Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1964, p. 11

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lunting seasons ior game in this area take part aaaial annthwia la the soots prefer la tlafa erhca la criap aad claar of tha bamt- ing fiaajol aod uappinx ref- sdatioaa or a 007 of the cum j yjtcjc moftval summer camp parades are colorful village events 1 he to get ia on pcolponata f dm aad apaad aa saesca ltwa a e possible la pureert of aeradas through jb village of camp mr and an fred rendleyl mi and mn peter ceroey gordon tad ball julia asa aad mr bovaad mn- p marthas have n kami in koldla tfcrjr nannl and family ready mark aad dunne and eagv geese doer aad iesplaaaed well la adnut aad hm fetlosriag bat of illinei aa ljttdod aa that airaateateals tasnalt oeciuoae t eoowaho ud jacarehaslu of brant helton perth waterloo and hay staphae yjs- ikaraa townahlp la the county of hoao beverly eaat aad flanaorooja laarnahlps ja the meaty of weotwcath ocl hz i to peb h ims i coaatua of bruce and cray md huroa county ascent iowa of stanley hay and us- fcpt una 1 march 1 11 ims tasrnahlp of selttleet biabruok aad clan in wentwortb county i oct m ibm to pee m loss limit aa euttoauu ooly oar dy isnserrel alack tray at m aiulmlil counties of brut cny lialiaa oxford perth wnur i laa walllafioa ud weotworth 1 to dm 19 1m4 bag i tort it pr day peat sew riffiml aa tlaeed aaarm special licences an re- ojmlrej to hunt fix rbbil and at u regulated town- iaklp pttesesivt counties of stoat malted oxford perth watarloo and wellington kuy uaboroa townships ta county beverly raei west plamboroitgil iowa- la wentworth county l am- ta s pai oct 11 to 1 last ancestor bja- itroak cuaford ud suitileal i lllhlps la wentworth caua tj oct m to nov 4 rag unl it three par day not mere aa end of which shall be a am atofltod ceetm all af aaa liurod district ortj ta qef 15 itam ba limit par day posseealod until deer no eeeaod announc- al aa yet for lake huroa tha- i tries firry sound dutricl i nov 3 id nov it 16m taxauj and itnm yaut uk hurod bijiw may 1 i to sept 13 last i ybt may 1 to ipt13 1m4 apodal laartnl aclaoa id portlona of batod siraamj in bruc4 iqray and huroa eouatiaa to ra m lmi ptv aad pkural may is to i hatch ai uss lail and ftaat ttkttt ijbouth aad tmalltnouui juaa t ta no so 1m4 baiximapao co unity party for wluotrw riewtywtdi cakhralad ar atzla blrtkoay ta boaat af bar aacla aad aaat mr aad mra chaaya- tar aaliiaafad oa wadaaaday auiiut sta tboaa pr crt cbarlaa aad brlaa crara of rradartrtoa n b couaa of cataarlna aali rayntor coorlatowa dabuo alloa and carol baehaaaa balllaafad mr aad mrv gold gnnaa aad aoaa bru aad caarlaa of rradartraaa nb aaro iaitlad at taa bonx of bar brotaar mr cbarua rayatat u balliaalad mr aad mn job kalua ar- rlrad racantry ro abardom scouaad tor aa altoadad vu- it aitb tbolr dauabur lilt a kur aad faauly ur yonl mack atlaadod 8 29ik waddiai anaivaraary dia- for mr aad kin fnd al taa north umltotf coif ud couatry club oa sunday e mr aad mn baa mailed am uiuu sasilb oora boa ourod at a party la tba iuii oa itolurday aw mr moyd saortlll wee rbelmna aad mre tut rroack rood the o uoa addraaf aa babalf af tka oonuaualty and bey war pn- eeaud ltk vecalim claeaet aad floor bouaber botb duano aad boa thanked tbalr fruadl and aelckboari aad tba errt- ina- ka peat deaclnjf to tba uulr af tbe larka arcbelra iv and mn clifford held ttiv beed bolldaylnd at like brlwood mr and mn waltor oral aad dauabtor jaaet aad mlu patriaa paulaoa iroaa buttoa villa apeat i day 1kb paet wook wlib tba bucka al their rot ua at lake belwood a difieraal leaaraetara tbey dtaaa up aa lajt aeinj what u availabla at p tbera an i firla haata the abaeat baiadad profaaoor wear bout a two weaka u latbylor bava raturnod froni 10 day holiday in their trauor itbay apaat part of the tiaae at silver lake maberly oat and the reat i alooqaia park on randa first trip down to the lake be waa pleaaed to jlaf bla ahirt but 00 panti aadaieet hia acbool chum martin many many mora tbey par- raryalar af mrteaa payatarada la their borne aude band up io aaue all jfbat it lacks la music bltat watching 00a of- these iparadea the rhihlrea ua brap er bt l thatr owa perada leampleto with home flaca aad eojoyad themselvee for a few dsya until the nov elty wore off twelve little iuil a pvrsov booaeilmes they were od foot a their tri cycled aod blaed- yaay will probably reeuaw this peatlme foliowlai the perada tarourh the vlllt wbed their lotvreej 111 pasdea will w keaewod turnad from a wak at the carney cottaje at huatrvllle miu lynda shea apent 1 weak vlauinf with mr aw mra clean elliott and amity