services poodles vhwaa trinad a greai pvp no available tiffani kimnrl tit as prince charlei iw 77405 if ioavr williams electric cheating alnri kutfar rlrctriciam rvaetrie- haatini end welaf healer car wood caa and u furnace 77mi l 111 si if wiring fckmmrrcial dotlsyic john llinz umehaarad auw kuciraclart i kxctkjcal ontiuttok atwu tl disc jockeys available w um wjdu rwls hu rtu eutvtes hliuk to siut sit occakions trw betl u fwieadt etoaeoneble ht vo laforaauoo canlset yul0 mloouctiowi stay kwm 4s1fem mil yulutt 45wjj i rirths cunningham john ud vers luntunxhaan b acad my road kre pleuefl to an- tvouncr tin birth o a daufrv tcr carolyn ann on june 22 1m4 io georgetown and di trut memorial hcapiu weight 7 1u 8 oii tuunui ur end wn koi turner rf happy to it bounca um birth of twin hini iouxlm jtn 6 lba ou and donald trrol 6 ibi 2 av lorn june lsth itmu in geonuwt hotpjul bro ther fur trry and tiuuny births mcfxdyss udon nd lulu hcaym ueglwrny cr ere hpp to announce the birth ml their daughter ca rot an tiiur for gary knd jaul it georgetown tod district memorial ilotpful juno 21 it 1sku htndkxvm harold kod mart henderson w tuyuwn creoc are bkppy to announce the birth of s daughter k ran lynn fct georgetown 4 ditncl memorial ltopiul haturday j lib isth lost found will tiu5 lil who left her watch with toe uu us uat day of ikalmt tlu cau trn 23jj or pack it uv at 12 victoria r r beeney humsim6 hsaying tiwtmithihfi 8779362 ur 1 ctohoktown if quality driveways fa keen ammlwat facurv icaviyya faviho co 41yd cellx yerenla r u4t4 etrl r conn plumbing u mill ilril 1x7 3714 hot water and ateam hcalinj hoi water heatar fa and electric it real estate rounu voulg border collie black with while m brown patfhrri wrarllllf collar owtlrr pleue call ur ihtkcii n hi itaz notice i uildon nllheom o i of n cotu fornwrly of l rrin chsrlrk drue ceorkluwn will lift lw rrtpoiutbu fordilti mcurrfit in my name iiftr ihu dkle witiout my written cutf wnl 7 2 services jims service centre cfcpoira uwrt niwr crtln uwt tuvj fclr cuj hinl jim pattkm 4sas71 k 3 hvkmh niriirr n 1 1 mi writ sitl no 7 llw tf septic tank pumping uvj clkahiwo kaa william varcoe hukwaj ulalar itl ii charter wilson welding 34 arttrnt a vine truck bodies built urpairi to conitnu- tion equipment m lurdftclne trailer built ftu pkene i77um radiators nipaiiud and cunkp ihone 51 71t7 ii peel radiator service 1 rngltih street urampton youll be proud of this home a well kett back split reidnc4 with spacioui kitchen dihia rem ebd s bediwmrii uvinjj room fei4urfi 2 louverfd blfold ovmn and mahoe my unfiled wall auirt 14 000 apartment seekers huww only a few lerft j kedrftom luxury hrlmnti rady for or cuuiny august 1 some with efics call snaaol now swm f unnucks klfal kstatc 131 oualph slraal cecmobtowm i t77ul robertson electric industrial commikcial 1 kkiidkntial phoim kt7 2t24 gpobcetown tf plumbing heating call i77j43i bill garburr i rxrin st tf w b hamilton cohsthucyion ltd gfiral cenlruler rr1ck nlock concnfte and cahpkntry work 1x7300 belj cfturt u there anything there you tan sell for caiht hundreds of people are lookinc for items you no longer nerd or ute mat ht ijvmjr jm chritupur soddrf n tn hi lfli i year huiliaud of eva uay bn jun 161 j iio4 kt w ii4ti0rd av roleahlll coventry icnuubd dkr lv- brtb rlnlw bf uu kndbert tlbrwi it funny aj watsr- m ceorilowti sarlvd by one ioa alin geoffrey work 1 ni with th united ut oovniitifcril in brock to h j ihkkiungtos wbey suddrhly on tmlvefliy june mhli 1664 fet his hhn j j mam m north grorifttown oruy llrrrlujtlon in bli t7lh year uelovd hu uuj of ulli hlluil fcttd iwsr father of turnue wrt y capput hrampton dj us of jorguwn