Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 4

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i georgetown herald 72mtnstm v oibtatao n oroarto wchm page 4 thursday august 27 1964 editorial comment go back to school juat wmk to go bfor fcdnoou open for l- fall twm moi younters look forward to the day no tnette how moch they prlnd to tjrad it fo uftool t such 9 li mixitx of wok to test you bfeini and play to test you muicui it is only in thai iraibsgb tttooj yean hr boy particularly begin so eye the working world tbsry othe yovj men with cart with fr vrlci and an ap parent tatofrva aluatenob thair studies pji tflc marks 10h and firil riving you know another young man a job hunitng our advc u dont fif one thmg you will mm uwa of the bell yfi of your l years whji cant be bough for any money at a later dt and for another you will ml uxr of th step whcn w goniee yoo a happif fuiur a bonorpeld mot inhw- iting ob we have heard to tnany nc lay i with i hdnt qiitt lohool to efly if you ar tmplad to follow their wnpk elk to semite of tfaein flfvt ll t nol impouibu to te a happy uteri ful life witti let than complete high koi du cation but if qehrwj nyy and motm dif- ftcltlt itaad tlta employ rrvef adi in any hwtp4p and you ii tee how tnny fobt bar you without it the hipptit thing we coold think of would be fo georgetown high school to ba to crjnmd in september the mo accorftmodatiot would lvve to be found that to ui would ba ust pogreiv a1rut church needs modernizing wat chtid with minuter vacation- highbouy a few wek ago and th dis cuitton luinad to religion theology in most of lh chrutian d- nofninalloni it undergoing a per tod of change ideal which would have ben ledical if hinted by a layman ivn a dec- ad ago are being freely diuuiied by ctergytnen loday important change i hava been made particularly in the interpeta- iton of old tail a men t hcwtes and the new testament u being critically examined m the light of todays toenlific diicovrie and an upiwing m the number of people with higher education ilandards w wert particularly interested how ever in hearing a ministers viaw on thingi which could b mo natily changed form of worthip accommodation hours scfd munc it it hn daa that the church mutt adapt falter to a modern world mutt change it ideal to a changed way of liv ing the ftva day wak fait transportation and baiter incomes hava made weekend travailing mora common the churck mutt conttder the poitibihty of exchanging a sunday morning service for a midweek evening ona ha utd a minuter can do little good talking to a minority of hit con gregation ort me summer sundays while most are at a cottage 0 on the golf course lie noted that in a period of catual at- life of comfort in home and office churclt- goerl are still expected to com lo church dreiied in their uncomfortabla sunday best nt m rows on hard benches why not pro- vida more comforlabu chairs get away from rows of benches h wondered in the aga of panel discussions and telfeifprsion it it right to continua the custom of centuries tw said and hava the congregation not take a mora active part in worship 1 h menhonad church munc which hat had no change for hundreds of years un touched by modarn rhythms modarn mus teal instruments we talked of mora ideal soma good torn bed soma workabla soma impoi- nbla and wa agred thai the churches must axamme lhair dogma and their ser vice with a modam aye what was good enough for grand pa it no mora trua in our raligion than m any other phat ol living the church must be constantly ravismg its idaas to maintain its rightful place in tlva world how many fish d5es it take to sfflt a boat saturday municipal elections for no particular reason we hava vr hard georgetowns municipal elections have been held on a monday we wonder if particularly in this town of commuters a saturday voting day would increaie the vole and be more acceptable to residents there 11 alwayt a last mmuie rush particularly in the saltern ward where a large proportion of people work in other communities december is a bad month weatherwise many men drive home and if it li foggy or the snow is blowing dec ide to stay by a warm fireplace and for get about catting iheir voles several rasidants have obt which take them out of town for days ata time and chances