Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 2, 1964, p. 1

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here they come watch for them chief haley warns drivers clow to three thouind eus- of jubilation in the summer car from running into ech hope to gxt tbrougb the ium roenury school child n cfetn ctorgctowu slreu ve at iheir other laadt lhw coaauble toe without 0104 involved to tumbliuif out cf tor ge town u buuei1 at nior and mope fcay hwy yeierdy in issuing car pedestrian accident public and itrl schools cri fchd trucks tfc wud 0n wire wy bj to children once they v lridy with 8 whole two moo thrown off the hnutinji bind l ii 1 t t n artri4 through town and keep th tmll fry off our u ths ahead in which to roam i school routine bom much play cycle roller skate ami itreels ad with busy ktreu and the tioiul j crefrr than careful just pulu enjoy life to the the thousands of school ke blhty fur thi belong to their and it the driver job to be fullest but rone dorsii t children ddrd to the pr- prenu anticipating foolish move ihhrr uteir enlhusifisiu for the school rs on the move ero- he wld the locl motorists the chief laid in other summer mouths ing struts and playtnfc- n the own 1 responsibility too ewry word from now until sepleiti eorgelown police depart rod sides chance g kuuihirr at vscstiod limf kx ber ht t lot lo be thinking saf ment 1 one orguualion thai dy uisr idty buh trtr measure of alertness and two people himself and the doiii t look forvsrd to july its 110 mean uik keeping rulid khould be incorporjtnd yuiu tyke standing iur the and august with grtil dipuv the hfjvy vuluuir of kids slid ij thir driving bshiu if they 3f of rd ahead adt that pay hwltv ctualwj ky mj will find k rawlh yw ge0rget0w1v herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing ku u7 kuarlng ik ty1 u ltn rlmlpg nd hw coy akxuj m smotj ciu mii fj 0u twpt hlii 4jj lr mmn i cjvlawn onl tkundy july 3nj i94 i4 d m y slngu copy u yrt cnu k 1 i j 1 a wonderland assessment keduciion features lal people means 6000 less taxes cl labinc indus1ry their fkfce before the muntri ltoard lut w- k snue five hundred j ml i ft gained enlrl i rr oiuiwjtr vbool kuditorium satur ij appekulu iirfuinenl on 813 recommended to council hon june hh to watch irki ij ri of delrex suuivuion diiy that town ccrpt the prtnlnrilob of abt in on m uunn ti iirv i inu and other nmiirjl pro t und delrex developmenli won tlfri 10 l t imlerelk d llrlli ll i i 1 it mtnt had lecn uplield in the uwoni v iwierr in imi iirnc f0ml1 fc j t0 id vtorlil county judjr deorirlown peop e tik a mm per crr iwumfnl the iuvdi tax treasury uill ilm mcludrd thr nrrst r sjn ttn tible larwl wa reduced to iu by an estimated ujloo dra orfi nd in thr cal f 12i ami t2 irr acre m t0 jj 000 according to maor t inderrlli ann marie y iin valley land lo j100 by the jhhons aiwasment nn the bury deionr ij v rra mar board und originally q 200 u uonald milrff armlron i tttwo uilinlor rril hclym now s70 4v olwl ueder t alhy mrn 1j ihy mkllvray a trt llrlcunil and lloh mrli unit in al le in uond and ir i here w re ltitj 1ouiw tiiuini i llrrrlrv pplr jril suunnc miwjhk hrryl p iff i a snnpon alcrir st tirnk sinn ttrst rlintieth mit mi srr rif t llishr i n ka v m rr mi llrenda iteid nemirah monrv anil moore i iirrt ut s jrnnifrr ijoltkon jim itund ixkhr tillrtt ijeanne 1 i 1al nil j mccormick harlrnr tol iri an 1 anne marie tiunbur others not alread mention ed uho had parts in tie third i oirrini hrllo world nuludr 1 turn tnnlen ilie illrt r ronira ncmeth i hhie itutlcr il llutler turtle lendrnme valrrie ijing lnn telrnmhe llmahr spitirr t hcrl brrrn reshuffle commission new nine man group i ok m i no iiivii v demands motion action but mayor wont budge some weeks ago when coon sri i came a motion to ol ell passed a motion to appoint tm a untim opinion from the tne town emplovre a purcha aolintor on minnl a oh in afent mayor ihboni term ration to carry out a m imn rd th motion iilly and aid ul nj tt would do notluns about it monday r oiarlr llille brklldt complained that nnlh jnl bas tieen done whether mi like it or not tbe motion must lr carried out he said and tabled a nm tion which wouhl brine action by july r whrn cr hoh