Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 7

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suggest prove rebate right by industrial water meters i j to the iowb tnuury a rartoc- tf la wttlai lee ale t- i- i gj in am eervke ckario u tnat uaa they are pre r tfc would w c amer then ecmuy m lor uduairy auu at oppoalto eada of the laeca in uiitrisi at method ei payioj cou of the acwaie diafou plant la la it waa derided to ralm the yearly bill by sur- ekaraa on water niu with dm aanimptlnn that throe woo pot water lelo tea system efcould pay or it- ooa byjaw proviao la that en industry by nbmlttlnf edeeueie proof to have lb oharjr re- dwel the town tour ur net- rtpduetriee ere cranled pavcbeoaceeelons n 1so0 meanwhile th waier depert- ohol has a vjiooo delicti and mayor clbbdhs clairoa that ether taxpayers ar beine pn- allied by not atlrmo ta a 50 eurefcarre or everybody a bew ratepayers krvup with tad freocla a spoke- man approached council re cently eeklai out the hoc be aaataulaed mr krancla ap peared acala monday this a tine indicating he would be aatiafled ii meter were install ed in the plants to prove the aeiual aioount b wsler tovolv- and o eoueeraoa pointedjwlll pay leaf and other toouim- out that u eaetera aoow indua era more milk saloon proprietors busy pair combine 2 jobs workw nlcht h d u auiil no bad baa to driv juit a llthtlyuaed phrase tollmen kehnteo aveeae kesl in meet people but to theewneriscartporo to opeo the atore h ml uie new part oere ullk sa loon oa cuelpb street it la a literal art both the partner george balaaao afcd hud curllj work neat wtek he aad hie wile will move into an apartmeot in the new bulldlne oo kaytawo cr cent- george bad already inoved regular lim hour shift at hi wife and children david american motora in brampton j and kicky into a- house on and la addition keep the milk weber thrive rem their tor saloon open teelre hour a onto home bevld who u tev day front- ten in the noralna till tad at lilrh aumrovaj clu 11 v fk0wam at amtoaova imftmm tat antaat aweunc of the aanfrove waaatni lnstkuta waa bald on tuesday eraniw hobert riraiham with the firu ol the 411- cluh aa taaau- tha peaident mra- john bird opural with tb ode and creed the boll call a style i ten not wear brought aooae as ualnx anawera- the aacretary treaaurer mrs bob aleaaader niln o prerieua mliiv vnd aociala that had beee held and alao tha correa- pondeoce a letter from mra tc coaaoa dept ol atrieuv j iskjcutloi lure recardiatf the new alt l am proieet the cereal sjeu u vlcechlrian of th to be held on tuesday and 16 feod couqeil prael wedoeaday september isui united resigns fruit vegetable post for new position arthur kemp irtdiit of thm ontario frull aod vet- ittf 18cb at lb boaw of mra life growers aat with wxmt the e- empuatm by the asaocutioo of tha rwlgiatifto oi uvc aecretary urcasurtr or job f browo ol miltoo dr- browo wu appoinud aju alatamt 7cuotriturej alay 1868 ajwi took pvtf the poal tion of iwcrlaatreuurj from u aobiojcui u jiouajy 1u0 1u will tttpuau rfi utu cim city for some mothj to dent of th trxdt end vegal bio products export couiicll secood vicprasidml of um rruvdlan ilonlouturaj cooocll chalxinan of tho cantmatt com- mittec of um hcwtfcvltunl council aerhjrytrejier of the ontario fruit export av octalion sad aerotary trea aurer of the ontario apple packer aaaodation dr browo u rcaiinial to take a poaition in the food field in the toronto wrtm mnd will con tint to reaidv at hla arranfr airnj f uiltoae ahol befioa of everyone oo tuesday kapicmbri 8th at th tnotnetit cor work- th day shift and bud ork rvd loth u uethaj church a comoittt of four ide were apppinud dale- selel 16 kt trad the coafefynce j irt curlph od krpt 20tb knd 50th tumeiy th itc 1 vic school while hluy 1 four hw r a yar or twu to ao why did thy oin tb lor hia feroup had tut with wt- er chairnub tkut