Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 1

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v p ads that pay van mm mm 4 tkm wrma cimwi ftse by ipmjnlm tit mml rlaflr i i i herald 3s mbit tise home newspaper for georgetown and district femtta oiaiualei oat tnucedey august trig 4 crm tea police use sticks scatter tumblers the big thresh is underway citizen council laucl department for handling ugly situation i mf4 m i wtm he tehee to yu re- free muw we tu mmmx twr ultutlv trj ufetllvanm kw eeelevad wbeb rvk umuim uiw ttvair mk wlle emul ry mtue act will be we4wj tw khutui the wnl rfftiurt a it tale uw mjto tmra a tfwft are m wt ttstrl 4vfy at tft4pt hrf tof uu dwlmimi kjmmrit aetj ttve of best kmuj every tu- thle kmf l mr we t be towel u cfftuwh hu meres mbbaeu charge hv been uid afmlait twelve youth undrr the liquor control art and the criminal coda following weekend of mtablti here that induced biiy disturb ance and clashes between c0rtwa polie and a gang of ttoubu maker a week 6 ttittetwbi which followed a fracas involving forty local youlhj monday july 37 erupted fiituy night when fighting broke about moa youths milling la th downtown buiitum section clxbt georgetown polc used twt night ktkki to brak up itiniijabes in th street and behind th ktors and tha club wielding utt6d in routing ue jgmttf- saiurcuy nlghi it was aim tur situation but with rein lorcwavou lor on of th think gangs from cellltrspeler axes the outsiders eatae into town in kppfnlniauly twelve can and swelled lb nuuu in volvod in ths fracas to clou la eighty this tin ontirto 1rountul folic th rruulr 11 od by waiting to lw fcutabioncd in by tb cargvtiwn icruuenl but ucl oftlfr had tb trubu keker cattfd within thr4 ijuahrk 6f ao hour thy ww wrod to get out of town or tw tk eonfcjuii4 at the rrqut of th polk rcaiaurants and th urglbbon houm kotr doted early both nlthla chief roy hauy lold the hmld th rumblrj wr thr iult fif whit he tcnnml 111 iwling between two rival fie lioiis in town 1u alto bad i a look at the weather mhcuky tmoffio to 44 satuiday july jl law 51 wed 18 w tbun 70 52 31 frl 74 43 auut 1 sat 70 44 1 sun 70 33 3 lion 70 m 4 tuaa 74 30 lllh for iha moolh ol july 62 ift 43 high thii paal wek 74 lov 44 reipluuo lo jul 3 7s allfu r c bolt nury boor th thrill cklng apcu- tor wbo ruahed to the down tows awe who word of tb dwihlng btu prd i don t know wht popu ith chuf mauy wld referring o th rubber o4tker waiting for the trouble ta aurt eupuuy tb toutt us with thildren why pr- iu would aund by with their children when they know vio lence u about to break out u beyond e h m aald he uld the bytander hampered the police fori asked if he thought the gangs would nuke trouble again after getting a ample of the police force s accuracy with night sticks chief haley on ciudc that i dont know but we re rdy for it if it cotttee- the tweh already charged will appear in touh at a later date which was hot announced leader scout attended american jamboree addreams by prudent lyn don johnson and lady uadsn powell ware two peak mom ants in a week of uetnrmbu vents experienced by a geor gctown scout wader and queen s sfout when they at tsndcd the american scouts jam bore at valuy forgt jutt back from the jawbor e and overflowing with itor 1m or what went on there are norman herbert 73 us pie av w a scout leader with 3rd georgetown prsbytrrlan and dav buney a queans scout and member of the 1st george town st johns troop the two major highlights sr like bookends to their ex pertentej lady baden powell wife of the uu founder of scouting addressed the jam borm bcouts at the opening ceremonled rviday july 1y and president johneon spoke td them duriog closing cere monies friday july u i be tween it was work and fun fellowship and an esprit de n thai wound the boat am rczone highway land to allow new motel council on tuesday endorsed a planning board recommends lion that a highway property presently koned as a conserve tlon ares be rcwtitd to com merclsl to allow a planned notl