i jf 9 e mail bag says three flag leaves is historical tradition der m editor iwjnfml aatlnael flag tlu faltasat a be of ustereat u e us1 tajatae prariirtiaa v at the raqaeet al m in thraa saaaaa leave coa- a aaa staaa oor loaf wttk our i see vera tw propaeeel ou uaerelare aalacta traaa ear coal af araaa thaas parts which an aateacly ngnaiutln al caaade tab choice al areas was ik reaalt al cacaloaraake slua fabawiai lac rim worte wu sir robert oordee appoloud highly eeattlled area tocu taa wradad h tuw general w c gwthu thla caawall- ue werkiag with the college af araaa broducad formal ca- sudiaa ajinlmimaai which tonv biaa4 hduk beauty wick hi herauk aaality nity years prior 1 ik k vl tar aral victoria is ims iasavad her royal warraat adahhehtag the gnat sail a caaaoe wmka luntalaal tat laaittar aeatif af tferaa banu leaves aa aaa afcam earlier atid v had uia- apaaaraara w fctia ta the kge of frlae edaare lauad aad now braaaericfc thla aa ucalar m lor caaada waa advocated by pttadaal daw aaa at mccul uoiveraity la aa hialiajcai article srrittca la lata tar llrei advocate al the see u sao war principal ccarge ceeei ol queens llae verelly oa nf li talac bui aeal tl rpnanll aalioa wiiih bethlag aew added bag wih be louad u ba soy ud with nudum iredilioaelly aura laacn away la the woc8i al arthur r m uw- our ae rug will bo a i paget the akl iutlortlv oi rugs it will h recognised u ceaadis whereeer u la ftowit joim r aiatkoaob up leeds says school board asb too much in report cuelph soxeel caorgetowa onurlo augiul 17 ladt tw editor la georgetown herald dear air uay we avail ourselves of yaur colurah to coauaedl taa import si the avast rrceat aaeetlaa of tba high school baardt tar ceorgalowo ller- aid aeguet 13 144 u would appear tbat ux kj aualatratlod al lb ilub school b to follow tb uax al mod ara ali tkialaeaa kod roacnl- trau oa elmbarau farnu gyapbj reporu otr wllkaut orw mut retard for lbe tnd araduct if ulj u ao tbsd it waold ucbt ibat buaiona admlnwrlor would b brltrt aullad to ua poallloa of ma- eiaal ratbr lbm aa odueatw to me iroaa tbe repru broulbt borne by- tie atudiou n a tbe information ajuaatad u obelouely avaluue to bring tbla all tsgur lo report fond u work for au i atflce ufl aot a principal 1 in addllloei tbe ubuj re quired to wt up auch luadwrltteil reports would yy drmlltlly tut into tbe tlaaa of imaclpal and staff already extremely buay with actual uarklng aad tbe mulll tuda of aalrarurrlcular tttlv- itiea underuken we abould kaqulre- if tbla uformation la for tbe eonft- cloatla ute of tbe board to improve tbe running of tbe arkool or if it u to enable a board member to aaawer tu tu queetioai aa ta tbe pro- greea of a atudenlt rurtber tbe auueauon tbat a montbly report of tbe uatb- eev prugreal etc be dvett would indicate tbat tbe board doable tbe ability ud com poteace of lie suff an alti tude of big brotbef ll weteb- lag you u bardlly conducive to tbe alnuepbere neeeaaary in any educational eetabuab- eaent- befuctlooa on tbe mm- jately reflectionj on tbe board reapoeulble for tbe blrlng r auch ataff it la aurprulni to find at naotiod aucb aa this aupported by loilgatandlng uembert tl tbe board under tbtu clrcurutaneea it would beboove ui all to glee a little more aupport to- tbe principal and suff of our high school ratber uuu undermine their aundlrtg and confidence by aubjectuut tbem lo tbla itlad ol croeaeaamlnatlon thanking you dear air for your courteay we are youra moat aincerely ur and ilri e j smith feeder krililuil sez hearlfj airj in wurtjj 14 kditb ureal georgetown oat aug 1mb 1mb dere mk beaa my ole p