Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1964, p. 3

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in wasnt lonely long thk ckmterrown hirald ttwidlr july h 1m4 paflb 1 v vji j ifimarjtys rvfl t j rf 73r c8ii garden party crowd a whopper th eakly bkt tlw annual garden fsrly in horrtby i aiv kevin johnson munches poptorn r aore ting 10 vorria company tiwj r came by pe ttioosands v rww fifepk v exhibit a ir th cai or old t me garden parties one of the fo still oporat ng th hornby ball clubi annual air drw close to rtxofd horde saturday night note the luck tec t ton of lha crowd ftya on lawn chairs wh le the front 1 mam ition are seated on bench 1 x i a pefcti 1 law- iaa all the peaches werent in the pies prler jonrs pholoi iviouuy all the peaches werent in the pie at the p e booth at the hornby garden party saturday attractively ring samples are left to right wilma mason ruth break betty ann tyre darlene leslie thelma hearm and carol 419 they re members of the hornby girl ball club which operated the booth house tannenhof reception follows wedding at hornby ktnk and wbt chrysanthem um oriutlonl and pmanie d coratcd st stephen abgli cm church iloroby 011 bat jub 20 for thtt mwrujf of lyuds uiant lramont ml livtd jmr koyc itm ud u thf daujehtrr of mr nd mr cck ltantt of xh 2 hornby tid tin ttroou u lb to l wr lydla havyc kd lb 1u jwk kuy df ktk 1 hurnby tv double rug ertuiojiy wi trfjiiiii by thtf krv jlrj k uilwll kiwi tin wrddltl liiuki wki pljyrd by uri jril 1nc it- lrvd uiv 111 marnt ly br father wor a rvl tctitlh own of whiu lc aiul ultru iiui ihivijiujirtwr knl ih klrh th uirt had folds j l- dreird thr waul tt uwhr hal a ifjltwd lusckhrir dffurattxf wib dulii ty thi iwuru 11- r hiumr wiiiiui trialloprd vil wu lipid by a hraddrfu nf wltltr rt t fir 1st orchkli ami prkrli shr rmd a white hit lr mlt of lh ur wiin rovrrl with wlutr iulunii ajui ctnuij by a palp hiauvr urrbul korn stir ixjrinm t auura mutin if tlir hndr- wi uisut of honour and amtj ijirnumt f lira nipt on rouiin of th hrnr aiul valda llorr iktrr of ttir tthin w re itrfdnmaidi ibr attfndant wrrr ilrrtul in pink in 1 whitr ct uvrr rrrpr ttinr ktfaddrcui werr pink wrtdin iiand with trallopfd u of butrhins cnlnur thr rarnril ttouqumt of pu v ml white rlirtanlhimuini r it i aliy ruua ttir iwni man u hornby cleowriehc iliuock ol george town and tubers wr cri hoyc a brother of lite tnffc khd tom learmont brother of u brid- mr ctori learmont rr ctivrd for htr daughter at the aftcniouri rwsuo bld at tb houu of talinbof hbt tonviiu sbe tbo a navy drr witlr tbrgurt ltrajth tot with pik kfcciojj aod a cornice if dp rj ro 14 ri ydia hiyc rrrivrd fr hr boil wcjrink a lri dr with whit rfruyurtftf wj a tr kitf uf pink baby fom2 about 1 0 unm atttjwlrd frtaitfaur j ora 1titi lrrdit llratitplun kravr rtri uluou oakvillr and hornby tb r rroliun hall wt doriwi tu i pink nul wtuti strvamert j w1u mum tnd rarnallbki tir wadding rakr wi jiad by ura uunl hai 1 hur honiyiiwon trip tu uontrvsl and lk i urid new york hr hfl v rhow a ilrvc uii litftit blur sheath with white fcrrfunnn and a orrbid cofijf lliry will rrtule at hornby i rir to ihir msr raii thr young rouplr wtri tratl to arvrral aliowfi and i prrtntitioni ura wyd i iowni wai lioktria for a mit rrllaitfoua bowr wri stuart iarmonl waa bntru to a pr uinal ilnwrr uri i lob llud t drlt rntrrtaintt with a murrl lanroui jduiwer ihe sidfimrn and frifnrts of st stfphrn anyliran hurrh ilh a pre rntation and fnrndi and nr h imurs of the cronm lirld a prrrnlatlon at ttif north trafdljar ommunily cfnlre having a storage problem -call- fs moving storage i 77410a kt httt e5timati doiljre and puttad sloftgat in spv lnkursysm waehooi aoqmo smfttmo 4 cxatino recipe of the moi spicy fresh peach n caramel shortcake uw uur favourite spiff cike uu in a aqdar cake pa arord 1 02 to psckigf dirfticni i tw ge niroua wjutn ol rooltsd cak n individual diwrt plates co vrr cak bjuarri