washed out once legion picnic held under wilting heat ingle bamiun dginoy arbie and skortatop pet lawmen i uhd led thai attack with a double and a tlict bcyera led uw oiki attack iitfc to sloglea nd a homer jwhil vukovtcb od two alnxla double drjdcn had a double and a mingle cunu a homer and a ilngu and cra j two ainfle crl went all tne wy to pick ut th vtctcry attiti down 11 glanu n atrlkrs and uauint jut two free paaaea cwkuu rlo 070 000 flij ciifitiw 000 100 000 1 74 ktckurts takdid po clklj ioptkall ttami i summer holiday m cutting dp into the rnka of h kuuinrii gjrl softball lajw jo liu h- holr tuu in tu 1s id ait brarkct r jtedd by tavahy lean and lnurrl 1 tru ran stilly by tllii irrmsll after rune orlwk 1w hw filffl will b plr d triunhtly th warn and play rifcht through th trial swrtt shirts score four in sixth public apathetic delay as jacques paquette gets win decision on raiders future i- it fr iii hard lo know the nirn irudnil i tunc i hi tmrkliiwn kr llanlr arr j li ihr i irl ii ll yhtt mokckttowm hkkald tkurjy july m l illl campbellville dominates statistics t wennd of the nilit ham ilhei un i ruck four t mri out of five inpi in u ihr hatter in mmini from uuilr the hornby tienrh ver the a lnll r wo t uiimnotam hov i tiih ucmorial ar lm an hrook mm wai able uednrsda al uhidi th to 1 m k after the irore lwk termed ate hockev club i which made ban imile when wit to have ivrnt disc lt inrnby bed shlrti came up with i hi win ii n rridav yihi when hey defeated the oinakh lejm bv a irore vt 4 3 at th oinakh ball park j k paipi elte won the came fur 11 ri in hoth hv the cnnvislcnl burl i an t the power w lib it which lasted to the final taller was o it i jijnrtte also crossed the pljle uith the lied shirt f rst viril haitunan rrl airni merchant thirl jkir sun run alter oraih had laen a and cfntre fieliirr al u mrnr llenderx n 1 1ad trier memman 4i lth carrpbellwlla rterans ttin ninlamed h ira 1 al a b e mar f the bj 1 urn in thne ntlene di pjrtt1lent h ha tnen din the ctmre lljtlltlcl in the hilton lount ll batlmt r- ttt a ill rnnn from an in ired la d llut jurmje the pat urrk irrjf l e ha hon a i i imj r oeoriftcn lurtli hae jill to i he lnh itie cirti i w ilh t n enl me ennnnj plac a lutlfr in top fuup jdmibje ilh sx an 1 bast un ornish a ret their cairni took oxer the battinc balh ith 2 in the leeuml li n laid in the m team cirrmil milton tec t it la t iuii ii n j hn will mot t rrnsed f y iii paulnj tfam male ken moore urrir hn hjd slnmi 1 alter plate in that fourth mi u it pltchcs glgil 10 will ttath playeriive 28 hit but fal tjrt muni no lhir ujs wavne i irkel who did the uoore haa one rmjtp olfinal trip plate m the battm rie lh honour b vaxn the wond t i limited i aler mff wacallm for bio to the plate i t arralf run of the game hornby mo lo m ux b pv lu- rbed irn williami to a 51 for it a bird to know uha the bor pm wa1 r if the want nl t i leriuediale bnekey here at all i uxe said they ijy n ktep the hauler alive iben tbr pan up an opp rtumty h hkr his tn ad i ibeir nii irl llooin i nxe inlnnated he va mt e in about i rally in live u ale bailie uith public i ufrtt addet ho h in a seven run fifth was curtains for local giants himrrf ly 1irry t urtu mil turn luti ipirlrii oikvillr jiki lo hi in wry nr fork lihi h i lounly 1jku aliir lirlr sil onlav tlir irtr 1 inl i jrnplwll villr i trail i vrr ii r c ill illiy u urr rry nrrr f oil llir kmunil hr iuiim rr ilr 1 1 rrl1 h ury 1111 kr1 huorr horkr mp trmrl in k hill l 0k n half rn ir i a llf conirflltl mllr oak limit an r par nl mink ihr ktn aid a sti n u rrr i ivi ill k la r lnv willmoll nil kiftrr mlr 111 jrl 1 ll ii luck illnl ram 11 inliv ll 1 run ii ml il iln i tom feavoy in form to cairni th i bjttin rie ilh and li hittinc 3 a 133 axerar 3fto hi brotlitr hill the milton first iackrr added ihorlstop and akillei mur a av ne i irkrl uhn did l ru- honnur b corin the rrond run of the game hornby vored all tlieir rum in lhe victory in a milton iliiral suit ball ireafiue amt in hornby the meetink pated rru lhr ikh ihr dmr 1 ib prrxv in i nie off mill oi rllv allrr 0 and then rallrtl it cji it- but fan at the ii net the hockey marker or ell d club ill exnl on1 ir tin one id the i urp n f the- b c ime meeting a in rho i5 executive hf id no date were