are most of thaie people are home on a saturday and of courie we have our own self ish reason its a tough fob compiling all the elec tion results for a wednesday night paper while anwenng the flood of tuesday phone calls which tie up lb herald office phones half the next day so tough that the edi tor wouldnt dare stay up an extra hour monday night lo visit tome of the celebra tions which take place saturday would be e different story idle farms need attention weed cutting big problem v e xcarthuk rttitraluiij weeda accord i u te weed irupclor ua weed coouol art bt oa county of ilallon urlo hrvmt twe ieema la it it a natural habit charar l uw wlu tenant of all weeda lo ibuui um illuuve to de ihli ply and spread rapidly a onl lh slant liaiii miiii w feutht byl j y v who is in char ofl warily e lhae haw prorty of any kind if girder1 very ewperijve uwna or fields ar lo be kept on ld relatively wed free 1u far 1 w c mar of course is cornad lly levalvw eutuag about vl control becaus ofi lw ius a weeda fraa hpeadag estimate la ta rarrtad out by the municipality and at ea siderable expeiua la tka pro perty owner it la not a cure- all u tbaaa topla aeuatimaa xpact but mutt be repeated each yr if waedi ant u b roti trolled tea larger ike land la idle tk blfkar 1k vd definutfi t ln be llavuxg la talml and beiajf aamtwhat eobceroed about the caat ef wd eoelrol to aitecu- latori i would ilka te peiat out out to tbem twe method by which tbty can euulaite aucb expaaaaa en thalr properties ylrml 1 would like te augjast that rental agreaoiabt with a local fame u euatoai ojaerator whereby the una la kept under cultivation until u la developed for loduetry bomlng ale such agreeieeiiu are in affrct wlthja the county and it la a d alight te tboae in charge of weed control te gee the reaultlng trattafornution tbe aecoiwl mausod l recom mend la an agreement with a bay buyer to cut and bale the holds which uay be suit able for hay and also knew down other weedy area on the property before the aaada rip en this year aeveral hundred aerea of idle praphy within the county have bean kapt in a tidy condition by the rental agreement and the bay deal malhod lh losses they may vry conservative places tbe annual weed cast to canada at about soo million doltira th urban dweller u concerned about tha spread of waeds because they are un sightly and lower properly v us several varlctlre cau bay fever and any neglected field or lot becomes hiard perhaps there it no better example of natures way of spreading these unwanted plants than an idle fan to clarif thti expression 1 mrert farm that has been farmed reasonably well and has supported its occupants for the last fifty or perhaps 100 years the owner sells the pro perty moves away and tbe fields simply he idle because of our location in tha aa called golden ltorseahoe or ontar io speculators are nituratly in united in purchasing proper ty in fact there are already several thousand acres within the county in this category and unfortunately many pro perties are lying idle i have no fault to find with farmers who sell their pro perty but since all kinds of noxious weeds soon begin to grow and spread on such pro perties we naturally have a problem of weed control un doubtedly the new ownars are aware of thts responsibility of harley georgetown herald hirt mu cortlow4 oourla whw c hwha publllur uuw mc6llry aua bjjtdley auouauot ivrry uuuy llac douaul ajrtlbu wlinnf un wii1um ctili clark tyout aaa currta kaporter riui jaoea miaucraiiar uall curk totvi kutino u ciuui j utcuminu jarry uahtuky uwbr j tka cauaiia wackly nwiptpr juaoeutiaii aas tka oauirt suga1 and cc a summer piece wka aa kid tk tour lot iwilnaaa a 1a ua infancy ok tkara ra vltm as araikd ia jar aad at na tooj bt dalio aolr flabban but dcuibud to rent baaaculat roooa with braakiut toy uw lnprohitila ua of fcit on uka bou u tour- u uiilnam a iul a llttla xtra fravy tho bbj town i tkrouxb tko wnnmrf tba marcbau louofod ta tat iaormut of tboif quu4 atxwa waltlaf lor a oclock to com aiwsod ao tbvy toold xm boaa aulp aupcer ajod kd to the tu trk wtut a dilfexoca from tba kutobam tkank younun atma- apber of tba todrii tourist uwa todajr tba thirit buiac for teny tpwni la hot jut a ultlc extra itravy ii lj tba crfain in tb ralfr iba tbca with tba appla