georgetown herald uj sn awatnnennte nnnnntntnvanananenfnntannnnnva y baaaatji wasjf vma eareaerltv taeawseae ymgyyj qoajfrjbgn owano pacc4 thursday august 20th 19a4 editorial comment i high school results excellent tatultt of the cwefje 13 upimntl xm tut wadnaedey ahowd an excellent standing jof gaborgslown high kcisool a total of 31 student will rtxtivi oatwo sasoondtwy school ofeduelaon civ torn lgnllying completion of elgst grade 13 wbactt- statistic show hel b3x of peelers written ware paneci and thai 5jj1t of pep f passed received honoor standing yhs ahowt a healthy upjatng from la year whan percentages we 77ti end ia re- apoctivejy omtndnq racord were et by mark llewellyn and janata carl who kav baaml hatwd oolato sckouf fo raoslvtrtg owt box in thai eight bast pep- n whdh mitt jntkxje he two cnfkwt kamt aaark uortd w 1 and jenbce 825 and wll each recalva e 400 ukol- v whtp towaicu thl umvevrtity twucfkxi saveel other students hed ood pertenteo- 4 in the seventies the rultt spaak well fo the calibre of student nd the standard of teaching at the high khool at uaua there wre few heartbreaks at student fell a sublet o two inert of their objective w tfutt hay will riurn fo anoth tem to pain thai obtcliv o w hale to see a yoong paion each grade 13 witoul racaivanaj ha diploma we hopas every ttudenl entering grede 13 will strive 1o bocom 4rt ontario scholar the financial consideration it alone wtyth extra effort but this ii not poitibu fo everyone and there i no thame in icoiog a leiler percentage whiul still peiiiog long ai t represents you bait effort we hop georgetown high will con tmua to be known fo li aadmc toccei tat and thai more and more young tlud ents will liny lo successfully conpula the required fiva yasrs to gam lliajir gredu atfon diptonai borec then get perking two cji of whom ttgnd thasoitalvoi bovd wrok to ttv adilo thu wk complaining of nothing to do m goorgafown in hi nw dalit exlrii tify haruy hi lorna idaas fo thent on th tditoil paga in out column w thai only ttmpl to rafola thil ofthd compjinl which btngs no lr to out ye at all carlainly thanj r um things which gaogatown lacks soma of iham wa my hava torn day om navf a thela tha old roxy if il hadn t burned down would itill ba cload victim of lalavilion fw town thlt iu cart daw audtancat to mak tha rnoviak pay gualph twica tha tua u down to two from four brampton popujtton has uv- plad whila its two thaatas hava baan raducad to ona w mm tha show too but tha ctmy way oa coold ba openad would b foi raiadants to buy lubtcriptlon taias tkkalt tannn tha st gaogat church courts could emly ba ranawad with a bit of work and bit of monay and naw courts could b era lad in tha park in school yards or any other public placa tha yaaywca is tbera to giva a boost if a goup of iannis playat want to prornota a club iwt tha onus is on you to start tha ball rolling dingy ihla arana swimming pool b rly big anough l n thams fighl renegade in power our tummar reading schadula includas ranagada in powar tha controvarstal book about john dtafarvbakar which has aroused ta much inlarast written by an ottawa press corral pen dant which hit put his impesilons m book form it is an enlightening insight info tha political game while concentrating on diefenbakar and hli cabinet whila they ware in power mrtch o hie copy could ba aboul eny otkar party ha describes tha wey campaigns are organized tha qualities which make a mg wodi to live people who hv poured their money mlo building these end thai time into managing thorn do teeners reel- ae that tha lions club with aiiiitru from tha public spent over tooooo lo qiva georgetown ona of ta bell outdoor pools available naturally it wont hold all the georgetown uenars at on time but w have never haard of anyone being denied admnvion dances you didn t mentton tfw y dancai the annual ptpa band ball he high school affairs and it there any reason why you have to wait fo n organ n a i ton to promote a public dnc7 hasnt some one a rec room where a group of friends can pliy tome beatta discs buy a carton or two of pop and have an inaxpantiv evening s fun were sorry for these bored kids our only advice it to look around se whats lacking end then el ebet u your churches have audiloiums and your