Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 6

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c a oatae rbete union chukh mam1age scene a tiache at cmmt serwee public echool ferity jun an- daraon and he huebemi clera ej carbarry worw pho tographed in front of uon rveabyearien church am their nunlag on august 1st sea w ma ilmulilr of mr and mo clarence anderson terra cans and ha h the aon ol m and mrs sfcjarf carbarry they will bve on h1 aim 1 k k i malton and mrt carbarry wji ba on avemelea u dvlng eseh hwa fell m a tarlaa kola cutting their wedding cake who era living at 51 mill sf gaorgatown cut thaw waddutg cake at a recap tion which followed nw marriage in hornby united church the bricfa petrxm wmeon u the daughter of mr and mrt toy j woton acton her huthand u lha ion of mn donald ward georgetown and the lata joseph mccendleu festimonial dinner and gifts for tired hydro superintendent t i dlaner laat mia at nortk hal- h qtu wu cowtry oat lo g we oasty mrcillum us st mr mcjlttn iswrots m jaaft let attar eanrinf m wmpmrinta6enl of george- ttmra hydro tar 13 jaars ha received gift ran tbe an nmmutinm presented tw ataff presented by oralian eternell ud iron rep- tativaa ol loduatrtaj supply ftrau pcoeonted by jin wn slawe af rfthart-r- meter foil i cairn atesnbsr jerk arm tvnc presented a bouquet of fitawore la mr mccauiim me7r joseph gibbon i prrn the town pprcilioa tw te serrlea mr mcculltub rendered in his position during of rapid industrial and raailfitu stowtfat adas rmiliu mana of central ration hbpc apofca for ontario hydro aod mr mociuum is his rapty rssninlaend about us yaexs at th job bare and la faaalod falls where ho served far in jaars with that town water utl end power co- ha u a feiukni falls native and prior to entering hydro work wu esaployed la hi fa uiori tailoring hmneas it u couddattc that his uthor had ao early connection with georgetown h had worked as young mi in tbe blackburn tailoring turn her mraouva field of gait mc reltrytreasurer for the com mlaaioa during tyutb ol mr mocauun mrvic wj a din brr guaat othar gucau lorlud rpeenutiva ram neighbor ing uullt jndutrul upply firm fcbj ontario hydro gudph church wedding couple become georgetown residents squadron ltratw and mr c t vailgaan kod umu oaug daughlar baborak iroaa salt rda ftrilol lcogiaad tuw horn for 11m nwruga oi uwir daugbter ludra icjuabetk cuctih lo martin twnu maria aon of mr tad mr t t martu lift mill bt kl x fatlwr myronluk otflelatad at tas double rltig taramony in tba otttrcb of our lady gualpb on jmly xtuk in tb morning tba church w decorated with white gladioli mr j wrrln orgaalat bcombpabiad tb4 choir boy when they m 1aris an ffolkua ave maris on tfali day o imautiufl mother and as a pedal reoateet of tba bride b played tba lord la my bhe stord tfca brida who was gtvtn in aarriage by br stbir wora a tmll length owu of wblt tilk arganaa with hbort auevss and veetboart bckllo tba akirt foaiurod controlled full hen in the front and abort ebapel train at the back appilquei at the llront waist and ilevi and a large bo at tba back nhtncd tba aowii her basddrau wji a paari comet froa which a four tiered ecauooed abouldsr unslh yu fell aba carried a erttrent abaped bouquet of daap pink roaea and wbllt itephinatli to twined with whits ribbon bridal aiteodabu wre mrs faul col guelpb matron of honour a friend of the bridr mias jennifer wilkry ollswa hrideieaid a frit nil of the bride td uus deborah viugban ilur of the bride brideunaid with tthonda rle plat nieca of tha groom flower girl the senior attendants were and lvri round brcktinoj the full length akirts had con trolled fullness in lha front with a alight chapel tralti in back two ruwttti of the same ustrrul derathl the beck their hcdbfedi wtre of wl rhing mfclehal in wedding ring style wtth s ftt bow each t ried whll firiutloiiit with lea ujus coloured ribbons tn twined the flowr girl wore s floor length frock of white embrold ared anguu with ihori sua va her hesdbjiid was of white flower and she carried s hai kit of deep pink roses snd while stephjuotii isul colt duflph groonumsn snd ivter xlirki j brother of the groom acton with don lsjckrnns george town were the uthen the wedding bald at the collrge uolor inn guelph where un vsughsn raceived in s deep aqu uce shetth gown with rastchlng full length eost creim iccei aorial snd s