Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 11

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real estate jaul s starr co jjd lawn mowcm and eheare aharpetaed and repaired c lwum vk vat x tf property down pete jee into services gkrrgettoww upaaaslery imt ericas with all wee rr asuraaieee 8 year teraaa n he aitulatv- ten babjf fajntino roofing cruolsmucd furniture ree- ewered sad naim quality wortmaeahle t h brtes stewarttewn atmou u to gala w5om tsar aedcoeevchlaaney repalre aeaam kl tejert eertion ofeaje kewaxuowe rmlb c urtuad if with ilea to it wt treed lot i eapi ptmtmt b ratnaillnl to etorea aad chur chat ladaded la tali aatcial wrist l aeifcoatalaed furs bean aeertaeent at the rear to aaaae rear owd bousing ate eabejlerabty tow if you are leakiai far good secure in tesleaeapvihis u leeef ttwalhe fav1nc driveaya ed parking avetsi cavhaama eaaywaws lt- cuarenlead work call fur t i free ealimalee welsoa and services decorating t expreea udl rlduahty artlauc upsrier end exterior craftsraaa la the trade c a gnat jul 3 oeorgedo rtutlx tf wtldinc rad repalre spring aenrice- georgetesra weld ing aad rad repair m gie- alak st n max a custom combining aad grabs trucking available super 2 hteuey rergeabn combine wile if table ceorgetewa area cue- uatera cell btjjm1 catiramtv work llauia felntln deceretiile aew plluaj cell imikm mamdy attlee services wet weather blamed for electric motor repair numerous atlto accidents jul recently ceneen extea- thi 0 mwtacb give daaafa it crag ia hal- own a sea at tg 1t4 rewinding rtaana a77tt7 w aju hancock il victoria ave u year old cindy day of tl he 7i v ry stet n badly aaakeasia helped to cauat a raaa of auto and faur gfta mlumi sr a arulaed loot waaa uw f to hundred dollar damn p p n w aa do to a k coo drty f by a w rord drleoa by eo by lira a skiuln of o mtchell of t arutu septic tank pumping ij jt w wu 1o ulrtto m hew 4 woeln tue treckln ford driven by mord camp- j shtw y gj tjj uformatioo corvcemlm hall oeee1 phi tee tall bell of wlllon tucay auiuat mlt c wm trtvelllaflldaurance and financial uaj kom end bill mcoowan i ul on cuelpb street each trace tram the ontario depart 17 till th c w trv car aulfered 200 damate jment of ariculture wtu b if ulna aal on guelpei sjrt i a od ujjy bead onlpaaaed to the faraura cooccrs- turnlnj in geareflowo m on sinclair avenue ed erben available too alfh ai tsoatxt vafaubl crope bit ara nld to ha a cotaplete loaa oct aatt barlay alraoat ready lor rat tiai vara aaasiy ralaed wata kaockad off um cma aaa brake taa etraw aa agricultural of 1 c pekeamaa aaid eftorts ta at tract overaaaent attantiaa ta robertson electric inoostalal comm1kcial a itlllointlal bone etf 2v24 ceoftgctowm wiring coaamiaclal a john lhnz vagi u hornby friead wul tar blaaaid bear that am ta ana able 1 ratara hajawsa tuae- aay aof is fraaa the miltoa district boepuai e mr aad htra done lealw aad aauly apeat the eieekeod ai waaue baa eh 1st executive bungalow only 1400 1ius chaltmrno brick boasaiov wllb aliaehed in fealurea bedreoeu ilolibej rorreatloe ruool aad a pro fail iv laodacapcd tree lined lot tbil laekee it a mr jrttlariy nlce some to com borne to eaoecially aice it u veil kreelni aad eurrounded by olber well lrnm4 bomea i eual and kaiser value kxaxv rkwseraaom be arruted le toil toe purcbaae aince the owner baa been iraneferrred w f hunter hal ktati moatkl 7ra41 mtm wiaa enrlut loavd williams elegrici heating alfw beeieej huater lictalciam aad dairy while the skllliof car jjj i lo both a 37 meanwhile the farmer ouklnt a nibt band turn d by w walah body hope to arranfe a avatt olf maple avenue to o- eaal ky koad uramplon and in with provincial ajrleultur domattic on cuelph to a kurd dnvee by robert al boae william stewart blppcry roada contributed to uihdbrulje 1m rrinc cbarlea a mectlnt of farmer held another accident on rrlday retown the front la milton au it took the ao- j ai ilu w f ehda of bolh crv were dam vlre of fahoa faderttiu of u 1w kwer iuelrleu- dnw by h uncultur aecretary hoy fclhxtrlcal uonntactor of wloo illd into the rear mioor accident saturday touller and plan to aetltlool mr and htra vic plant aad family of afiacouit eialted oa wodaeaday of uat week with mr and htra arthur plant 174414 lukthim puluituk pinilmiat alao furniture for aele puanltual lf of a so hrvlr driven by fifty dollara deinaie waa done the uinlaler for the confer marlon brlri of 7a prince two care a to volvo