Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 1

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tr f adstaatpev few w rrn hmm fa georgetown herald 7ie home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing the will rest e aeace te7 ocrwrewj law besei i tmm hi wk o ot tlstweslay aeejsil xt 1m4 twn seawjl cane prism tea ceo provinces 10000 aids arena finances georgetown group planning dick whittington pantomime georgetown citizens band seek honours at exhibition tbaraday cttiienj bud will i ttylttf to betid tfcair rxoel- bowing at th canadian kxhiuuom twy frla- t mcootj uit tr in a troop comjwthloo u ked ihu aknoaa tba nib bands ia claa s r dlhi winner last trctttm rcak acton babhuviiu port lrte clinton and caiapbelwllle twelve yearold cut yoaauas th rvnotuwi chrutmm pntgotlb will become a fmh after alt a local cesorgrlowii croup have fontiod glob ttndiirtlcuu and bav booked la hl cumpoaka hbol audltorlutd fof fch afternoon whlttlngdoji he loo sbulukly wealthy ccff u ifh has been cbu4rtl to prwducv uui firt panto biirw ami lhiu mkher wnl dlrt a h y o u lnlw rird ltly piug for commission building improvements get government aid i to run town parks a local boird whkb bc n after csorgetuwri would ud evening tcrfofmrw on hw tk7 tot or tk74078 tuuiaa uy th loth of d cabr and averting trfor- l nilka llkmif aiw wi wtdtwey soth and nur 3uditiiu tuturday 2nd according to bid vngliah tradition all patoutaliiie are ptmud during the wk be twti christmas and new year to introduca the pantonilne to tbla area they hsve cbown tb uu of dirk whmutfctoh and hla eat dick u a poor or phkn boy wbo upon hearing tb klrls of london art pav d witb gold hus himself there toly to b confronted with all th difficult attendant upon fairy uu before ha becomes tbrif lord uayor of london lowvrr th fairy uu hai worn batia in fact thr ww j hicjiard whlttlnxton lord rest safety slogan svntu mtriii were rrl ved by ui a h coulter 1 ret ideal of the farm bjtvty coun ctl in the county firm tafrty job in content tis winning aloitan is to b ufcfd lo publiriie hafety in hilton at th htt iiiaetlng of the hal ton vann bafty lounnl bld on 1hurtdy auuit 20th at the airirullurtl ofiire u 1 ton the ulrwtori cho lb aloitan luhwitted by jjtitt nurw riiz georgetown janet kulci maxi vakm tacity y6uk camilyi apcair ttie runnrraup wre ai fol w urced by cr bill buiith atj a j10o0o rdt from th wa hd out u the i and uoiulayi tuupcil taeeliii umvinclal iparttnedt of arl unoufcl o into the triiral tv tlw iiwrd of iarli yn wm h ti th aactiieitt 1 bilantiirl it he wm fctruma y opuoj by ll only to look aftr ifc cf lkard of lki hhott bo auna h aald hedenlj ar alanakement and overborn a t u tltr tunfud by th nam and x deficit which wi pointed out 1h arena am upttkirri hvs tt that it abo ii in fharteun ui 10d3 auditoi report juwm tf parki in th rt u0 0o0 at the if tbiy hadn t lrn imp ov cr bmith uld th town l i w ordfr fd wr woull t have th worka itaff cannot adwjuately u u u uf uunicipal grant he uil harvdl parkj waintenanc ml bink loan council ikfhl ant anlv th b would create aeparale over th drfirit hut ainc ma or v td anliit i vt g boly iimilar to ilia cemrtery 1 l normal town grant to ih 10 000 to thr deficit and library bord ilonday lhn the board rhuppd i10000q0 from th debt and tbta provln uhour pay 1 wek nit ij n rwlucm u sptrmbr 7th back to school monday mayor gim6n ar ttie hord i etltlrd to a one mill grant ei4i year ar hrrv kdjait ii th nrw baanl will remv th own trva irv irlv in ti new ye tuihi in council that th rhiu from it 1644 ftrant t memories span 90 years moves to piclon lions for this georgetown lady fce john mallhiei play ku uriuna born dur1n i h th an intemlv pracllc uulon prior to th band a trip to tor onto ptr joni pholoa mayor of london not thrirlowi 2nd touglai ganiboui but four time bttwetn 1307uillon it k 3 3rd viri jai uui 1410 uckay cforgatowo u h 3 4th whil he doi not tetn to uariret hunter burlington hard rr1 5th nuon vomenj in dick ttilul burlington titl pa of th legendary lay finalize centennial reject plans on monday ceonauwma enuaalal tro- knay b fioaliaml but hon or bui smith t blr lbfft eettunial commit tx council tatb tovefc that ha to kav a rcomjnbda by then 4 town kaj bo dkkring tba united churtb of ca for purrdaam ttf uut cd- scbool property which creata lag acraja public park u lha tnlr pari of tb land with aoua 10 acre going to uw tows deputy tuv hunter hai op- poal tb purchaa front tba tirt bd alaoday ba told court ell ba baa another cntnnlil tdaa ba would uka them to con- aider ha gav no daulla to go into a larg dbntur debt to buy cedrval la foollab and 1 f4l tba government won t allow ua to uiue debenture far it ba aakl alayor gibbon taid it would town tbare u a possibility b a uiafortuna u gaorgetown tba cburch might retain doaa not becoua