Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 9, 1964, p. 11

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sdiool in the summertime nineteen grads came back for class of 09 0 ac reunion t if ty r a 1 1 1 you 4 brd received tbrir drgtm at ottujio agricultural coluge and votbarked bit tbeu tkowd ijut terl it of thru turn ed up fur a fiftieth reunion in guelpfa which wkft iparkrd by a jewgetown man aljt mm urvti 14 map ave tuy ld dinner w lb tcts kiwf aprbrt but ktval of fell ihey m1blmh1 aboul lb old uys and raught li m i balf century hw v a ttiit wtll who lives in honda inf lb- farlheu dikunce ajij the vuic of gtililtm 11- waa beard iti a recording utaiu til hia kjut in ik ar grtilln kepublle of the riginal w ra ktill b traced t jadrka in can south africa scol land ad ux cuu bnnibr included paul an jit director of the thorobill ro gixieu harry surll dlsuul ag rp fur durbaui county th- late c 1 hilcy an ontario drpuly ttiiniftlrr of agriculture and later director of tbe agricul tural iutitxi in vrrdirirttm k m tb late j w joiwit who bm jprvrnior of printm kd ward lutd kimj later a tor j d tot bill bow id srol laiid wka beg tud lh tul uge which bwm tltt i niver aity uf khartoum in north africa iw ui rrafik lfalie a world war t rafcually wu a termrgrtuwu tnfliibr bf lb dau ai wkl j w hsownridg of hornby wuiiow fariii at hip version of camelof made studio night swing these tadpoles love it i i ftolmo 10 scwool in tlva tummer lime might ivol t lorn yourvriilr jvoliday but wlvan live caiwoom i a w mining rool the leuom lernrtve on j of tadpole u on of the gioup itarting from vcretch they era memberi o rwr awimmmg clast ulcifvg bed croti milrucitoa irom georgetown conm lifeguarck tm year i daitai itava attracted more itudent wimnwri hn tine tfw pool wai firit opn do of a tht r nip the bfq n i unity pool toy other jk f tl junior lawn bowlers rap knuckles ot threejln action today after baseball rhubarb lunior into it tliuri i in lir firit ijwn bowlinr 8tr utiiihi day iimi j romitrtltivf jun uunaittw ijti andrtwa and jartt haif man mrl lairm n lb cjmnbrllvtllt uf return i via auipnitrd for nnr walton jcounty uasur jame lhi u rk i tb ordrfe cam from 1h llaazua txrculwt aflrr hrums i report from th leajtue urn tlr on a rhurwrh durms a ilrerrjit nunblamptwllmll ihmr andrew mlud irtdiyi c campbell villa ija nt ha rforttmnwn untu and caima will br on tha ittlplini whtai th mrrchanti triwt to rua4inltnn for an important gum thursday night aimj kidfhnrd aa a rrmlt of ihj don t vrtp a firm hand or thinjji u run into trouhlr i j it year only one impfn ainn waa handed out to man ifirr murrar lalir nf thr ham illon krd v met cavalcade cancels out losing cash the incidrrvt waa dundaa flnt nauman jim mesabh i aft mcsibb put out catrm tat firu baa lb camphflkillr vtran apparnlly tbrtw hu blnirt it thr dundai plarr alnabh rrponrt by throw ilntf hu jtlovr at aim 7 whn thr two bean to i ckarlec blowa both bench cleared and andrewa mrnahb 141 d ctirna wfre ejfctfd i tvelmsi had been runnin dutri til throuch the name which went into the hooka aa i 2 1 cimphellville uclorv tte auapenilont were the ae and let handed down by cjmp bellville this teaaon fjrlier iwanaefr ftifk tlmeni third vfkk glen dince and utilit vwan wayne timbera were tide- lined for a same rarh secretary manaaer len e jtjarie rtf the leasur aaya the uapeniinm aren t really a cauia for alarm we re just iryinb to clamp dftwn a little bit he aaya if a eirrui ihow taalrjde of start whirh wat in hair pla eit eorceiown memorial aren urdnejda july 15 mm t be here 1 a lelter from jimci m cole tha ahnw a prtwlurer to i arena manager don coaling xald the avilcade ui forced to cancel beciuae it had been iniing monr cole aaid the abnw wa in lng nearly t100 eery day fur the pam