drlvi n enre lharla ivue on turlph ty john cunniiaham of arad lultotl frmera are not the street tjvtrflte the ikelreu milanl a no thevlel only afrtculturlete affecled by l driven by ilevid smith ix king freak weather thla year vho datntke wi done to the tt wet i ottawa kaa approved ontar front end of th oprray car io plana to fclve financial aid to while sim damage wj done c j farmer aofferlne loeaei from coofratulataaaa te mr aad an- john wlleon nee eia van arkel who were eurraed at crwce united church braaaptoo oo sat aug h rwrw- while sim damage wj done n li r ii tahrlrie llui and watrr auo akinhhid tll t 0 the urxet hauoh rantiefs hope lleatera u ba r la vouu st c iritowircar c hail irkiiranr hwu ii three arrldrnt n valurlv 0l ilall injufdlue uiloit j2nl were eun heliwd llalton county a balled out car wood cat and oil rurnaree titixa iu ti 1 100 ackks five mllei north of ccorjelowo ood bed raoeo bouae with new furnace blh tool ale hank barn la goodjjiape rvtra choice 12 acre maple bufch water iup ply by pond ipringi and well 40 arret youd produrtive lend balance paature and buah a real coinmuteri farm aad priced to bell at allouo with teil poanulod 30 dayi x 10 id acktji choice level garden land no itonri or areata land oh mile fronl paved road sea thia now ta acreage are acarce and telling fait i kxtata wujklji s bedroom bungalow on urge undecaped lot one of tbj het buyl ever ollered j i 000 6wu and psaaeaaled dec lit invttstuiaut pttojhalty iso acrea of icenic buah land with aafe iwimmtng pond iroalage on 3 roadi priced at 1200 per acre contact ouv w auuill ruoh tnum maim sy s eioneitowm j a willoughby sons ltd realtors 44 kalheaes ave al yeewedw ii a halton peel trust savings company i ixm utall mraktntltet 11 queeei llreel atl rl oe1 eel had lictaclujj 3 bedroom brick bungalow ttul houae la in vtry good condition with fullytrnced hack lawn alormt and acreeni urge lot low down pay ttaeeil el2pnx this 15 an immaculate hnrk bungalow with aluminum alorma and acreaiu in ihr north end of town beautiful recreation room and many luxury extrai fully nrloed back lawn and antra large lot 4 lure down payment 14 soo lovcm y bukoaix1w well located in the centre bi lawn exceptionally well lanuicaped with beautiful treei and picnic area very large lot gjjktaurant very modern fully equipped bid good location on buiy highway with modern apart uent and large lot with many poiaibilitiae owner inuit tell due to ill health intpectiott by appointment iron tifvt modem 2 bedroom bungalow in excellent thli houae li clott to the downtown bull condition neea aectlon adulu only wob vurtiiui information contact our repreaentitlve contact gar lacey phone 8779500 u hww cm4t h40to mlx cwriuwt it ii a honey for the money wtfjwllt thfot uarnam trltrk biitikllow iwiuliully urdtvaa1 lot willi ldltlo isuirtui fend scrttn ihrouhout kbust frt h kltrlih clean krul wll iiulhtainril inkidr iul prit 6uly jukoo rul it rar ri far fidgo jr trionth in rludititc lara itiu hout it tmiffnl at over jiioo bflnw rnl ttf quicu ialf uu iu f lr sfr it ttdj school bells will soon ring hut ou ca hill m inl irtil hlca in rtkm thinnilo hfor whcuil itirti lratrd claatvi to downtown it it a j a tare kilrhrn iiiirtt where the v4ailt family ran nt down to zthr garse oil heat tarnr ad monthly inrlutling taiei rnlly the owner ipent 11 700 oa imprmemtnta hut due to 111 btalth thry are furred to wove to warmer climate i u can weneht h thee eat iret act tut se it totli the most for the money vor 11 tvm you i i he roaweii hriik bun alow with tvacinua well finuhed recrea ticm roottl ht fenced in yard large verandah wjter tnftfner oil hrit 5s mnrteb iwi led 2 block from hop pin carrie a for im00 monthly in rludlni tavei you mint m thil laoitif before you buy fr hu i muctiduii in twn call f0bert heal latate 144 cueleb street 177 mm 774471 plumbing heating call iruja bill garbu1t iojoiw bt if lojjt by rainy weather riifh frmari r allii tvim flnaii droukbt kind army worm lnfrt tioh akricultur aitnmcf me wart uid iteritly our hy niad pasture crul have yuhm in alm6l rvrry is tuttaty hifhickkayiom repairs wico yv t apliancis 77 m7t auction sale of hos imrceuiwtj ruewituei yc for morris teeter rial aultlehte from the provliu county la eaterrt ontario cial government inorth to sudbury mra klla murdoch leltoa monday aeig 14 from malum airport for kagtand where ahe will vlalt bet father end frlenda birthday greetinga 1o mra kerry jepaon