Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1964, p. 1

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ads that pay vea aa alaca a e latfce cleaajtiw by tk 71 qraav tv harel b i arfll haa the nuiln y georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing rid m priamra ssiwiaswe flna arintllka eeml i ea i i cuu atoll ohka daav ohae j w i s i oateria thuruuy july 23rd 14 4 00 dm yaarj tlngcls caay prleai taa cents 3n to the ex seynuck oil well runs dry driller will sit and wait i mr x taowirk old oil well a th liornby farm of ctrg hilt hj ukj pfujucin i cut uniporajo lu to 3000 luloui of crude oil wrt pumped from the well betve it jrgw to u dry lmt wk whfll ltit hap- pnd anthony ixynutk pre ldnt bf ajjlhony oli and oil fcjpjorationj bad ogo xkllotis tj wain frrd down the bol 1w acid wj eipttrd tu ei lmrt rivities uf the porous ujrwk jn which thr on n first located aftr it e arid waa down lor an hour tt wei fluhrd out sine- that time th well hai tern iilunl idle while srynurk waita for the undrrtroi r 1 atr of oil lo iwp hi k into thr porous arra that tre drill finl located alter rlgnl week drilling srynurk uld hf uill start bring froj wj to s4 ptf zi gllon barrj tin oil i awl id atorag w- tw luulirid locate stolen car in kenora charge three armstrong rolrt uapartiaeiit lhll un uwe kuy nuy id whefzit contest stable hfty llcndafmn drove 1700 rnllrs last wrk to rrov tr a rsr stolen from here si il would make valley twenty acre park committee studying plan j for ewing st lake falls thr final wiutitr m llirald a j3 wrt k wlimit aporhrnd the ihr tn j j annlron fjifkj with uklna it i shll rwmi- l rhk th car wa alolrn t tm thr sl f a rh lot of irtf ullun u ion curlph si saturtuy jitlv 12 sunday muit r poritplown ilriartmiiit uii notifuvl by ontario provincial poller that th car and llir trrnar oc j cupant had bn itopp i in krmra 130 rnilra n rth f hrrr lhirf hairy and lt hrnd r tl- for a twniy icr oontvalioa cjm1il vallry cgurrvalioii au- park ruuninf from ontario uorily hot mainulrtrj by tlv 10 atrrt to v wintf atrt and ohi w flwy io i mr iiti two taunkipliuj hj4 icrou u thr rtilwuy track la o w f uit uifa toun don 1owrn x i fcv guetod rrrrtly idrnti yint nj thf crriht vluey loua hwrn u u nt itf lonrvt aulborn rrnt ll ly ttii i arra w uld ukt in alt ttir vllry land atjtir in ttom of thr kwlnu strrt 1 11 and brhuul llfwon lrffccfnt 1 p dry wrod lnr i ut u hi will iw ihlr to irtirmlnr 1 ih irul v rlfrchr turly mht on thr tlir land la alrrly ionrd ai at uuoday i coaufll mubji grrnlwll nd cinn tt lr built iryuncll votwl to aait kqtirmlnj upon councillor lowrri frru lo ijir in tb htrpiieklin 1e if ihr icul wa rlf hrlping ihr irrpjgr in thr mntimr srvnuik if prrparinu lo ravr the drill moved in another loration hr in i au e exirtl whrrr hr wanta ihr drill ael up but hr ninnhrr f turwtay wlrr job ihuto janefs judges pick for dairy princess frrla llirrr arr arrai arouij hornby lliat hold oil thr anlhonv i ompany holdt nil irair on niorr than j 000 1 arm ol arm land on m irr lhan 0 hornby arra fannt mr srnuck hat not attempt ed t aril ihr rrjilf oil that hay hrrn pumprl hr laid the oil ii top aradr ant thould cock turtday night on thr rrturn irip ihr iwn p licrmrn and thrir thrrr prlaonrra went atrainht to toronto whrrr the youlhi wrre placrd in i iv tnllr shrltrr ihr ihrer apprared in mur jvily 21 judrement i tint a arnall lakr and poalbly falla itoiniz down lo mailer ponda could lw rnnlrufted waa rrcrvrtt until next month sl1dks available rrdil valley t oniervauon authority chairman a m irernway uid plana for cala loguini 35 m m ilidea on thr t red it vallry and makinc them available to thr public with a apraker la being conlderrd b the lvta jkut iinni left geti the county dilry princeu ntjt and coagrlulationi from fornir pnnceai mra jean jean ptteraon at ih hornby gardn party saturday janet one of two ronteitanli will represent the counly in lb ontario dairy princria ronvp44jtion at thr anadian national hxhlbillon in ucuit judging and iclrctlon took place at thr gardrn part the title waa won aat ycjr bv tror grlown adrienne nurc highway residents resent widening frontage loss urn down delrex proposa iut plan future meetings vlvr prnpfty ownini north ol so 7 hijliwiy havr ippial rl lo council lo rrcoimdr tikinf a 13 loot itr p of thrir proprrty for i wulf mug ind im provrmrnl prosraro whith it bout to turt a letlir ilknrd lestrict business talks p town firm officials i thr mobont