ministers would form young peoples clubs if you showed enthusiasm the y it for med specifically lo assist you in your plans tha park is there for your sports so is tha swimming pool and arena there are out door skating rinks in winter we could go on and on georgetown is uit at dull or lively as you make it but it s you who hav to start the ball rolling not anyone alia leader liked and disliked he dissects indiv iduals points thair faults at timas too frankly while praising where ii merits the readers must however realize that these are only one mans opinions end tubftct lo personal errors and personal preiudicet which take it out of straight history into the field of a political novel the use of names with which we are familiar in our daily naswpapers makes it the more fascinating to thereeder if not to the indivduals portrayed il should ba recommended reading for every canadian tmomtj cw yaotfaataar fou o tfuavr ca4rta4ir see yourself as others see you news desk extras ty tety hariey tin it aid s policy toward uaiijtftd mlati to tw editor la to file lhta id hie wulr baukrt bui v re drtitu frtwi it i hi awk it a from e tmnagrr who uys thr a na- think to tie thr li bfilbini uattcara ar huittd to tka riviere with tb cyo briklfif tbe taatvatotty v erf uow and thm tveu thr sllithlrsl tru tmttfctitrilt w6uld b icrvit- t i ly pprclitd wrv pnnlfd the ifltrr be hartii i causa it no doubt mirror lhel twttkln of a lot of ottvrs lei jjj t tv- iht a- group and w jui rfu thy jul botn irr bappn to hav a prepared re- ipoailb ad ply not our own but ont erd- ilad to a local country judge uied taleralad and themaelvcaj baade tomlorii ao that you could hav every ben- aiit you have tut tigitl to jmrt tbaoi ta bow lo every whin fehd fancy jut beeauee your selfish eo itutead of com woo tint dduinatva your life pcrwtrulity thinking qurtts and demanda in helvrnl h1mi crow up tud ca uoua a bible thought for the week akj naw o am- cj what akall wa uy ah hit tw a liullar such complaint w kava fwuksn iky wbn aome lenra appeirlnl xhsm rtmirkl 1tam t mat ka s 10 befor hlw rompliined of 01 ua thing to do it iind m fc answer is go htnat py umeatba itorw window peiat lleres the letter aug 0 1m4 gear sir i im writing thil letter to eomplain about lark of activities for teenafen u u any wonder that teen- agere walk the stretj or hang ftul in restiurant tlta only eicitemenl we gel is watching a rumble on ualn treat tha eoumunity pool ii too imall to accommodite all the ttemgeri in ceor grtown wben we want to ar a show we hive to go 6ul of town a toronton- lan i was talking to was iwaian lhat a own the size of georgetown hid no show the park ficihtiei ar limited to youngaten or haaaball playra not ev eryone wants to pliy bate ball a tennis court would fit in perfmtly in the winter the arena provide hockey and skat ing hut in tha summer the woodwork rake tba lawn ahowel tba ddwl waah the car wans ta eook atrufe aome floor repair the sink build a boat gat a job help tha minister prlat br rabbi the red crou the sat vatlon army visit tha kick uaiit tha poor study yur leuons and when you ar through and not too tirrd read a good book your parent do not owe you entertainment your city or vil lage do not owe you a living you owe it your time and en ergy and your talents to that no one will be at war in pv arty sick or lonely agile in plain word grow up quit being a ery baby get out of your dream world and devel lop a backbone not with bone and start acting like a man or lady you ar supposed to be ma tur enough to accept same of the reiponslbilluej your pr- enla have carried for year they have uurted protected helped appealed begged ex true reprftianc alone will bring rale it row the strain of life the way back uy be lil 11 bard but ot reward sugar and spice the last surrendfei art ufa m a apadal aaa mr am paitaar alter fuhtuf ta food fifht for fart jaan bad final bwa band i wok d upaai u bi aa a aiataaif ol nuptial v tor yaan aiv wtf and v ary atber aaurlad tn luaaaii via and bat had lam urtad um duahad at idnu tooaa oooiu in of uaa in that xraat and vocation known aa sonl lot a siajk on cm away dusifta tno iwocaafl i and in noabanda of tnuo olhar narpiaa m a diacroai ailaoc our wnpallur indjca tad ooiy by tha