vrancii laid ih motion wai lllreal became it referred to a previous one he mayor remarked i think it acrewy myself if llddt lirandt won mippoyl hut major diblton had i he u1 uord anotlii r mm one ur hn remark a the molii n pacd bruton made it to ontario open the nnlv and martha llouan the asilitahl tearlir i 1 douf ilruton inral folfrr to make it pai the cut off mark in the ontar in open olf ti urnamrnl at j pohvon the pianist wai ma islington tan week me n thr u and ound effrcti mr you want to ci m nrrtmng professional at the north mai dy i waktafe flown why dnn t you do it to i i me the motion mean noth thre other from hare lt oeorlown lou and co untry j toppled on house roster marv tht mayor laid he wnuldn t club pro mas ke iilly rnoueh to ak an office chaphl and north llallon r j cl jlrl tn purchase aewer pipe tiatant pro dou sinclair failrd uurihq i nlilsaay jlotm nor would he expect the fore in thr quilifmni munil man to purchase itationery for itruton ibot a 71 tn qualifv a furioui late aftrrnonn the front office and then rrcmrrrd tcorr of dorm thursday hrouchl a half that the reason whv 1 7fi 77 and 7h n iir i rentury old leer crashing down wont art on this motion hr roumk mr finished out of the 0 an arietta st home caut rxplalnrd i nionry when council split 4 4 on the rickys condition improving vote the mayor declared the motion jntt harley family picnic held at terra cotta a picnic irri it ihe hick ol thr credit valley incr linn am t trrrl cntti wig ihf ictllnj or thi ycr liar ley reunion llie innuil pic nic wai hclil sunday ftcr noon badminton and wimminc were enjoyed bv the adult and children before the picnic upper and game anil race were held alter a watermel n teed concluded the dan program attending were lr jlcan idrley mr and mri hay liar ley and milr mr and n bruce llarlej dave 1 inda and heather mr and mr frank cnnlt and noddy mr and hr terry lljrlev and ay of georgetown ilrocli llarlev brenda and ilrocu jr tom y wintera mr and mrs doug hyer and t hnstopher of brampton mr and 1r don hancock pean and jamie glen williami days of dissension are over in town gibbons iteiriaiiljtoii of the indus k trial toitimimion wa docidid to by rounril stonday originally comportl oily if rwl eouncil niemliers a new 0 j ntid jn it u unit inn nt i hi nil li i of i u k involv in i ti iiijt nru in lilstry tlon t hi nmnr i man comnmmon will imlub riln i tin the mayor iroe and di pul mm uti plus sis layman nn rnber d ci 1c i deputv itrer hunter sti 1 an rirjn hi rrsiinatinn as chairman a to thr fj few weeks acn did not mran i be a leas mi thr rommismon kn w t j but he ii definitely not inter are ovi r iur n varun a utim tu rt ujs hi i lh hwl of iii firm imik a likin- tor m hint hi nail nt t i let pioplr t lass f disser i n in t wn he sai i rted in thr chairmanship anil 1hit fut i cr bill smith otrd acainl trm t r 1 i thr neu setup lie favours a 1 li f v it eoiumlsmon romptetrtv desnid turn ai 1 i m ef rounrillors tr jim oun try uill i c c n unci s are nfi li nt indii- i he atdr i died twici two car old ilicky spicer of who died twice d urine heart sorcery in sick children s moi unable to attend were mr pi tit i toronto two weeka ago nd mrs gord harley hutch is improving and lias been and noufi and mr and mrs moved to ward care a relative fuk simnucks cnlleen and told the herald yesterday he pattl georgetown and mr nadii the son of mr and mrs mil mm doti adams t bfth murk ton spiear terra cotta the brenda lnri and lisa of wei heart operation was to correct krid a congenital heart trouble in extensive damage the tree a manitoba maple was snapped off six feet above the ground by the gale force winds and toppled into the porch roof of the home of mrs m maynard arietta st two people were home at the lime but apparently mistook the crash for another clap of thunder the weight of trer broke a number of joint in i lie porch roof two workmen cut the tree up and hauled it away thr netl day used driver to ace far four golf hole a port perry man plaving in a smith and stone inurnev here scored a hole in one at thr north llalton golf and tiuin try lluh on map1r ave sji urdav its th hrst n mi t year that a north llalton iolf hole has been aced k uadour was playing