brthng ott t 41 o dlrx dvrlop- la relmie mori rtiden building und oupid of uondty t council juit la june 50lh leltrr from altn campbell tolicttor for the wttloh hid bern dltcuurd i muting with firm okiclili ewk tjo mui read by the following a motion to thll tha letter hid not an tntdl public before pill eounclllon then voted in at of informing delrei that icll doet nol ftvour ihe spoaed agreement but would our tutur meetlngt for dit ion a motion to rettrict atlen ca at auch meetlngt to rep- ntitivet of the developer council only alto wit en d but mayor gibbont and ve fclllott oihofj thlt ptba mayor laid ha would fol hit policy of having 111 attnga over which he pret uopb in tlie public in llori felt that butlneu ahould be conducted in rlvale tb delrei letter addreiied mayor gibboni read at fol eayor joseph gibboni nlclpil oulcrt getown ontario mr utyor i thia letter u written on the uctlona of ind on behalf of client delrex develop- nt lid wlilch company i for purpotea of brevity jler lo horjln at delrex i you are fully familiar with hittory of negotiation be en delrex and the town in ant yean on the cmitni- problem involved in the te of the reildentlal landi i delrex for development and la felt that the time 1 now ropltloui for the partlei in dved to gratp the nettle and mutual benefit reverie the vgreitlvely woratnlng con lloni of atagiulfon and frut- tkn imjujrlm by the tub- ntlally ailed type of indui- typel that would be bio eccjuliltlona to geor- n indicate clearly that i actual exlitence of great- nrpudad reildentlal develop- nt u a f condition precedent r their lofcitlna in the town tf iven uiurancdthit lidentul conatructlon could qy proceed woutdot courte m1 lheufaicvirylln nth coat of completely ear- vicing the retidenliil lindi in accordinre with the existing by law tou amended by 61 2t and szo the urge irra or industrially toned landi of delrex it tt you know already aervlced and if given the right to proceed on the retidentlil aide delrex would be prepir ed to commit itself lo further induttriil lindi at or below eoit it an inducement to new industrie briefly delrex proposes that e new agreement be entered into with the town in replace ntent of hitherto eiltling sgrre menu and in terms broadly is follows li delrex to service fully at its own expente and in full eontormlty with the fly liw pro viiions above referred to all of the lands on registered hint sou b2 ind 720 2 delrex to convey to the town tuch blockt mil drunage easements on the uld hani at hive heretofore been contem pitted for public or municipal purpotea s at and when servicing re quirement are duly and progrrs lively carried out residential building permits to be avail able for aervlced landi without reference lo any fonnult of tndustrtaltiuidentlal basest ment and without requirement for payment in lieu of indui trial assessment 4 delrex and the town co- opeulewlth vavlewlo the re toning of the peetently unsub- dlvided landi of delrex lying to the south of tae landa now on plan from agricultural to re lldentill toning of appropriate typea and with a view to the preparation of subdivision plant for such lands and with a view to the full aervlcng thereof at the expente of del rex with building permit to be granted on a basis similar to item 3 above incidentally delrex eitlmatet lit eervlclrtg coats of the pret ent and- proposed resldentlally roiled aresa above referred to at approximately ls2spoo0o0 on todays cotta vacation time is here some close some stagger newman pupils pass exams in music the followinf piano itudrnle from tha ttudlo of uarjone r j10 ft r correctly tlte picture thr ml lr- lie at thr raatern outibirta of town and includ ing a kalri ilip iron our of ih arln i ating mrrbaiio thr i ho to appeared in us wr k paprr a photo of pjit of a urll kn wn lojral huitding or imd mark waj publia wd in raili f thr ihirieen k ii f r thr duratkn of con it and rjvh rirrrrllv ilrntilci onl onr of thr thirteen wirwr fall j v hr lo rf rlnv a iaii lip which doubled ttir prur from 15 i 110 thr winning njmr wat dnvn fn in thr onlr- ho r- mon lay al soil c thr prrviou winrcrt wrr j shertlll 4s mapl ava h banham u m vlw tt hlbhart u kg e calia mamllln 17 hanry mr a murray r mia ji lyn 17 church mra c oavia 3s narm y m cilchriit 13 uarmarvdy mrt a atllhi 93 pr ch mrt d bokarltan 7 dal mra marearar hala 3 celue st danny brewn 31 caarga tlir myitrry ohctm wrrr f hanale school maple rp tint hurch srrplr ilrrwlck hall 01 1 toil