Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1964, p. 9

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tux tr m ivm aaos hualo shop the stores in georgetown for convenience value and service its so easy to return things rf they are not just right cherry growers bumper crop hurts prices rrawurrowm family tree prepared for murray reunion kallthaad tw annual rvunua bt the uufa ftly vu held on ut urdty augut istb hi uw urn kom of ut bd wrt kfrt uur ru and dtnlly kl h k 1 at atiaa lynda iurcty and ulu norma hurray r u ct la chant fend had kr a full progran for thaiy chttfty wctfm ik jouufl 19 clumpor crop l reported in hilton jl bompt charry crop his left hal ton county ipowars with a kluiaiu htdach afore thinira man lower prie rtoorta an official of a fruit rowers abociition now facd with lh ironical alt nation of having too much iiuuad of tab llttl canadum are miuna thir produce t au and a hill enta pr pound wuch la 13 tcnl lrta thin a government rumu ttating that cherries cinnot be pro duced for 1- than 7 8 cent a pound although the growers will twtolva a tuhamy relmbuning than for their lots they are till lrkd the general lmprea ion la that american thtmiei wr md to th canadian market roar cheaply than the canadian growers wre pre pared to lell howevr in view of the can dlan govrrnmtnta promlte tet wake good any loss sustained by tha growers atixrican cher rla are tt now coming into ui country buyer of the imported fruit are said to have chanted ova to the canadian markat becauaa of the present prce atruelure said an official tt the grow ra organliation the com petition between canadian and aineruan in the canadian blarke t u keener than ever he fore dapite the government a offer of aulituvce it la not helping tha grower to make arwnrthwhltkprnftt an example of the uneasiness wong the hi la reflected in leslie hughe a 40 year old man who hai had yeara of ex perience producing the fruit looking out arrou rows of tiloonuag cherry treea on hi sjacre plintitlon at line side rami north hilton the bronze tinned flgur declared i there ii not a lot bf coowr jauon between the grower and the riniwn i can t grow char net at their price i ai wrloualy thinking of going into the canning market next year but 1 ii wait and too how the crop 1 going first i don t want to go into that biui nen but the tanner thenuel vei ire pushing me into it ur hughe and hii wife and five children hat lived at the farm for four yeara growing montmorency rharriea and thii li their best harvest yet with the help of 0 worker mainly student picking the fruit they hope to yield a crop or 200 tons which will fetch the meigre lis cents per pound their previous beit hirveit wn re pelted in their first yf at the farm whait 180 tona ware told hay nd pey ridaa game rc4 end a hbuadaoc bf food wer enjoyed by all ml nor nil murray bad made a umily tr and tach faintly waaprmeaiud with a ropy taos praeanl war ur and mr gilbert fengllab 4th line ur and ur joe uumy and family norval urt j c uur i ray air and urt j kuwsrt and family mr and ur d harclay and family of sfwirt town ur atvd mrs john qttjway and family liuti williams ur and ur ijjrne murray sin ily aclort ur y mgir and ur and ur bill kdgsr and family of retcrbarough ut hill mgar and mr y ilmmelt were appointed i committee in chargr for nixt yir s reunion ur c ith mr delnratt and sttven and mn j i uur ray enjoyed a motor trip thro taveril part oi ontario during the week of augutt lhh ur r hic4rn who wit a irecrnt patient in cuelph ho ipital ha returned home and her many friend will be plen ed she is making satisfactory progress rrirnds in the village are plened to he ir cot fl o brown n p regretting favourab ly in newmarket ho pita i af tar hi recent accident uiu donna stewart and min lender harvlay visited recently with retativaa in ratarborough urs v kdgar of feierbr ough visited with urt j c murray this past week and ur snd urs rill ldgar ind family arrived for tha weekend ill irnlng horn sundiy even ing ur j water lav readrr it grace church uilton was in charge of tha kervice in m john church sundiy morn ing in the i hie nee of the rector who u acting aa chaplain at a girl a ramp at ancaater floweri in the church sun day were in loving memory of j c uurray who pid iwy august 20th ltkoo ur and ur l a grinl ind kfebtotk uuu beauua kuiid lab hod hilllp wluori eriucd a tw wv nap vcatiofl at aj gumjuin rrk thd bun kcho flri 0 mi lnda ijwutn wa a gut of this past week of r aunt and uncle and rum in ur i aad ur honald ijwion ahd jamie at thlr rottage it burk kills a urs w h mwfcon and paul along wilh ur- bob ucuiiler of glen williams enjoyed a motor trip this put wtk vis king friends at wasaga and tobrmiry ur and urs ken wtuott ind ihlllp visited on sunday with iir and urs henry uirr naar delhi philip rmainad for the coming wk helated blrtmay graetlngi to steven deforeit 7 years old augut lttb roaa jlunler fl yeara old august 11th an urenda louiw grace 2 on aug ust urd i happy birtbdiy to hilly field who will celebrate his tent birthday on replant bar 2nd expropriation