and business building rope construction has sroul red an area on both aides of the creek which crossei the highway wans csll for a business building bordering st george i church property and the entire old georgetown cretunery sit would be reted and replaced with wo tor w tel councillors are etftbuierj about the proet which would add both tax revenue to the iresiury and scenic improve tnent ta the centra t highway ares ii ak t- f 1k a ii t jdu hows that fo ryc says jim stark trkani and lha huadrada oljcakmilti im oeoioattowm clrcumrnclia rutal uaa may aa thnr ry ooaia lop ah rsoonh thlt yen if mlmale uaal scouta rom around tha ol um local grain qrown hold walw buakal yuldi pn tarn ol n and tya rm appaiwlly up hill ihrelhing oprailont in th area alarld latl wk d ena of tw tout ttmmt kty of nhj georgetown farmer jim stark aboua duplaying booquel el hvy4 ry world nivl arqualntanraa 5outi frojd japan norway satradan yinlat t3nraark rana and s5 atnar naliona in turn buda naw frianda vrlth paraon tuua wka vlalud ux jawor ee alu knlariaineta war al continued ttfl ba w georgetown smeared in i risk newspaper story an mala ineaaaeir um mall urriw hull caarate and ual am eranoil alaeu ii fret eeam m tlera uaier he keedllm m hi co- hmt look out canada the mall aerrbd atent l ita july srd uaue tofclch ve- ad lur cawallur nllhr ciriliiv ww waa aeeut l rekll aee aa kh- hn he km u kerteral ita waila kerfca end wulldle m- he vlaked here wt kie dauekler awl awwrw mr and mra iae mtmellly st unaetene cr wea alae eoeted in th atery unlmpraaee wl4j amiaally wit meat la klenere mh tim henm learned e the wuiewdale t alden be w hal alf mc m atlll auk- hu hemetewit a- w farwarded the laue that nake enial a klaak are- mr mr unllba hla cnontrynun aiitj le mr ciidma tentarka in a letter that a the keper he lenned ml new heme wndehuc and centredlcted many e mr iterdena aem- herlaena theusk he atked net le he eueted urma i dit leant free kaee headline t line mud araund the herald la reerlnllnn the atery halew beaaua th hwlalty klven mr oerdent finua la newt the herald haa net aakd mr oerden ler hi thu trie keaaui thev alette are net newa theueh the lur- nit mall akuoly think atherwla ftont tuk lutoan mail hcit w corns look out canada lurtana counellw billy cardon flaw ut to canada thii weak determined one ajjaln to mince ho worda about the con dlliooa ha may find ther two yaara lia while on a vlait to hla daughter and aog lalaw mr and lira bob ifeneltly in cor katown onl ur gordon made headline tsb i dad glvea km whit fori whan ha tout a allo cked georgetown council frank ly that h did not think their town wa all it had bean crack d up to be on monday h took time olf from laat minute packlm in hli home al alexandra square to uu the mall i am oln out tonight for lova of my fa mlly net fee lev el canada prom what i law lha laat time im convinced we are ir well m back horn aa tkay ar and if they aak any quettloita about what i think of canada i will reply to tbem in the right man her than h added they told m laat time i would find than gea when i cam back again and i am certain hoping to ae tbem what happened lilt time wai t annprlae to tboaa unaware of mr gordon reputation of apeakng ml mind bob me nallly then a member ol tha georgetown council took hla father in law along to one of the meeting and tie inevitable caseation mi aaked eventually wtat do you think of tha townt it may have bean that the naual waiting platlludea were expected to hear but that not what they heard in a lew atralghtfrom the ehoulder remark mr gordon laid them bluntly thing were batter in lurian ha hit out at the roe thaly parka tbalr buiminf mcolrd c4tdnf havent lm- tbem the kame arftara twt he will probably not be aaktd hla viewa again by tb cotuleu he baa a auapl- l cjiao that the preai of george 1 town might not be quite an hoaltant ii anproacheo he vul aak for j nttle time to look ar ound and after that ha will bd qule agroaabla lo aay exactly ihow ba feali about the thlnga ba meaioday juat traiki j i