tu aod tba liulck bblhlay la tba aoutb dur in fbruajry ion vitb a lot of otbr lnolfatlbu and ue- wu but tlauit luaurua it li for maay a amall towa tatrcbant tba difiorcnca ba- iwforl turvlvd o tba fittest am gstttba along nlciy tbank you ror uarchanu tba tourist saaod u a tnutura bt vsblur alloii and aabaustuut tba bsr- nmriloui jlntla of tba cash ra lilrr la offset by tba discordant acrvatr of aching frt it li bura boeabsa for tka skilled men of ton and dla trlrl lctriclnj and blumb- earoenurs and balntera wbo had a dim lira of it all winter suddenly find tbern aclvca courted like courtesani aside from the economic im nsct tba tourut season baa an araotlonal effect en ove small town wban tka first visitors begin to arrive early in sum mer they inject a colour and eicitement into tke town with their different elotkes and ac centi and mode of ufa old frlusda drop by hava a utile vara about wkat usq dm tad wiatar aad hkt m u argt rnow mbtanata naaaa op u aaa as at tft cat- tag rlsaar watl kaw a cou tw june trickle anlaacba aad by tha wbnie tan la r ottk tab haady addttsaa ta tu waarl taooaaada of rate kids hrowa aad raaad ivat- aaaab w tkalr aastan aaa atr tkara la aklavtiakl aborts aad kaa taaa aad saaakaat a tkoaaaada of tkalr fa thers u balri careaa aad bat dibs od oat kata by tab time yoo cant oad pbee to oark shopping takes taroa times as long aad ns can aareelr ooaa tka street for coaauat crawling ttaftje and by tab tlaaa tka tourist tow baa alaaoat lost tta kbait- uy and ladmdaaltfy as august baara ui aad there b a uttlo lailaaw la tka air new aad old meads aaaasuf tka r baata haastlaj aatt of ton wllk their ana-obekaa- d children aod tkasr piled high cars whea ubour day arriraa aad tbe aeabnch agmbj he- ssa a trickw tka seurlat iowa oero a towa agata and kot tost a sbopolru centra tha elllieoa alow down stretch tblt aching backs look arwaad and lee their friends wiuua a week they tuve foriulten tbe scramble and the rush and tha sheer foolbbnesa of nuking noney sod full of renewed interest la tkalr tawa and themsehree get dowa ta something serious like aba bin a hunting trip or hsring a party the tourist season li wt of fun for tba tourists for the week a bible hvought h bee u aireee eeel el a eeureae be me efreu i be theu dleeaeredl ut tbe lw ci i was has whithertee tkeu aeeef joshua 1 uika lure that god u with you then proceed unafraid if cod be for ui who ran be against ust definition of a dipkaaal- a man who can convince hb wife that aha uolu stout la a fur coat business directory halton wukiy ostsovatiokk kv bt hav hakirv mr ra haitom 1 rromt the caoee rnfik herald is4 aod 13 ni- ssdoaour last coutran raost qf tka una of parliament has boon devoted to tba flag laaue it b expected now that tka pat ient to aack week b now aat as follows monday tuesday wedneedaj and thursday tka flat debate frlday contin uous sitting from 10j0 am a- eapt bom 8 to b pja for prl- vau members bilb last fri day was daaotad to tka lapt of cutsenihip and imtnlgration and was partially computed it la likely tab friday will aaa tke department of labour db- cusseds ott tuaaday tka fire party saadatli mat again la discuss tka hhrlnaaa ef tka house of commons this was arrangod at tba preeious maallng of tka leaders desplta what tba lea der of inn opposition baa aald if tka oorernment doea not have a moating then tka gov ernment if accused of ramming this down our throats whea a saaraad to then tka ant b not abowingilea- iteehlp ltaaassanotw cannot darnrxtubc ibaastcjltleiara aa tr u tbta bjamliujru con- awrnad it trig adjournad untu thunday for reconsideration of any propossia made the forthcoming federal provincial conference will con sider bow we can aptand our constitution so that canada will ba coavplately governed by ca ts at tba present time iraanta to tba brltlah north aaaaiiea act must be re quested by canada lo tka brlt lah parllameai a suitable for mula must sleworked out with tka provinces tba last time tab was attempted quebec and beak would not agree parliam ent iwcruires tansnliihwia consent of tke provinces regarding nat ters of joint fedejaiyprov re- spooalnuity all partiea are in favour of bringing full lnde- odeoca and aoarer to canada it tke provincial governments have as yet beak unable to agree bn a aultabla formula u