Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1964, p. 6

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stewarttowrr couple have aa ete of 1 3 examinations lmcf joae ibotd mc amd mju j j atkimion liewertlown reaidrbts far tea year end before that market gardeners at ulington mr aad un j j alklnmu held open houae wednrwtay aug bat s 11 wu their fifllrlh wed dintf anniversary noma eisty nljtitxmr ad otter frlende called during the day to xlnd congratulations in the evening there waa a family dinner party of the or filial wedding party lira at ainaoas slater mrs llartitj wu jobnstod of toronto gueel oa wedaeaday ur and mr alwuaon were married in ulington united church their two sona klino and ceorge are operating i tarn near their parenla honte which ia the fanner laweoa home on the hill overlooking ihe slewgillown pond they alao have lour grandchildren ituth daughter uf ktmo and itoslya andrew and noreen fhlldren of george tte rfayifca u grade u etudes atkimton jeaaee english ceeaapeeluee c history nl loolocy c atkimtom madi kagliaej cocepoailioa o engtieb lit erature m hietory i botany c eeakegj hj leila aulb era c latin caen position 111 preach authors u kreneb composition a ami cerate a kmlih catcnpoeition c srencb auth or cj french cnopotioo c ull tlckaed fcngliah com poeltloa id fcnillb liter tuee c algebra c cewm try c trigonometry 1 iku lice ii physics hi chemistry c kib authors ii kreoib cctaepoeilloo c ooth deuj gllih com position 111 i caldk ouu knglub literature c camtlord kewrl algwa 11 ceoimtry hi yrlaoooo try sv malice ui rhlj chemlalry iii syeorej authors c rveoeb cubtpoai tlod c in author c latin compo aition c krencb author c freneb pampas ition iii avramaaa deld kjiglish composition iii aubrj c creoeeetry c trigonometry c cnemliuy c kidotoee jeehi english com position c kjtglrsh litera ture c alfebrs c kachmam dieter koglieh composition i knglik ut ratuee iu irvrortry c oennab ablhofi i german comjmallioo i hatl jerry alfehra c trl loooamet it statlra c hot any 111 cbemury hi mamiltoee avury talh ulerature ii alfrbra i ouielry lit ttiiooouietjy 1 statin i haiee 111 cheui ltry c tmuiv can enllavamoirv0ot horry en comdoaitioo 1 etuluali ljur- uir c hialory c bounyl iii zoology iii ijtin aulb i on c latia cimpo c vreneb auuort 111 vreoebl c4aldpoailjoo ul i quack imtuhm loalae ka- cbaki coanonaitwm c kngllab aypiu gnaaal literature c hutory c hot any c zoology ii unoci u tn con p c ynt iji iii botany ii zoolujty ii kicnrb omp c c ovemlitry c kreorh auth ore c- vreorb coniooajtion c thsomatottowm hmalo tkoradey aoajvallt 1n4 pack 6 wr-natimaai- bloty laafuaj of canada warna rreryoaa to read toe label on tbo audidna botua to elinunau ria of ao- ddaaully ukiauj tan wroaf irm aibold kaaiaiikalln un tl of cawada 47 lwd bjtaioton 1mitr jh altewa iii cemiietry t trigiiufjinrtry i stalin c lktany 111 zoul oy 111 clieouajry 111 aiiaa cmpoaltton id knf- uah literature nl tuatary 1 botany iu zoology c latia aulbura c latin coaapoal tioa c rraoeb autbon c yreiurb coaapoaitloa c enihaa com- poaiuoo 111 kaguab lilexa- j tuee c algebra iu ceoaa- etry ju trigonometry l sue tira i 1hyaira 11 kreoab auj thora c kreiteb cooapoattion c i iilio clrl huory c ko uny iii zoology iu yveoch author v kreocb coaapoal tlon hi germed author c teriuad compoaitlod c raivatg tyudy candidate the key to i carefree vacatkw mmfctrmhi 1ae mvaattaaa ef la aenaea oe tka laha oatr jranaarf laaaa m aapara i bi aaai ill l vaaaa- ttoa aellkaeal li haylock melu kng coup iii aljln ii atolll u trig l sutlra c lburi iii che in 11 kidniy tuvu hit u c ratle 2 atudenl yott je4 ktltillh ctri kiliun i khtfih ijtrtlirt v aliebr c mht7 ll l l trlsanutiaflry l stjtwt ui couhchitni lhynf c cbeiiaiitry iu krenrh authurt ii krnrh kaillv tttlph kiultih coii vumiiy wk ya jlau afcour cm wr ur tartoiutau at low iwjr uru llolihyt cakh arv ljiihh cum tnuoitiua c knxliih utera iurc alful ieonetrry iu tnfoiitkitry 1 sutir coni position c hi ztwpoiato dairy farms are visited by halton farmers l fcturf ii ihilory c 1jlln autbo ii utih conipafcl tion 111 kfab aulhoi french tomiwjiiloq 1 fer hinwhiti ami uvtttortb i ujutalinii tltey aud uw mm aulbora ii rrman count wa th lorlian fur bulk irufki for waving housskkd rnawcc 4 oooao ttrajejt eanitalaphom 4j71oj0 the le organist choir leader attend music workshop urt- hirom injjlu 6ranu t glen williami united cburrh and ura john hunter choir director at the aame rliurrl wer among lb church orianiala ekoir director and toiautera who