three week tlie hnw featured 13 inter national circui acta orlawn kuwhng action of the aeamn here monday ilnbert saie and john lllair defeated i jane uluon and llebrcca khamai 10 1 in the firo match and hern jepun and tllck urne defeated helm rlliwm and neil swann 1 ft ttulaa gamea lar1 at 2 th junior ljn h n hnfi club came into tve 1 1 1 k la i w when an rirrutne elenril i the regwur bin link dav for the club are mnnda and thurula howler are rrnun i ed they mint wear flat ahue 18 brownies weekend at camp wyolca tlie weekend of june 2tlh iu a rroup of is nruunie from denmelown with the r flrntan l mra k kilej al tend the firvl camp at he new tamp unka near lif nnl ontario mra y irleri wai quartermaster and her laanstant waa mr j mc rth nbpite the twrlteriiig beat tueulav mull i ther w s fair turnout for the little llteatre si idm in hie j 1 1 j 1 vikuii rafrleria it was an inlerritma and uritihtial eatnrienre for mmt of i be a ul i e nee to tee iiperli frnm pla pre ken led iiifiuk airop make up and urnrr our wene three h tlie i ilt lr llieatre group and mir ht the ihuh schoul drama roup uere aliown ttie aland out perliap waa lie rene from llerkel be tween die kini plaved b ton i lod and llecket plaved b hon mill alto in the arene were lta walton june line hrn rioier and mark u altun i one 11 da directed tin pnvdiictmn in at imh romed v arene directed h alliv hunt ha 1 lod hill barret ita u al ion mar oehrl john art wribl and nolan mule kcttnik were featured a coniplrte one ar plav hv anton hrln the proposal dptated hie satirical liuniour of the author uirerted bv rra maulnnald thi plav hd in the cait lonv 1 lojd mane glen williams harrrt ami curd hunt the hiifb srbool drama lub hid lucuiieuti a ball present in tc a hip vitilon of l amrlat with umir fair ladiea of die era doing a twinging autig and dance reatured in the primlurlion tin i one complete uith propt and make up were dar illane lred hotter ijnda league bevej e olug jana raff john uraff linger smith tons mc aule rleanor ito tverla kaltiv pratt stee par ton i and brian malahon the whole evening wai ar ranged by hon hill r oilomin the iitfortiuru r theie wa diciition arid rrit ifiam over coffea and rookie gerry nash top qualifier meiro area goli bantams a younf rrrgrtown 2nllr inn mnihfr put injjt ihrr crrry h ion o former munh nl 4fr44 to ram th north hilton dun tlumpinn rn lhj tllm hr krn null mil mn nun is t flrchr1 dlvd wcm on o mr j ihf atountm to win the on hutrlcl th ontario linal it tann bantam coltra champ- at filo shield golf tluh july innhlp sal when he ahol a 17 00 to pace thirty eisht ban lilt top live frnm the dia tarn mlfera playlni in the tor irlcl will compete in the final onto dittrlct rjualllylnl around the dantam lournamenl la at credit valley coif cluh for playcra of 1j yeara of ate gerry who la north hal or under brownndges aemble closing meeting ucw held at home of mrs john wagstaffe the cloving i i w meeting wi hi id at the home o mra jtthn vaagtaffc with ten mem twr prcnent mr 1- r nlrbv opened the meiling v ith an invpi rational item do and tell mr a hiidtdale read an artute from ilijder ditieit rjllel i 4ni for the rhurchei orrespindence ui read and financial n port kicn b the treasurer mr paul wakmaffr i on the anni rvir aupprr itummjce mle and ocial een ing held recentlv a donation waa given tuwardi lending th choir icjiii r and orgjnisl to the t hurrh muuc workssop to le held aukut 1 aiuiikt is in waterloo i niverit the closing pracr wi given bv mra paul vaakmaffr a dainty lunch n iered h the hntea the next mrrlmg will be held in september ror the month of iul the united i hurrh congregation i invited each sunday to wor ahip at union presbyterian church at 10 a m service re time in auguat in the church here pamela norton hid a wbool