutoon pro- chinl inl tan i ur d ludenl relton hould vilrd inlntineou iud ip the jun or rebel hid llvtn out of lhe rn sl ker report on the reult ly touh time of 1 with miun ukr lid domt the other uy of ther ii rdo oth but the did mnir to ltdour it n there udrnt kept record of bou mike the in on nrl ilidrn hould certlnl ithe reult under the tudncr n hve the r effort hr wlcom tny etcher who hicf m 1iercey ind etc i of he m jerome i n i kowledce to mprt nd ficll n hundred ind one the fnil m of the th iblhty to put it icroj iditlerent wi cjon thl wfll 1 the lt llch th d proved exctms nd on the olleyl j tile iht e i would there d with it heroe like till ec th ho letn tolik to tik u opportun g mk win who thr h petition lly to think the t people i the jun p p- n or like bill mcheown wio won tin diicua throw 110 ov on wedneiday april 22 held our weekly imk meeting during which w ditcuued chrutian unity 1br were quite a nuinber preiriit and the diicumon wai led by our pfti idenl terry ijn th meeting proved aurreufiil and everyone inflict in fcch eounty dittoel iljplrd and aihertu on rranca and one on spain rd and the frvrr of profit he thry are writ bound and lllut came j it ai overwhelming at rated and of great uie for we ild our own maranne and geoaraphy antgnmenli walrhed the cjuartert adding during the ear 23 oooi up i were proeikionilly reluiund the nnlv duappointmem we averaged monthly circulation feel i that we wrre unable to for the firtt teven monthi waa i put out more edilionj of the 1 2j0 iwvoka dulributrd ihoenix one mot nnifirant mri lamtvert felt all limi mull it that wri ing hj be had bern fulfilled and ia looking come more of than an atucnm ud eot rvlatlug i tb tro- ductlon abd warketing of tt i iroviiiod u auo taud for the letting up of th acrmir tnarhtnery ti ftnhr tk t grm by taeaaa of a tvrrrpt licence fir bri fowl the vole to b held june we s3 h tncluaive will rwiuire each egjt proucer to certify by registration thai be ta a producer under the trrbu of the proposed leglalatiaa voting boolhi will w tt up t iwpartbieiit of agriculture lrovia bus charm service picnics exanskms exhiimoets cjux 8772251 ceor6etowm transpoftfattoef gained a grrat iimi of liuorma ioni will bv made for add it tion from it ional polling hoatka in large a few dayi ago we were for rounliea ioraliofia of additto- tunatt enough to go to peel hnotht will be anaounvd at compoilte schcvol to tee a rel a later date lgioua film vi utile tune thii film gave u a very vivid ncitval picture of the taration and 1 dueaie apparent n tolay i rnut admit hie feel aihimed hina it made tri inc tu be had bern fulfilled ana n mamni i me trts nevfir jth wofm e view piano vocal pupils appear in recital the cadet corps in ipile of lb very hot wea thr on saturday evedmjj may 23rd a very enjoyable joint re riul was given by the pupill of rinm lor dw worm under v non l restaurant finest ounbe a flihhihi pil oil ilimp mnil oil two men ter cadet l ml the cloud veiled iky of my eu al til outlined fljuri stwrt iaif lh rly mkehlm the on edllof inchlf i or diroplon other llewellyn ind ick atkmton iboyl too fousht well for the the cwossa field meet sram vsuduoril franc crlip by luaan yrotf on may 16 gaorgetown it tended and competed in the cwossa b held meet held at tha ontario aericultural col lege in guelph i umb aiked to eover thii meet from tht point of view of the glrli pirtlclpat ing thii i hive attempted to do i raturdiy diwnetl but rather thin the expected auruhine the weather turned cloudy and win dy with a iteidy driale begin nine around noon hour the meet luelf wai achedulcd to ttirt it 030 however it waa nearer to 1030 by the time the 20 participating ichool i hid lis ted entnei and prepared for their renpectlve events kirit on the girls agenda eame the daihei the glrli were divided into hcoti liter only the flnt in eich heat had the privilege of compcllnc in the diah flhils to determlhff the lit 2nd and 3rd fastest run wen thii method did npt prove very popular judging from the comment voiced by the run neri any ipectatori could dot ice the varying specdi in eiich heat thui perhaps i third place in a fast heat might well hive outrun thoge runncra inl alow heat because the did not come first ihe hn no chancj to compete in the finals georgetown ctrli were not pre pared for aucti an unomanized kyuteni it did not seem fair meanwhile in the field ev nts our glrla were competing in the ihot put anfl dlacui thefe u no other way to de gcrlb the way lhii was carried out escc6pt to quote the partic ipant when they called u i complete meu at the dlt- cua apparently tt rules were followed the method of mark lng waa time conatinilnfi and one official went aa far at to atand inside theteilralntn circle whibj janlc baker took her umwattbe ihot put circle a foul in formal com petition such wis not called i violition mr kewley of georgetown supervised