with oarsmrl saurr 1 rrnp krlow spoon plenty of fcwfftchrd sliced frrh ontario parhri ovfr carh wjuare top with whip ped frsm cakamsl iauc lb vihiui raramru about 10j w rup water urlt fiitli in lb u tup water la top of double boiler over bot not bolllha wter hlrnd wlt ty oirtta ujk- w 1 rup caramrl b mill saure tojy b arved hot or fold niagara power plant is subject for wi talk harley to halton weekly orsebvations by dr harry harley mp for halton another tlrp forward in iran la t ion enfourajine education and i hope it will h followed in the near fi tiire h a whol frhip prosramtnr an accident kill a firm re nlonl r rry 3 7 hnur a far rr is killed every 7 1 hours in a work arcidrnt aicordinj to the national safety lraum of canada tie third mm on the riority hit of iruishlinn the tal arrancement with the ovlncet hat leen debated for uveral days with little pro the fourth item the 12 he flailing limit iu11 has pai the lloue of lnmmona rnie tiftll 1tkm thf mud nt loan fund is now before mruiment it is obvious that art from the crditisles thia feature will receive the full pport of all parties the dltutes object to it on the undi that it invadea trov dal rights in the field of duration i do not accept this jtlclsalai it does not interfere lth educattorrbut merely helps t individual student to obtain uncial holp a province mpx 1 opt out of the plan if it not wish to participate j this dili suottld pass klj week and money he made iviluble for this years llud during the yer of study fwtudeni hve the interest lld y the gotfwpmenl and the first six months after aduatlon thla interest docs ot bav to be repaid after bla time he will bttfln to pay qrth interest and the jicipal over a period of rive lun years the government grantees hla loan from any of his choice and as well to r inurra it so there will be no fharfle ajeainit his ehtate if the atudent ihotild die aftrr taking out the loan tllh btuhknt may horrow up to 1 d00 per year for a maximum of jivr ynar to be eligible a student must have a mlijjactory academic stand ard the dec in ion to be made by the educational autnontics not the government he must prove he actually needs the loin as the government is co ins lo expend tcderal funds to pay his loan interest as he slu les he must be a canadian citizen or hive resided in ca nida fqjtal least a year and intend to continue to reside here the loans are for full lime students as one of its main purposes is to encourage students who would otherwise lake many years to finish their education on a part time basis both graduate and un dereraduate studies ire incldd ed it can include any form of post secondary school education such air university or technical institutions u may be dealttua ted by the provinces the alad ent will receive approval from jnprovitielallydeslunated edu honilbodorltsnibbntnd at the present time 1 cannot say who this body will be for ontario the atudent will uke a certificate of approval from this body to any bank from which he wishes to obtain his loan the rale of interest on the loan u unknown at present but will be lower tsan the usual bank loan interest and in add ifon there will be no service eharce added rok thh must yen partia ment will provide 40 million for this purpose which would provide for a loan exceeding 500 to one out of every three students enrolled in university the outstanding loans at he end of five years could he 200 million there is no ace limit in the plan for those students who are minors under the a fie of 21 years neither endorsers nor parents are required to sitn- the loan it will he the students sole responsibility kuaranleeed by the federal go vernment the cost of the pro- framme to the federal govern ment in actual cost if all the quota is used would be ap proximately 2 million the 1st year of operatloir i know that post second ary school students and in fact all students and their parents in ljalton will bfl interested in this