ownar of use property set claude picket farm ifor junior plowing match jr mokutf htuh uvm silurdky sepuubr uui at tin ura at clml pi garclown ft r x hbt oontetslm ii wot kivihlnl uup rnmntllnn nj l i of twenty on uy nov- lit wlu wlv coithlm om taaralof ud will mm uulr puwl in tht jtotri u to b tent in to tk xtrimlluril otilw ulllon by setrabtr tliu alio to b lxia oa tt tfter- noon of tbij utlcb u a safa driving competition potiior- d by tb halloa farm safety on eontektaktt from each 4lt and junior lirur club vluw aakad u driva a tractor and ktcon thrttufh an otitida mktrsa and aiutoer varloua iala- ty uuuiei orval s bill alexander canada 4her fop loitu alexander norral k h 1 18 baa voo uui highat i or iu member in ca bill waa aelectcd aa on ontario deletatti to too national 4il club aa aalacted u tba ran- rra for balton county tba u laadenhlp weak at thai oac durinf july to lttk at uua line the repreaantiiieva from eacb is odx are interviewed ebaaldcreel ior any tripa or to be made tlaere are delfialne selected from at to attend the national ooll conference rqmajioae ewed at h uadenblp they are eajected on the at iieiuclpetefl in ltter cbrapelition tn coaununl- cthtlea and ainliuea of natieaal 4b cbibcca i is bald jnea hoirember lllb to 1mb tklrlni thu week deltialei from frovlneea acrbaa canada attend the iteyal arl- cultural winter fair in toroa to they alao vuit ottawa mee- usa toe corcroorceneril and touring polnti of interest u the capital biu alexander u aa active 4h ctub alember la llalton now in huaeventh year aa a an he will have comple ted h projecta by achievement day ba baa alao participated ui vi interclub compeultloae at the oac on two oc he wai eelected aa the reoreaenta- uve or ualton county on the junior rarner united nationa tbor laat year bill la current ly working with hia father mac alexander oa tbeh jeraey arm near norval aa part owner of the arm herd be and ha la ther anbar cattle at ive local aira a well aa at the cnk tar fair meanwhile the county mua- aum board would ba interested la having georgetown appor tion tie x00 per capita govern uent grant for that group if tba town doe not proceed the board will be informed that if tba cedarvale propotal alia through georgetown tuu inteada to uia the granti of fered for a local project raiders return to 0ha join ft erieparis loop afur e him fa vfoaa ceargetown ttaldcfi r re turning to ontario hockey ai- aoclation competition tbii fall raider have entered an in termediate a grouping which meeting beit monday augwt si in the arena roe room and la eiklng every lntereitfj pr- aon to attend and help liy plana for the aeaaon a tuccei- ul hockey club neexli many worken kveryon who iup teama them with an entirely porti the ralden ii aaked to hew aet of towns dundas tl attend mlra preston fort krle heal last season ualdrra were leper and piris will be the ousted by orsngeillle in the competition for tba 1d844u finalt they played with mlt iturn lion fergus aclon chellen the club la holding a pub ic ham and tiara in the grouping georgetown arts crafts drawing attention at c n e tha booth featurinptru and erafu exhibit of tha local handicraft orfanliatlott li el una a fraat deal of attntlm frtttj v uit or j to tba canadian hillonal exhibition tbii k uamurt of lb xxis 4 crafu aiaoclatioa of gmttatowai ara utbly tlated at tba reiponia to tbalr ahow and tba numb oi anquiriei about tba virlou erafta sown tba avhiblt and copper work all typ jewellery pottery copper- wort and an fevblblt of ji saw puxilaa od chlltlrtni oriadnal stuffed toys tba group was one of s iimi tad number invited to exhib t at tba cne tfaetr axbjblt u lo tba central exhibits bldj aad tbey ara tnoro than pleased with tba advsne interest and i enouirea lo tbclr annual octo- bar sale and kxblbll mrs robert lane 90 years a resident of limesiouss i a town resident for all but mr cibbens in ibm who sold one of her ninety yesrs ilrt j j glbbeni 20 luelph street ia receiving congratulitions fol lowing her birthday this month bertha deuchter of mr anif mra james scott waa bom on stiver drive when it was knovsn aa papermill uoad she married pigs trador destroyed in peacotk barn fire over tiplga s00 balea of bay and atraw and a farm tree tor were deatroyed whea the barn on the anthony via dam farm on wacock elderoed went p in lamea laat wedneaday afternoon actoa and bin ireflglitera combined forcea to pump wat r na the mine and protect nearby bolldiaga georgetown tire department waa also call ed to the scene but the arm bt outalde georgetowns area end their eervlcee were not fall alk comimo with torontee cne in full raring geotsetown people are etarung to think of the local fair jaalea this year are october and the hoyal agriniltural win- 1 vi n perfect time lor tba mr bobert lane fannnr catberin scntt u s feiss event hooae