Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1964, p. 8

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youll never recognize it i 13 tfn report from u n seminar mississippi editor says segregated schools best r taw she iwl law claw wed the prfallaaa f ameejtlee tw ujf flair at mm eae park vmca aw ak cchlrale ee w amah l w vrtael lea inroad nvere aj we wash e sbere tedj mamunca let tax tk lleue b the km u a sariee ticlea baaed etulae bflti hut we duawaad rbaea tmg uoiutowm hikald ykuodar xlxu1 ii im4 ymy wlrr jooee tbofe old hall gets new lease on life otrt oc th towrrt oldai buitdinot t cvwuitow hill on wiu si o mly owned by tlui oddullowi rd kebakihi u posting rvv ut to tha woid then dayi th building originally irva aathodtt church ind titer rrvovii thai if hit bn th toc hill for approximiuty 70 yn work tumed hum waaks igo to covar lrv wei lhf bailn btck knd 1cwv frot with ttixto and it trwr pvofo iowi only deliil woik hit yal to b dorm lit lh firt m a mm of rnovilton work ttil will modrnie the btlvtios th pil grindi club it tuprviing llv project wit ch will bat paid for o ntly by th odduiuwt knd rbkihi ol1m william western holidays popular with glen folk this year i alert hallon farmers danger army worms luteal farmer received eaperl m relatione they have found thai lorlal separation work j shown rroht the reiulta are you templed lo aak what reiulu ii never told ui the civil right bill recently paaaed in the united slat wai riwalt upon it lenath by ur slmmoni tyl rlathl or finally was concern with hal rlghti now ii hal com la algnlly racial integration the traiurrd fourteenth aw enduent which waa never leg i ally adopted doei not man integrities or even touch on social or polltlnl rllthlt civil 1 rights originilly lava the n gro onw cquil atatua with the rod ua book black like mo ic the lacka that we diacara iba ohila aoulberntr but alaa baaed oa bia aprleiicc jln iba bcgro urn only rjloct ou own aoula wa muat uka tb problcm waa afau urn kna of our oo ucka action martud by air lwla tlia aanrico militant acf 9 to air lewta thla la a pro- n daapalra at ux alutuda et hlrm 0 aucuty caacntlaily alba whiu utaaral inay want boiaonad rc awarcnaaa of 1h action a bomofrtaotia country antira aociaty wa avt creal icaaaot b craatad by laciau d tha problan let ua aak turc each anamber tailiat laaro ouraalvra by becauaa in act to love the olbera before aucb uel fac4 we are thua denying a aoclety va boaalbla tl li im sur owa freedom thla ia a boeelble to inore the brob thowera lir kdward he uf brvbteai of the aoul and bhya leea which cuncrna not only strcetavillc he d a luucallail eoua shower on jubr is alra kred lacey of urtnlclra belli a mucellaneoua ahowcr an june 21 url herl archer beld a chrome oantiy abvwer ou june h hornby dinted church a hilacellaneoua ahower on bodice and carried blue and j 57 vlra grant koyc a liink carnationi the flower iao ahower on juna a jlrl wore pink nylon drccl l ahower by hie with mitchlm bcaiibalidi and hamilton clan on june m alu carrtad pink and blue car 1 aijiunua bower by friendr and nelfhuoura at tlie ur burtt kava but dauthter 1 north ih rajrrille in the double rtnilc i com to vomtisi restaurant m mat f f inest chinese and canadian dishes ft takt out unlet call 8779791 klinckburtt wedding at yd lain- itf tunru itrub llltxir maple avenue baptist view we bad iii i r asonl ibe adlloc of tha ut a foupla who are ntaklnf ueo frixa jackaon aliullppl i in at 11 krliner av awordlnj to ur mmmona rgn l0 0 jy the aouth i eaperlanced in 23tb in uaple avenue hsblut church hev uruce woodi officiated at the marriage of patricia anne burtt daunbter or ur wllluw burtt im prlnca char lea drive add douxui janai kllnrk aon of ur and ura iarcy kllnrk of oakvilla standarda of gladioli were it ibe altar and ura arlene mulder llivej tha weddlnj m air tha bride wore a floor length ffrwa of chanlllly uca lha bo dice lludded with aeuilll ld a tiara hoaddreaa ha carried a raacade of red roaea and white miniature rarnationa her at tandanla were ura joyce an deraon matron of honour ula wt u ciii llalton department of aerirtil accepted on iheir own merit lure aikine them to watch out the negroee have organixatlom the wefct la i popular ai ly worleay to eitabllah the t army worm wl political powera thev aver to u ob a holiday ram urlhodial lliurch here arienda thu particular peit which have n awollonal aupport lllea reeblly returned are mr gathrred afier the funeral in gofi f corn barley and front