admit their main trunk roada in canada afa tint claaa h aayi but one you gat from them into the tmall town the adi are nothing wore than track every time a car goei paat th duat cornea up like a cloud from th aurfac any houaawlfe living near a road would have to ipend 13 bouri a day dilating down the place parka and playing field pro- vialon ha found in georgetown were not patch on th equl valant faelutlea in lurgan and he waa unlrapreaaed wltti tha canadian beaat about prov lalon of ikaling rinka if we had aa much ice and now aa they hav wa d have kiting rinka too he com monta a kit of water on tha wider field ur cor don found hlmaelf equally un lmpreaaad by one oi canada i moat famoua landmark the niagara valla there a lot of tuaa about a bit of water dropping down but youll find a lot more plaaunt eeenery anywhere in ireland ita not a patch oa klllirney for inatance and if hla picture of canada eema a trifle different from that painted by other irlthmen who have gone 4ut to make their home there h feeli ha knowe tha reaeon why l lot oi people dont like to admit they have made a mlitaka he commented on monday eo they pretend ev erythlng overther la perfect in my experience thla juat not the uaa with the welfare state here we are ai well off n they are and at leeit we do not have to pay out a week wageb every urn vfe gd to the doctor i know i would be ar happier her in lurgin than anywhere ive aeen in ca nada h may be that in thapit two yeara thlnga have changed and u thla turn out lo be the cue mr gordon will not bealtate lo aay ao but when heteit ba wanotovernumleuebout what be will be aeelng ttn taking a camera thla time to prove anything i aay he commented pointedly cadit finish summir coumi with loltrellcoti a number of qeorgelown high school studenta who joined the lome scot to take part inthc student mihua training plan will complejo tbebfiummer junket with the regbueat lonlgtj a will study for uw at ogotxle hall monty hyoi a georgetown young man monty hyde haa been accepted a aludent al oigoode hall and wilt atart hla aludiea in law there in september monty haa auccaiifully com plated the required two yeara of unlveraily work at uulver- alty of toronto where he etudled political iclenee and economlca he ii the eon of mr and mra frn hyde 34 kwlng si and a graduate of georgetown high achool silenced library bell may find permanent spot preaervatlon of tha old con gregatlonal church bell in almllar faahlon to the town ndi in ii aug col arown sctiosdy lnjurtdincolahfoa ucol coedoa d bjl i wee amill ubjfeal new hospital administrator begins duties september 1 the firehall waiatiggeited by two realdenta to council tueailay jack armitrnng and jack wauon aaked that tha bell be lnilalled on a aultable baae on the library grounda the library waa given to the town in 1013 when tha church cloa- an agreement al the time provided that the bell be rung morning and evening hut rlghta talhut werewalybljnlb became it might endanger the building some yeara ago the bell wai removed durlny re modelling mr armitrong aald hla fam ily bad attended the cnurch and thai mr wataona grand father wu the atooemaaon in charge when the building waa corutructftdr hence their in tereat in the project council prornlied coruilder- atlou and appeared to favour the ideaaa a ueln with can adaa 167 centennial a h la york caeaaty heeaiul nweaaerlit win a cracked nehrla aa lakay u the back at hla bead and a cruahed chest llh twakeal rib a weir ka ierioaa intern al injuries since la extaashnr operstlon saturday hla eandl- tlon haa iupnved raosuursbly the accident happened tw- aday morning about iw ass wben a chryaur iaiprlaj se dan driven by mr uild shan non scarborough rauaaed the drivsri aide of col ibm bambur ml who had her twe small with her escaped with lace- atloni and wu net tuuioad la hoapllal col brown aa thrown aerosi the front seat and through the paawngei deer finally landing ia the ditch with the car while the doctor txpeh td have hint on th critical list for about three