Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 3

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pamela currie army officer are in e ceremony s v utof and mm b u kuano ivmbrow vill b the new kkotd for ueul and uni doug imm l eland wbi thy re turn from month a honey bam in the wl they were married friday auguat t in hl george a angllcm chureb by rev j h uruulkln the hride 1j the former pameli joii currie daughter of vr and u a u currie ib k1j- abvtb st georgetown and the groom the ton of mr and lira jf 1l rund of winnipeg man itoba the groom la with the sth canadian lluaura prtneeu louue t alluoned at camp the alur waa decorated with pink and while rowi for the evening double ring cere mony the organist wai ut george de kleer given in marriage by her father the bride wore a full length gown of peau de tole which featured a small train lightly ambroldered with swlu white lace and a acml bouffant waut length veil she carried a pale mauve orchid lealle brown waa maid of honour and lenle lent waa brldeamaid in plnv peau de aole floor length gownj with alraighl iklru they wor wed dini ring headpiecrt and rr rled bouqueta of pink and white aweetheart row usui john ii key nana al ao of the sth canadian huuars wai groomsman and ueuten anti david j draham and ft er g dunner of th ime rts imirit were uihira at reception at the ilivi era norval the bride a mother received curkts in a flour lencth belke atraifiht drew with lace jackrt her cormae wai of gold miniature mumi sti waa asauted by the groom mother in blue dreaa with out er lace and wearing a rnrwee of white miniature mums larry gardhouse tops 35 in county seed judging lurry cerdhouse b b s mlllfifl won tha ltkm champion seed judge trophy by obtain ing tha highest inn in th halton county seed judging competition thirty five 411 end junior partner boya and girls ttartlelnated in this com petition held at the agrlcul tunl lull la llillon ob uon- dmj august 10th the contestants judged ela aes of eats barley hay timo thy teed and potatoes and earn reasons were given on throe of thsee euaset ten lor- ge plants and ten weeds alao wen identified aa part of the competition kd vnnlleekelen bit 2 ac ton u the winner of the course train trophy for high core in judging oata and barley and weed identification winner of the small seeda troehy via larry cerdhouee tela trophy oea to the top judge of hay and timothy aeed and forage identification 1111 alexander norval kk 1 waa tbe winner of the caah crop trophy for the top aeore 1 judging corn and potatoea a tropay la given to the per- oa who obtalna the highest combined score in the seed joining competition and tbe halton county liveatock judg ing thu trophy waa won thli year by harold thompson mil i tan kk x high aeorea in the senior dl vision for those 17 to m yeara of age were highest poaalble score la sso larry gardhouar milton rb s 48s harold thompaon mil ton r r z 4t bui alexander norval ttlt 1 487 margaret hunter burlington iii 1 437 janet allien aelon hr 3 4oo denn sinclair burling aen acton rjt 2 452 don foatheraton hornby rh 1 44 bui sinclair burlington rjl1 440 marlon hunter burlington h it 1 444 high acoreailln the junior divlalon for oioae 10 yeaka old and under were aa followa jtobert lealle acton rit 3 487 wayne altken- acton rr 3 453 john mcgee nor 31 aa 1 448 vhu thomp n muton aa 7 441 vui 4s1 keith allien ahon fir 3 44- lola hunter burlington aa 1 4h roaemary booth hilton rr 1 423 barry ma bon campbellvllle rk 2 411 high aeorea in the novice dlvliion for thoee not partlc ipatlng prevloualy in a com petition of thla nature were janet nurve georgetown n k 3 426 robert uccee norval r a 1 424 john nurie ceor getown r b 2 422 john haugh milton rr 8 307 brian harrington oikvlllr aa s 303 noubin wition milton it r 3 337 h6knky hornby district has many visitors here and there mr and mra john feenalra and family apent their aum uer vacation at waaaga beach mr and mr bill stout billy and mary and mra george lumlllon vlalted recebtlyat the home of mr and mra gor don sweetman of whitby congratulation to mr and mra graham gllliea on the birth of i their daughter mar garet ruth jl the oakvllle- itrafalgar hoapltal on sunday aug 0 weight ollbi 4 on granddaughter for mra harry glulea and 4rat grandchilil for mr cecil mccann mr and lira ralph kealher alone are enjoying a trip to the weet coaac mra earl mcmillan and daughter mildred enjoyed a vacation in northern ont ulu row mary mccarron la apendlntf thla month at lake of baya uti crgllhoycef on jtfe birth of their aon on wed aug 12 at