regiitereri wed taejdiy august 12th for the fourth annual church uuiic wwiiikop held lait week at the uaivefiity ol waterloo the pirtltipanti came icon all over ontario the workshop which began m i oneday mgal three years d wai npsndrd thla yvar to m fulwlmtged three day m re idenr herttlriar special evenla iht yrtr ineludod a panel dn- ruaaioh thunday evening and ii model worship trrvice fri day tveninf w auatin c leovelare min ister of mutic at chrnt church methodit nt york ciy con dtithfd fcatuiona on anthma tad hyuin don ualin rompo- mf arranger and educational director of llilla muiic new york waj in charge of the youth and junior choir tenioni john s uclntoih head of the organ and theory department f thi coluge of muiic uni versity of weatern ontario lsoooti conducted the orgjo oaalon thii la the firit year that organ wiutia have been held on eittpui in connection with the workshop cakyih ju kngluh campoaltlon i fiigllih lit tniufi i history i ijlin i auliwa i latm cmnmti- tion i french author i i krtacb chiipojtl4i 1 er- uih au4hord 1 german coot twitiw i i limz lu french on c pipes reels it party for scottish visitors the akirt of the pipea and th sound of hrty laughter could be heard ot the home of ur and urs george calder 5 srjjrot road wheo ley held agthnatf of thi cu prly to hotuhir thfi sctiltuh gtita from overseai on saturday ev jtning auguat ftth ilia aimer cat hit fraur and brother ro bert and an aunt urt ioul uccallum are here vlalting vl i even htemben of the tla weri ipreaenl along with friettdi fro own three srota from buffalo and nine from oakvilla j alex catder played the pipea during the aupper period and alto for ihe dancing of the lively scottish reels all of ihe guests took their turn at enter taining and the result was a gay happy occasion nig chief running walrr use mcdon ough presented the three guests with gifla on behalf of the calder clan clak lhvsica grade ix aludit clauk tt kngluh com position c english uteri tur ui history c zoogy u baulk wey history u botany c zoology i 1alin autbora c itln compoii- hoh c krench authon c freoeh compoaition c tvani lury knglish comp ii knglii ulerature ii hit tory 1 tlotatiy i 7oology i latin author hi latin com tasltlob iii french authors 11 french crnnpoaihon 11 fahmill carroll fng com poauion ii kngluh litera ture c zoology c cimlay jajut thysict i grad 12 alutient pocal rjburf fjglish com wilt ion ii knglish utera lure c history ii chway aiuih fjiglnh coin poii tioa 11 kngliah ul oritur c algebra c trig no me try statics c che utatry c french authors ii french composition ii ger man authors i german com position i clocklinc l fng liih compoaition u liigriutj ijtmture ii history c ul potatoes iroia the flld u the j parking area a grading and packing machine also was in operation th marshall farmi had tuo large storage houes i where potatoes were stored in lulk during the winlrr the farm also produrda forty tuttu isnd twiies sfrrwfarrl da ly at the height of their seal on a dairy farm was the kent this yeara halton county 4 11 bus trip on wednesday august aul i5lh maty 411 club jbteinbera from halton were shown pointa llkwullym uark knglish of intcrnt tn wentworth coun- compoiiuon ii kngluh utera- ty by kk klmer uck assist lure i algebra i geometry ant agricultural kepretrntj- i trigonooelry t matics i live for wenlwortw lhynci i chemistry i kr the club members travelled authors i french cotnpoti- from uilton tq hamilton and t j visited the hamilton district cattle brredefs association uallafcow brls knglish u freeman manager i stop joe 1oewlth and compksllion h knglish ut- roaiducttrd a lour of the barns harry fsre a uftd squeeze ersture c algebra i genm fc lab i problem snd are attempting to etry i trigonometry 1 stt ijter a visit was made to make the best us of th avail irs i phytic i chemistry ihordens dairy in hamilton able land they have using a french authors cj roch witfc the tiles managrr as all tern of minimum pasture j composition c guide they were shown the j they feed hay lag to lhlr herd u nilim hdjrf vnelith procets in the plant of 100 ciltle during th ww ucuea8ik ft sale manager alto gave mer months and rahll their two composition ii kngluh ul- ujk nn wnif o h ijrob i tlloi wlth rorb for wlht lemi that faced the rirm ml the third cutting of alfalfa laout and marketing of is now over is inchea tall- mr milk while ripanding their loewith riplained b vit aim operations ling for production of i ion of author c latin cohiposi lion ii french awlhor ul l french com