weeki hi chance for complete recovery 1 providing no mmpueauone develop the accident eeurred al mount albert nil ol new market et e danferou blind corner when a heuae treea eheeure lha fnn- tha approach until a ear la almoat half way acrtsat the highway si well aa ntakw it almoat impossible fee a hlv way driver to see a car in time according to the investigat ing constable there were e akld marks on saturday wheat the insurance invesugaton to tee the spot laothw aunu- ar accident bad juat isanpesad and apectatore worntad tkeea it waa the third la threw day and that two week earlier another cay bad landed let the saw apot an 111 root they are no ughta at the except- for eonae al a double rail croealng nearby which only flash when a train u comlag the rambler wai completely wrecked and the chrysler ap peared to sutler holy damage col brown wa em route for a vlait in hauburton wjulcjirlabajig fn4 whkiew tnwn a awlrblwd tieyltll ad- wlll start hi net tie here s is irene tejeedy cant far the kaat mr whlt- tskrf 1 wraanairy ha rhacaw al urn haepllab w eshaitue in aiilkua ontario he b by alalia fa-en- a which leak altef the haapstal ia tha three ranaaasay team a mimhra at it jsuuirs convcntion lajt writ throo gaorgeunra rip bfc bartmest nun were anaong the amoke eatara from u over tb province attending the ontario mre ilgbtera contention ka st mary on the weekend department treaaurwr har old bennett bill lendereoai ond clarence carey mpa the georgetown brueada at the auembly which ran fiiday saturday and monday u ran aeai ack rau oatatie and mac fau maallahe peter i ma adailaairreraraa wk thaw mr westtakar waa aenaiaistratnr of th weetarn hoapllsl la comer newfoundland for flv ledncated in hie native berby- aklre kaxland and at the dor- college and at the city of callage he commenced hi earner la the hospital ed- eeinittrli rield ia 1bj7 at che atehert jonei and agrc orthopedic hospital at oswestry kagund there he incahnaj hla injual training and suelned for aeveral year iaunedlately prior to coming a caaada in 1q83 he was at st- ceorgea hoeplul hyde parte comer which is on ol london leading teaching ho nttal he hold a diploma in ho pllal administration and la a fellow ol the iiutltute of iloe- aiial adntlnlatratora england and t a member of the nyal society at health mr whltlaker u also a grsdy uata af the canadian hospital aasoclatlon two year eoureo la boapltal orzanliatlon and assuagement and 1 a member af the american college pf lieapita administrator townwide association is aim new ratepayersg roup urges c get owe lasd bneew leant soueu iald cnua- dl for should be aouairiag land industrial a s unn asailable foe- sal by detrex us-relop- enta tlaw abant mneee parkt- he naked the tawa at lane tor a vettar ia the ueraufaana resoses- w p saav h aacm tar the beserlanmr blldnbrandt v aaiellt haa aant sanm eeafc puvl v lie imjarnx srlb ant aell in- ountltar tasaj tn eflor arhjch a ratnpayera aasoclatlon know a the georgetown rate psyeri aaaoclatlon nneom- the whole town vua fanned in may of thit year aroording to prtaident e kc irranei the presldeht emphaalied that the aaaoctauona purpose- waa lo bind tha town together with noc are harrlera he mr tb stressed that it wu hot formed to poke holes in indl atduals but merely to aoei the town wa well adrolnliiered in addition lo the business else of the association aodat activities are puuined elected b b adaultea that ike profit s nu reelevanialuad- ha aald and kka jaartalnjalisl geau- c if ilia i ilia laael wore m tha brae nssgtst leach han ra ta repaired bjy ua ateaa with tb taeja lad thtirn would ba aa bar to aaare iiaatovatial nla wtldman rnd cxecuuvo member anthony mandarlno and jim thorns two vaean- ciea on the executive are ex pected to be filled at a gener al public meeting to be held september 18th in wrigglea- worth auditorium tributed to ah off balance rakli it woidd be possible for th tenrn to naake an abjuatmdnt delrex would not bjlanv w x iaed k

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