hffa 11 wk he oaid and th cturvtll- lor bad indicated h auo would favour thla but cr kiwtr and th ratepayer- di-iitr- on the evras houavrholdr water cocuumption aff kritwi ld lie has aurveyed i5 i ef rl deals and ur parcrntaalt ua leaa than 6000 keillor in billinf period cr rowr- hi produced tatl-llc- o ahow 7000 aerac cr- poex riplalned that h favours water in i wslr which rows to inachlikea but it would be eamoniically lmtouiuw or jhduatries meter lauld ac tually nteritn th awr k doot think tseterlntf would aho knikh vrlinr tront the preavefit pcrcntagei belni rebated to irvdiutry hs aald- h would h better to raise the 94o000 rotri gttr- aj taica od drop th awr rrvk thkit auokether cr smith dlurlalind he vaayora contention that there would b oo water deficit had rebate not bn mad e th extra assessment doe not go to the water department he said td would have no effect j on a water department deficit the rebates tr tubjett to r- vuvr at any um and tf the questions them toother should be tnads ilsyor gibbons said th wa ter department should b abol uhed and rcipts snd tenses be included in th ren oral town treasury you eaat aru that if this were the ess and- induitrie ha been psylnf their w we would have 7 000 mor snd would hot hav to istue deben ture- b tnilntalned cr luldebrendt pointed 6ut that if industry installs meter and mor income is derived than ndd for tewage coitj th ektnt money cannot tf ln- th tilth t thltt at the br-mp- we juu wanted to try ivtirt- toe plnt tbey paui each otbhlnt hew uld bud and rf on the way root on job tothli way if lbthlns else well the other jgt u out of our ytm ko it t not done with mlr- iifi w frturrj rv they tloaf th tore for about live htlnijte- while one k frotrt hramplon and tb- if e bul tlw ul otw aurts out ua bread rbdy riiurrtles allimaao instal new student minister at ballinafad united church tor the flower i rotitnulte borne eomtjiunlly sinklitx waa conducted by mra- franru thunipaori and then the meetlni waj turned over to the lrla in cliarb o unda tjart who opened their part with a root of a utter spell the three quart lura f milk katoe wltb un j 11 hun ter belna th lurky winner alarsaret hrownrids had the blotto which explained the ill pledfa ahd all it ataiull lor and weani to its yount tnem- 1 beri urula tjart then modell ad a lovely sand colored ault wllh a eublnk ireen hit scarf and lovea while kulert hunter gave the commentary and striated that aceesaorlea sludyln al the unlvenily l should be in harrnony nency wfitern ontario illunler dim lave some very in j ur uatei who graduated this terelln hlhllirhu from the year with first claaa honouril un seminar at the genava refeivini hil ha detree waiilark yvi c a camp at uk couchlrhlnl sponsored by the town uoni club she and an other sir hd been prlvlleel page 7 tmk 99 7im youll 1find all the oa sunday ewnlni the three conireialloru of the lulllns fd chars sathervd at church- til tof the lntallalion aervlce of their new tilde tit tninlitfr ceo hates rev lome j born in hamilton he attend graham chairman of walton i d hluh arhoot there and in presbytery conducted th serj london where he moved with vie and su present wai ksv his parents when he wa- 17 1st fie mi hi of ctorirlowh h worked as tuitsnl to the the tupervulns pslor snd ur of fie manager with wonder harvey handy atudent ntlnls uskerlea lui prior to hit ter from st john chirch tudiei prepsring him for thrlliird thsnke the girls for th junior thoir under the ntry into full lime work with their program and the hostess the church for her home and the meelne aa a lay mlnlttrr lit wti elated with the queeo and first writ to the m scour charcelaociil hour in saikatrhewaa where he to attend and they were dpy impressed by what they learn d there it wsi both education- al and a lot of fun ur hector direction of mrs h denny rendered apeclsl muiic and reception followed