oflvr llnv ro hurch strwartown mill rorgctown lotpiil nw pot office itojal hank fie mrmbrancr park under prk catr kennedy school play mrpa and the cn treatlr tkrti ikj for th whou town the tuiirnittfx fev imklnttd lo ibvotjauu u pit- ubilltiea eoouisu of w ivi- alru tluikwcll at- ui don powrra and j whltf thr autkority it la a nomfsaiy ifrfrualfilhy it wu fxpulrwd and would not rommlt tha ntr land would vr purchaied itownahlp to any fttubejal tx olntly by thr toun and the rjru wants assessment time limit unfinished homes an unutual amgeiuon waa made b heme steinfall at 1ajjurm ouncil momlay nlkht lnn he recommended that an unfimahrd houie lived in over a certain period of time pertiapi two yeara hr venture 1 hould he amrd at the full wlur of a completed home he felt thl ihi inikhl make building by law aald twlv montha from tlie tima qf com titrnfamant ahall be allowed for completion they fcte two yean old at rrddy hr stelnfatt interjec ted uhil not holding out loo much hop council tl tha building inspector ahould ba sent up to are if hr tan help vacation time la looming up or moat local reatdenu whlla moil of thr induatriea are nm ply atagserinjj thrr aaff holl daya a few are closing down completely standard product i eloted now they cloard on tre 13th and will reopen on the 27lh varian aaiociatei u ill abut down for two weka itarting yrdty th 24lh until auguifening will tale m 4th ami smith and stone will of the 7 fret we believed it a alto cloae rnday ihe 24lh un til aubut 4th at smith and fid in th rnt vtoyil comer vatory 1jtaminatloni grade 5 it rend a ilrandford honoura grade 3 hradford price lit claaa honour julia ilundle lit elan honour veronica nrm rth honour oradr 2 nrmeth honour ilou honoura at m ikh vi juocemint atuctidw cask harge of abdurtion a gainal a rorcrown non and milton man were heard in magiatratra court mon lay bul judgement waa rrirnnl unlil david j july 27 they were charged wicki jwith ahdurting a len william girl june 7 hy uart ctafkblyulak mm atoaw4r mu- lolurtr shottan and medoo- v aid waa rd t3 eouncil lion day the eneroachmiit would diarupl treea ijirubi and tile they uld and aaked if it would be poaslble to m vacant pro pcly acroaa the raid for wid rrng whrn road hairnun wm f hunter lold coun d tenders f r i the road contract originally n jniuries this iimh advertiaed to cloae august 4 1 j have ben extended to auguat 17 there wi j general diacua ion on the aumr someortr la lettlnj ua down miserably ml lr hill smith here i anohrr two week tie lay and we iju tha thr wid finith their houses get thr bouaa completed resident later me complained thai he paid more taxci than ihrer nrigh bora on the ninth line simply because they lived in the bur ment in answer in a quaation from cr ctrrif he eiplained that the roof and walla were on the houses but they licked only liwde finishing ii addad that lha base man i had btn their home for hire year lr currir pointed hul that the assessor can only evaluate on the houte as h standi so naturally finished house would be assessed higher than an un finished one cr u iawson reading the stone few will be on hand in the injection moulding depart men i the other firms conacttd domtar provincial paper ind p graham ilell arc ataggrrinc the employees vacations no specific news of grade 13 curriculum 1 know no mure about pro posed change in drad than anyone ha- read in the newapapera was principal j l lamberts comment when asked about the change ad vocated by hducatinn mlmtrr w davit and the spccnl m mlllec set up to invevthge grade 13 1 wilt pronabv brar some tiling before september con eluded the principal tad whenv- ratepayrra have to tell us what a being done on 1wm t biggest projecl mr smith ajid hr la not burning the oal chairman but it ii time council knowi the highway progrtm hit suggestion that buhwaya de partment consulting engineer military band concert this sunday in park the 1orne kebs military band will play in georgetown nark thia sunday afternoon the 33plece band directed by capt e g corlelt will per form at 3 00 p m seloctiona will include popular and semi- claasieal mualc including some scottish and military airs nd council get lowrthit ihe next night for a conference was tccepted when a lrtcr was real from rtramplon reiltor v a mit chell eitimitng coit of ac 13 1 quiring property al mo 000 there wai concern expressed about where the lown treasury would find the 10 ahare rr thii which geo gelown will bive to pay is widinlng