mrrt i r t d bfit cluck it pn bable the tlih i rail the another meeting tvef e the aiimmer nut i j 1 uith a pa r of rum n th setond p in f u i their a ur i re hv er hud ly mi ka jnil lleer first base rtli man johnnv sheilds and pt cher i n raik ii lo pitcher rliefer the big first lacker imiru mu im inning a walk mother homer during the pa it ra hall were locket in a fourth er a choirt and two errnm week to brine bn li ague lead jplare tie with 314 a ernpt iwored ihr hrt run by j acq j en t inl tolil to hi two ahead of 1 43 or more official at lull paquette another walk load ilr batting varl calms campbell ktn moorr campbellville don lurrif vliltort rill currie milton wuray hall iakkville al wingrove lampbelhille tkin joyre cjinptkllvillr stu king campbelville stan henderwn campbell umer dredgf campbell all 73 i7 7 m 11 sal ur 211 311 hll 0 t 2 1 z 1 1 il t the base in time for vavne hut swaulon tn drive tn all three 3114 with a double show era mr 11 hukh and steminan ff the 314 three who crossed the late j 14 on sviantnn big bit omaih 111 took another tr i the eighth 301 innmc when willmolt tcored bled before 274 pitching 1 1- lhts liu ni it bfd harrv hamilton amplwll r f huns hernie dore 12 lli lown 77 1aliv3ts nunt k n urovf tampbellvllle 23 llu kfn moore karl carins i amp htllvillr 2r twobave hit al wingrove t ampbellv ille f thre bae bits hmrr dredge 1 campbelville homers r arl ciirna amphelhille fi l rr urikeoul hill campbell rnr jrk hl rt ampbell tfftown is walk al win vile v walks lurr hamil grove camplvellville 27 ton t jinptwiuillr 3 halfon juniors place well at annual farm field day thursday is meeting day junior bowlers k threesome of ken m nienl itntwrt saxr ami b rr iternie j defeated lb- irio of l williams plat s nke hirk nrne hick larke and unearned nn h peavoy pilcbttt om of hi mod effective gamea an he in iletl palermo to three frre pae and fanned 14 bitter palermo itarter jrd lost john inclehart 1u1 turnr 1 in a fine pilchmk performance jut three of the i r run be ins vav to merv i urli in h eikhh vlere earnrtl llig llow r the game f r len william a tbr e r m homer in the thirl iminn bd hv hrsl nacker imake inpl tlie rb ul follow 1 i ml a d fielder thur h outlielder lonv llio and a in bv hnrthtp lion ultchie absenteeism hits girls ball wigo team defaults to leones rrank ilrvant v r sunnurk sanior lvaqua tvitdv july 71 1914 wilo t losl iheir chance i ivlrr v tumid in their game uilh lnnri hair stlinu to tie upwlio 1 2nd place in the landing tvy htp bad lo forfeit i he jame when tan nnlv 4 plavrrji ahowtd up this uvr leones a firm hold tn the 2nd position 2 point ilnun from ihe undrfeatrd delrex r aihion team v igo roach vrank ilrvant gathered enough junior plavert together to i e one a prattice and felt insult had item added to the injurv vihcn ixone went down janlor laagua slandlnga w 1 t 0 ll jumar latua tbunday july 53rd 19w the 2 low team on the jun lor intern polr kinetic krui leff llurk hi 2 iriplct action b howler at tbr ihe nn mor luwn pit todefeat 20 12 this should i make ihe absentee wonder net and fjilrt break their winle atreak they ell lo the heaver lumber tram 1s8 ixirrame dodden heaver shortstop o hc game lloth uirrainr and team mate pitchrr paltv slamp hit une out homer kruivrr first baseman lllrrndi peardon hit ibe only pair of e rcrlown ilarter jni mr ill and hernie iore to end oaki levrn run upr sing in ihe fifth inning urlis ihe flet t centre fielder ird off th- n t u i with hi lecond homer of the tea inn hhorutnp dick hondv walked atolr tecond and ncored on a double bv third aacker hon iltryden lo continue the uprn mg and hevers i nmerert for two more runt f wbrn mrkav conti mrd ihe jjloiuuucm mrcill left in favor of dorp but n ilfielder joe vukovich immedulcl repon ded with a single an infirld out a vi a k nd single hy craig and it mrlj rounded out oak offensive for tbr inning ihe ianl jrnrcd ibe r onk run lo of the game on an rrnr and dance lul fto pfoducl crfh saturdy dird party rwcit the shamokms tatuidav august 1 sumday midwui august 3 the deltas 12 oi to 3 05 a m tfit bo g tu eacli rrce vfl a i res pecod ao in makp a qroat sltow greater ojr sw nq ng deejay brian kent admission manmxrltxrt i mmiban j1 00 orange hall imamrtom rosedale floral flowers for all occasions