tresm rose cor sage she was assisted by un msrksjnj beige tllk orgsns gown with pale grean accessor ies snd corsige of talisman rosea vor trsvelllng on their hon ay moon to pennylvsnis the bride chose s pink silk shantung two piece a line gown with mst church institute worker mrs stanley gowland dies a raaldau at tl charie si for 18 years mrs stanley gaw land died august 1mb in oaor gatown hoapital tne former lorilu edna wu on aba was tba daugbtar of wtulafli georga vllaoa end sophia adeline huater wai born at aabgroya auaodswl aahgxova public acbool and af ler their nurrlage mr and mrs cowland farmed at uauaerasaa mr oebwd died in lfru bi belonged to ladlee organ laations in sc john s unitad church and bad assisted with the mlsaiac band hhe was i member of georgetown worn till intltute mi taavci four brothers j clayutt wltsun tt h 3 m giy wllsoo r- r 1 korval dr ktihuf wilson nw cuegow nova acotia and kruk w wiuhi g cbmrlaa w two brothers predeceased her lg of ceortfrtowd and wllmot of i the top oiuw hev iii rleming the funeral srvu on august lhlh it the turold c mcclura runrsl home and lhlrtnt wi in kvtrgreen cenvsury ullton js nphewi were pall uesrri hfrwsrd hsrold and uiriie gowland h r a uilton krl wiltoh it r 1 norvsl george wilson r r 3 george town snd dr r- g wiuon to ronto cultivation controls oxeye dsby weed waad tngpaclor county ol halloa olaya daisy and tba hawk oada whicb lncluda orange hawkwoad and xjaf doru are parannlalf tbat bava apraad to this country from europa and the field crepe brand of the ontario dapartasaat of agri culture state that tbay are es pecially troublesome in pas tures and hayfialda which cannot be plowed and brought under a abort crop rotation oxeye daisy a relative of tba cnryaantbaniueti baa abort thick root stalks which show great vltaljty with many stems growing from ooe root tha plant grws from sis inches to three feat in height and the flowers yblrh are quite at tractive are one to two tnrhee acroas with bright yellow re tree and white edge even weeds fin be beautlfuk in tact i have known housewives who bad surb admiration for damei to bull them up by the roots fcod tranaplant lri thrirj favorite flower garden oranea hawkwed is often i called devil faint bruh be cause of its brirtit ornre red fiowrs borne in flutr bn f a nearly usfute hten ihkt grows front twelve coodurtede vlghleed inches high this hs nun jrauow flowers th1 oioroitown histm all tnaaa waada ar eaallyj killad by eujuwtion wasted j apd cwtutt pum m iowaa tha eurraot yearr growth may mtklllad by one appucatloo dt t ox of 24 d add per acr la lata july or ly septmsbar to klii tha roots however several trvat o 1 ox of 2aj per acre must ba appllad mowlag af course will prevent scads jfrom rspanlng it should ba rcmanabarad at these rates of 1u will also kill doan and allalfj al- will ba un- bermad it la practical to spray aaly wbra they an present in pur iar nearly pur gmas atanda llrweaaer awgayat v 1jf i st georgetown hyoro ton of gold avonlss royal ana 1 w sn lofts vrry good s jer cow in the herd of alh entone bros oskvill ont hai just been awsrded a ton of gold certifies in 1433 inn dj rduced sim lbs of fst she li also a winner of a gold uedst lo qualify for this sward s row mutt produce at lestt 2 000 lbs of fat in 4 eonsacu in years la a real prohum in pr msnent pielurts in korthrd ontario king dvll is troublesome walnly in rulrrn ontartd it much like orante hwkwd but way be dutlnjulshed by i milk tolt hialyh ullk is an vsccllent source af calcium ribaflsvin or pro- eln u wll as urns vitamin a and thlimlrt ii aupplle alia other vltsmlns and mlnsrsli chea ahd milk in the diet are essential for he body s eal rlusn requirements ad an orchid corsage tha hridr ii employed at th toronto dominion rank in guelph snd the groom st flax canada ltd georgetown they will makt their horns in geor getown out of town gunta attended from rock wood acton geor getown brampton oakville gowned alike la an iced aqua i weston toronto ottawa and kg hmpamkd instruction in artificial res piration may ba obtained from your local st john ambulance the red cmsi nr in paw phi is from your local or provincial tklrif jacket whilr accctwim ir i harris floral allahaimamte fou tvlltv occajtom trvue blex cut platoer wua4 aeuaeet 1 mala u htb4al now is the time tohave your furs remodelled kf as catl in and aftbangf to