rautlm mn c crulkd gwrif- lown dolorj ur n youii bramptt n joyee un uarikall gftorije t wn in i ronil 1 of t dar brother of donald her rtntfton of deorgttown rttirig at the harold c 14c clure ruiwral home 34 with st eorgetown from wednei day rvenlnt ervle will b held vrlcwy afternoon lupra liitfniipnl reenwviod tfttne ttry mkmor1am1 vhvjjr in lovinij mem ory of wilield tirly wh- ur who died june 27 ibm swwt memories will linger forever time cannot chani them it t tfur years thai may cwne cannot sever our loving rrmembnnf of y hi zr rrnirintered by john k hrrler snd tamily cards ol thamki 1randqrd we wish to expret our tppreclalion and thank i to all those who so kindly remembered u with cards snl gifts on tse occi alon of our ility fifth wed ding anniversary rspecially verdun rebekah lodge mr and ut jeaae beand ford llaijr 1 would like to enpreis mv thinks to relatives fnrnds neighbours verdun rebekah laodge lol 24a for earda gifu and flower and viilta to me while i wu a tlitient in the georgetown and district memorial ho- pital and aincc re turning home special thanks to dr wllliamj dr thompson and 11 the nursing staff joe hill jr norton 1 would uke to thank everyone tor their many acts of kindness to me while 1 was patient in geor getown and district memorial hosplul md toronto gen eral hospital their thought fulnei waa greatly spprecia ted graver norton sw1tzkr would like to think friends and relative for cards and gifts received while 1 wai a patient in george town and district ho pi til end also dr martin dr rrewilar and the nursing staff wendy switier cards of thanks d0yl i dd uk to tsak ji mj trtoadsj end rwtiooa lor 14k flowers card autd lfts 1 r- elvd while i i tw hohal i would aleo uk to theak the mirauaf atff dr bbenek knd dr odwycr tbank you ill ay doyle doylk uy tawikkj lo uvmm kt georgclowo bnwpitml t dr o dwycr mttd dr ttwiwa knd to the friends who fcrt rurwrrt bbd ttvdi wh i waj id hoepital jmrnm boyw tmmtmt tw 0r m m kr rfcst uocnsy fell down bam stairwell it- fractures skull eden ss picnic li held at com centre ot lh thc ceoftgctowm mhtalo page 13 and he added that such am ar boa could oly b takesi ailee a pltejiafl b laid to brsmptoa and has surtftd tmuspuxat water froa th area ur waa jeddrvaatttat the kroup cr lb chairx la- aenpiure which wj sat ckudresa frthb luke 24 she also kve j with a bwe- abort toediutuul on the rirht tt tvwoahip i4wm4 fall hand of fellowahip atratr johai taux wits bramjrto at her wallace i m ula w yba ui oot water iummi the fanily aid the cfaurrh ybe f her dale was art for ttm aanual lu u um crf lkrf t- lh oaic fall lexaat whici will be bo find w- nov il i fcfjd live annual u tarsal later turkey fcuppvr wijj be of wed- oct 7th thr acuni ruted with wy folumrd by dei- ta iwr iraa tke iu hm bx ih uri by w seaat atwaniri the cwp jh wallvre and wrv dotix ww as in rackina fw lel the ttvxllnc will uat wva- u 4jsu the tujuv w rsa aad toe pplc not councll a must hsiie wjiter r i rrt w solicitor chltiiiuuay ywp a rhao r bf a fuurl knjunrtwu li pea 1 l- ww jabr u auy e ww wy wuvwa july urn uolud sunday school wklb c held thai aniiiaal birnw kl taw werala kortil tvafalcar oaaiaaiinlty catltri od tut ju tf t tad y 1 taaejw w lay alarud oil wtlb luxk at ta iw ria wf i noon with uv krlvtd joba- beaaa jim uayiid ufa r luu lui ftaaaw ursft w vz 4 t u1 v h i- 1iuijik kald in th altru- whfc tk wutul huiuoa uui 1 iw uj w j by iw louulp own wlinlar children 1 s catby urt ual u ara aba kjti4 ai w w wfcwed by tkw jiea bally told tbe einril uuuil hall lu hrturcta wf qwi w wr pj albert wrb and alxut a wunried rale ther vnowball ahd dw lol nab saa l wam w wai wrjlljyera ul ue rmbl to aak