widdino attamctmtntj caruirm stllty cul flowr ind funrl dllo we wir flowirt si aibn t ywn the luuon junior varmern break placed tixlh were wrll represented in 14 i ontratulalions i venti at the durlph virld ipanl for thrir fine pay held saturday july u the rounty n cnntcstanti and winner areieflort follciws llnrihne pitching the team of krnie alexander and john wilton sot 2ml with 11 tcama participating in the event men i softball 12 teami wrrr ntertd and llaltnn bnt their first some againtt perl conn y latliri soft hall a team were entered ami llalton lout their fir it came aiaitut brant coun ntrift kbnotina a first for ilattnn bruce van vliel jack hirnes irert lurtth and alen ttrownrldge won agisnit 1b tosms that were entered meni shot put ed regi worth did nol pile in the ev nt with nine conteitinli udlei srjtlmll throw kll eri brander did nnl place hem high jump john wil on placed 6th all partic l worn m jn 11mn oil atlrmpl hy calchrr ilalp w hjvr mrlrrlrr ilrl nrr rciiml lhrv 1 ihr b hnh lnr t thai kamr mill llm m rnmrr tliur i tll- vil h nt s ihomrr on lrr iran f h int rlrr rhloi llir mlh a 7 man superior umil iran i i ik in i 11 1 l wrrr oimilk troiinrrd hv thr in a dnillr l hrrrs ialr nk n ramr in tnr i thr n jrpon anil vlrky lapprt ihr ihhl on vvak nh 0 mln lram uhrrrj sun v 0 cam ua ar uarlara tlmmpvi 150 van scklr nlnh ihn i ihr lull son ni thr rrkulr hn v rr lv a clrdllrd b 1 v m vh p 1 1 r llurn n rkr ihr junor i thurllav n hrlwrn llnrnhy nruiirl rmb rorl cnnuirnl iram lrmhrrhp th irr and tnlrv w wrdrd in ual ln j vum linr hnwink mrmhrrhp in th i i unihlr in lirld proud nl our low junior la bnwlrr 1 in rn h mir plus lor wrrku rr in i bill his ihiompw pi lh jjn 100 vird dsh slndilr p lhlri1 ln h on mile hi alemk der pliced 5 men orod jutxp humid ttompon puctd tlh men bly aiisjther t or luhon dentil sbtltlr murr dwn douelnn cov erdile chrle vslckl won it in 51 lecondj ihr rmharramns ilualnn n rrallj up havliu 5 plarr 0iu tn purmir w drirr illirr piiru mh a hoy 2 v llrlh hiihariunn ind joann hall hrlpd toward mini from glfm three from hornby on county selects di chri vwjsieki won four ykvta ultn innrtrevm nv m ln l urelal membhsol ih jftrtrf rht m included tony udlw hely m rl hiriler in bn ptv tiiuams xhrlle mcfeelor bnvs awitumtij and ivovn these are the joi only coach in jiru tporla can liiuiu ann marhment drln x ua picki d a star of tbr tame she accnun ted tor 4 hnmera anil placed a good third base team nnlr susan qutnn alio bad 2 liomrj rum and llev johnon 1 herp and rrank ilrvant a stale rani team waged a ier saw battle with hrep ahead twice but finally giving in with i 302q score the ul inning hid herp up s run with an 8 0 score but stale rarrn ptirh rhcld them icorelen in the 2nd having 3 nut with t at ibat the kartn giru pushed ahead iteadily having tlecp down 8 rum in the 5th inning l ihe top or the 6lh beep caught fire and tallied up 10 ran putting them up 3 on the farniers it fell on pitcher flail prlmto rive a repeat perforin anc onicrrupsoutc in the 5th gill struck out the first 2 hatter and the 3rd lilt a fly that was esught and fum bled in the field thin got the ball rolling ot state i- arm and 2 more runs followed quickly gall tries and carol kwles hit the only hoiner for iteep cla ry bydevaale ilar f the ftame for ih 4thlme this season hit 3- homers susan webster 1 ineka tiykxhoorn 2 and sharon emerson 2 llir 22 to 11 win bv murray mo tort over lackton bargain centre brtb wat alio picked ms ilar of the game junior ltaod standno i wit h summer price on blue coal obdfll now at years lowest mice stove and nut sizes 2800 per ton w h kentner son 45 queen st 177 3191 eeonorrown murray motor dairy qurrn superior rood jackson beaver i unilwr klnelle kruirr 0 0 tirritml lrftle menico on ihe hljhwyil lb slowpok driver learn i b m nowtnnilllpa surnmr ad f clalisl phirn well vm international data pr0cessin6 institute mf kln i hamilton yearning for a yacht got art hfc big purchase loan tor any important pcliasc youre better off buyinr wuh cash you can thop anywhere for thr best bargain take adyntsre of cashwvinr gelthat cash from hrc bor row confidently repay cor eniently call uuiow ask aout lire lusuhauce til low onoup katts h0useh01dh bkampton 44 quwr slti 6lmphon 6772020 alriv cw qv-