havf your rutt alterations dofje dubing the summer months guaranteed wobk by excebt fur- riebs available to you through silvers take advantage of the scecial low pbicti off ered now silvers uiidi o utiau irilurlnk abort port huron ulchlin mcgndless wilson wedding in hornby united church while cboeuoaeaiaam aaj bua aad ibrom wllun nu llnk fiiii detentee uea uerevlia l t krla and bill uc by united church far the jelylfanlret hrathar ol the groom county friends crowd hall shower mac sprowl bride 33th cereaieey that bailed pel hcia pauy carelye wus aad doujul llctherlaitea hie rii a biarruse the hode b the dauthtei el mr and htm bay j wlhae mjl miuea and the meal u the tea ef hire donald ward xx wcslryaa late joeeph hmundleel rev john a lbu bukieted at the double tie iui and ectwm hue llarirya wri- sejaaaerth afxeoapeaied hire harold c wuaea be nel tvb lnrd rvayer aad 0 pre- mim lie the bride mre a foil leath while dreel ellh leaf eeved filled dreu kith lea twtvd filled be bulk aderaed e4th runealmes the ml ikirl ef eeu aenr taketa aja later- acanad with lace aad rhjna- atane appllquea her ihenlder uuth veil we held far alece wuh a illy of the eellry heed piece the bride carried a beaj qoet ol red roeee un peter peadley deter el tha croon wa amatroa ol hoa- ur linda wuaoa aster oil the bride war reirviomm and both attendaat alike in aqua orcania n tall teu with lata aldnff aad te thered onima and lace back mnal joyce xtuaae drier al the bride wee junior bridee- autld dreaied la aqua artaasa over taffeta tba hmdanh all leota aqjquabowa anal weda a haarlrriirn they cerriad aiak aanatkav- boeeiaye gayb webb aouiu of the bride waa flower girl dreaaad in pale yel- were eehere hire key j wilon rciv fee bre datlfbter it the recrp- tiea held at hornby united chereh hall wannj a blue ahealh dreu wtth ur bodice aiej aylea oer taffeta skirt aad ejule aeceueriea her eor alv rwialhifcrt lira donald ward l cereed for her aon weiring biak wheeth dreu puik and white aceetaorlei hrr cor ol while roeei the hall wei decorated with white belle aad ktrawn thr tiblei had white kuuiu and nlnk ear aatioa boeeiuru the bride rbes a two pirce alak liaaa dree and while ac unrin and a coruge of a buttee orchid for travelling the bnde and rrooni are ii wag at si milt st georgetown mr aad mn h hocandleu a aremptoe tradparenu af mr and mrt c weulagtea wlleon of george tewa braadpereau of the bride gueeu other e from stratford toronto rtrarapton artaa hamilton oeorgelown hereby aad milton t bride world at the canadian imper ial beak of comwrce at del- re ptarj georgetown the groaam work atorenda en an ovarflow crowd of nearly 4m attended the peclil leclali evening held at tulllnifad hall to honour ur and urt mac sprowl the miny frlindf and neigh bora of the nawly mirried cou pla preuntad uteia with hum nua gllu including toll and ublei a iwlvel tv chair a platform rocker two umpi and a hmock during the evening chair man welter unhim lime botue introduced judge george elliott of ullton and ciurlej culu h it acton who both no dmvihq worries no parkinq problems no lonq walks when you oobybu5 toine waw haej aad eefl aad 1 t ijwr i walta the wedding cake wa made by the bride mother and dec orated by mr charts auitln oa july tad mr t led iwidgo had a miacellaneou a ln boaour af patay wll aon oa july 14 harnbrlucw d a adaaauaoaaua abower ln hiainr al tba bride and groom tobe at tha church ball qn jury ttti open houae wa held by tba brldee motber lira c w wllaso grendino thar ef the bride and mr ada h sffly up1 george kerr danceabla uelodlea by lie knery orcheitri nd a vsrl ty of tempting food roundad out tba evening ur sprowl and hit wife the former joyce r liner thinled everyone for the gifts snd en tended i cordial invitation to visit them at thair home rail dents front all pirti of hilt6n attended bert dsvld son capably handled the dutiei of floor manager tha commit tee ln charge of arrangements were ur and mrs kyfe sower villa jur md mrs clarence mc keown mr and mr clarence denny mr and mrs lloyd lie winery mr and mrs harvey kirk wood mr and mrs don matthews mil lorni bessey and jack mltahall augezltoseftttoronto not open sundays ir inxitr canadian national exhibition 100k colubi tvtke cn umi wit bneoutl lelt hlack t w4 aj talett sal ike lint cebuf tewmve le atipmte m cerimi sunt wo iv thowdmjrl tmi ammlnlkel tl l druje1 keumt m