allweyauie to tel mk ud be aed fon we tpebt a beep al time dmgb aendln ta akul fr tbeae to yra and u abud bep other peepel not to luky ee ua with tbar reedln it rilun when u can now ur b 1 teed aura wurde id yur pa- per wbeb dont look aa the they wu rlt rite to lie a weak or 2 bk in yur paprr wu i word icb 1 alnt never aeed bfor 11 wu ou yur eddllorial page l u apld it pleaulude i link now 1 dun a lot of reedln aioce i weal to dat dcre akul and i never run inloa tbat 1 bfor it ka like its baf way btwen punty li plrdtituuc wlcb i aeen lbce id a buk ired kiiy way i no wen u try t do sum erou bredin of anluula down bore on the farm u get sum awful qucr rults 4 mabbe you dua the aame wit wurds sure got a funy 1 beer ur b but wkel paper bad sum gud wurde id it id but aunt of i aint uj rile tbe way my au abowd me stlkc alnt bu bad no akulin but abet uurt v abe uya tbat wurd presently which 1 teen 23 hii on yr fnint page fdesns bynby or afler wile not now the way u guys us it now mr bean my us 1 pa aint to bepple about tbe idee af changing flags frum tbe gud ole iaglisb one we hav t it looks like the way tbe papers arc doln lbs ingllib lang wtdge la going down the oraya to 1 bop u kid bep this yrs truely wilk wuion ambulance calls the georgetown volunteer abuladce service had three csiluul the week aitartlng aug uat i lo j5 fsunday august b 130 pw a normal txaasnortatioa ftoni tbronlo oeneral hoaplul ta caorgclowq hospital jwedncaday august t- 353 aifw q mrgnyy run frm gullnafad to toronto general impltal 1 hturday august ib wfl im ap emergencytun frdoi rsiluhafad is oeorgetown hoi hiatal- w rosedale jeloral fl owers for all occasions pocuhv cut flower arvd funeral designs va wins flowore n aasarl tt 71w heat your howe itoaicatmh rhthompson v hardware ptummino a hiatihol tat 7w1 if hot completely satisfied 1th any fresh meat you buy trom pllcix kffectlvc aug 19 2021 2z special leah loin pork roasts avikaval speclau imported w lamb basket w 2 1 sptcial heat la tbe aaa kaay la 3 mjatrios a s cobned beef 3 69 special loilaws country style m eg pdbe pobk sausage 49 see the fine selection of loblaw pbotet beef cuts available all deliciously tendek e elavoujiful niagara baiio draver nukaliu pemikoitse all coatrutuy isouauu 1 kasv yd cahv1 wioti tiuta ar m the childrens favourite delicious treat seedless grapes pounds from california no 1 grade sweet juicy 2 39- bartlett pears rtom washington no 1 grade plums garden taeshi ontawo growni greentop carrots 7 43 sin ousbt ia ikgav box easw aaa j iunchis j5 servltk ijuko every 0ay1 wonderfut uuktfon of ontario grown salad ingredients i now in abundant supmy new lucky catalogue now available visit loblaws tea coffee booth food products ruilmrm canadian national exhibition toronto aug 21 to spf 7 av e caa 1 umlaws pkioi of arabia cintl iar rid laml tea j wlrb lortaws famous ma dura caki aaly 10 we wuj racelva ceoaefl ved al e u leabnv atere ear be n u c j v aaaar- stampa waaayeu aurh1 bii t avildb ob aaabia corpbb e loblaws bsd labbl tia baa lucky saabm eeh la the cmb faedrraglktarellelnbi slecuu hostess biscuits custard squares 29 special aylmer choice halves eg assea9 bartlett pears 2 69 special raspbcrry ar strawiduty dfl- aavaasi e d smiths pure jams 2 71 sfeqal heinz fancy dj dfl tomato juice 2 59 sfeciau heinz sweet mixed pickles 53 smclaufoncymwiuaisrchill special cereal i peas 5 53 rice chex2 39- spioalt loilavys ooldax a jpiciali loilaws kttchih prid ati aw inuu tuauira wuw blueberry pie 59c layer cake jptaaufroiln old south orange juice spicul loilaws madeira cake r avail ana im wort oitwa ft 2 husk