lnuy boyi s twy iiih aaj a lml bu4 i w l l ili wld hl lie david lordmiy lrla ii al u m cw w l k towiialup lot wilb u tllliuth hall ahd di cr i i iw wr j tw h twit faol w tbdindabi la tk dulrlh wo brv boya hi andy buyilaa k w-ra- irt lw snlar iuui1 by tba dv wjl and jark harollun tirla 1114 wbju dae w kw bbuou llin and colby mall t ito v boya 11 14 calvla cortlucuy l trm4aw- i i i r and jark llamulon tlrla laaa al catlwd i r u huth uaaon ahd lurbaral- u- t wa blar u um break hoy i5u hojrt rsu d taw te w7 huthledje and jarry jobnata waa a i w ta sl mirrm ladlei ura lu rot uaj iw i aw r i i i nft and ura frank hall m menabfc wbw taw awhrwi uan john cordlnjlay and kill 1w barf i w hill wheelbarrow llfk l uuula u d aw h lw ladge and dvld mu1 udua awj w w li- ihoe kick shlrlry huuajt tlav si uwj and kluabetti iu1i hiena akow uw iwj kick andy uay and dvld hill lrk brveru irrf wheelbarrow 10over hill ahd cralory hill ladle aplka dnv ink iownabip to atof bojlermt no wata out uf ifultuovillc and atart bmrkauoina fur th bl lawllbu protortioo or tbota w4o w1u will be lllrd ud eookbcata bruuail a aloem of brote dowa on b bal weaea imioard butt tawriua i tj tiw llutluotille lilunv cuamratte railed lujitty ao- pruarb a davcatiu altitude baatty ujuatarwd with an up loaua tbat bli mutude waa rea lmx la tivtaaujber uatltuttaw tuade ii elaar- tbat it li but ready to adaait dafae hvv wii aaoiimafrii rnalodad the loua til lk1 wllliaui tvu vii i lor i cl pruuiiard tavra would w kw permit krataud wiltlt ta oinuiittre liak a haiwe li pre wot a brwf to outu in ki prre a ww television llelllte will to lain orbit koou to tratka hill luuee of our duller pra- cranu to rurupa drporublr tv uwuuil evrf hu ulllred uaaon keitwr daa wa aawwad tbe ifeaawad waa aawaatasaled aleuby ut iwa mriia at kiwnj at about tli waa truck is daaaatd on no 5 siuo a lai lalqil trwrk ipika dnvlnii air uoyr liar ahall oldeat peraon allandlax ura llopkina of georcalawai younifaat alteiulinc kbattdj break lally bean eonteat ura ia riitledee a pami arraiw ble wu held to and tba tpoh proirain which wai la ebaraw j of gail ufcallua jam 1uu w and kbbert rutld i iu fck u- u a- tar day palac awwl kw utwval i apfabd at wbowt xa viendi of ur lloyd urcb- tj ahred lbryd k menl will he pleuad ts baari j u at kt 1 latwwa a he wai able to return home oaleipwd iajwry tw coly wbwar fceeaji i sat from the south peel iu p ivaallsatad la thai aews wy ike comralulauoni lo ur and sartb haliott drtat 04 ura hill hill on the birth of duriajl taw aol wk wi a thalr daushtar at the south iwuvar wuihaw rvevy peal lloipltal on sal june it i ua lowiaa sawi wf lb tab avlitr lor david sharoa ua waj wa kwajwy craiory ivddy and janal la im1 ptur ualwa aitu ur and ura dlbrt dawni out al a ai li up and ur and ura uaunra wban it bil twi aawl wl raadhrad left en wdnaaday into the dalrla for th caljary aaiabau and tb bau ajuwjad kw d two week vacation laaajra to tba vwtuwb at a6v public school promotions glen williams income property c0uud be uud for ero- cry ttore stuck bar or dance ball beautifully il tuated lit bho country arllli roomed apartment open to offer restaurant in acton good rotaa concern eqitlpirient included aak hi 1900 ikii atock tcrtni i 123 acre farm a rooued hoturt con venlencm nokr glen wii- llama j450o0 full price sydney klamb rcaltor mjii slraal acton fciijawbjo- expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians service our work taunahlp li topi and our charges modest w have up itvthe ml nut knowledge the lot tut equipment and lop quality pi ace men parts to tervke your tt wigo tv appliances 2 main riarth tat 7417 rent new trucks and cars 9isimloftoym herkes ba