cathy mav john bradley aad lenbie plnt who will celebrate their bl v dya on krlday aug z o anne hradley oa aug w o vd samnul alf brigden 1 scou thompaoa on september iot 7 1 it ii tonr inn twp rrln and laltdon town uneil ii mllea north of terra colla on tuesday eveg sepl 1 w b hamilton cohiykucyioh lyo con catfylv 8h1ck bleakelc coscllktfc mil caiulasthv wohk t 8 30 tharp 4 york sowa and 35 tun wvjntd or ready io ueau m ii 6 plate diw ploukh nearly new polatu digger grain grinder umd lumber and timber t4v taij corl fri p p furniture mendix automatic waher ad u miral tv bedroom and other radiators h bhtaiiud nd ci1an1d i rbone 4317177 li peel radiator service 1 fngliah street brampton i r conn plumbing 34 mill itrml 177 374 hot wiler iivd it earn heatinu hot water heateri gai infl jtfulc u kajim sou owner or auctioneer not rripaniihlr for arcidenti on premiiei terim caah frank petch alaituarvar yl i77 3i44 services septic tank bumpino ad cliahiw phee william vahcog kviuwwj ultlr 4im m quality driveways lr hnu kualmit aaclery cavtya wvma co i wilson welding 1434174 cellar trenle er ejf6174 bramleei hare realtor ltd r beeney plumaikid hiatiwd tiwtmituiwo 8779362 ml i cmornrrowv tf 1 raylawn court apartments i model suite npw open kan n6w to visit our modu a bedroom suite tastefully furnished iiy i aolbr4 oougrelora uniwm outajoo iiioh aoutm i realurlnj eklri large living roomt 1 sliding glei doori lb foil length balconlai cmouic hied balliroomt stove end romgerelora fuji draperioi on ell window spacloua badroomi with lull walk in closali garegat or outdoor parking model suite open daily a 30 to 9 r m all day saturday swm f unnuckd unnuck real estate lmoualr mra oeorgerewn dial 77aa91 she loves you ay ay suv will once you have- purcnaaed thla three bedroom brick detached bungalow thli home fraturra tiled bath larke family aued kitchen vlowera are in bloom at the i front aa well ai lovely shade treea in lite liark yard for our i momenta of relaxation good location and dote to school call ua immediately to see thia one the ounrr haa already bought elsewhere because of employment believe we can i ofrer attractive terms on thla one asking tu560 disc jockeys available er aneuell wedding recepllena office pariua beneea uuilc to suit alt occasions the heal in seok1 reasonable ralea vor information contact yulhro pkoductiomi iii wright rill tulllt 4j1 11h 4im1u 34 armslraeig avenue j truck bodlra built 1 a repairs to ennatrue- l tion equipment llardfarlng l v trallera built rue rhel7744jl need a new roof tom fetal rttimayri without orlicayion maruh roofing itirmpldhm 4511063 ell week guaranteed 017 this boy man or udy will h anxious to purchaaa thla im maculate well decorated three bedroom brick home the land aoaplng la beautiful rose buah ea ahade tree alone patio and e profusion of flora make this a home which must be aeen to be appreciated give ua a call and make a date tn see thla one right away mls uvo0 i saw her standing there dont you be- the one lert out we alas have others give ua a call aoint mrs june walker i raylayen crese sh4ts1 service manthlp la topi and ourchargea modest wa have up totlie minute knowledoe the latest equipment and top quality eplkomenl parti to tervka your let wigo tv appliances expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians our worlf 31 main north ttl 734 rent new trucks and cars j nudri va im herkes ba service 79 main mtn s w tramiton ar your suimriur food markl1 this wtfti meat atulm hush pork picnics loigeiowi pork butts lb 49 lb 35 make leaf bologna sti le pk 39 julllei pork sausage 49 lb tie make lear cooked hams i in it lb 149 tresh mtuits and vecetaries ont crown no 1 grade radishes green onions ont crown no 1 crabe brussel sprquts ont cr6wn no 1 crade carrots belicious taste treat nectarines hu sjuarr bee 19 33 waiha ftrajurrj rwurk caliurnl fancy lar tli 3 5 i or 17 29 this week s grocery specials tide shirriffs larch sizi ceed mernlna marmalaor rush chkn livm cay pooo pus1w00ts aunt je 2v kam luncheon meat 43 34 8 free delivery service on orders 5 00 and up old dutch bleach 4 ai loo 3c off pack eeaj 44r h es tin healtho dog food la oh feck reo 5u kotex of 12 reg 39 pkg of 12 reg clarks tomato soup choice avon peas 3 r 29 18 lln men kraft heo a9c sandwich spread u ar 43 rfcea effective thla weeksnj thuradey rruay saturday august 37 31 29 j a ti s i vuvltlh fi

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