rioting party lal rrlday after crhool they danced in record played gamrt and had rrfreth menu telehrating with lmela uere connne t tvnper 1 lura llarcbnient suaan kcmhnd gary and ljrry iuih cathy mrdonald bob culhhrr bob inclia bob norton anil neil konack mra john ottaway and chil dren are holrdayins ihti wefk at waaaa barh oldest of- the clan at 103 i i pfctumd altir a am1ly memorial serv left to ruho wilfrid irvin the brown ridge i newett of the clan member mra biggaf 103 l uon ot the lawnlly earrk brownrldfle preajd three yeara and jwird firownrtdtfc whojji pre the 7th une of ksquealntf jwuth of gtsorfietowii preaenfwllh the brownrldge name the family attended by 300 member a the family waa firat of yorkahire who ftmlgratpd to upper canada kawuealng twp he married el ira ward of lal bertso gordon robinson photo lee in aahgrova united church sunday ar family hlatorun alvweeki old mirk dnvinrldt yearold repreafcnlallve of the second gener nt of the reunion committee tor thenext kentty farming the brownrldge homeatead on and mra k brownrldge the nldeit woman 12th reunion wai held saturday july 4th mtabluhed tn canada by thomaa tlrownrldke in 1r1r and homeatavaded lot 4cin 7 of ington in 1822 and thelc deacendanta now num- resists control spraying bug belts area crops thousand ivf dolbra of rvu enti j i rablue turnip raitli flower ndlh bruvel tprou and binee drrrn crop are being deslrov ed in thr divlrict bj a minutr in gkot t he prvt that hi item lk grd the i abtuk hoot maggot ha tern kept under control for die 1 jt decade b a pra called aldrin but tse makgd ha e vhown a rrmvtame to it in retrnt mondi more than k llalton county farmer altenihd an emrrenr meeting ij1 week and listened to an addrea by rrolenor it v utle provincial eulomol uklt or the lnirri of turlph professor toble ba ugie iled the ue of a new chemical called uthion he said it i felt that thit chemical will not ward off the pest attacking the early cropa tint might prove ef fertive againut late crop blight he jaiid ha carried ouftetti with uthion and other csemi irala in strattane one of thr hardest hit area and tho he chemical hat not proved lotalh effective it i the beat i the entomologiat hat to offer to date dirrav fjuing the boat to the gathering etpuinrd he bat bad to dive up more tlun 0 000 irahbikc plants worth 11 centa each other farnjcra in the ur llnity will alio face heavy lot te thia year the maggot appear after the cabbage fly in tht early ipring of the year thr fly baa thr characteristic of an ordinary fruit fly it laya ita rgga near the hate of the vegetable root laler when ilia eggt hatch the maggots crawl underground and attack the rood lrner clohlf doei not hold out much hope for the crop thia vear however there li a chanre he ajid thai the late cropa may he aided by uthton lie and extenalve reaearch wai bring carried out at the unlvrrtity and be hat hope that i more effective chemical will bedia covered to combat the maggot uarkbjjn ur marlarm baa bd a div tinguiabed career in kwljl work he baa bn tin the ktaff of georgia agricultural cojl rge aj vwca worker ud dir thr of iiiiimgratioii for the united church duriijl world wr 2 h dir ctrd ib farm vmci fore placing ttudnt in of tirio farm rarupi h wj aupnn indent of a wbool fuf rfugr afmnfaii boi lu eurge town uttr plard y uropin rrfugra hi an ad j thiough th lkdiift council of i hut rbea lie will rthre on auiuec 31 retired just two years lorbey herrmgton dies iwath raiue auddei ly on tueda j u r ihj orb herriiigton at hu home 21 uaih st noiib he bad item ill only a dw djk horn in llriubl n ot lii lie nxi of teurke hrrniikli n and slella baker he wa in hi 87th ear am wen a r mdrnt of teurkc vn the greater pa t of lui life ur dernnitluii vji a lirst vi ar vrttran n ink ovenra with the ibtth