af wulowdele ai a cottafe at isouble beach woollett who waa also boll- darin ai auaid park with jj jjz jftn hu brother and auiaronlew thnm sm vtloa viaitinj mr and mn ian wooiuu aad hracebrldfa fort carlta be uby uuoe of biraauvlile u and wui boack urahov family has pariy for mothers 90th birthday mr and mr llsrvry nortoa mr and mn j cricbion and norval wsibytrrua church vms held their reuur kooothly nie od tuedsy july lath at the boms of mn art clerk with n present the fclrls of the church were specie guests abd provided the program yle president un andrew hcclure wa la thr ehsir- the roll cell wu an a a pirty ta kuodey id boiiour of mn robert lanea blnellln blrthiisy aoiusl tb whvd is of her fiose smlly were entertained ileal wishes ur lanr werod by atuini a chrsclr suterld law mr and from the old testament thitly ron thompion you admin and tell why the mr and mri gordon irice and family of tsunatod with ur t ii irice and the rrd stotllli on sunday larry handy eivd rodney rath apel holiday mr and un unuuhllvd uidiciui cam caum ayalitibi ir every bottle jr or con uiaer la yoar ajahrln cab- inat eomctly iabeusdt a few pills or aoavs liquid aullcin may b popped into a bandy container without the nam of the drug bain wkhea on a label if tba medlrlm ia ad ministered in error to child or anyone other than the in tended patient it could have aerioua results a label of hesiva tap with identification writted la ink would help to prawnt damierous mlsukea aaewen proved very interest ine- tba dedicatory preyer waa lived by judy clark the scripture lesson waa read by loread arrhdesrdit followed with prayer by norma mr clun two funta on india were ahown by kev r dunranonjrmly of rramplon which proved to be inrreiljnicitni on sunday and educational tba closinf prayer was giv en by rsinbetb clark lollowed by lunch prrparrd and served by three of tbe girls lima clark norma mrclure and kalhy mrclurr then it a change in thr date for thr neat meeting to tuesday august lth with pedal gueita being the co c children of the church and they will provide the program thii meeting will br held on the church lawn or in thr church ia case of poor weather em kwri pwi ca i to the membership of all affiliated local unions tfwj eiiecutive board of rha oakvilu and diltrlct labour council ratxrwnande id all hlliatad local unlont io andoraa tha following raquaal of iha yoronto yypocrapriical union local klo 91 doery buy yhi daky syax syah wltklv yfuokam ok oaottst ano mak dorry bom any abvhtyrumimy in ymru paptri dorsy mai with mims advttyllint in yreeu pjapha domy auow you chmbftm yo muvm yhcsi pahti whiie the press dispute is oni uacurlv based oasfvuw i blarrld labour cosuscu opiao ttw aeoaa fallal lair vaicw vullori mr and mrl hank kooyusa of tsylor michigan with mr and ura krank nunai vai for the wrekand e ulil roulee thompson from nar saalutoon with bar broth dednian and fa lib thr vllu jill thomai of strtau ville wilh mr and mrs cohoon mr and mrs john potter and daughten of yoronto mra jet ton of kiitboumc kng and mr and mra r manser and sons of brampton were among vintori al mr and un j w noblri on sunday a week ago mlisri carol and margaret longitrret of ii r 1 orion with the unnami thla week ur and un ii ottawa ipent the visiting with ur and mra mvir ray laird and mr and mrs keith webb mra veaaey li slsier of mn lalrd slut keith the veaseye uft for a holiday in prince edward la lend following their norval vialt their mother mra webb of vvi who returned with mr and mn keith webb following their visit to the island ipent week in georgetown 1 nla- trict memorial hospital but la improved and hack home with tbem agsld we eitand gal well wlshea mr and mra i rrynolda and family ipent their holiday at waahago beach also hollday- idg at washago were mr and mn terry bruah and family mr and un 3 perry and family of oahiwa ipent the week and with mr and mra orval shaa devld perry atay ad for soma holldaya i uiti angela thomai of wat- lacehurg kngland with mr veuey of urt clrl hlu week end mf un a w attended the 35th wedding an nivenary of ur and un ed paraon of camphelvllle held at the home of their son ur and mm allan parson on sun day mn benton pouring tea for her cousin on saturday evening auguit 8th mils joy patterson entertal nrd at a mlicollaneoua shower for her cousin mils uarllyn patterson of rockwood a sep tember bride u he mtae carol patterson conducted several la- tereitlng eonteita the home was lastrfulty decorated in pink and white and a wlahtng well hed many beautiful and useful gifts a delleloui lunch waa served by the hniteu aa- lilted by her aunti thoie away recently mr and