the high jump pit ind kept it running imoothly and organlied the rain how ever proved to be an obstacle i early in the afternoon when the pavement leading to tht pit heojme illprry at noon hour mass contus ion let in moit of hie itudenli brought their own lunch hiving leirned either by past caper ence or rumour of the food aer ivad in the dining hill how ever because of the rain and lack of shelter they were obll i lo go to the hall in hopes of being able to eat thrir aand wiches there but the recep tion at the dining lull waa far from hofcpltable they were ni dely evicted in the pouring al a last refuge they were mike pratt mirk y woollen khaki suit topped by a khaki tvrct that all hut overs her short hair rut my love 1 a cadet corps j no not a cadet corps but the cadet corps the eorge town ntitnrt high school ar my cadet corp number b76 although i am a retired major by ft 00 pm on wednesday n ei commanding officer pnl 20th a total of w2 peo- h p 1 m not as old i mv think ind mv heart april pie had filled the auditorium of the georgetown district high school for showcase m combined effort of fie mumc department and drama club after 0 canada the armor hand played virutlon over ture and prelude on an odd rhythm kour numbers by the choir followed with a solo by vivien perry ind the senior rind gave two more numbers then the light went out ind rhi this included the curtain went up on a oat kokklnen and mr a tie of wits a chinese play di reeled by miss joan llowcr the cat includrd patrirla ttowman tony mcauley elic lly atkinson shiron collier norma hole allan adam and irred roberts with sherry mc nally as prompter a brief intermission followed iheadedfor cari no doubt m thtiunior hand started the riu were aomewhit dimpened part of the program i liutmd of enter- rjilof ooi the flitttol even by uch n inculcnt the min event in the after noon wm the relay rcei which re interetlnj lo watch a well i participate in jill kem head a junior won 111 place i in hie hot put pat davldon mother junior won 2nd in dl cui and 2nd in hotpyl janice inaker won third hot put dlteu jennifer intll won ihd in the 100 yard dih belly ouackenbuh won flnt in en i lor tlrl hot pl nd discun i judy mill won third in ihe tw yard tlih and third in in i intermediate hlh jump in he overall picture town clrls i did not fare too uadly the jun lor elrl relay look econd inlace ihe inlcrmcdiate lru relay won third plac and the onlor elrl relay won third place these vital point added to the overall tolal in which geor oelown alood fourth mr mc- uren wa thonly georelown coach able to attond ihe meet and the girl really ppreclated hi encourabentent throubbout ithe day mr mclaren wa a- ulted by the two girl man ker pit karri and sue mac- idomld icond pirt nf the projjnrn with l march and soulh ajncr leap tune the junior choir offered three number one a duet by mirv jine rmmerkon and mirlon whin ihe senior choir performed ave maria and both choir joined in sine inn holy holy holy the second puy of the evcnlnb sunday coiu 5 tckoi directed by mr ann pincy wa neit nrenda fclllott tom ilracllcy yolanda oudckettlnc jane graff and palllcia unce were the itara and bull kidd the prompter the senior choir and two number closed ihe pro- gram and tier the queen many left a party followed for those who remained and the junior band provided music for dancing although tills was theiront view wc musl hot forget to ay u word lot appreciation to those behind the cenoi who colleclod prop looked after costume makeup tickets usher llllht lng and taking charge of the atage a you may think ind my heirt till findi occiiton to spring to lifein ripid heal over this old tieirl throb such in occas ion occurred wednesday nifhl may nth when i wltneued ihe annual cidet inpectinn it the cleorcetnvn rmourlei tridi llonally it rilned ind so the ipcctitors who mthrrrd eon sited ilmnt entirely of people with peroml nterel in the mr o proue former thief instructors david kentner tom quinn and my iel former lomimndlng of ti leers jim itowmin ind robert darby former sergeant majors ue saw a truly excellent show that succeeded becaus out landing personalities were ihle lo come together and form an outhlamllnc unit one of thee personalities was cadet major 1arry stiel the corps new commanding offl cer this young man first ap peared on the cadet scene lst year ife barely mnged lo 1 tend cadet camp where ha dis tingulshed himself by winning the tlesl cdet award when h returned ha quickly proved to us just bow tnuch he deserved it nor did be stop one he had at talrted the rank of commanding officer he continued to work hard and produce an excellent corps despite the many diad vantages and pitfall co ba to face fie 1 now the proud i holder bf the colonel barber trophy for the year best cadet then there la cadet captain mike baker who worked unend ingly in demonstration or vole ed at