uith ii senhet h hutchison and i mcconkey when when sdnk histee shot on the par four filh the shot lrvrlled 201 yards he used a driver flecause itadour was using a calrtpbell golf ball the lent 1 made him automatically lhp lliupital winner of hundred dollars whrn questioned hs the he worth of golf merchandise from hi a spokcsnnn tor the ho ml lhat company as well as many trmiee saul that mr ra other ei rom a brewery and mlhooiv h r si cr join photo hmmm wonder if she passed good news does th ng like this to people especially if the good news i on a h qh school report csrh h oh schoolers learned the r results tuesday yesterday and today and whiltj nol m hwr good cause to no into orbit most felt ust like pat mck nnon ot grade i who ohv ouly lilted what she saw on hor report f il i r a i blood donor clinic viiinooiy l designs as produces 218 pmts hospital administrator an important clnnt in prr led last monday evtning at a snnnel has taken pi ice in tlm uoard nuctinj mr itltiooly awards speakers music as school grads attend banquets grdililion banques at mom sludtnts rcturnm to the school of the towns elementary for a party afterwards schools climaxed the year for hapel st school partied at grade b student who udl en nr auditorium with ter high school in septrmtwr j armstrong ikiiu too park school had hanqiiel uucvt spraki r and th konv in knox church hall uhrrc hats prmidms rntrrlainment david jacobs uas speaker tell thrrr was nn nuiik b the ing the troiip atout life in his rade n i h nr and accn native south africa uhcrr hr srliclinn- bv imiani trnflitif was a teachrr in capctnun f r nr qu inburs vta 24 sears ur uill be pnncipil x1 nan anh itirnda mac wlirf at haprl and park chiirma i schoow nxt nr the iihdir women 1es a staff member msdnnia lir srrtl dit ncr to eraduaies hloor showed slidrs nf a trip n ji n a school uhen weslrrn anida auirls p i fitmiurice nr were prrsenlrd inrlndinp it r u j s li nt ti acquire know ii silver memorial awards to ledge thrnuji m tin i inda cares bob ihrbrr and jane mcnalls cittienship aw ard to itaymond mccnkaii and progress award tn t albs ivm r inspector m d wi n stressed the iwncfils of ar quiring as much education as possible whrn he spoke al the wnnclrsworth graduation ban quet at thr school a musical program included george stigirr guila pl lis barber piano leslic han otger d- dinnrr v the pinmonnl fictors in life mrs 1 i iscr- lm- presi dent bo ird t inirmin uobi rt tin npson ml rr vent also p kr danco folloui i tliere w is an aftirn nn churih rrreinom on june 1 rnmlurtul bv lr otger with rr alphonsi of the orange ville tipmhin seminars at piievt speakir tirtlficalo wrr sen accordion and a sinking p to pradinte hs mrs quartette ixirraiue seckingloi j u in mr 1 talor maureen brailles margaret p awards were re sargent and uslie hinsn rfm pon ild txodin chno llichard rnnght received the ana iellrjnms bruce scinski silver award a dance conclud am amn ed the evening kennedy school hid th dinner in st george s pa rfsh name cherry jepson hall ml peakr jarv arm p j fiolers two hundred dopittd hloml al strong also stressed educat and eighleen in his talk board rharnnn t ierrs stan rlnla presented the sil a corictown prcidcnt li pson of the eorituwn und disirut mtm a soft dunk firm eight public school pupils win hyman silver awards several years ago local mer mvaat bid silver established the h silver memorial awards in what was thou the one public hool and thehlah- school a tpmber were reclplehlt ol the rust fund wu established to provide a ten dollar prize n the public school ami a larger ne la high school for top stho uri as gorgotowui xchool pnp ulauoniifireaned a 10 award i added at each schotil until today atll five publk i1iooih have this honot for students to others rehtrict it to one stud cnt this year b voung people who will enter high school in sm awards chapel st school epded in a tie bulwfcen anne marie qdat bury and jim henderson and on the last day of kchool they were liven their prizes by priu cipal val htelir at the wriggles worth grsdu lion banquet hlchurd knrlght received his award from prln aim at some schools share theclpal william klnrade arda amoau- lhe top three rrk kchool apuluie award honouring