Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main stneat s g n ontario wci page 4 twukoay august 6lh 1964 area beauty spot fsugar and spice as teacher at etosush aad editorial comment one pocket or the other w frankly puulaxj by th entry of df icrt in lown a waia ciprimrt into a major political uu ovt period of yan rha lowfl ka apam iam v3axjd nor on wat av- vkaa tkn il ktrulxatti hi in waits rvn and wnn tni wa ponid oo by tn auditor in hit yaratd report the municipal affiawa dprtmnt orbwed tn town to borrow money and tuar rtif tjafel from tha book in caaa any ralepiayeri tfunk ikaia it ftomefhlng wrong in hsai dopartmanl wj can auut nm thai no parttcoui eooncil or councillor are to biama foe tr- da j tor rkap one can blama tn public in tan- rat who appaently birly tmn ny irv- craaie in wto at o at la it vht rt way ooontiuot rd pool omlon o ebool y aoo now wnah trw wato commit md a rcommndaton lot 9 rata incraaia 4 maortty of council voted h down and utt i ait week the rjpriaftv itve of raleoayen group council k had a tlgned lift obecfing to any coslmv plated inoaa thu yaar the wale tonlroverty kal been com pllcatde by mehsod devliad to flay for the new le wage dtipoial plant rather than auu the oenerat tan rate for 1ki1 it wai decided 4 few yeat aoo to levy 50 per cent tur charge on water bill at a con vertient way of railing the neceiiary findi with the thought that it wi alio fair thoae wfo u rhe iwn are the ones who should pay ih bill th bylaw w aat up to iltow rtiih ced rate to indoitry proporttonete to ns amount of water which actually antan tw uwi four local plant iobmlrlad atal- iik which thowed that much of their wa ter od not and were gfented a leuer per cent age it u now clatmed by iome that w dutry should pay the full 30 pay cent and the mayor he aid that if h111 had been done there would bf no 38 000 delrft if this we to it would meari mat four industrial would be out of pock i38 000 and there 11 the qualkx of how far town can go in expecting trtduv iry to foot too urge a thare of the t bll the charge that faidan1il tcvpay wtt have been lublidutrvg irdulry hii bee diiclaimed by water cha rrnan don power he iyi that if the lurcheqe were abandoned and paid for in the qenarat tax rate a majority of holmaholderi would actually pay illgmly moa than they do now on their water ratel the wonderful filler uat tn u pater jooaa hmuj limeh0use waterfalls out match for hilton perhapi lh only way to ulv live ar htttom palu on tha farmf william mahon r r campbemville hat been haled si fiument 1 to tid to t ha i ton county beauty ipot by torn but the georgetown area hai a match lor il in whatever done the water dpart wirfalti playground at bmehoue now an attract on for vntng picnickeri th oooe wai once according to local hitlonani a httfeaway tor honath aval men cannot continue ta operate a a inn k z r and mult be tubidted either by a rale increaie by the general tax rate or by h ghar tewr payment by induitnai why the objections we cannot underitand why people object to violently lo paying a bit more for their water at pratent th houteholder pay 1 50 a month plut 75c extra for the ute of the tewen for this we gel product which w can drink ute for cooking wath dithet end clothet water our garden wath the car bathe tn it help operate tome of our furnace produce our lc cube rvd give our children recreation at the iwlmmmg pool ii makes tha turface for the winiar t hockey fine type of citizen howard kentner wh the kind of man who left an impact on the town whera he tpent the fmmr part of hit life he wit a man who roi h apprerv ticathip at carpnter to operating hit own building tupply and contracting firm later adding a tacond phaie to hi opera hon with a fuel buiineu and white working hard to make a succet of hit private buiinett ive fait an obllfjahort to hit community lo terve in a public way he had been a member of the public school board 4nd tha hydro committion he was one of a group of men who took on the hard talk of operating tha arena at e community project whan the board of without a town water tyitem avery retidenca would be