Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 14

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a tor mwh rmsald taat 1 arrange fanily party for 30th anniversary saturday areolae aamat j mr aad mii a gfaaplia mv end mm- basil wma karl aad bon arranled a prtt their parents mr and 1 burt at their hi taca at kareicey rraaar aflauu of aa la ton oa monday called m aaa aeveral of rfianrta with wimmii ed hlrh achool when ha uvod la wb- mr and mrs thomas earns and aaa jalf dim 8l and bom oa um occaalon of theer waller brshcjjord bthewaon thirtieth anniversary beletivaa from toroato nearmarket ac- the severn bjvee- bear waab- um georielewn b aad a taw does friends helped them celebrate th happy occa sion mr end mn r dulfleld apent one week of their holiday at their aununer boase at sturgeon point two tears accidents this last tdl smashed up as many cars 60 thr klleerwood etretcb of um hlabwijr berth of george- town mrs george ironside return ed home saturday in a wheel chair to rwcuperele after two weeks in hoscltsl wltb a bra kes ankle mr henry whitfield mies iena whitfield of london john ilevad deurkop of london and saskatoon visited sunday with mr and mrs harry scott e w mr and mrs george hurt welcomed a new vrsnddaugh- ler into the rally lau week mis clara wilson enjoyed a week cauolna trip to sliver lake alfred hull quebec al nncjula part visited nsrlim ent buildings and new parlls- toent in aeuion she reported abowers iwnt dsy of the trip i s0m and pettsowal i otr aai mrs batajd naart aad tmbr t mttk at apaat aaodarat thojr cot- dduraa brad aad btaaam kaa wait bal crescent recently holidayed as tar part of the mr aad mrs a hlaaaa thair chudrea aad mr mrs w b binentlao aai their children mrs f barton and aaa juaaar alls intyra 53357 govt grants for conservation plan ceorge a kerr mpp today announced that provincial creels to tte helton region conservation authority havt been approved by the depart- knent of energy and basources vunareatnt tetaulng busym these rents are for capital improvements to ba bndertak an in the haltlesnake point cnnaervstioa aral campbell villa community pond conser vation area and mount namo conservation area which are ku tinder the jurisdiction of the helton authority coming events milton bingo milton ar ena every wednesday at 8 pm bus usees murray motors at 118 pm cards for jf bundle for information eall tmsm tf chicken bahbq will be held at the united church krounds cheltenham nn sat aug 13 from sjo to 1 pm adults tlno- children bis take out orders filled to bt held in church hesenunt in vent of rain bw beauty salon open meluw country galea has opened at albert j bentons perm 4th una ksqueilbf v par appointments call otmot nell benteri proerleter ago mr and mrs don hanmr dean and jamie of glen wu ilaaas ara borne aftar two waaas of camplufls northern onts rio taef stayed at eazer lake near aurkland lake mr and mrs dick hiddali and wayne oetrender elvd and- mlas gloria turpbuu o main it n vacationed last week at kernel cottacas sauhle beech miss mary jane emmereon 181 main st n kpent lest week at csiap hermoes nsp- tiat youth camp ucar coderich her aiatcr cindy is hpendln this wsek there tinier cadd m ann st tl hrsted his sisteenth blrtbdsy on iulurday and was rn a aurpriae barucua party by bis aiater hhons with guests anjoyinv chicken lea and sal- ada ur and mrs j l lambet s0 delre ulvd hive returned from a trip weet they visited in vancouver with mrs lam berta brothcrlnlsw and sis ter mr and mrs ctrnest hoi- well and apent a week lsa oa vancouver island mr and mrs j freestone from hocbeater kent kniund ara here vuilind for three weeks with their parents mr and mrs k c freestone a temple road they will also vlalt wltb other members of their family while here catineau park vu the des tination of mr and mrs will- ism ihortmu 1 seaway dr and their daughter carol when they were holidaying they spent a week there and return ad home through quebec to ottawa and up the si law rence ttlver mr and mrs oliver mills a family weber dr have return- ad from a three weeks motor trip to tha near england states and the maritime provinces in winchester onl they were tha overnight gueetj of mr and mrs harry ktnappar former principal af tha harrison school in georgetown mr and mrs hugh jackson of don ullli tpant saturday with mrs jackeoae parents mr and mrs john emmersoo mrs jackson is dental nurse to dr it jenkins who owns farm north of clan williams mr jackson is accountant with the searboro branch of the roys bank mr and mrs paul barber of glen williluu with child ran krli and kelly motored to seattle washington after which mrs barber and tha children lew to vancouver where they stayed