the milton district hoapltal weight 8 ibe on a brother for diana kevm and susan jepeon of ge0getolra7are enjoying weeka holiday with their grandparents mr and mra jkn hamilton i birthday greetings to mary lou bailey on aug 20 to tom sandra keatherstone of mil ton has been enjoying a noli day at the home of her grand toother mrs elmer may congratulations to mr ami mra kerry jopaon nee pat hamilton on the birth of their daughter on sat aug 19 at the georgetown dlitrict iloapl ul weight 7 lba 6 on a lit ter for kevin and suian a granddaughter for mr and mra alec jepion of george town and mr and mrs jim lfamllton of hornby mra vlnce flgllomenl re turned home this past week after apendlng three weeks in new york the joinaon brothere truck ing co ltd held their annual picnic for their employees and their families at the hornby park on sunday afternoon a game of baseball waa enjoyed followed by varioue kinds of races and aim pony rldea for the kiddles a picnic supper was enjoyed the park booth congratulation 1b mr indjgii ptn hid did bjaiihjni ce on jf buslne miss willi catterlck and- lea king were dinner gueata of mr and mrs ronald plant on sunday evening help to make herald herald news correspondents community minded citizens to cigjat diatrlct eorreapood casta belongs ta oi of keep ing tbe herald georgetown and djfitblct newtpeper sdaktr coitapoadnt new wkb m jer w rvporting umlhooiaj news for tbe berald la mrs ast binton bom laabadaa nauaoo on lot 7 1th um of zaquaiaf itn bawtoii ctaaded aoo btm pvblae schodl uikoa high lodbockl and toronto normal bar enlroe year crada war tu turd basbeat id tbe county mra ficoton laucbt achooj at aaabowaa aad at aiittaetai bprpjji bear aacaataf but uit lba area oay orxi wben her fa tber aoid tb family farm add boufbt a btmimf at rvru mt acluua siu uiimtj aflbllc wu uam krkhalit ucolon on octo ber 29th ikw air barton waa a ttjcdle of lioitoa w byuimi church iraiiafcrritag id liiilfsoiiw viad tiiirrlrd ltrtt rtito u 8 liff tnewtt br of ijuifckou wonwn uuillute and uiuehou rt fainiai wub of wbicb th ha a uxtvltry unct july loo rvio to that ahr i prfcidnl ftr two year she wu tcr ury uf th w 1 iue fclk yr during tw war un untqo hat itfin tfta village potaiiilrru fur th pui 21 yt lur favuurite bhby u awing ur and ura iwnton hav4 j two aon neilaon arltiur for kncrly with the canidlui lmpr laj hank of convtih- rcbtiy a graduate of the uirvel iafhool of hiirdriialhg and now opr ling nlliuina country salon i and ajbcrt john farminn al ui arlon he married thv former cjoku qulnton teach it at u l banned whool io acton alhcrovi miws haa ben channelled to the mr raid for the pit 17 yeara by mjtl john bsllkoddy h h 3 georgetown ilorn at i ly mouth kngland ullian norence fth el uuuijji the daughter of willuai and mabel mullina ahe canie to canada in 1013 if ter her parents died rrlehda with whom ahe travelled placed her with a family who ndd companion for thrtr imail daughter and ahe ihcd with them until hc married john ilellboddy on april 2nd 1030 in their home at laurel un nellboddy attended uu rel public scdool and aince her marriac haj bn a wbr hi aahroe unitrd church i lufora that aha wa a member o laurel united un bellboddy belonged to tbe aahgrova wus for 32 yeara and u now a member of the ucw and also the aihgrove women a institute her hobble are keeping her scrap book up to date and bicycling seven yeara of keeping hal linapad newa in the herald a column ia the record of mbs john slack of that village a wrgua native the former myrtle smellie attended public and high school there and wai alao a atudent at the preaby terian deaconrsj training school in toronto following bar marriage in 1030 to sgl leslie mckarlane who died oversea while aerv ing with the highland mgm infantry she realded in gait and during the war reaided id stratford barrie and truro nova scotia since her mar riage to john black in hub the haa lived on a farm near unlonvllle before movlnc to lulunafad watch fojl poisons oh thb farm a farm i likely lb aave more insecticides and other polaona thin otherplacea the national safetv untrue nf can adal urge fnrnork tti lock auch kn wuaon hilton jib 3 qordlngleyqiilaug 23 i children i hearing sid usersi free baneries aa a apeelsl offer to in troduce you the nwtt flnett hearing aid bat terlet we will aand you abaelutely lree a aatnnle auoply of these batteries without obligation juat mall the coupon below or a letter with the lnfortn uon along with a sample of the batteries you now use be sure to indicate wake and age of aid you wear you will receive