legislation- itrisdealjned to help those student who for financial reamon couhjl nol continue their aiudiei it is nash and mcdowell plumbing and heat1no yafer so marian waur sytlttta fj repairs aluratioht tr 72842 the july mreting nt tt e llnrbv women 1 inv itn r jt hr let at the home of mn llu minor the pre drnt mr stan ma opened die mretine with the unctng i the lnli tuutr kle fnllourd v ihr mary stewart t llrctl n in imn n itie roll rail name a pmluri not available in grandmother day wit incurred tv ihi m attending which inrludetl mr rueau from the druniqu n wotfien s lntiluie the min utes of the lat meeting were read by the secretary treaiur er mr roy wlwin who alo gave the treaiurera report the rnrreipondenre wji read winch inrludetl a letter from the ie partmrnt of akrirulturr re girding a safety prora n a short discussion was held on the milton fall fair the mi t lo neceity m the ninthrr ot invention was given bv mr hugh o i nnnor ttu a marvellous paper on hv in ventions came altoul thrnuh audden need and milmc do with uhat was on hand at the time the guest tprakcr for the j afternoon wa mr wikon chief guide pf the 1 ve iew enerating station mm the public relation department o the ontario hvdro he wu in traduced by mr hukh 0 1 on nor and he spove on the 11 dro power plant at niagara rails followed bv a film in colour of the rails and difr ent phases nf the liuse hvdro dam and grneratnrs mr wil son w hnnouretl recently when he won the champion ship knotting contest in scout movement mrs itoy wiliin ev pressed a olc of thanks to the guest speaker for hn rrj in teresling talk which enhghted the minds o all attending a delicious lunch was served b mrs uradlry and susan assist ed by the hostess the meeting closed with the sintmk f the quren mr and mrs llov itreak ore enjoyini a vacatmh in nova scotia mr and mrs wit itinl and lorla left rriday niultt to spend their summer vdcatnm with relatives in prince 1- d ward island sincere sympathy is eh nd rd to mrs cleberl mrdowe i and family on the passim of her hrothjrj jhseph crowe who died on rriday night at the milton district hospital mr and mrs rrank hall and famils enj vrtl a ti last rrk a jsjga itrarh i leh i nited hurrh y ps eiijojrd a pleasant trip on sun dav to the 1 1 ronto lslai d hapfrtini f r the trip ere mr and mr jack vnes and mr and mrs les r itlrdge a picn c lunch wa enjoel by the 24 ittrndihi tlie amphell soup to treated their asparalua work ers tn a chirven barbecue sup per at the llornhy park on wednesday night july 13 concrete cravfl building sand road gravel fill ftntf top soil stone work tom haines m halton cooperative medical care plan doctors cauj paid om htst visit all su1cical okeations anaesthiyists smvices lyf test health examinations major medical employee croups degjrdlcu ol i if 9 you may anroll il any liw of th yssr rates only 10 so pr msmh family 5 00 slngl pybte quarterly or annually halton coop medical services bon 47 mlllon tal 17t9712 puat und ma intermatwn na obligation name addbiis6 bs july shoe continues at congdons shoes 20 40 reduction on sale spring and summer footwear two locations to serve you 31 main slraal s georgetown 14a nlwn st w brampton its chic simpson motors for new ramblers and jaguars quality and sallsfaellort hchkimpson motors jloxluaan si t brampton 4312490 v a saving paying biles bdpi you maiiaae your ckcauln 1 olw paaon finanou in a bmioeu- koyal bank mi borrowing and otn ilka way at lowcit coat our twoaocojnt hh keena you from raiding aavinsa aarrnarkxd for vaca tion or other puipora it alan aimpusea bill paying ig a apeaal peraonal chequing account cheque and a royal nauhah lqm- by providing a apeaal peraonal chequing account 6nly 10 a cheque and a royal nauhah lqm- can often aave you big money in lateral rml arlm bank at your nearby royal bank btawk bqjrrowing royal bank aam fj basietl managep georfllowrt braoci

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