service 29 evtelnnmet s brampton y gl 14625 catabat w toh tnbe taawa ul tbwm cwi to ckadi viii taackar k ikkwwa cre duncan kan enjleby shirley hancock jack kanui f had sandr lnrriwan narv- plv man ucgowan joann uc- t kaown kurt nallaan uilloa recoek dannii padwall brian s rf treaton david reynold bar eiahryai bare thompann mially will vm m6bt ktairua i ikewltt liaekaal saawjaat kicky ckadi viii to ix saaith jaat viaie t jacoh ailama david aahley bob blahop rupert bru smith john campbell joan liert ailau n dawad- chimbarlaln hary dick diane aon daawj rard ihxlsa cllei fllan hunter lawranc cueal baauaaa haawadt fatty kliby george koeilai garth lurruartta cwwtya ktir marchmant gerald uftiuw david lianiiraw isnaa lee sutan pretlon dorothy vend lie lwrea laxtaav daeuui ermaer suaan wheeler eatabel wvo v gad vi yo vii teaahar j savaddv norton liariuuaa otbat jwtvy fvkaiaua cmaba www donald beeumonl john ttiwr- aewa at v 1 rlahop william burlinklon jawea clark unde rati da i rwvrly atkua mary tuazb- id gueit martoil leuenber in raawrt rfllat v d-a- gr gary ucgowan itonna can jaaata- r uaawiti mckeown pamela norton iuaee hairy lsraaay uiba clinton peacock donaldlciaa ka uiaa ha- peawck ktlwln kobaon chru be ualaaia ataael uarry mat fsargcnl atleneke tleama fl oradm vii yo viii cor adrma catherine alb marti fh an rwawr krwlwa ley claire blabop d4rlana rawpiwu ctaat cuthbert robert rendlay cljcha j u hancock brian llilta ljonnl kweat f vwawlw cetaoei uioiii 2 hilu jenaen gerrf nlelaen peacock sye vandarmae okadk iv yo v yaaehari mr jullaa sandra aahley bob clark mike reynold tow sohaoa ij j yvonne tleama llseaua okadh v yo vi i toti to h paler adem debw cabtn- taaa naw iij alulm wu carujl ciwiy uaaacadt hal llttt dwj bazkat see art llaalae leaf warcbawaat yaabaal nialhm laalaal raarbaa clareaaca oabwa i ilin tvau eack awadut aawwj bell corraen cooper robert cuthbert j n e devldabn klleo duncan biett cllea mike golden alice luncock marjiret hancock steuben hunter s u n kemahead trudy koeaut nell jconack guy louth heather loutb juiiy louth donald mabeej cat mr uacdonau lam marchmenl jama ajoody john nellaen katheurtna ottea merle peacock itanalna roffel petra kelly sjrmbni philip tfcomp- jon mitchell walrtaffc ertuat jaary eteu cavarlb wake baan herald cufttt marifi taaaldaaal seertl pereday heuaiette lpakkea jaaaia ham- cock atariea naret- kaenrt hcetcaa dabaiaai niltl ltram looker ibiaai hwdaaw jaeae tab ataxiaa i 1 wo luue klrtry paaaeaa laatb pbyua laaty caaaaas twaacack kbav rrjwallr sywa feaf fel elarew skoau saaitk clady blfae tkaraury vaaderiuwjem uanw aa der shot for these cash saving specials at food markets is main stmct moarrm otoftortowh hllcts ttftcrivf yhus fl at jixy 3 3 4 ham ula saaxf racaulto cottage rolls 49 jajaaats pork sausage 49 clpjievr cooked ham ft 49 mahjt uat wieners 49 dtvoal ukcio side bacon 59 allens fruit drinks ctam os apru 3 z 1 oo miracle whip salad dressing m at i 69 hid iou tea bags kmxtant shirriffs washed potato asc mtiot 4 iacwt robin ihood coke mixes uptons chicken noodle soup mix leauotisy sweef mixed pickles aunt jemima pancake flour 3j 2j7s 2 u 35 win a free barbecue grill mtrveuanks at tttr club house spice display owalmy club uauee sflcu rwviyauy arm 3ahltc kjvyow 44c gartlc sa1t 31c omon 1ait sic bjamecuc strct 31c macat mademua 3 rjantka an saaasomjui z9 contcst lucky draw say july 1 lib tc quauyy fruits and vicctatlies california sunkist valencia oranges large soud ho 1 ont cabbage cool ibtmshino summtr drinks wvrh limes ml slke doz 39 california santa rosa plums 39 ont no hothouse cucumbers 2 s 29 sujerifib jaair r c c 2 m a r k e t s ont na t new bunch carrots 2 for 25