the liberal dating from bad ura john hunter fllen the rellowahlp room of the ujjt cr hrara a aultableha abolition the northern ro oou bad stephen the ucuennoy a church and the ic aerved nlm t w a fovernniant ii willing to loady loolbrad lo calgary ind attend tea field within a matter of houra i tea the negro regardle of the ad he stampede going by th department warna the reiulta irapeclally to the vay of lha mat while there i a year ago july 30th lheryl f t ln cr0 aontherner i they vlilted with jack a uncle spence received a little aiiter r eaenlnga he i ur slmnona claimed that and aunl ur and ura uc for a birthday preaenl thla tn t v tolerance ii promt in th rlva and couain ura k tay year they celebrate birth the armv worm comaa cutauth thlnga like irpara r idayi together lait thuraday hiding khoola ylt the need of the nurn f r7idaitualjo and ike result barbara turnbull brldriwildl and her couaina karen and iyn da flurtt llbmlllon flower glrli senior aurrtdanli wor cock tail gowni or paitel blue filmy nylon over rayon taffeta with swltatype embroidery oa the harris floral aangaubhtt fob ivar occaiton talane cbf ftawara weddlnal fteeeute 10 miei i u ntyun ceremony jamea andaraod waa aroooiarnau and uibara were wayne turnbull and the groom a brother in law norman brown oakvilla ai a recaption which follow ad in the odd kllowl ball tha bride a grandmother ura yo- rente reepe received wearing a blue print dreu with white areeuortae and a cartage of while aweetheart roaei among guetla at the wedding wit the bridaa great aunl ura daily thouaa of hamilton leavlbg on a motor trip along the m lawrebce aeaway the bnde wore a three piece beige linen auit white aeeeitortea and a coraaga of red roaea ind while miniature carnationi the groom la employed with the t j upton co in brara alea and the bride with shelter aubufettuiiflg brampton joanne flikkema walter mann christian reformed ceremony they ored j 1 war in terrible atorm m mad i i t ht way of the trinaonadl high way i douglaa uanllob they rbil1 a couain uiu clare slnculr coming back through northern ontario they took joanna rltkkrml daughter or ur and ura jake yifkkaiava1 under the roclt or in the aoll belter than iboa of the oc herama tha bride ol the lillle deitroyer la about utera inlegrated achool onlv ulbn ub e tha lata frlenda and puymatea aa well d dark alter reportera beian blowing y and un jt u or ler 11 1 ln perform bv rev 11 r deboliter in me chrlttlan reformed church town and great grandmother when attacking nala they ruined relaliont with other bramplon on july 4th it the particle 10 that thrlrountrlea and the lawwithin th bride wore white peu oal krrnrli can be teen on the are turning toleration lo bit aole irlmmed with ikulnt a aunta and unclea and grand jreenlth brown in colour wilhlup the problem did the 1011ii1 ro molhrra ura c chalklln ot while itnpea flown each aide ernen reallie ihere waa one kitchener ura c spence of fa sinc then ihli problem ha the ura v m al vititmg wilh the harold ground thu will w bblv all in all tthey had wheeler a recently at their fmr a warning jllivablr three week tripneve cottage on the lenlh llnecrop are being attacked log home july m mlm marion hahwellof far ihe department give that ihe ter reaentment land lac a crown of peirli d hia w were then eiapoaed lo ind a lloor length veil the negro point of view tbrouch ie home july 0 were atia mannn uanwen 01 so lar ihe department haib tape by john howard griff the john hunter a motorel grlmaby and ur and mra receded only two eomplalntallh a white man who chinged materiala are sevla aod ualalhlon t rwtiuak camping alongluwia hartwell or himlllnn about the worm but if it ii k wv they iplt week ur and ura ollle olaon lhe a chance to anread ith ur and ura jack col lornirr uargarrt coutta otfarmrrt in the area could be 111 ihre they vulted many town of kdnmntnn alia and real irouble sit sluumll it- iftrlc ur and ur b dean ol call th beljonlrol sh one day took the bgl fv r mr bernard ank mm frorber w f tommy from here they a lrriw dv to pend three week holiday wlth ura jack rawlord the pigment or hi akin through internal utdlcalion and trav elled ti a negro through the daeo aouth we do not attempt la tell of hi rinding hut beaxtlty reommedd that you lived home valurdiy having en joyed ihe trip nd the wealh ar which apparently wanl ihe acorching heat we endured here ur and mn alea uminyk and family of uount hamilton vlailed sunday wilh hi alitor and huband ur and airs paul