put to the aupanie of digging it own well and each of u would not have the planttful tupply guar anteed by a communal tyttam if we f nd the cot of tupplymg th 1 exceedi the ratal charged there thould be no maor obectiont any more than the coat of in tailing roadi pr6viding notice protection or any other ctvk aervice one hai only to read about the value placed on water in hong kong lo raalue how fortunate wa are in gejting 10 much for to little in george own park matagamant wai formed at a con tractor hit tervicei on the board war par ticularly valuable hit latt public larvtce was at a member of the building commit tea of the new georgalown hotpital and ha derived keen satisfaction in baing able to contribute hit advice he wai an alder of hit church a mem ber of the masonic and odd fellow lodges and for recreation enoyed lawn bowling man like mr kenlner are muted in a town thair example should show today t young people what can be achiaved by hard work and business ability and how it it important not to concentrate tolaly on peftonal gain but to share tha tilant you have in a public way news desk extras by terry harley aj uurtd nw qunu 1 hop tnd pray now tjat the ihoounf has ilopprjt tha lipdomits will rfn tnmhninz aboul tha ntuition a nfwi itms up hjrt is privtlagt whll in north af fie to vie 1 numhpr of rr twptun tummifi a council tntrisf after th vprbit fxchinaes coun til wovfd thai thp rppoh ha ajjorovfil nd plirad on iir aji hlipljy ad supar special ututrl c ird ucin jrw el movement watch hock r tiitinl news llpm the met ini wai one of a irrirs ir ranted by dr bamublia ii winds up hit mouth at cam mittea chairman tuesday ajt social note joyce met her huihand when sht took a carrihean rrutter tn th liner vanta rota cuevai was working aboard as a pur auar m aji typographical ttipt as we stated tn an earlier column r an ocrupauonal hatard in journallm and nobody knows that ball tr now than th offirt squad that suddenly berime typa tetters when itu members walked out of th toronto dailita a owevr it s an 111 wind etc elf and th tint awkward daya of th trip- pled journals procured a whole raft or uatartal for eur naet alipe coilettioh satopu 0 clauiliad ad typewriter office model recently ov ermaulad aa in tha women a piin uere and more paople re maklhg their own cloth a thea days and thara ar plenty of figures to prov it aj news item ulss reed and mr kiegler liven up the program with a serin of dances and stumbling exhlbl tions a birth announce want julia and harry ytaiea ar happy to announr the arrival of twin g ru in the tartan in tertion of si jos ph a hospital j new hem senator bar ry doldwatrr tolrt prets t the airport that the party would lot ranks behind him 0 sports report the al tentmn at the rrgatta wa foruued un the rompeti tiona for eigbteared craws m uomenb pa- it th conclusion of the buii nek j luwiingi pre 1 ent of lh hoihng women club announced tha finsl macting will ba hall their flowcr- tsg use eey af laai uy that la faottriu jreewytodej uul what lati do 5su deot read it ou raenlhaltie it i bit late u item uut wa aott aquaahy pulpy taataleaa and taeaaing lea cvhai a an editor lad an eogliae teacher i nut protest it pretty booe uwrell be bouv log te cling te la thli country but atunipy bbapla laavg and aeggy twune niun tte uler all newbppef people know la ae lunt any tning frws m una le a pjw traph that fill eut tka bag tax wbola pegv ig bida up end tner a nou left a blnk apace you urk a flllaf in it the fltlar u viul compos ent of the tiarwmpr thd ls main kourre of the liberal tdu calloe of tone reader it bays the nalwrl kuuiri ljd are immune ta lung tanrar be cum they smoke only potato ping dried in row biatiure or bantathing of the tort another on wlgst inform you mrd brifly that two hundred and twenty four unud fathers are born everv third wednesday or something of the sort uy quarrel today it with the tampering that has lakeh place with what i consider the great rat filter ever written it hap pened a ftw yeari a no ve wrre ready tn go to pres w had already uted up all the aupphed filler about haf fin ijiid and unwed