Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 3

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area girls work and play in scenic beauty and sparkling wafers of camp wyoka concmtsmi on ctaft wok garls ere iplklng pole lo form bench hayr0 throooh pkot flowering delate abound on alooe uctum cutefe aun mmbt lajkoctieal he me avid invarwm o group of girls for guides range and brownies halton and peel counties served by newly opened camp wyoka suravtsid camoono a popular pastime with tre qifli jwlmjeureo ioom tailing tha water temperalure a hundred fccree of pretty rollmg lend partly wooded m i 4m u spring fed lake l the lltt of camp wyoka the bew csmp for the girl guide brow hlri ind hnger tf the white oaks area which uksi in j hid hallou counties excluding burllngtoh this idesl camping location u it clifford i lew miles wet of mount roreit clrli frm oskvllle and otbr peris of the while oaks kni have been en joying camping there auce the csmp wu opened it the end of june h will remain open until october csmp wyoks represents a big achievement on the part of the guidei brownies and haa- rr or this iri their leader tnd psrents until march 1h2 this was part of the hamilton area and the gtrla went to camp klawa on lake trie due to a bif increase in population it wai decided that reel and halton counties should form i sepsrate area to reunburaa the newly formed area for the crown disputes verdict plaza roads not public i halloa county crown attar- y peter mcwuiumi may ap peal decision hy two county bmbkiwug that plau parking j lata an hoi ptthlie toed ub i jar the highway tralfie act 1 r mewwumj say that if ba ruling are upheld h i parking lob could become a xoabm und bit totuldrauon of appeal sum ktuaf two eee were dl- kitted because bf this -p- i proach on jaly mth magietrate kan aath laotdon ruled that a pr- iea could not be convicted of i tratpatftlnf on a aboeplnt plasm a eharga hrtyutht ajtiin- i at youtb by tba 6wnra f hopulf flau undr the prlty tripii act wu uumlid b- cau in uiiiitrate lanidon a jiidretnenl the act wta net lutaatud to cover tuch a tltu ation tba uafutratc mlm that tha iptantlon of the act wai to kp ptrtom from unlawfully trepaulnjt oa private proparty but he tald that in tha cue of commercial placaa there waa an invitation row the atorea in tha pliu to visit them the proprietor wr thus denied tha meant to exclude an lndlvl dual they eoniidered undeiira bla hie icond caie wu heard bafore uatfutrata black who ruled that a shopping pitta parking lot la not a public throuthfare under the provi sion of the act and dumlsj a charge of falling to remain at tha wn of an accident crown attorney peter mc- wlllisnti uid at the time thai plus parking lot could ha- com a noman land if ax- emptad frow the act township of esquesing road closing fropoj byltw to tutbor- in th clotluk of put of th 1 rfdiul kj uowuui b- wu th eul till of lot 10 i hi uit half of lot 11 in 1 coocalm 11 in tha uld j townihip by admcaiurmeut 0lbe3 fctfe ba tha uiue mora notic1s is heredy tlvan i that tha council of tha corpor atlon lf the towmhlp of quaalng pfopoaaa on llonday j tha uth day of oetobar 10m lt tha hour ot 8 oclock in tha i afternoon or u toon thara- i after u tt may dean advlubla la authorlu tha doalnf of thtt part of tha original road al lovasca ai described u foll all and sinoulah that i mrtiln parcel or trfict of land i tad prerauaa altuata lying sad belnjt lit tha tttwnthrp of xnueaint in tha county of halton and pro vine of ontario and being compoied of part of tha original hold allow oca between tha out half of lot 10 and the aaat half of lot 11 la conceulon 11 in the mid towmhlp containing by adjaeaauremeni oji03 acrea be tha aame more or leal and which aald parcel or land u more particularly described aa iollowa premising that the centre i olne of tha hydroelectric i power commlailon ol ontario j- bight of way creating part of i the kaat halyea of aald lot 10 llpd 11 haj a bearing of north oj degreel 57 ft 00 in weat jrwi relating all bearlnga herein kffaarato fff commencing at he weat itfanfle of the east half ofi takt 1 kfitlo luthbnce north w degreea i- sv 33 feet 10 in at along the northweit limit of the east half of uld lot 10 being alio the uuthellt limit of the uld original ho ad allowance usju feet to a point therein thence north 40 degreel ft m in writ acrou the aadqriglnal6ol allowance jll 67 00 feet more orieu lolhe point of interaectlon of the north weat limit of the uld original road allowance with tha una of a fence running ttorth westerly and marking tha existing northeast limit of tha land of the norval cemetery thence south sff degrees 23 ft 10 in weat along the aid north west limit of the uld original road allowance being also tha southeast limit of the out half of uid lot 11 4 23 feet more or leu 16 the south angle of tha east half of the aald lot 11 thence south u degreel 43 ft 40 in least along tha centre line of uld concession 11 being also the north east limit of a given