wagltirie john mctowan hai relumed to bit work at northern elec trie after two weeki holidiy pending pirt ot it it grind wnd lr mn sam renrlca are having holiday in vtug vlrl ii crlap gnd rancealind mr penrlce went earl bra apending thla week withlier and then when the woolen hey mother mra hillock at mill ii closed for thla two agona centre iweell holiday ur penrlce flew over and will return by mr wei rrennan who boat apeot a few day in george town hoapiul li able to be ur and mra jim hell have hoaie again irompleted two weeka holldavj ram the tail bualnnaa which mr and mra harry comptnn well deae rea motored lo cornwall and vli v itod upper cnad villa town will share in laat week ur cotnptoni mother ur cook ell and broke her arm and ikb patient in georgetown hoapiul we wilh her a apeedy recovery a mra a bragg smith 1 it keawlek conference id uua koka for three weekl she 1 employed tp look after the woltknown rellglou confer aae her un rupert la alio employed there mr bragg 1 smith and timothy ire away 4n b camping trip in that die trict ihla week and will call on tben 1 ifr edga ruddell of tornn to puaed away saturday and trh interment waa in ihe glen cemetery tueaday jtfternoon hi wife u the former sadie mabr whoee iwrae wag jireabeit bud blahop aim fstaptei mi oinoi tli ear- cost of promoting new county industry the promt halion county induatrlal brochure wilt not be updated but a promotional foldet will be drawn up and dutributed thla year it was learned thll week georgetown and teh other hallon municipality will be v4 cup melted buller or punnlng rul pjbarallom aknl in ttlhrnluullatnttoclj aaladi and deaaerta lot lhla w follow a format et by the county induatrlal com mlttee there may even be two forma or folden dblributed thla year one a promotional file folder and one a form for gen eral diatributiop the commit tee la to dealgn lia own folder the committee aulec there la no merit updating the pre- aent induatrlal brochurti s torsytuatvy days wucomi upumdovyn xttsloxi vwery haenaeitahae laalta far a mu wane aei uiiy itaalta daya mara and mare aha turn m nvuk and eaay recipe fa wleaae har hunery family al luppar llena anrlcat uaalavdawn braad ruddlnej la tbe ekejvewehw af rfivanlanca faad daaaarta made with bread and caneia fruit w lual aa eaay aa teyllta place e fruit centre with e cherry en brewf auavar and bolter and tepplne with huffy tnrlcjtad bread cubea which have bean blended wlrhefi uepar frull ulco and milk time may chart tut thla pretty fruit elaaaarl la ne aharl eel appearance or flavour and la raev let mlnutea aarved hal and if yeu like with whipped craatn she carried a boucjuet of red roie ind teohanoll with tral ling ivy uiu sylvli sideriu wit maid or honour she wore blue orginu over titrate a flower rd net overakirt and cirrled white carnationi and yellow muma mower girla jane klunt bejlhower and janet vllkkwl wore lull burtad rjraasaa bl uee erganaa over taffeta and car rlad baikatl white mumi ur rukkemj gave bit dau ihler in marriage and ur z adrlannu waa orgullt at a reception in nerval pa riih hill the groom a mother received wearing a blue print dreu and white carnation cor uk travelling on a honeymoon to algonquin pirk tha bride wore a while end black check ad dreu with witching jicket and 1 white carnation corugr ur and un mann will live at ii kllubeth st n bramplon he ii employed with rendil machine co ind lha wilh wil llama shoe co j next public holiday ia trafalgar comtaunlly uuu diy uttumber pickled peaches 16 to 111 hledlum jvejifbn ibuut 4 lb 1 cup whitt 1nfg1r 1 cip walfr 4 v tup ur 2 four irvrh itlrki rmnamon i trtipoon utiolc rloari choow iint uvorrd titt rlpcfncd ontirio frnh pjrh i tlut irr firm in frff from blftnlihrt put vinrg ar water and lunai into a 1 quart saucpin simmer 3 wlnutu hkin one half of the pichfi by dropping thm in boellnc water just lonf ttnough to that the bkina wilt ilip off cully b ttwul not id leav jxach a in boulnjl watar loaf to ouih lor heah to aoftaa or thy will not kin antoously rjp peacbirl it one into th lyrup ttlmr uul tea tier about 12 tnbiutej lift paurbt into a bowl ibd ut ail el until you havtj peeled ind cooked the rtttiladcr kemove uufpan from bt add pathei id bowl cover ami let land ovcrolshl nnt mornlnif pack piuh into iterile hot jars add the purea to the ayrup and reheat to boiling pour ayrup over pickles to cover fruit to within inch ot iar top sil cool id itora in a cool dark place here an unuiual tep to help you win tint priaa it you