hatlihon he wa a mrmlwr of the it ijal anadian iekum r or a mi nl n of t ara be wa empuned with snvder tr a ni port and aivleen yeari ago went to prov incial paper i united where he waa empl y ed until two vear a ago when he wai retired on jamiai 17th 10j0 be married i olla llalllna of liar riton who inrvive with bit farnil of an children bernice mn 1- apputl hramplnn doiigla of teorgetown paul ine mra t r tireeniladei rorgetnun dolore tmra n nnnii brampton jovre mr manha1li eorgetowli and lltonall of alt 1 he alii li eurv ed hv one brother donald llemnglon of t mn i iir mr r r rare and brother ore r hern ngt on predeceaaed him a few ran ago euneral aervue waa nndiut ed at the harold mel lure runeral home on rnde af lirnonn with the be norinan minf of knot rrb tenan hurrh rondurtink the r i iallhearera were herb arnold valker leave arthur stamp lepreaenting the tgion and nephew ted broun i re llernngton and donald her nngton jr i interment waa in crienwood cemetery deorgelown trig 6ioroitowm mlralb thurnli july 144 i pack 11 j fro hi hi premnt poaition plae lug bntuh boya on canadian farma on ki utc hirrrd thf ft union day on ririlw of the claa did a fw djya tjrlitr and bia fuirl comcldrd with tha date arnold rathbun 4 rapretentetlve sum life of canada 4 slawvly cru having a storage problem cau fs m0vjng storage yiioi ro fiu eitimait duf fi and pallelllrd storagw in spmikjef yittwii wliou f xolwa shieelno ckallhlg summer price on blue coal oadlk now at yiars iowist pticie stove and nut sizes 2800 per ton w h kentner son 4s quuw st 7 5s1 ccokgtrowhl kadio colltct of canada afuk mioh school p1an a cabltr wiih a tuiudt in electronics peyvier now tor day claitri n tliltonra contmeiking sept 14 1 n tetf viai ei n uicthonics engineering technology va lable on both ng ueei r g tec i c a i or tecl nolog it leve m autoaaation klect80nic5 technology ay television and general electronics radio operating dot certificate duration of courte 0 1h nn nil n jxm im rntrance bequiremcnt rj 1e 111 u did or muivalent minimum 0 lourtea are fully aitred te i t the rtiful on board of the aiuwiation of profewor 1jk ner of ont r complete detaila and vree booklet t aid- wis in radio college of canada mhctromus ilmn km 5170 or utile a trulj hw in ilalrenit tralnmo jie iwi u kimo it w touohto 38 ohtabio 1500 cars crowd kelso over patfweek end over 1500 eari made their way into kelso conservation urea laat week although the weather wai not 10 pleasant the utter part of the week the fac ilities all 11 proved quite popu lar several group picnira were held on wednesday and sun day which were from centrca much an georgetown brampton and rurllnglon the approximate 200 picnic tablea were in constant uae op the busier daya with picnlckera making their waytdthariyu aa early aa 8 30 an for an early ilart several change and additions have been made in the area with twlmmlng facll itlea receiving the major chan ge sand haa been added to form a irtd beach area on the lake where the hitiyrd nff ar ea- are and haa tnel the appro val of the youngntera tha awimming pool li eitpec twt to be ready bv the week end of the irth with a new fil ter system installed while the aaucerahaped cement wading pool la a favourite with tba tod dl era ofp donate funds to sunshine school trie sunahlnejkhool for he urtletl children received do nation from lht north llalton detachment of the ontario pro vincial police laat- week accepting the cheque on- be half of the achool waa atudent carl blckera the donation waa pari o lh proceeila from opp annual damea with remainder being dlvltlrd r five fnrhlher sanluliona inlllallun county special manufacturers purchase for this swimsuit sale 99 reg to 1295 values open friday evenings tu1 9 pm

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