your free balterlea prorn ptly offer limited to one order per peraon lim1thd timk oppiri lgbhi h postal itallon t toronte 5 please aend me a supply of bearing aid batteries without cost or obligation i have encloied a uied battery of the type i use name addreia city i wear a make heirlng aid purchased in 10 1 0umvi7bbi mra black la a life member at the womesa maaalonery so ciety bu been a ocrt leader hod church organist et ballhv aad uolled and holds office at the present 00 the malloo preabyterian executive alra- biack a hobbles are toualc end sewing son bob 14 etteods georgetown high hchuo tf and bjll 12 limehoue kalilic school hutg augv ojtaht has almoat four yvars of experience in cbroolcuiiaitiwajittowal happenlnga in theee pagee mrs grant wax bom id limebouse but has been a stewarttowb uve since the age of two when gloved there to uve wjtb her grmulparrotl hoe attnlded cuewartiowu public uijul and ceorartown hls bitie yuri from itul to lmfl llvd and worked in toronto tben kjluulh anue kjueth met bhe marrld charlee auu- ry crant in bt annas angu can csurch lllme ave toronto thry hivt one son tcannh uiarlcl 17 un grant a member of l john anglican csurcb wlere alic u ueaturcr and a bianiber of st john church guild mie alio a member and pait preitdenl and pakt scrrlary treasurer of the v quoting wontni inbtltute b ia la mcreliry treiiurer of k quealng school arra lloard kor the past nine yrara ura grant bu had a seasonal hobby dacoreting pervonallxed elttar eggi end making ctutitinaa roraaga for church uunt mo ney a reildcut o the loui line of kqueilng mjtt cicil harth gathers the herald i clkn williams di the former dorothy anne wag atatfe ahe wu born in leel county ami attended glrn uil tiami public school and geor getown high school a resident ol the glen almost all her life ure llarth married september 23 1u30 sod the and her hut band cecil will mark their si ver anniversary next month outside her home ut llarth main lntereat li glen united church where he la a sunday school teacher and ucw uw ber she is also fond ol grow log flowers reflnlthlng old furniture and recently started trying her hand at oil painting khe hae been rouadlng up tbe clen mi for eve ihre yeara the berth have two ieugfa era ktaruya who teed rb- uc achool in cuelph and carol who graduated from toronto western hospital school of nursing this year mjtt tjdwakd jyuliam haa been a norval resident for all of her lifer with the exception of three yeara following her marriage when ahe lived in tottenham she haa been writ ing hottval newa for the pa per alnce july 1m1 born dorothy watson ahe la the daughter of the late ur and mn llobcrt watson who operated a grocery and bakery in norvai her education wai at norval public and george town high echooli when ahe and her huihand returned to the village after their short auy in tottenham in ims they purchased the former ura jack ucpherson home on draper st a norval united church member mrs mclean has held various offices in the wa 1hd wus and la now a member of the united church women she is alao the lecretary treasurer of tbe norval women a inatl tute work with the vlllagl guldea and browfllea has also taken some of her time her spare momenta are ipent knit ling sewing or reading two dlughtera and a aon complete the mclean family hon 23 la employed with a brampton chain etore joyce thi thmtm10fcm hotuj a mm pack s zl a music teacher it employed in a toronto oblce and irene is attends georgetown high school elerking her first year aa a herald diefjtet correepondenl as of june m mux jim ham ilton who report moanar oewi a native at gonnley wtmujred jean chrlna gajea moved to htlluxl j bet per tots in 1a25 and wa mjcrried in 1b3s in grace anglican church muloo now member of kdeu vat ted church hornby mrs hamilton take u intereat in church actrviilea and also de votee much of her free time to the uholouflity softball trams- she uitl knitting and playing euchre as hef bobbirs the llamlllooa have a daugh ur i at mrs kerry jepewi living in georgetown and a sod car mile wide hail strip damages county crops on tueadey alternooa aug uxt ulb bail caused extensive damage to crops in lulton comurnclng in the lowvllle area ihe hall travelled in a mite wide atrip sero the but torn end of the county wiping out all erope in ita path the vegetable rropi ilt by the hall are a complete loss as the oats and barley were allrioxt reaily or cutting ihe hall knocked off tbe grain and broke the straw over the grain crop la also a complete liui through the centre of the hall path leave are