until mr barber returned from bis flight to california and back they came home by train with a stopover in banff while in vancouver they call ed on mr and mrs david hart formerly of georgetown disc jockeys available far naeremtstweawn office pertlee beneea music to suit all occasions ttt beet in keund reasonable hates for information contact tulmo paoduction kill wrleht 4j1j1m bill tulle 464311 laamanum lutheran church howard waloolitworrh chool auditoriums m guelph street werahlv fervlee iojjo ejn tlw ajn j taittnes paatar joes taxi trr79286 tuju dmurtwe fully liuut 7 dy a wejk ytt phone in utglbboti hou wj joins navy ashgrove girl at cornwallis aalnut wh rrwtillfl atjyujjmciwy aaaf a gfrl who haa beaa tea- paavaal wear since they trip by m after vutaag with her lather mr 11 rj paaw b briihtcev eng they also visited with ra ceorgetowners mr aasi btrs joe greenwwod al the bum shoeel ho u bartew4a whartdale voraakire slg prawda carter aa wf mr end mrs albert m kjig sl k has home after a three veer poet- log at art henry saeat cr- y lie will be boms ant his parents lor three w be fore leaving lor bis new weet- ing al winnipeg m also vuiting with his was- nts tor a few days is sat- 1 albert carter wf ottawa mr d sweeoey arietta street baa returned kn al ter a three week trie te scouand and eesiend la scad he vuud with us aeev ther mrs 0boueke ua kot mamocb and uae ta yeak- ahlre where be vlaited mrs swscneyl berents mr aaal mrs kowahy and the ew u lnodon mr aad mrs coldwya crare of rrederirton new brwaav wick with their eons brtaa and charles have beea visit ing in town with mrs cracea brother mr jeasee reywier m arietta street mr ad mrs payntet have returned with them and will visit la freew- icton and nova scotia lor two weeks mr and mrs- s llulaae aad family of it victoria street have bean entertaining nuee mrs lillian s and her children peter deeid diane froas kent england they took th in heuhurtoa for a week the to niagara falls for a day to poet colboras for two days where they visited with that ernie alcotis and finally u crystal beach for 0 few days the eaguah vlailrs will go home via new york and will visit the worlds fair mrs holme and mrs wilfred ditds field will acccenpany tbeaa to tha pair vleitlng with mr aad mrs basil mundy an ctturck st m mundt brother mr 1l k w afundy of melbourne auatraliia the two brothers bad hot aeea each other for m years ao there baa beea great rejoicing a party of 1 relative od to mobtreel to meet berf who tame via e empress of canada and avnpet to accompany him to v whan ba sails to anatraua ass tha sa orsona in october bert it a wellknows former breoder of australlaa terriasa and has had pleoaure la visit ing kennels id ontario earty ha aeaneat mrs rraak wueon mrs wuaaa mrs graham mas lloyd fashes- and wlua gall bbs rraak wlbsaa jr attended tea tor mlas kjaea vaa arfcai ba braaaptoa to ate j hastens tor the abfoat ihjbj of tho baltlaafai utma- the with u mary stewart coilaet ban call and by what i lease my husband to oat whllo 1 aaa away pouawtag ik set awaag married this saturday mr liaha wuwa of nerval don secretary took charge of tho meeting asking far tws sats- ute reporta froca the ao mrs ray svrladlahorat gaee cairrejat evemla tha aaot- to which was proparad by mrs robert mcenery was read by mrs jamleaon the auhject be- inaj the amalleet dead greater theo the hlggeet iniao- mrs parker gaee a dem onstration of students cos metics and mrs j mceoery showed the ladiee bow to make s sewing bos out ef s butter bus the meeting vkleed with u kaaowug rflm la-ill- in the pj v llit a itajerf their jrfev and national anlhem and mrs catwed mrs stanley cowisnd of town mho karen brigden daugh mr tear i mr end mrs muftay nan artue awjjnae has josnec the navy skew awaseewd ka atatinoed at comwallis f the bobeaa i we kd wiahbes lost of luck maaaa- aa the preleesioo ahe baa choe- thwyeel i aympethy to all the aoclsl time followed ed to aeaawwa bo bagh ataad- bag m waal ka oeawrlaa in ner val reeadaaah af i tar wan 1 wf tseeeoa bar eiaa 1 brag grwaw la i an tact saw aejy atayeaj sheet the la breda 1 bag betb 1 east x la fw at acvea 4 the so aba woo lumilil v avado s shaiw them aba awe baacae taast with umf aaarks asach r asaal m oast aoaat al her cuaa the- wary caaaa w at aa afce a a wsil wwb wwrtjry of rmcmruuumts hotatnsom mrs c a- maev lnaod wishes to asmottace tho angagement of hit s imago at daughter marda madeliaaa u robert john c likes both wf caorgetown tha wedding ie uke place in tha first tint church saturday sep tember nth seooon mr and mrs rraalt seddoa of ceorgelowa wish to aanounco tho of their daughter oerwea bl aine to mr paul mnntarsn i ullljll sn j mp we mitchell and