fathers jterry llartey we had throww in about elghi ns kditor a libel atjil but oat ttoaa ajad ovnlkeoami laad theee five wertial w4ut a tail apeniilatioai aa4 rroaa those ww did not i him who la hani jaaea1 rrem those waw ha heard the ward what la i wsarm te uaetat from who bed beard it aurpciaed from thee whe 1 not know wbat u warn wouldnt admit tl 1 11 he 1 taking anything far ii tbia w tjl very tu i aidered u my high point weekly odiler it tu 1 atpry that heaaiotway here applauded the brlua wa bnpeccabu stripped u th bone trua aiiv and what do j njd j same weakly five jeers lata thi mushy slushy pooey dy seaiimewal ftuer ur old skinny jones u auflai from the gout again lea thai diaguatiatrt 1 utl tutw ur jones me if near 1 dressed t the false utlmary 1 a nickname h 00 longer tua the gout he eufcfar from it hideously hackneyed phi and the word again ae much impart as the state tntnt thit antda again aont more bd liquor 1 miuioni i think its time 1 took ther whirl at wkiy edlti if only to prevmt aucb dej tlon of grttulaa work 6f georgetown herald ruhlukd by i atewseepeee luuiaal corgetowna ontaria walioe c feuhei tubtlbf cihule ucchresy arojucltu superiauodastl alleen tvsdla aecoununt red hot onrlinrt like support your local red trou and a sutrh in time uvea 0 no room to spell out the nine rut atill this gaping little tlit eved ui ijke a cobra then it ram genius i with i could claim it for ley own but one of the boy 1 m th bark shop had th flaih of inspiration it read harold jones hai th gout five wordi on lin perfect th atalement waa true mr jane a respected local eitisen did have the gout no room for uar douglas advwrtuung fatttgr urs- william gegii cwk tyolat anna currt atopoiter peter jdnea photographer utile clark bav uaatift u cilion j ucclei jerry uahusky member 5 tha canadlaa weakly nwpapre aksociatloa and tha oetartaf aaaoculial business directory news echoes r tu ao tl- harau 1s4 and 13 chiropractor donalb a cay dc appolntmrnu mida duly call yk 7j441 1 main ii ath rattlesnake reservoir gets 128000 government assist caona a karr lin today anaounced that tba t government hai approved h rut to the hiltsh rakloa con eervatloo authority in tha aol out of tuo23000 lor eotin crintf and conitnihbn of tha baiueanike point haiarvoir on the twelve mile creek la hal ton county the ftranl la 7o par eeril of iotaf etljnated coiutruetiod eoata thi u one of the re crvoir litee coniidered by the authority and lo be located in the rattleinalte point rav incupatreain from leaved bro- ihen muthroom plant and the town pf aulton water weill the estimated atoraga of the reaarvolr ia bo million gallon of water and the iran i in uoe with the provlncul govern maiiti plan to encourasa the conatructlofl of reaervolra throughout the province by lo cal coneervatlon authorities valui your lifit dnrlnj a thunderalmin do mt atand under a tree wheth er it la dot in uw open field or ok a dry atraet if you u fla tha muaa ap away from dltmbeys fireplace itovea or iiuier natal objecta dont op fall fair dates acton ancuter arthur aurora aylnter barrla beeion blnbrook bolton brampton caledon caledonia colungwood dunganooa durham bralra erin fergus gait georgetown grand valley hanover harrialon kilchener leamlagioa lindsay ultowel london luekbow i attnrkham h milton mluheh oihiwa aug m to m ottawa cm can an uk ottawa win valr oct 1031 owcn sound stt 30 oct 19 sep 329 sept 4 5 av 1 aug 11 to is sept 24 o 28 oct 10 1 ix sept 24 35 t 10 iv 21 palmarttad paris peterborough melon hockteej sept ii 10 worth sept s4 to m shelburne sept xi 2 mmcoe norfolk country i june is t to 10 aug 24 to 24 llratford sept 21 to 23 sept so oct 1 to s stralhroy sept 4 8 bept 20 so teeswater sept 23 m sept 18 10 tiverton sep 20 m oct t 3 toronto knk1 aug 21sepl 1 sepllf to 40 toronto mf nov is 21 sept ii 12 uabrldge oct 0 10 oct 1 to s walkerton m il b p t watown sept 4 8 sept ntl2 woodbrldge oct 0 10 is sepl 3 4 8 i t oct 0 10 i 12 sept la 10 sept 10 ta 12 oct z 3 oct 28 sept 3 to 8 sept 18 it sept 28 to oct 3 aug 4 io 8 sept 23 to 28 sept 8 sept tl ta ib sapt ib ib bepl 2s 30 a bible