u hoped that tab conference at cbarlottatown will bring un anirnous opinion to bear so that tke canadian parliament will ba able to make full and complete decisions for cane- dianswlthout recourse to urn- dona wcalinlnster tba mlnjlr i ofjlillianslilp and immigration has outlined a programme for encouraging skilled persons to immigrate ta canada there li a ganulna bead for skilled in dividual la thil country lab would provide a atlmoius to tke economy the government should endeavour through ad equate promotion and recruit ment to bring to canada tha highly skilled on a avhetantla scale use following slept hava aocordlngly been taken 1 an advisory committee to plan longterm programmes to asaea immigrant needs of can ada and absorption of imml grants 1 better cjaaslttcauon of personnel abroad 1 o increased promotion of canada particularly in europe 4 reorganization of immi gration department 5 attractive remodelling adequately represents live of canada of canadian offices abroad- i 10 veakc ago e poiftibilitiel of replacing water molars with a flat rale lyilern of payment will ba irweiligatacl mayor arm strong reported the water engineer mr roberts li in favour of melon being read every two monmi cr mcgilvray oppoied meters saying tha coll ii exorbitant compared with any extra revenue derived other coun cil opinion wai varied and no agreement was reached on the mailer e uti tuesday phyllli malcolfti stewart daughter o mrs h m slewart of town had a starring role in the hour- long general motors television theatre playing opposite bud knapp v m a very fortunate georgelowher it conilable george cousent who is stationed with tha royal canadian mounted police at chlpman mb ha was invited to attend a private party recently et tha home of former new brunswick premier j b aacnelr where he mat and danced with princess alexandria cat cousans was on duly when the royal party visited frederldorj and hit position molt of the day was opening the door of the royal car which look the princess end her mother tha ducheit of kent to their various engagements r s vans ago e despite the serious war situation jt vyai decided by the esqueslng agricultural society trial tha fair should go on the first air was held et stewartlown end while ii was primarily for tha former it has been changed lo take in all classes of exhibitors thhtyetr there willto splendid entertainment in thoarene to start thlogioh 1 with thai park show running from thursday to saturday tha president thjs year is frank patch chlrophsaor bomalrj a ttav tjc appointments made 1 mela dally call t meal si chiropractor rekj w creort dc oswat dairy by eaao mouse calb arranged ttttjl 1ia atekt at herttt o t walkkst ko doic optommtillsy 11 msln sl s brsmpton islm74 ras ulsms hours aim to p u tuesday to saturday rrldsy am li if kveninas by appointment camr k wmstvrtxjo ostlerva laad i ll ubuntalaviaw rd a ntlaa mill w roet evav tw ymm kee tk mi44 feu swilorifents ltmitid iwluera wf be heteaa prop wallw pacbolok 1774111 ar et741j barra6ers cltaeiarltklrt laundarare tat tml main s- led cualpb all work daava est pi e wauaci thompsom irwmvblm ceuh clark k ceremlsaleaee tk71m classified ads bring results robt r hamilton optwnvetrlsl lid uountalnvlaw rd 5 carreul bldg for appolntmant iw 8773971 dale bennett btimer baines harrbleee douglas v latdtzb terenckf satna ttuaaaie ttnl ta uiu bl caxsrtaiowa massage maurice k mellor rm 9 cleaveholme dr 7740vo er v07s hauae calb by arrangmt monuments pollock campkill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phomi 41i7mo c3 water street north salt prank paltch licensed auctionekh prompt service po box 413 th tmoi georgetown gcorrje c hewson arrlewr aad aallthw ik mountslnvlaw rd l carreul building georgetown nt 1mw frejeridkahelson harvtster j eellchw 118 mounulhviea rd a carretal building ceorgetowa th rmt me masclerto- qc barrltler and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7244 oiororrown animal clinic 108 qeeiph street v eavtra ovm br r b oaakln cunlcopen pm- m0mvrdfrt tahirday h atm- tvansidclerbx barrister awllcrear meter t dr wullasu bldgj m mala 8 tbt4stl j kaplan orrj barrister and lelkrrere sldniy kaplan 118 mounulnvlew rd a carretal- budding 74 d- build lly l ijjiv

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