uri harvey norton and mr and mra jim bailey and susan at tha bailey cot- lag otter lake for a law daya a weak ago jackie and donas moor clebwood beech for s week mr and urt beaaa sphser and inly at milwaukee for holldsyi returning via the north of lake superior mr and mra herb spluer and family at woodland uracil lor a week mr and mn parker weaver and children at otter lake for a few dayi also to oahiwa and toronto mr and un voikamp and daughteri to racine wise for week ur end mn jamei white and little daughter u luir cot- tage near uckellar ur and mn kavro to port credit uarrle aad hunatville for holiday s mr and un wilfred hard ing and ur t 11 price al llarrlitou m sunday e ur and mr w t mllli joined the senior eitijeui of acton on a bui trip to orfllla on monday mn poot mra llotnln and children at waaag beach tor a few dayi was sajes engineer i i with toronto rm a nattfo of aakgrove oar- ice edgar buddeil dud io taaonto western rtoapilal on ilui lived at 71 high park ave- toronto of samuel k aad min erva howeon b d l lvs waa born on tha family bmnaateid at aehgrorc urn had dved la toronto moat of hia ad life and bad retired recently from bit position as aalea engineer with tba fxrafff of rwjemen li winlama he waa a aaembar aad eldeo af high park united chorea he leaves his wife sadie mcgrcffaw whom ba asarrud n ull ihra chlldraa mra craig marjorie raid 10 cala- tw ct caorgatowa john w of toronto aad mra nasi verena ramsay trenioa v sndchlldnn a brothey ar bur buddeil ha s george own and alatcn mrs r h vlorence wright aod olive of veorgetown and mn w p mstelle laldlsw kr i nor al a the reverend wsrd tniuls r of high perk uoiud churcb uoducled the funeral service in august 4 at the turner 4 orter yorke chapel hia he liewa were pallbearers llow- cn ruddell camel laldtaw keith christie ward brown ridge harvey nurse and br uccregor deller interment wsj id clan wu llama cemetery trarraday aesa 11 rh4 pack u approve huttonville owrc brampton water pipeline water from huttonville should reach brampton ualne by wldoctobar it waa made public monday conjtrucllod of tba controversial pipeline ap proved by the ontario water resources commission will be gin shortly eatlmated cost ia 1312000 preliminary inveatlgatlont teal drilling and teat pump ing id tha credit valley ana oat an eitirnatrd taoom rnldenla of the ilultonvllle- norval area are oppol 0 t a project blchaau op tie im july umstloyugmy with many plants closed down for vacations during july employment activity id the area eased all trued the brisk psoa set during june when jobs were found for tat persona during july loot jed pen one were placed in dmploy- ment by the national fcmploy men service an increase of s placements over the same month but year the manufacturing indus- trlea again provided tha most job opportunities employment having been located for 130 people the conatructiod in dustry lilted vacancies wilh thla office that resulted in jobs in the service induslrlr and thlrtyone jobs were filled in the wholesale and retail tnde there were loll persona reg litered for work al the and of july loet a decrease of t34 from tha is me month last year when there were 1sj persons regllterad t the brampton office serves chlaguacouay calndod all of dufferta county and part of eaqueslna tbernshlp includ ing cecsrgatewa thr evelyn sh0ppe final waist all dresses suits and skirts regrouped and drastically reduced bargain table bathing suits aim sportswear everything marked way way down definitely to clear the evelyn sh0ppe 7 main sl n 8774831 it pays whin it back to school days yo shop georgetown syayronfry knj opptcj ulpplrlt come in today for a big 3qt milk jug iy ook a iono iono way rnal few days at jacksons mid summer sale bargains for back to school now jim ou layawav tlah a amau mposit wiu matolmrrntm jaocsonsr it main iliwa1yhi h weekend ice cream special friday saturday sunday ivgal 79 bricks 25c 3for 59e bar opfn yh 0 ivhy nioht steens 10 water st maple leaf dairy 13773421 save money the 65i will b hre in couple of month and now i the time to iav a years de preciation on new 64 pon- liact buicki and acadiam that we have in itoxk there h a good telecllpn ovhrd- topa tedant convert iblei coachet and station wagoni to choose from at the years lowest prices we need used can our stock ii very low for this time of year and we will pay lop prices for clean- trades cohvhlht 0mac trtni n tsymrtt until otktr dont ttuy trd today petemass0n motors ltd pontlac bulck acadian 124 ouolph sirdar ocoftoeyown phona l7aoo open each week night till 9 pm 7- a h x lifcui l t ji

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