when the eongreifktion bad th opportun ily of meeting mr snd mrt itudied at the univeriity oforanto duruf which time be bstei who come her from ssikatchewin receivinc his j will be serving the ballinafad fullerton charge in perth matriculation in 1m1 after charge ur lutei has three rreibytery where he hil bnipendlng three yean at wea children george timothy and serving a s lay minister fdr tern he now hsi three more suun who will be attending the pstl three years while years at emmanuel college inlnruban school ssallinafad ucw ladici discuss church responsibility both units of th ucw met on tuesday of laat week mri don smith wai th hostess for th kvoflinj group and mrs- ken hamilton for tha afternoon and th roll- call on both oc casion wai sjy responsibility ad member of the united neiti 1 rre iiilnloriait topic from th new study book on africa and india wss deslt with by ur r khortlll sr ahd mri at ucenery and the de votional wu taken by mrs j uctnery and un c ueenery several matters of business were discus at both meet ings and lunch was served by th social commltteei ur alan n eel on who ii wjth th sslvitlon army in suiss kb was a visitor in th com munity on day last week lira ji wood had iter mouv er mrs miller visiting with bar for wek recently finest chinese anadlan t dishes far take out service ilz87797i esquesing tsa parents of public school children please note school bus routes stewarttovvn us roolei remain the sama aa leal term eicept the bua on the 7th line la be xtantuj north to murt allison and but from 1st t oh town ua south la lot 5 weal to ilk line tvorfh to 10 jlderoad west h 7th line south to i slderoad wail ta 6th line north k is sldaroad east re school aurvtxktxrfminic pupils attending grades 4 and 7 at stewarttown will be acioitimojaled at the hornby school until auch time tha new addltkan al sfewhrhown la completed the board expect grade s to alao be accommodated outside the uheol final announcaoienl in thl resard will appear in the but route advertisement in heat weeks herald speyside and limehouse pineview koulea remain the tame aa leal term umlhous clauis staht at t40 am skvelba clasus start at 910 am lite routea remain the aama a leal term clauk stallt at viom thi alvov 5chiduu it to apply in inlanci subec to any revlaloni rh loard find neceuary following a trial period in the event of a change parent of pupiu akactod will b notified by tha bard uereury proper wlveel alignfrvnt it impoftant to the iaf driving of every car on th road make certain thai your car ii tale bring it irt to ui toon for sxpsft repair tervic harley motors 31 john street w 8772591 for backtoschool sewing at garners make currveri your orvestopsiwirvfl centr all ffvo accetloriet you minhl mood youll firvj hero seam rippers buttons zippers thread huck towelling buckles simplicity patterns yard goods cottons uoabcoths many many other woouirts wixlcxtt main st gcorsetown savetvsausave electrohome is moving than move stock wo are into a new warehouse and rather reducing prices hilton modern 33 coniol traniformer powered 1 7 tube centurion chaisi orect vision picture tub 1 slabilitron 5 pm speaker front mounted preiet fin tuning powr pacer frame grid vumatic tuner 20000 volli pictyr power dursdail finish on cabinet wa want your trad only 269 manhattan 23 coniol transformed power ed centurion chaisli hand wired for performance reliability 4 stage tran sistorized if dilcrat handrubbed cabinet wa want your trad only 2995 creston superb 23 console wilh all of electro- homes quality features including elac- trohomes 12 month warranty on- parts w want your trad only 289 but at wiops whmlsitviciij cmttaintv many other big values come in now lor the lelettioii- v television and appliances ltd l ikawawaejaaaawaalaeaaeaaa 77437- ftiefiltix islaiatlfiall rlsitir iljii-

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