celebrated bar 0tb birthday oa august mb when she waa entertained by mem ber of her family at the hone of her daughter mr harvey morton linuhouae it had been planned that the celebra tion would be at a family- din ner party at spot on 1 but un fortunately mr lane waa not well enough 16 attend mr lane waa bernxoths mb line on the farm now own ed by mr and atnix a berg jm- tj on august tth 1871 the daagnter of mr and mr at th old tth line acbool she waa nuurled in 1403 to hobert tan their children are artb ur of toronto mra ted mor row toronto mrs harvey nor on limebouse and bobert bob of georgetown mrs lane baa always been busy peraoil and la still able to do her wn h and work in her garden for many year ah wea a successful competitor in the fair in the sister here learns of mine disaster death his bake shop the next jr they spent the next year in walkerton in s similar builneu returned to georgetown and op ened another hakeivip in what li now the herald building lx ter ur glbbeni operated a gro cery store st the main wcsleyxn corner tsey have one son ed of cal lander and two grandsons re- lf and john urs glbbenj did her own housework and worked in her tirden until she broke hrr hip a fall five years ajjo she ami a loeal ldy airs john lur s it river drive auffered a tragic lou in a well pubuciied hnulwtrinnrot i ihr aramfjrr frm the cw present home on the hubwsy hospital to hrampton sine 1015 hospital thirty lloni club members and their wive attended a go ing away party at the home r lion luke hoi irhaud likt wonlh to honour deprv lion john milthlm and h a wife shirley ur uatthiea hn been a tttmber of the club alnee ba ee to town elfiht years aao aa an employee of varian as relates taking with them a gift frntu the club the couple moved tt net where mr uattbl will teacb high school howevri be plana to rrturn coolm with weatern onlia to watch tbe lions club spotl- gored cbuekwagon races in tm park plember 12th thaat the sam chiirwawi whe y acclaimed at the calgary latn pd ambulance calls thj ciorsetown volunfr antmlance service had six calls in the week starting aug tut 18 to 21 himtiy aucuit 16 t m pm a normal transportatloa transfer from georgetown ho pitsl to st ulehaels hospital la toronto tuesdsy aucuit 18 im a m an emergency run a hlvh- wsy accident lo the george town hospital wednesday august 10 8 sd a m an emercencv run it was an industrial accident to the georgetown hospital tuewlsy august 18 m am an emerfienev run to the georgetown hospital thursday autust 20 0 of om a normal transportation to the gtsirgetown hosnltsl friday august 21 tuft am a normal transportation er donald yaworski was one of lha two men killed in a turkland lake niine cave in while sixty five men were la the wright hargraei gold mine when the collapse occur red on august it only ur yaworikt and one ether mln trapped tha bodies of the two men were finally brought up august 24th ac cording to un harris ton max who just returned from kiruand lake his mother is still up there with the heresy ed family max alao said it is now felt that the two men died almost immediately after tba acci dent occurred adding to the tragedy b the fact that mr yaworski died hut september the three or nhaned children are two if teen and sixteen year old boys and a married daughter a look at the weather ca 5s is tj 78 resident here four years mrs george farrow dies a town resident since 1080 mrs george v arrow is norton crescent died in georgetown hospital last wednesday she was 35 the former thelma shlrey sarge she was born in mlnjleo the daughter of alfred r and olive bleuln sarge she at tended western technical school following their marriage la 1bs2 at krikine now emmaa uel united church mr and mrs farrow lived in mimko and toronto since moving to town they have been members- of bt andrews united church and mr farrow had been i member v llarruon home and oeows amow school npociatlon and the sandy ma cradle boll mothers group of john mcausland gordon samp- wednesday lit thursday 20 friday it saturday 23 sunday 23 monday 34 district when abraterjed4ser tuesday- 2s r- i a ei lovely tjullts and booked rugs i high for the week 1 low sbln st john unitid churehwaa in rreeaw03tl cemetery which wen her hobby precipitation 2l3s- ipjibearer were oscar mor st paul st baptist church she leaves her husband four children wayne warren geor ge andwendv and ber par ents mr and mr a r sarge of mlmico law 4s 42 s3 ss l- 15 rev ian fleming conducted gordon campbell and wlluam 59 the funeral service on friday baker of toronto interment jim mayoh and reevs john elliott flower bearers were doug woods bob brick ken debose and don gosling of town peter ulraki william admenko alexander gnat i pallbearers were oscar mor georsclon ju if- i h jiil jml j vtilfrr 1

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