rolling of balli hoovoqwardjl socrotly and unanknotuly rboorad him on to miltf hlihu af couata feiubbomoom or n aanify dopoooind on yotis poiot of viw anyway k finally loot tha blunt of kot out of hu dapth or aoomthioa afttf lour dx- of incndibl fortiluda nut truat hw ii didnt w trt ulchad and atah rung a family and oin ihrousb all tha aoarora tnat involved hop ha bnuriod a charaunn widow and wban tha laat vow bad bcn tnkad ba boewna an inauat huiband ulnar and trtndfalhar tha rut of tu o through twenty flva yawi of uhrtiunatad bill to kbjrt that it04 belkbl wll u 1 turtnl out to uy wedding to ma and to uui urn ara jut a big pain id fha ami id rather go to a good funeral ay day bui women axa different tbey take to weddingj live ciu take to kipper there ti aonielblng alnwtet uorbld ab out their faaelnmlion with tnat produetlon whlrb tnoat man eoruider a minor iragltobiedy you ahould have aaan the koaaenae we went through get ting rwedy for thie one i fig ured wed gat dreteed up thine our ahoee buy tha happy couple a crock of scotch or a carving knife and thalf all there war to h wall thai all i did lo pre pare for il but niy old woman ana want ik brue nw la and ont of prnctlcndy dnaa aha la tat nrerlno m ta got the right draaa hat than waa a big thing nar gloma thty nwe ahade ntt the otftaana- thhag nhad of to mat af tha rtg team dy dn raaaaiai man dye- thank goorlnnw i want la my ban fcaatu and than than waa tba gift 1 could here boagtu aoaoetkiaat hatful and aoluhl uka an iraaing board la about twenty mlpulea bulah dnggad ban in and out of tore until fait nn lika doppingn than it and in prloacl 61 howr w nd tt and i t anajty ttaliaod why woaaaal luk wwddlowa a mora firm e all it gtraa thaaa a chnft for cry without aaana ml- voua kid keying uey dad what la atom bawuna about mow- m affarda them tha opportunity of w aoaaa cruy hat they havent anough nerva u wear u ehukh aoroa- aliy and which item wol he carwjaliy aiorod awey in a hat boa until it la thrown away by their gjaoddeughtt oaa day and finally than la that dett- douj aftermath whea it all whan they dont hove ut worry about nwakaup hny ar when tha ahooa come off and the hair ronwa dowa and they enn gat at tha real remloeaa of the wedding tearing t tektera th cfwtimek nun end repute- tlona of u the other women at tha wedding georgebwn herald vh41la by hawj georgetown ontario ww c hukei publtaher carewu aiooueray rvoduction nuperialenrunt terry haruy nrwa uitor juleen bradley aecouolant uae dougua advertlaing wmr urt william ceggla clerk tyolat anse currie huportar peter jonet haotocraphe lealia cllrk dava muting u cllioa j akdentanca jerry leahukky lleuber of tha canadian weekly newapaper aaaociktloa and the ontarl business directory chir0praq0r donald a oay bc appolnttttenu made daily call tu 7ltdl 1 mab lw n ew5 cilois no the t of ik hru lm and iw harley to halton wuklv ouotvatrons hv dr hakrv rlakuy m k hajton e odt lafst column all tha lttma prior to tba flag hav boos cleared tha flag dabatt ha begun and aa ex pected tb couervativa oppo sition anent tha first day nf the renewed debate talking un- oppoaed by any other epeakera one of their main irguamota dpean in ba that thla is not an important laaue if thla la sot and i do not accept their viewpoint then why do cay want to debate it continually ai fax aa taking up the time of pnrttnment we art tiaing op our roceaa time ta atay ben bd dodde the flag laaue the wrote papkk on the oknada penal nn nan baa bet fblm in um hova of consul and i ould nkt jo outlloe tt id aocral inaunne to people in niinnraot in wldowa or- pnana and to duahlad tha oaoafit have to be portable or pcopl who change job and private penalotl plana may continue id provide bene fit ever thee canada venalon plan frujilwhwn level tot principle feature of the an- 1- an earalngareatted pen tion available between agea s3 and to year on ntirement or at age 70 yean whether retired or not 3- tb foisting net nle old aga security pension will also be avauable from 5 to 70 if takao baton 70vcara it will be reduend aporoprlately a lump sum benefit wjl bntd a aat many eaqukiaa jtsto uutdetausnd txmseouen- ee of tb plan it wdl prov in my column as than have be paid when a contributor vr contribimonk are u bnfln