po i ion ii ger man author 111 composition c ivuwally dvld compotition c student the j hay per acre and 40 ton of all age per acre iowith have installed a new milking par- lour complete with piflur win i dowa for milking m h4d of i cattle the trip was concluded withi a viilt to the area between j refers and clapplsona corners which was hardest hit by army j a corn field waj t i hers visited a field where aaniinni and a diligent search giant sue potato dlgcer was yielde several specimens during the lunch hour wr 14h urnitiert went on a crime knglish of hamilton bty while having grade 12 lunch they were able to tee some of the tights or hamilton hagmun dvu- knglish vng lunulon in the composition kngluh ut- fun vuw erture c hllory i eom firm firm etry 111 trigonometry 1 s la- wlf m sr0 ur i ilotany i zoology ii uj th vorw french aulhora c rench lull ji composition c noblk aka larraln fjg luh compotition ii kneliah ulerature c history i hot- any i zoology i iatin auth or c latin composition c french author c french compoaition iii payn1 uuktal knglith u terature c algehra hi geo metry iii trigonometry it stalin c physica c chem isty iii french authors c french composition c report from ii n seminar prominent indian ladies discuss their peoples problems li davtdkon nancy hunur calendar of halton agricultural events thura aug 20lh llalton hlamwl by the apokeiman for j 4 11 beef calf club regular the deathi which have oeeur- ueeling iat 1alleraona karinre1 at two halton countyl thura aug 20 halton farm karma 1 safety council itegular meet j the growth of alfalfa during ing agricultural office the pail few weekl hla been hon aug 3lh ii tractor very rapid according to ihe he club regular meeting dalri partmrnt due to the high rain arm machinery shop tue aug 2slh 4 11 grain potato meeting regular meet ing agricultural office milton weil aug 26th coaching night for cn k judging sam pie cnk competition agri cultural office milton thura aug 27th arlon 4 11 crain club regular ueeling calvin allkena farm mon aug 3jil 411 corn tiuht rygular wertltikan eultural office millon of tka tupoart f the uul ln club w had the awlvluoa af attendlnajthe uj4 aaivtlnar al the treneva fartr ymcacnd al lake cautttlchlnt tealh ef ue were daaaaa itnpraaa by wnet laamehj thefe and we wbuv la aeiara ihla anerienea aflhi yau the faljowlnd la mae fourth hi a aarlea af r tlcmaa ketod an the dlffaraol a4ca that we dlaeuaawl there la there all indian problem often we tend tn overlook the indiana altuallon lately how atrar nublielty eoncerninjf in dlane is lncreaalng through the etyoria oflauch people ai mlaa kahttrtineta loriaan lndlati rjm the mohawlc reservation f caulpnawaga and known lzj0t bta dytumle apeechea and st brant mon tur who deaendjnt oi the unciileil jxiaeph jrho ia also u aa- itajtu hlatory an if we were heir these kfjifcml their pople at ihe geneva park conference thi summer i think that the socalled indian problem la caused by the indians fear of losing hli homlaiitl a fear of having his culture die out and a feeling that heimuat bo ashamed of bing an indian the indiana hayloat mueii of theli land to the while man already ttielr population la increasing rapjdly yet they will alill have the aame amouht of land in a few year ai the intjiati affair branch of ihe govern ment alma at integration tttany fear that the old culture wilt gradually die the feeling of khamektemi f rbn the fact thai ttidlank are often dlacrlm lnjiud against especially in job opportunities mlaa kahntlneta horn put forth her aolutlon to the prol- leu she a la ted that people get hhe wrong impression of indiana from hlatory booka and television they are not the lavage inhuman beast with bowg and arrow ilaughtertng the white man that we ao of ten ie oq bur tv screens mlaa hnrav how rfeei claim tlhatlndlanaaje differ tnt they have their own con ception of monty lime at- cohol and law mlaa horn therefore believes that aegre- gauou la the only answer and ahe ha mad a threepoint plan o 1 defetid tls indian land 2 unite the indiana uti- dec one constitution and s educate and train the indian she aoya that t the rnomeat indunj muitpupup with the government fabulous coin mlaalona and in return get nothing but rotten land deala and beauty con teat mr monturedoe not aland for segregation ot her peftpte but jibe al least wanta rocog- nltlon she attacked the tnla- conceptlom of indiana arising from tv and book children learn how the indiana planted com and aet up tepeel but they do not learn of the hem