tki cekmtl uklmt bwklag ihtiihttiaital alrihowsulkikkmtkril mluleatm hwmi uiewic aleuy i tekutoli sv j t 3 u skew u i i s che tuultalltke tieriwl tkee m mlu liw at ike mlmll4 rtsmioh imowieveiy koel voo ua ivu ike latest lllkwi u ike ar cmlilttaed ikeite at tk qyeee ekitlwlk au u it cheiimullhm0hiwiutklh6imllmlllenilkvetumm mil ultu ike u mle like omiiiu eeutw iteervft dimertie rubmf si ukiiiem le tke cmc weluliiail skua la the ttcilaimiil tl ikl lieuli kae opmial dy aut 21 summer great aunt at the bride poured tea mine lynh karen and gayle webb and joyce wlleon lerved the gueiu lunch cohctfti oiavn buooimo iamd oad oiavb hu and top soil stoni wobt tomhaines otea william tk74ma direq into the grounds auoust 13 to suptimbir 7 excursion am 260 raurid trio ineludai admlaelen for apecul low children firei to tee your agent leave oeereetewrt ll 1m leave kiihlbltlorl 10 jo um after jlrintliund show payllght tim kxhlbllion piueugen travailing on regular buiea will tranafer t toronto bun terminal to buice running into tha ground ticket and information at stansjlejiaurarit i774s21 tjsten tuon vouli tickcti tllv 101 ivcnih4 hunbttlhtl jhc ttcullt h0uhd tni w0hd ik m vininocmeiiie ikk clhtr tee dvklm oh uetttld cinnel quia ile le hue yaw i meticel eitilteli hitid mm hvy ttndtke iuaiwi uij suih nivy bind piiknu kk daily tl ike cne ravjiml laugh mickey uomi ttt in tmt mahoittmo vutihet fun fttt- mtckry ueuu ted kit ftiendl i aenjm liar le ike iknll lucked llttliuo liw i im citedrlind au 14 le sept s 1 mile tnd matr or midwtvlli ikl uutoy mk htklw tad delight every ilk o ike way learn cwadliau tu l hilt enjoy muine muletatsee caoadaliea tiling hiuory recorded ed dopuyej ii ikli lemtlklbli boudleg yearning for a yacht get mn hfc big purchase loan for any important purcliaee youre belter off buying with eaali you can ihop anywhere for the let bargain take advantage of caihuvine cettlvat tejifrfn hfc bor row confidently repay conveniently call ui now ak aaour caafirr uh imalwaud ay ujw caoue hatia u ovaan s4tmi tore toupfceiw o7t20m itttel living centauaweei aetlleg let ill that aew at aeml decor utcimationil momur htirthe til led etolie wkere tountllel diipliy their wrret 1nti0ue m0 cuit0m ctlt mo h0iiy t0f uneiswtk can ol yesterday today and lomerraw il the tleamini meter shoe i elpecitlly f01 women the 0ueen elltaieth tulldimo- home turelthlngi arfi and crfttc fnhlon laowt cooklni khsob tod tbril kltmiiementl ip0iti activitiucruy dey hai iom tpoili ivenl u the che be ea hand to lie records broken i the ttktiontl home jhowchimolom honei and rlom meat it ike nora show le e lor coveted iwirdi hit 21 lo 27 luhe colaeom giiml adigisslort iults75 children hk 13 10 exhibition parktoronto i m phase phesidtnt hihau t mccauvm otntawhaijimll attention farmers for milking cowl on pasture follow the master sum med feeding program cowi milltino at a high level on pasture require a hialv energy low fibre ration we reeommend master 16v dairy ration or master 6 milk producer to overcorre the problem of a mid summer slump these feeds are available in math krum and pellet form and if you have en empty grain or bulk feed bin we can deliver bulk feed in iwo ton lots or more saving youmoney weevil contt61 in ouaih sins keep your grain wkvil mil by fallowing how- ljkrds weevil control program this yen un treat spray your grain bin walls and door with howards bin treat before storing grain ii kills weevil in cracks and crevices and has prolonged killing action it doei not harm the grain orain ouakb it miner easily with your grain a 11 le being binned ii protects the grain until il is used alnmmi sot grain already liifaited with weevil uie howards bin fume cimint we era agents- for portland cement and masons cement manufactured by the st lawrence cement compthy call u for your cement roqulrefnnls no order too large or too small wp whtat we will have a good supply of seed wheal on hand for fall planting we can alto supply you with your fall fertilizer requirements we will be glad to do your tell aampling for you and wo have t fertilizer spreader available for broadcast spreading mid cuanino we are how cleaning wheat for fall planting if you have wheal for cleaning and treating call us for a seed cleaning appointment i master lainqwn itiwa mai atrasu f- rwjwei w- mmim a iejrts

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