local fair hornby wedding ceremony for myrna marchment m penney arbicot umidioown bxiad pubdino llde down the northern lights appear inthe atmnaphere at bclshta ranilng from 80 lo 300 mllea va cup browo sugar ii apricot halve drained 4 maraschino cherries cut in half 1 egg beaten va cup gndulatcd lugir cup efmieot juice h cup milk mi quarta soft vt inch bread cubea method combine 1 uble apoona melted butler with brtrwn augar epread mlittyre evenly over bottom of an 8- lnelirbunrleake pan lace a maraachino cherry balf in cen- tre of brmrn eugar mlature rounded tide down evenly re remilnlng rherry halvca about ilk inchea away from centre top each cherry half with an apricot half placing the flat aide down combine beaten egg granulated lugar apricot juke milk and rem aluloi melted butter fold in aoft bread cuber- spread bread mixture over fruit in oakepan bake in a moderate oven 350 dogs v lot thirty minutes loosen pudding around ede and immediately turn upside down on serving pleie serve with whipped cream ii desired yield 8 servings while satin bows ind red oaes marked the pew i and red carnationi and white mumi decorated hornby untied church on saturday july ibm for the wedding ol uyrua louue uarchmenl only dsugh ter of ur ind mrs albert marchment of kb i hornby and melvln penney son rr ur end mrs earl penney ol gait der newfoundland reverend john c hill olflc laled at the double riug cere mony uri bill loche of r ii 5 milton played the organ while her husband ung the wedding rnyer and 111 walk wilh you given in marriage by hrr father ihe bride wore a lull length white peau de aole aheaut with a chiffon over skirt and fimbiroldered lace ironl pa and a bodice of p- pllqued lace with a v neckline and long illy point alcoves her shoulderlength laeetrlm med veil of ullo was held by a cap of need pearli and she cirrled a cascade bouquet of red aweetheart roses mrs edward rea or slreels- vllle a friend or the bride wu matron of honour the brides maids were velda and gall penney of candec newfound land letter of the groom the flower girl was bettyjean marchment of hornby cousin of the bride the matrol of honor and bridesmaids wore white atreef length dreaaea of organca over taffeta with full aklrts acoup neckline embroid ered bodice and cap sleeves their headdresses were short veil held by three white rosea and they carried bou quel or red rosea they wore silver necklaces wilh a drop pearl gita of tha bride the white fare oneway lower girl was dressed in a white silk dreu with lull skirt snd esp sleeves sh wore two while roses in har hslr and she carried- a nosegsy or red rose she wore a silver broach a gill of the bride edward rea ot smreelavlllc was the beat msn snd the ush ers were ulchsel hamilton ol applewood acre couain el the bride and william march mint brother ol the bride iney wore white jackets and black router and red carna tiona in their buttonjiolet they wore gold cuff llnka and matching lie clips the gilts ol the groom for the reception in the church hsll which wss decor ated with while atreamercl wedding bells and bououeu of red carnations the brines mo ther received the guests weir ing a light blue sleeveleas heath dress of arnrl linen wilh matching jicket and three quarter length sleeves she wore while accessories anj a cottage of pink roses the grooms mother wore pink arneulnen sleeveless sheath dreu with matching jacket she wore white acees- soriea and a coinage ol deep rose roses for a honeymoon trip to the thousand islands parts of lis a and home by ottawa the bride choae blue chiffon overa eheath dress of floral poltahed cotton and ahe wore whlto aeceaaorles they will re aide at cookavllle guelta at tended from sander fld roieter toronto bramelea froh credit milton palermo georgetown badger nfld streelavllle and hotphy prior to her marriage the bride waa feted at several to winnipeg the smart way to avi and ravol 1 extra coach car conveniences to make your trip moro comfortable for other economy whito i bluo faros call om canadian natlonal your local cn agent yearning for a yacht mm hfc big purchase loan for amy important purchase youre better off buyinr with cash you can hop anywhere for the best bargains take advantage ot cash savings getthat cash from hfc bor row confidently repay conveniently call us now vbk about cmw lira insuranct at low eaoor batm fcaai a bra a h0useh0uhwi aaalvtom 46 quean slrtat tahphfln 6772ot0 idnl jiwt v n at

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