for i highway property a bylaw empowering axpro priatlon of an estimated ujom of highway frontage ndd for wldaning of the aai part of no highway wa p4aaed by georgetown eounrit uonday bxaraptort realtor k a ul chell baa aubmlttd a deuiled report bf landi affected with a lota valuation of tt1a wbelbw property bwrtert will accept um vajuiuoni u urt eartala tb by jaw allowa con ilructiott to comuanca and purchajo daialla ta w worked out lauf wilh ownvt handcraft display brings close to bible school a abort program and dis play of handcraft on vnday ev t fling in the church brought a week of hippy m owhip to a rlo for the daily bible va tatloa bebool the thme of be icbool thu year wis jcaui and fur the theme hymn thry ud how great tdou art thre vi in av rage alundince of bu and each morning it 10 so th ud irt of the ratlimfad lcw ttrva caoklea and fmhie urs ktiirtey amuraon wii the teacher of the kindergarten rui wilh ann miortlll and calbryn sinclair aaauling tbejr itudy and crafta wre rvhtred on jesus the ttacher to the pople in the primary department the subject was jcaua i ha friend of the people and tha teacher were ur coaaitt ur lbaiiibers and ulaj athawi the junior ut for their ittmttea at the ball with lit jamleson as leader auislrd by i inda swackhamer and donna hhor till they considered hi call to all um twopw mr bate our batf iiud ssilua- u taught tha lataromdula daaa and iwf aim was ut 41- cover jtauj ha a raaj paraoa kor handcrajt tbey aajojod basket weaving tb oiftrio4 bruugfat carb day by tho calld ran u being ud to diatrtbuu btcntua and bibla ucturta to children in otbe uod in tfetlr own language blr haiea tl lpfaaed tkankj to all um luacbert eapexrlally tb buay bouawlvc4 who give of their tito ao willingly arb mora ug and aiao to tb wocacaa lorganiiatiotu u acb of um tbrael rhurcba who gave n- lcoui donillufia ftnaocially i th kuiujty kcltocl imihri md tlili htid 1 uccllla id th cbuck ml uonday hukl to be i illm d uw bw cui riculuu ii li um uii of um uinulr ibd ux uutxrt tw uit wkou oiiau4nl knd tully turbu wdul3 oiiuaiiit uimm1vj vmlb uiu hw tir ktatit af uachltig in tha uri dy srhwl kid fltm thr triiil hsh vr huxht in likt superior wu g su kiund ituran wilh ititgui of 74 trl raulht h lttt always ihere with ready cash for back to school xpensas or any good reason 802s to 450002e nia0aha finance company limttkb 040 wrnk from coast to coatt 9 maui north m a blfot maniftar 877jma m scavenger hunt feature of junior farm picnic hav you evr tapal your way in the dari with juat a foable bum of a small fluh uht to i wilh trying to find a thraleaf covef in a lawn that haa nary a aln of slaver la if you can imailne the scne- people down on their handa and lcneea peering ar ound looking aa if they had juat loat their laat dime ttiatj not alll trtere were people ckaslnf eala and injects live ones and a few more stealing licence plates spare urea and teen apples to mention a few have ybu guessed ut youre right a seavenjiet hunt liie scene of these strange sights waa the home of marlon margaret and lois hunter and fatv occasion waa the annual picnic of the tlalton junior itrmera county board meot r iter an evening qf- amf the juniors sal down to a lun i ckof hot doga donuts and jtytawpj eoueei i 1 school supplies all text books that are required for high school are at georgetown stationery commute link of pens pencils drawing and drafting material brief cases leather ztppered linden of lasting quality other supplies binders refills notebooks etc everything you need georgetown stationery and office juf ply 77j4ia 3j mafnft shop jacksons first wmhtl you douar bwinmlv dow oo fuhthh it1 a fact you can uy mou fot utl ay jackiorrt koyt mnim jeans koyv iulky cardigans sanloriiad and reinforced at pointi ol i 100 orion in a variety of colours solids train made in canada by lion bill uses s hi ii 2- cooo uucyion or boys and girls slhoes guaranlead hard wearing from and stnpet usw 1111 449 everything for the family 3 1 skirts mouses coats etc trousers jackets suits underwear shoes exceptionally low priced v udiii double knit suits i s 2 main street n bargain centre mmtr the evelyn shoppe or high school blouses totton abort mj toaq iwv abift and bloua atyla tartanl stripe and plain color oea 10 10 20 to 498 silk blouses 498 and nylons long end short sleeves to pcially chosen to coordinal with any shade of skirt sites 10 to 40 598 skirts and jumpers now fall fabrtct in solid coltmjri tvrvads awj nlatd taffact siias 7 to 20 898 o 2498 new blazer sweaters really smart in royal blue and red 1098 small medium and large 1998 4 ways to 1uy uyawsy m cash isudslef cherg the evelyn shoppe 7 main st n 8774831 ut anniversary special see the beatles in person wrhsjhpuknsie f l 00 or mora you a thane w win k pair of tickm to su thi klatui backtoschool specials comwit jvimo binders 28 refills 98c sheaffers cabtudoirin caitrugee 98 all your needs in back to school supplies delrex smoke shop i muixmaja feiyirijawim a ajfarfa w 1jjrjrtefit svat jt- m u

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