absolutely lie cestary wondecd thr may or isn i there a way out and keeping propcrlv ownrra hap py loo rtceve fllloll nlj he thinks die project will bavt o con tinue and the road biidnet rut somewhere else ti find the necessary funds it if hoped that you and your counjll velll be recenuve-to- an agreement auch as proposed ab ove delrex will be prepared to meet for dlacuulpn at an early mutually convenient time vourivery truly a look at the weather july lo wed 16 thun 1y frl ib sat jb sun 20 mon 21 tuet b3 83 b4 87 high for the week low os no precipitation boat smashed to pieces in simcoe storm a georgetown businessman don barrager wai one of many cottagera who suffered lost in a severe like simcoe atorm a week go sunday the buragen had left for home early sunday evening the next morning they re celved call that their boat aian b campbell georgetown community pool manager don gosling and ann johnson daughter of pool dir ector cliff johnson hold two jagged pieces of broken beer bottles that were liken from the pool after the second ses sion of bottle breaking there iut week opening day sev ers voarqliters were cut by sveralaeorieinwji pcoiln ulecek olbrovenjutlesnn th allele f c scolt have cotujei in the vicinity pool floor the pool veaa cloa- had been damaked in the atorm the 100 mile an hour wind had completuly collapsed the boat rack and boot whhh had imathod to pieces on the rocks the damage was partially covered by inaurince tmasi2al t poter jtonet pholo the guss breakers hit pool again ed whllj tha mlntonincn crow it night lie wid because of the eumlnated the glaja by vacutun ing the boue breakers hit the pool the second time sunday july 12th gosling said when he opened the pool mondav mow ing broken ftlau was spread around the walk- at poolside and he could sec chips on the bot tom of the tank lie said he sus pecll the bottlw bad been fevittrtiiirankirsutb side of the pool he suspected the bottle- spattered on the cement work were thrown so they would break th pool crews thorough cleanup after the second incident resulted in ho injury to the young swim mers but police and pool staff are just as deterrainedthe per petrators will be apprehended -nd-fittinxb- dealt with 11 a copy of e petition tattl la the esquejng school hoard waa rad out the petition signed tjy two pages of names pro tested strongly the relocation of childan awt or thr sixth una and north of tha 5tb line presently attending plnaviaw vchool the petition alatisj lb i kf overcrowding at pinevlw wer anticipated tht additions now planned at stewart town and ih men should be going on to the pineview school the petition further claimed that children within welkins diatance were now to be busied five miles away a compute lack of foresight ami planninjc on thr part of the school board read the petition council made no comment on the letter ajuociated quames ud agreed to pay 50 per cent of the cost of surface treating the road on the 1st une from no s side road to the entrance of the dufirrln qurry appro it imately 73 trucks a dty use thia road the cost according to to road superintendent c snow would be a total of 1000 1500 for eaqueaing twp and a00 for th quarry kifluuing received the first instalment of their per capita grant from the dept of hun iclpal affair amounting to 10sa5 the second amount will be the same the rate of the grant ii j11s pr eaplta and kaoueang a population la 6514 the meeting ended ifttt a long diicuulon on road expert dltures for the whole year cr currle dlaeloud that ujea ing has 143 miles of roads to service raniblincj car wheel in freak accident a georgetown minister rev lloyd when of first baptist church said he coujdnt be ueve hla eyes lait week when he saw a wheel descend on the car he waa driving- on the bate line near the 461 over past th wheel which hid de tached itself from a wextheflnd trailer atruck the front of the late modal ford driven by mr whan 48 main st n at he tat helpless unsblo to avoid the collision h damaged tha left front fender the grille caved in part of the cars hood and all told caused between 700 and 800 damage north maltnn opp aald there vero no in juries the wheel whlrh came at the reverends car at greet apeed down hill had come from homemade trailer being pulled by ms truck driven by john irving of b r s milton investigating dpp uld tt happened when the axle wth trailer broke letting the wheel moftw c 1 k mmmm t

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