unda carey boll uaruer and jane mcnallv who finished in that order in icara sumlingh prinujii lu rold cat hug made ihfe pre sen tations also al the i baiujuet with no grade h this year at harrison achool kennedy school principal hazeu allen awarded the prtxe to douglas stephens as top student among those from that area who took their grade b at kennedy school also on the prize hut vas ronald dublen who 4tood firat aanong kennedy grade ders as administrator of the hospital ihe resignation had hi mi aiit p honour chi rho couple ere moving to montreal georges churih two st lu served in this capatit ktnm the hospital npcmd j stars a tle nursing admintslralor mm laiiruu- kelso has been appointed cting admlnuw tor and will continue htr pr bed truss assotialion blood vtr swards to iloitglns stenh j iwn bowling the first georgetown alm mr kelso h mi 11 lm ow position for the past year the afternoon r mr- 1 hi ritzm mrs kuffner mrs su- uicrlaiul mrs lnmlry mrs burlier mis haninck and mrs walsh jrn rogel mrs hragg mrs chi ilhn club members were filled shortly i bradley and mri scnihki wtri presented with a gift at a al present it wus noted the volunteer typists hub and hnnald ilublen hie s uis electtd to the posi at an orgitwatinn meeting mon- diy at tin home nf mrs geor ge t least young sh a pro motor of a junior section of c georgetown golf draw uun jjua ihr krrnnd nf ihrcc hloiitl clinics tn br held hire- john adamson rr tnoksvillc llls year i h w53 00 wnrlh n tmf al flic clinic fur ucncral wiuipmcnt ihii k thai he donor clinic in knox church i hall mondi hul nnirtr ivtintyuvin nflrd in donate wlhs golf equipment and an additional two dozen r cnntriluitcd by dolnu work the lieraid also leurned thai the position nf adimnlstraor is hjin advcrtliipd and it u expected the position uill he club meeting at thn hnmr of bed load in the lltupiul is mr nd mrs vantlinc 77t ilex- way down reflcctlni the usual v wy dr wednesday june 24 summer eondktiona prevallinu mr nil mrs alex macgiuivroj i are moving tn mnntreat nd were iftvun the gift as- uo- a look at the weather r jjlll hwayprejcnt jun itev john mcmuixin and 1 24 wed mrs mcmullchl nf st georiies ihurs khowcd slldeil lit iho tiieellni the pictures and llnrrutlmi dealt wlttt tliilr trip overseas and tounied london carnwldue llrlulrhn und enullsh toast hloh lw the hostess ihnnkcil all fori attending at the conclusion i 28 krl 27 bul 2b hllll ill moll the lllllh or juiuu111 7u 14 117 77 llj i fl mrs martin mrs atkinson didn t have list was in equipment and accessories were first prize in a lucky draw tnde at the annual june li l ner dance at oepnlctown golf and country cluh saturday mlirht the prize included won is irons putter wedce haa tart held- covers and uinlirc mrs mayhanks mrs macdon draw was sppnsorcd bv the um pr ind a aoclal howl- inc the vice president is vickl chappel the srrrctars treas urer rick clime names enn- ener phil while social con veners steve storev and ponna karmr and press secretary ttnhert sjse senior linwlr- president tloilc snrcent presided for the election motions that a rcfcislrjllnn fee of 51 cents he ehamed and 10 cents he paid hv euch menu br every ivnwllrju day to he liiw 47 rrcclp 2 11 lil mrs solomons mrs crock er and mrs turdon were nurs es hrlperslhvur on coll for the doy wos tr rnnahker three gcoructowil ambulan ce service men assisted with the unloudinp or equipment at 12 ss nil acaln at 0 lie driver wos william holomons ncfrchhmcnlh were served the donors by this ladles auxiliary 73 of knox church i ho typewriters were made avaffuble by smith and slone land walter tone coorectown lolf and louiiuy a n pnn he season club mens section carr a member of the cluhnnnse tllp j iinwlini season staff mr lsobcl kerr pullci lma fiernnon tliurs- the winnini ticket mr suuni son wos not prbtevit when hs name was pulled an overflow crowd tlcmltd the dance bull outdoor lights and tables were set up in on tlclpatlon or such rosponsc and everyone was accommoda ted a cocktail hmn- proteded hie buffet day ol school promotions lromotlon lists in this issuo for wrlruleswprth uolv crm norval stowarttown and clcti wmiams others next week jl

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