in january 104 tbe pmnan will gradually build up loji reach its fun maturity in ip year the contribution will cover the coat of benefit and administration of tb bean hie rate ai contribution will be la pr cent of income up to an income celling of 5000 per year fur an tmployee and tb employer will pay amount a- kerfemployed per- kon will pay the full sb per cenl penalnn an to be 25 per cent of what a man baa been earning pensions being paid will be increased periodic ally if the level of prices rises these has been a great deal of anxiety regwding pen sion buns at present in eiiit- proaiorjw dies amounting to au irons ft monthly retire- mont peiulon it tlam aoo ai a ipacial atlraction at ik roxy on monday and tuat- day in connaclion wtlri rtw movu har twelve wen two lucky thowooari won pruei wiwn tfvmlr ticket tlubi were drawn at inlemiitilon aaonday mn ray webttor won a box ol grocer donalod by iga and latt nlrjhl dannli wrlqhl wai winner of a lurkey from willlltt turkey farm b another of the tenior employee of provincial paper limited l on the retired lilt with jim qoitlnen leaving on penilon the first of ihl month a former council lor mr coitigan had been with provincial line sep tember 1918 f fortune came clota to georgalown thil morning but palled by when mlmlrel romped home lrtrnecnv brldgeihlrt iweepitaket at newmarket england jphn mclaughlin r r 1 llmohouiahad ticket on sunny brae which filled to plat m yiars aoo walter rlcdardlon and gahldd mcgllvray were goof gelown delegate to the fiftieth annual meeting of tha oha al the royal york hotel saturday m wilfrid leach of toroniowa killed on tuesday when the oil truck he was driving turned over in a ditch near town a georgetown tow truck had to be called to raise the chauli from the mans body those responsible for each private plan will be free to decide bow they wish to modty their own plan in plana sjere contributions are high ey may decide not to increase pelotrw intrlbutlons bu to rrj- comment on the canada pen- alon tlan and u nutloasblp uee the private plan contribu- vrlth private plana ition rate accortungiy they fnay chir0praq0r cfu w cerbeh dc ofben dally by aaee llouu calls arranged kryuil 1ia mab u mert cakr wirrvrooo ontaru land survrn 118 uwintilnvlew hrl 1 ireiahtie rm w h carr il p varwwad tk 7no ke ta ttiu dax bevaorments limitio kullder plow hew prop walter peeholok ttalu ar 177mw barragers cleanarsshlrv laundarer tu 74m ii ualn s loo guep vallac1 thompson eral brvraun caurl curb cemmualener t7iel decide to augtneot their pre- slon plsn the csneds pension plan wrlll net take over reserves rent to the growth of private plans an analysis of the ii- 1n counteufi mrhere a pub lic penaldn plan baa been in effect it has not beens deter- alread built up by private plans or remove ipy rights or benefits already acquired toe integration of private plana wltc the canada pension plan is supported of the experience will not be compulsory of other countries nencial affects of the pension plan has concluded that such effects will t be urge this o y walkik ho dou ortomitallt 11 ualn sl s brampton islm7e res tsltems hour k m i i pu tucldky to saturday rviday dim ta 9 p w kvenlng by appointment robl r hamilton oswaenerrlaf 118 uounulnvlew rd s cureul bldg for appointment 877371 massage maurice h mahpr -m- 1 cleaveholme dr 77400 or 07s uouaa tu by arrangojt monuments pollock campbkll designs on fuueuest inspect ouriwork if greenwood cemetery prlonr i7j9 s2 water street north 0 a lt p k a n k pitch ucxnskd auctionatki prompt service pa box ia tk 71864 georgatowa amimal climlc 108 oaalpb street v xavrrs dvm dr r daskln clinic open 8 pjn monj wkd rl jashav t 11 ajn dale bennett latimer laines terrkjtere neilcrmrt bouclas v lattmkji mtxncx r bainks tblaagla 7jl h u1u st georgetown george c hewjon karrbear and avuchw 118 uounuinvuw kd k mcarratsl building caorgotowa tr yjtiii frerjerick a helton tsarrbear and awlkiaar 118 uounulnvlew kd camtsl building ceergatow tr riio he meutdenaa qc barrlslor and solicitor ol mill st georgetown tr 72444 tvansituefbjl barrlarr befknwr maearv dr williams bldgj m alabr k tb t4mi kaplan ont barrtamt and felklter ubniv icapian 118 sovwlrviow aul av carretal buoding 77rj ilycirtiiraja i vti vi