road crossing part of thatweat half of aald lot 10 6635 peat mora or leas to thf point of commencement the proposed bylaw and plan showing the lends to ba affected buy be seen in my office at rr 1 georgetown the council will hear in per son or by his councel solicitor qr agent any person who clalma that his lands will he prejudiclslry affected by the aald byliw and who applies to be heard dated this lath day- of aug ust ibm r- k c lindsay clerk township of esquelng b10 county council briefs ther july lncra in nurvj ulariea for membara ol tha health unit haa helped some what to allevlala the nursing shortage two nurses hava withdrawn their resignation tha uoard ef haalth reported to county couacll this weak however the full eomplatnan of nur u twntyvn and the unit at th moment haa only seventeen tha museum noard will iiv the halton helgon conserva tion authority that no charga ba made to the participants in the canadian historical auto mobile society rallv which will he held at tha uuaaum on sunday september fith 1064 halton county emergency liaiura organliatlon will help to raise funds for a tch- nolnglcal school in mysore in dia at a garden party tponaor- ed byue unluithtttonrtur sac i ml oh hmo ptrtlclpatlori wonld h conflhh to us of thlr radio aeta for intercom munlcatlon brampton hydro chairman was former councillor chairman of brampton hy dro commission s hoy den nis died on august 11 ha waa 4 and a lifelong brampton tealdent mr dennis waa cofounder ownar and operator of lfcel creamary for over 33 year ha aarved in the first war he had served on brampton coun cil on peal county health hoard of peel memohal hospi tal tamay it hid glvctl to pay toff the tamtrtgage on catnp kliwa tha lis hill tod gave the wfcju oaks culld- brgahlxstioa cbd ta surt a nvw eamp tly gave us utk ptmtiic- slly a very cent wa put into tha other camp uld mrs v at howard of otkvllle deputy ara commissioner for the whit oik ara gui guides of canada wba has had an important part in getting tha new camp established a year ago rcpfctitalivm of th organization started took ing around for a tuluble camp site they isw tlw property at clifford and thought it had pos sibilities to teal its suitability they rented it for two months snd sent experienced campers to camp there aa a rult ef their findings it waa dec dd to buy the property clli tulaw mavy to rait tha necessary mon ey tha girls of tha area held teat and performed various ser vices such aa baby sitting soma of mother put on bske uua krora last september lo usrch i total of jj 6o3 wu rai sed in this manner it la fantastic how children can raise that money and show thst amount of enthusiasm commented airs howard we had to spend quite a lot of money en the wurfrwit she tid thj wuut any bcb and wa had la buui tura t w did uut by puih- ing a whola hill into th wtsr wa hava had u ecuot wur- front program this r thra h bttcd all umii bf tests passed and we have a marvel ous girl la charge of tha pro gram tha laying out of the camy site waa dona fraa of charge by a leading undscapa ax pert allan hancock of cooks- vtlle father of btia of tha glru- an important project wu tha building of a lodge for tha usa of the brown i a the younger girls although it is not yet completed tha building haa been finished to the its us whara it can ba used and tha rrowaies have been housad l hera this summer it hu bea built entirely by volunteer la hour supplied by father of the guide and brownies who startad working at it in their apare tlma as soon as tha snow was off the ground constructed ef british col u nobis cadar it has three levels a recreation room dining room kitchen storage room staff fac ilities and infirmary plumbing and electricity hava been insul led and there is space to sccoav modate up to 3a glru thla lodge is for the brownies only in another part of the emp property a liumtw of cuid are camping in whet is cmlled a pioneer stale alout tt cui del and 20 brownies tram the oakvllle ares hava beca at the new camp this aeeson al lawthtrus there is still much work la be done on tha camp grounds and to cover tha coil tha cul des will make an appeal ta lo cal industries for assistance the eranixsllom does not rc elve any money frum tha uni ted appeal campaign a pro j ect now being undertaken by tha girls is the bujjdlug of a chspel in the woods uting pio neer methods there are thrre camp sress for cauidrs and rangers each of which can accommodate 15 girls at a lime it wss a big venture re marked mrs- howsrd but we are very pleased wilth tha way it ia turning out and la being received by the girls visitor who go there are just overwhel med with the beauty of tha place snd whit we have been able to do there lire howard recently spent ten days at camp wyoka with the international camp at which girls wishing to take part ia inteniallonal guide events are screened lion bih hunter hosts popuur annual corn roast a pueuht tvtat u which member bf corgvlwn liocu club look forwerd eh bud kner ii a tort roast