tha lata mrtwas ertthtaws- joint services it johns unitid church aad iirjit barnst church will be hold in imt aftlft mabt wroat n gt 1100 am umoay wwttmnj aaigipir yrf ffo i spf dance tulbro productlorii saturday danes party pretenll bobby curtolas own m artels sat august 21 also to make a groat show graator our swinging- daajay brian kent 1 adhuxaioni morvumbwri 1j5 moraaemi 100 orange hail mumrron mltohell of owed sound the marriage to lake placet sat urday sept uth at 100 oclock in st johns united church caorsjetowo cordon and rvenkl weak awe mr aej mrs liwaae bf milton apent the week- weeaf tcetfcy tlweteei at ewd with their grendnarcnu as cewea- mr beet mrs prank uujdvii moaval norval proud of ontario scholar janice carter t uw uyrajidir who took iiw iervlct fof tb pst wo imidy ti st yiuy angltceak cmuk wmu hv mubuy u m iwliada wltil uawlhfji tlttlli pikto tkacut tk kvciit lhlnk on tt isorti kkavtlultf will w wiilil lotl lcaty uewlu tto iympiliiy 6f ua toai- m unity u tiundd lo ttw m lly of wr vtvmm s wbo jamarwj wy hudaitly txd lut urdjjy tukht- tkv umlly urt by buttor 6n sundiy nljilat nov sarxitu wurt tk uttt- 1 wrvitv tad bur li will u fonjtirtj on tbrlr unrivgo ur 6td ur crim joam fciul diuut vlnhf tr iuu uury j vuitiai 1 i top of weclu wllb ur ud wru prink iiuilth ur tcvd mr jitd conlin t toronto viiited with ur km ur aitrhu uwr bv ik eknd cotiirituutlooj to ur km ratfrr wbo ourvfd hit soui kirikjety tki wck backtoschool jmwens vsseta cert ciie and a at pwats aagu- thesa i aaal tu her echoes wart saw hahy etttiag aa- thee a week took w ail her taaaa she wilt ha jtumjtimt baa thwewrsity wf tuaiii ka the tall amd b tha alkr aal mrs or es tare bre- baeld who high ttll asaal two t ueca kasd caasaaa who hath at- uael meamd pwhhc bcwj her neeilaaaieir mrs cor- ba caaeley wad her grand mrs- b s cerur wl twrwaha are very al her asramaaal achlewe- nsrea reaaavsats art al t has u oat village as well aa be ceerreteww high bcheel wo wbh her saccwaa bt tha fwhara hi holidaying at ceaqt artsheo the anglican church caaaa was georgetown little theatre will b cajtiho oa twelfth night auoujt lest end 3rh la rchearial hall above superior store oh maim item moattrl an mewikars aead piaaa meeehart art a w raasl awuo auks mart villa la betaaaerd ei stiweta- wa holidays mrs u mayr her brother david alee apeaet the seal vudthag with these e e e mr tawa parry nasi mr bees ir j back to school nwoouam jl tm wkmft of reuhaom take advantaga of our jl- spocial radchschool our ragular la0o perm a booutiful rsorm dwaigraacl lor tha younger sat to haevd you into fah with ttaavasiati to inonaga attrachva hairdos t reoatand haircarofreo ri call for appointwait th 76761 w wo tmak i ajl i tiarja rraaarav avjraaai the arts crafts of georgetown invito you to villi their boohi tt tho canadian national exhibition htonoay auoust adeh hs thotsday auoust 37th inclusive in the genehal exhibits building bingo this monday boo pja- at the riviera in norval 16 games 490 in prizes free bus leavoi archlei glrerd0 730 pm lofliuieievia ma slreel walef sliest now open richards self serve shoe centre ss mm street optra friday tvoerl 1 bik a pm saturday froeit 1 w he 4 bjo kchrisfelts hair styling a- 14a main i tpvio grjurntotti tr 77ol 1qa49 pr ladies shoes 1 87 287 best quality mens shoes 577 9 shobfor c qt teen age girls q save money serve yourself mms ladlb jmd chudhtwc shotv atbtotavirwt ilvers quaixit atlumws deft watts pua tb skirts oetqrordon cardigans 98 otthsoatom pullovers i is 1 u boys cobduboy w 98 boys china slacks s boys boys 4 to 6k ssw cardigans pullovers x98 ouuoym uniforms l99 otusnavy slier tunics 298 cash youi vamaly ailowaroc tjhtoucs free draw in oua1jty otmiatjart dfpt ivbty month wuwer bar jrr mrs m halaaai 11 ib creec band concert sunday evening august 23 730 p m delrex plaza hear oaergaieww otbaeas baead al tha cm3l iaeal caenpahlleat turaday auajaast 37th at j paa i mflaa nee af josacstoea i l dol aaal 10 afjrtuow bum inn aai h awa wast baa omtne ope pjau sheer harts at duak all cedar awly st t thur m bat y d a btwamt tbumpbt sunday onlyi au tmuillxhiil showi bay mluand raailc im tm ybab abbo- jss tuml op tub black witcw cow twwtaeihitsi moajoay tubboayw wbo paul newtaaa thi pbiiar color aiolo bobby vinton burp pabty tlmanaloy rrw-y- ataavlay jo jvm corw sailmir rock hudson gins lollabhglda bachboi plar tuenday woublchard baymar tarry thomas loaooinrnandad aduh biloftalnrrioril monelay tuaaday w aajaa t4 is 3 in clnarnoooopa and colour madamf waywat swibl but soonla torcin roblhoun ss qtronareandad adult enlejrtbawnarti eopwbuy the heraip 3pead fc vnrv miiilijc ywtl51iaj

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