stripped from the corn fields but in moit cases the corn waa ma lure enough that the cobs should mature the halton vederation of ag rlculture are working along with the agricultural office millon to see if anything can be done on e government lev el to assist the farmers who ha 1 their crops wiped out inform alion la also being procured on gourcee of hall insurance and auch information will be made available to farmers whan compiled i need 55000 tiu pay day try ahallca twtfty wty- s0jjo eajtto ejy c ajb pay eury call voiohn mottlfy at atlantic finance the effecta of too much ea poaure to direct aunihlne may be baadache abdominal cramp nausea dlxxlneaa or perhaps unconsciousness the patient should he kept in a tool place tad if eoeucemu give cool water containing one half tea spoon of salt to one plot of water eieeue b we m oeei w veot ii wlitiiiel aucbide weuu 4ll x- i i j tie selue ljr ilecbkhy i- e tlue wi n hjw wv er we ike j u- lieme lutklcauv georgetown hydro j tnmjs bell lines leiams your telephone kunager jtm ixt1n1ions farm faml m tiw ommamtmmm mn w ctjamiaw tw m4vuimm4 mnd miilwci mi kewug iiilw llv u luimaj ew iwm mm wmh aliw m hkejekam iplii mrm y fctaj a ul i wogiu ilrj tla tu unlv tw mnmput yfmt cawi lely lm0mrim imum u wltiwwt laawiw 4u well uahurjj erjaer m amtjiilru umkn0 w mi 0uuc wu m4 tvum mm tilipsnw ru u ti imw w wll tw mm ttear 1mm lilui cetju i fc tttm u mmm iw tfcufc m4 aurt wuu m fcieuj tjmly uu t m k w awi a4uliy w uu wfcwvi tuy irm a 4- tou tk uwlaei u iveei lolulau dm jtaylhkj m ichoch some young pecoole tsuiy ahuddae vt th thombi of it and uamtf for ttrwwog cold water oo wht wai up to now a ilaaut bohday bot kcxt yi acbool irm li unrf aruuted th ttnwf 1 tarrtainly iv thjjt u many cforgeowd student aa poamjbiei ar intending to rturii to omtlrti high sachool or tfhlcal ahtocd btwm this u fiiiny thy wiaiiriuja ruikmant today in order to have any atifhory tonirol ovfj- wh4 kind of joba will bet held over tb bckt toriyploj yn efukd that can ut a mighty long urn la rgim not aiaying id kbool a tvmt morv year i bop ikat pranu who grtw up wbo tim wr different 4r mm tj bow uufh our totuty had rhjbjifd and an property dtfcrmiflad that tbir bjldra be ai fully tuippd u postibl befor tafkling tha working world wo chargki vw tlfcwa u bwli fw tmkm u ih mry rmim w awlrtag u t tvlw yu twnwfliu 4wmixu4rm fcrvle yr khmr ya kw u ewyhut i m wrwc wvil udly nf u wlku kitm amrmm ah yw mj 141 tu tmpf ttrvtv ummf u htm frant ml tiw pitmnm in if owt w cemt tw trm l u rauml frmmtt mmamtm u hmtmuaty mj atwta mu awi rkavr ik tmm yuil mm tocj4vtj a um 9mt ripaltx yfcla la mt mi velo ikal aem wfh yuf frvlra e e jarvis nash and mcdowell humbino and htatino m wafer toftenart m water syterts m kaparra t ahwrhe tr 72842 u attention farmers for milking cows on pasture follow hse master sum mer feeding program cows milking at a high level on pasture require high enorgy low fibre ration we recommend master 16 dairy ration of master 16 milk producer to overcome- live problem of a mid tumlner skimp these feeds era available in math krum nd pellal form end if you have an empty gram or bulk feed hn we can deliver bulk feed in two ton lots or mora saving yw money proper wheel alignment is important to ths tafs driving of every car on the road make cartaln that your ear is sale bring it in to us toon for axpert repair lervfce harley motors 31 john street w 8772591 wuvu control in orain un keep your grain wbvtt u by following how ards weevil control program this yean kin yleay spray your grain bin walls nd floor with howards bin treat before iioring grain it kills weevil in cracks and crevices and has prolonged killing action it does not harm tha gram main ouakd it mixes aailly with your grain as ii la beting binned it protects tha cjraln until if is used un fume for grain already infested with weevil use howards bin fume cim1nt wa ara agents for portland cement and masons cement manufactured by ths st lawrertca cement company call ut for your cement requirements no order too large or too small iued vvhiay wa will have a good supply of teed wheal on hand for fall planting we can alto supply you with your fall fertilizer requirements wa will be glad to tjo your toll sampling for you end wo have a fertiliser spreader available for broadcaafipreadlng sod cueanino wa are now cleaning wheat for fall planting if you have wheat for cleaning and treating call us for a seed cleaning appointment master feeds itiwaltfown dial 77js12 oeorgeiown 1 a ui i 1 jfj

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