at tb farm home of ur and airs wn hunter besr trrre cotu tha perty w wednesday hllht waj etuthded by liaiuj snd their wlve abd averml other frieode of the huntas they gathered arouhd a huge pine log lire riulted and hsd a singkmjf ud by tha kaof man sisters who have hoton a traditional feature of the trrtalntnent- formerly frxwrj ingle wood they are now mr iva davifuoa and mrs mary wlllumson of bnuplon and their singing and plana play ing enlivened the evening the delicious corn was aug meuted with salads cooked meat cake and coffe for the guests uon chief j g cob col trll okoftoattowa klkalo yvwraty kumt xt tt4 rage liar apreeeod tiuakj of liose sod bther guests to the boat u the evening ended and mr wunur was preaentad with a bouquet of flowers and an artificial hill prepared from the excavation around tha area to be used by the junoir school for tobogannlng in tha winter parking lots will pro vide space for 60 staff and vis itors car call tenders for second stage school for deaf at milton george kerr upp for hal ton announced last week that ontario public works minister ray connall will eall tender thursday for the second stage of construction estimated at about is million for tha new ontario school for the deaf at milton tha aita la on highway is south of mulon mr connell aald the pro ject will constat of a senior academic school vocational school senior boys and senior girls residence and a double gymnasium with a connecting wlmmlng pool ha aald first stage of construction compris ing the junior school staff res idence hospital administration laundry and bollet plant build ings waa completed a year ago at a contract price of 3 bit 000 tha work minister uld that whan tha second stage is com pleted it will bring tha school total accommodation up to 540 for instruction of pupil be tween 13 and ib years old the academic school will contain an in a twostorey vocational school will consist of 10 shops for tha teaching of automotive trades woodwork ing upholstery metal working welding ate in a slngleklorey highcelling alructur tha two residences which will houaa 100 senior boys and 140 senior girls respectively are thraaatorey building in cluding partial ground lvl basement in addition to the usual residence facilities tha gtrle building will also feature a snack bar anda social room which will ha used by the girls to entertain guests a feature of tha schema will ba a distinctive covered walk way which will run fmtd the dormltohc to the academic and vocational wing of tha school and to the tport build ing attractive landacsped courts and rock gardena pav ed walk fountalne and ter race will effectively tie tha building together a clock tower between the elaasrooca and tha administration wing ef tha school will serve a a foc al point of the building group all the building will ba ef brick and precast concrete toe posed aggregate panel con- s0 clijifoom structlon a regulation football buildlngthe field and iuahi lsndscaplng will be the provi sion of a pond for nature study running track will he provided a baseball diamond three softbh diamond and a aoccer field are in future plana an unusual aspect of tha nash and mcdowell humbino uid t hiattno i m water aflm l p wfaiiai eyaeeeew e epalrs ft alhsratfona tr 72842 -i- 7vativ vannsias ooqd imhuttlons ctakt with a oood ida it coalt you nothing td ool our idea ai to how to trtaka your next i place of printed mat- tar mora irnpreulve moref partuaalvv mora productlva of results juit call usl wisinkj caitos e omcc kmms e mochumj comhiti facjutiis e atttacttvl rucb the georgetown herald 22 main st s tauplwia t77a20i ux a wo w a w w a i m km taa i i i awmuay georgetown hydro wjds hearing aid users free batteries as a special offer to u troduce you the plnee rteerwve au twrlea we will snd yl a pree a supply of these betterie without obllgelloul jus mall tha coupon below or a letter with the inform uon along with a sample of the batteries you bow use he sure to indicate make and age of aid you wear you will receive your free batteries procn ptly offr limited ta one order per pereon limjtid y1mv oral mall te frwe lufwrie iwm ns lwlal tfcurf i taewnta s please send me s supply of hearing aid batteries without cost or obligation i have enclosed a used battery of tha type i uac name address city i war a make bearing aid purchased id iff chimv 1471164 come for a in today big 3 ct jug of milk homo 60 2 homo 55 rr cots a iono iono way iak ohm til 10 levtav night fok dtuvuv of convtnuent ouakts o miik and mutt bklnks cau trfjuii steems maple leaf 10 water st dairy 1 8773421 uss royal beak amices to help yoa aaa vote noeay to keep cheaelaa borrowbel olbtr aapeaaie jew toot iwlrtie a opes a royal uwmos accoumr levrlest a royal maaulcaeawuao count case lor a cer or aoaseesher beesr espeeaeti rojal tsaeeum uvot- for a yoer remaje yaw kxal -royal- breach u tee axtpail place to 0k r wm f basaart manager georgetawia brencha r75 i i l

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