thought for the week h baan and whan mm klaed af- thy martyr stephen was aheal i alee waa branding by and can tfptlna ont hu daahiziand the raiment ef them that slew mmt j acta 2220- the work of christ laham pared by too many willing to new hamburg sept 18 ib stand by instead of stand up orangeviue sept 18 is real victory never cooes to ortllla iept 10 to ltba neutral 10 ytam ago w tola coil of the new waterworks addition wtl raducad by il 000 whan council reviled racommendationi of engineer robert dropped soma construction and mad other chanoai additions to hsa original 170 000 plan prepared earlier hn year were approved for the sum of 60 500 mr roberts attended tha masting and plained details of the new supply sourca and reservoir 0 rumour became fact whan it was learned this wak that mayor jack armstrong and clerk traaturer john d kelly after council andorsition signed an agreement with delrex devalopmepli limited which might lead 10 an unprecedented industrial and commercial growth and a housebuilding program which could double the town s population in a few years tha agreemant rat ified by e town by law cam aftar weaks of specula tion since it was first known that tha w duffy and sons real atlata firm of walton hsd exclusive listings on close to 1 000 acres ofproparty abutting tha eastern lown boundary for an unnamed client a iiusinass established teven yearfs ago in town has been sold with tha new owners taking over in octo ber mr and mrs ernie pesrc of colungwood will hanceforth ba the proprietors ol rosedtle floral which has been operated by thomas eaton an alliance pa per foreman his wife and fitherin law jessa brand- ford y8ahs aoo mr matt hunter of georgalown won flrtl prire in tha old tyme fiddlers contest at erin on monday 0 editor joa moore says perhaps many cannot remember way back 70 yean but those who can will recall the great sngw ttorm of october 20 1869 whan know came so early that turnips end pot sloe werej burled in tha fields and apples were frozen on the trees and there was no thaw until sphng just an oldfashioned winter thomas i losllo of georgetown was elected president w of the haltonpeel x wardens association at tha an nual banquet monday night increased rates of pay r of local militia was announced et tha armoury last weak privates 1 30 a day lance corporals 1 so aleyj lartce-sor- gaants 190 a day sergeants 2 20 a day 0- chiropractor earau w ciwlt dc oaan dally wy eettautfntont house calls srrsngtd ihusl ha main 81 narth o y walkist ko oou bpyomitklit 12 usln st 1 brsmptoii 4014414 res 4s1824j hours bam te 8 p u yuesdsy to ssturdsy rmdsy 8 a m te b p m kvanlnaa by appoibtwettt dale bennett latimer baines etarrtdars awlkhwe bougias v lattueb tuucnc v cuunks trlsagla tsul 21 uiu st gurgelawa cam it tanjltwooo ontarw land survey 118 uounulnvlaw rd 8- misnat t2211 w h carr l p waaiwmel tat t a41i4 dax bevelorhents limiyhd hulldara pl hemee prop waltmr pschotok 8774111 v i7741 robl r hamilton optomehlsl 118 uaunulnvtew ltd s camtal bid tw appolslniebt 8773971 massage maurice h makar ij4 9 claaveholme dr 87740wj mt 07j uouae ealla by arrangmt george c hewson hanlshur and saluhwr 118 uounlatnvlaw kd s carratal bulldlagt georgatowa ysl 7 2118 barragers cuanirt lhlrt launderara yh 7j17 18 ualn s 188 guelph all work jeeja en premises haw j wallacs yhoasptom srrtuuue court curh censmlaslener yj1 oioftostown animal clinic 108 gsselph street v isvtts dvm or oaswln clinic open 8 s pm mom wio pni saturday t 11 ajn monuments pollock s cammill dkslgns on rkqucst inspect our work 18 greenwood canetary pt40mi 4117880 3 water street north g ajlt ucensed auctlonkea prompt sarvlea pa box all tb t2884 georgetown classified ads bring results t frederick a helson barrlitw and seluuer 118 mauautnvlsw kd b carretal bulldlagj caorgatowa yr 73208 memajicnqc barrister and solicitor a 61 mill st gaorgatown th 72444 tvansicklerbjl barrlcrarv selwtw ser dr wuluusia bldf m atsus s t fausl kaplan ord barrlstars and saucef s1dniy kaplan 118 atouatahnlaw kd 9 carretal buudins w74v t a -ww- t

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