algiwl and elfdefence programmes also there 1 cad let lieut richard ldddlelton who carried on the job of main talnlng 11 the paper work and caring for thousand of doitars worth of atore the gift of 1 being good it everything wa lalto aptly handled by cadet lt fred robert combinition produced even mor fnlitic reulls not wsver or lite movement was no uceible imonf th sisly esdell on psride it th inspection lv ery mova wn mid with crur lie precllon this feeling of unity wi further heightened by ihe excellent precllon drill dipliy which lurpaued iny thing i have ever seen in the line the corps continued to work loselher lo produce the escellent nymnillc dliplay which captured the mention of everyone presen snd wn also first in th mp re ding rsdio and brn gun demonstrations certainly the young men nd women who mad up their yeir a showing have reason to ba proud and orjetown should be rroud of them nam e thit stind out tha i hive dot yet mentioned include cpl dennis stll best 1st yesr cdet cp n hsmillon sgt v roherls best girl cadet cpl bandy hlhhert cpl bev erly gosling igirl cadet rli toon sot g johnston ind sgt s kwlng th lunny sid morrow hrinji terror to alreidy impnoned victim like the llingmin s nooe st high noon th fishworm eye the teel lhii tskes shspi ilk 1 shepherd crook knowing too well it t i hook his nooe th end of life has come fly a llihllghl and two men rinding dew worms under the cloud veiled sky of msy dsrkness spring k kalln sh allan ner the spprosehes horuon annus with her nature finel areen and refrehing rsin a sparkling jltt from the hesvens uke a cs ceding wslerlsll thai wahes swy 11 the dull llfeles sloom of winter presence the precious gems cently tumble church ur julian reed wi mi ter of ceremonies for ike tuutcil veninf puno pupil r vis joyre uelitt who prlormrd were rebere pettlntill sad miry pettlnilll neither leilie ul sin uay ind wendy uy uu rel ljajeriui kiren swenl feer nd sussn rtnutisore runo pupils of mrs jin usy who performed were sx thy llylt j cntrbell iuv id wruht ind riyirtnd wrltht beth ljidbw cithy jahnsoii jinic cose land ufcllluus and miiron bate miss ijlly llumdlle 6f gtl- wtlhami a pup of ml joyr ucljn broulhl lb eveiusg ta a close by ilnging llxree wl tclinn from her grid work which she will try in jue she wss ccoeapinil at tbe pino by un alfred spebrt of glen willunts lollowiag th recitl lifts were presented to mr julian heed and mr a sperk by miry pettlnjill and silly lluns- dile in apprecistion of their is sislince those who ilteruled were delighted wilh the prolreu ihown liy pupil caudian dishes iw to o- si- call 8779791 perennkjaf i shrtibstirms fertilizbh potmos- got a house for sale let a herald real estate ad sell it for you i kwlng i recently toronto cadet corps i- rom the life replenihms hve come underjire nd have been ccused on rvot sccomp llhing snything the george lown corps however need only point to ii csdels nd excd el to ihow what kind of qua iltles lt produces sotni of ill eleideri have become prom inenl in after life this include men ilk ecdel capuln george mcclure who i now history professor with a ph d nd bill whitney who i now cloud who hivina erved nature lailhfully retreat under the idvent of the lun a lolllary golderb disk iramed in deepest blue by the hand of a jnasler painter tha flowers and tries sensing a vlbrnt new wirmlb relinquishing uwuaolllud ef their subterranean hibernation and bill whitney who i now niornim on hi way up in pltleburgh burst forthtyith all th eoloun next lima youre talking yet still another star bines from the shoulder try a bit brightly it is the tar that alg- hlgher up ttlfile mister cadet in g-eor- gins florida but not just those on top be neflt from cadet training the high atandard of proflcleney demanded ofthe cidetund the ncoa bring out their beat qulltie this yew specially this high atandard wis very noticeable in the corpa lower ranks anyone who auy with it in th corpa will emerge a win who think for himself and yet can obey order wherever our corp nd ex- member of our corp have gone they hive carried the georgetown banner hi 1 anu have- done juitlce to nn name r to tboaa who made up ibj i years inspection company arid this year oadet corpa i ausy i and i think everyone who lktuw or cares ay well done men well done music a of th rainbow and more uddenly symphony of inaturei mostmagnltlmnl musician add ib the plendour of spring who nil too wn 1 drlvenway under th icy whip of wklle captor wiiis greefilioustss 1ihbujarfltj mai tkovmsal heat your howe conckcti obavtt buiidmo tand ioad oravel mu and to sou stoni woik tom haines ain william t rsml 1 call vhi kopu who alwayi cam whsn it com lo fixino a carlllf xpevnonoi tral count sbf skilled nwn hv thai axrwrienc thl why you cn rely on ul fhone tf7s9 harley motors 31 john st w rjiillcamrsom rijszyi

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