ocracy indiana had yean be fore the while man hrrlved in- dlan language- and coalumea haves influenced ouf xtti aer much that the indian and eur opean cultufoa cannot be pep rated in canada the indiana used to thejr own culture on the reaervm no find it very difficult qdjliit16itlr fast moving business society arriving in the city- an indian feel a vast lonllneu just as anyone from the country eic- pe hence a in the city he has lack of skills ior city life he learns a trad 7 in achnol but atill milst us taught such convention as being on tlm the indian also has the inner problem of adjusting to our aoclety to often he ia ever- whelmed by theae sudden change and returns tn the re serve in fear and panic what can we do to help nut first of all we ahould learn about the canadian indian to day and aee that the correct information 1 put into our children history bookstand on television the government has promised the indian more re forms because preaent aid la inadequate so far they have failed to carry out their pledge and thev need a little public urging finally w should not discriminate against indians they have droved that they are our equals whjsn glventhe same opportunities let us not be the ones that deny our now cituens these opporlun- iejr alfalfa bloat causes death of ten steers ten ateera have died from i bloat in halton county in thi past week according to a spokesman for the department of agricultural heavy alfalfa feeding wai fall and warm weather the spokesman said that be cause of this situation alfalfa has a higher bloat potential he said that if the wt warm weather continues there la a very real danger that wore animals will be affected v sm iit tue j th iurvuufm jwfah tot frue- wkly uk uyld t be oj with kril w h uum u v bill cstl votm uvdito w a owuj georgetown hydro vtfmm halyon cqomfcative medical care plan an doctor call paid from llrtt villi en malar medical a lya teat health examinations 0 all surgical oparatloaa 0 aiuealhetlet serylcas imhoyh okouk regardless of lire you may anioll at any lime of tka yasr katis oply 1050 per month family 500 single payabls quarterly orannually phalton coif medical s1rvick z i ok 47 milton tel s78v7u i i rlaasaaand ma infomiallon no obllgallon i name i abdress rj auc21t0sept7t0r0mt0 not open sundays 3m ntan mmm canadian national exhibition wok toldhi tvtka cnc iumk a ii bmfcl ia hats uailaed kwa seal teieaf see thi tirj teiow laamitea le neala m ceeade hint moitv imowbitpleyi aad luwlilatl al 1 wht haaawal ia ike cawal lkb11 kwakag ltlationl 111 jhow- sulauilj aeielwl atpuy laem aakausall sept 7 i j air skew s iis cat lavm vatke giweal aaew aa u ilea al tie walainal rtthioh smowtlwy kwi yea ua ww ike uad t n ia hw ail eeadtliemdlkaajiaattkt qoeae ulabila fcwumg ckttlismwjiiu5twiuikiwwilrfwww wl betlle ike 32mile lake detaiie teniae iiom 1wt iw neoaaar si calkaiiaei la tki cn walailieal skwt ia ike aolaiaari al the taak kee opaemi day au 21 listen bide vmii tltktt iii foi ivtwiia slllllmiillb tpfc- ylculilt 1i0uhd tmc wohltt ih 1st tvfmllo- a lack carier aee dublie boia wpl- 0a star m ikia yearl maa edrawagaaia uhitcb itttet nvv hhdlka euiutl imad slaam heef kead pailoimi twee aeily at ike che taadskah laugh ultktyjtnuit jtlailmdlcuiom mawitt hjl-ntl- uxiil uellm aed kw hieooa ia taliaersurtrtwhiils skew al ka ciaadilaad aug j i sl v t ulletnbthtir of midwtvltl ike midi oelilkl aveiy uap ol ike way ay vat laagmor aad learn eimlda in mctuittlrke limy al sail aad panel lain aad adeaeliaal saaaaled by ike nalidaal hu boaid el canada atlklne huseumsaecaaadatlel uiiagkidwyieoilaed aad aeaaarad ia this laiaaikable baildiag li 1cies of ietlelttllu wealyhhie imew sea kaol h laitat kgnuiltwal ditplay la be tend aaykkeie ia ike mild j0mi mtll of f1ue amd hocw hul of fauta leaoade csueuioa ef aauveoui aad menwnlm iim ike wik el itoilt 1iued fouces oimya keel wide elklbil wkeie yea tea laera emu abut cadl tteved tones enjoy eytem iivimc tentila juwoious lalliag lot iii ibafa bate h ihtettmatiomal jhopptlir ahlttke ten and seat wiee jl couotnes dnplay ikeil waiei antique no cusyou cam can af ytalsriay today and lomwio it ike gleamiag malar skew eipecijiu to women ttwjlllmj2 noma lomivkiegj ails ad cialtt lailw akows naakiog acaceta aad neaat spotsctviyiejtry day bu usee sewts eyaal at tk be a band to lea tecoids biokea the nayional h01je smowchaaiplcas aareaasad l mh lbs hone show lo vie tor raveled eweida fmlp vm mtffff cenera dssoi ahltvlss wiw ivm

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