Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 1

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citizens band wins in second try at ex cwic prelte was heaped on george town citizen bend sofdy ngh i a hastily celled open if concert in rhe delre marie f centra drew hun dreds of muak lovers to hoe rvuyos joseph gbbom xtend the lownl corvgral trtetiom on frai piece win at the cenedien netionel exhibit ton and fke bend puyod a varied content whch irwloded the r teat pce kiji won them tr whajey koyce trophy arvi v00 on thofvday jim fiddle fhenked rhe tateyo for k lemeks end oendmetief a 1 h ii rd wi rte for the concert second 1o delhi lit year the young nuiic ei scored 169 point to cop honouri uij week in j m btnd clu they were followed by carrpbellhrd loo emv lie tu delhi 163 ten ton stcaf 1 s nd alon 1 iff the cqelown 00kj on compted in call 3 in wh ch they vared uoytt plc hoouri ut year in thei in i t bd in cmc compel i cmi b wai ort overfall effort m bend off del 1ou the herald on of rioie tiyi when eveylhing went perloctly everyove plyd the r belt aflr all that pacl ce trve boys mide sure rvobody wei qo rvg to beat them thai day in the p dure at left ae from front tell charl e w llr cynrh lenbet gmty neely clyde mwrt bndmite art milliard with whewy boyce trophy jim fiddler roieiwi fiaie elizabeth hnun dave haitlngi middle row m ke baker holph toml m bob eauvt jery johniori pele waters roo srnith hob mtcumber vic elchui ke ih boughtoi wound boone kalph mile back row b ii eaton gary aatnelty marly wheeler sfsn pachock dinny brown p yomlni m ke wrrn dann l wrqht howard cnlburd carl toreiru ads that pay i jarterelara cuilul ky t 7im1 hryuiw mlluf tt w1j u wi yw t111 final fix rewlti yw georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing u1 u fut tj uu iu luxki it- mu flntf arlntutft fcnj htv avw autuuj u luoj cuu u1i pwil mfiu twl 0m ii w hv cij r1vuridy upltur 3rd 1w4 4 00 pr yri iugu copy rk to u lost boy walked 20 miles 3tex i- found hiking on highway r uirk uwllyn hit twn rdj i txholarthip at tun collcgf- univrruty of tar a thirttii yrr olil boy ink rouiy ol i wtio found hiw f tnyonr hid wn tli tw s 4ttl on hi hrure trail through limited thr twy had willtwl oral of ttir pcoplf catlrd on bcre waa rejwtrtrd to b loit clou- to twenty mlwt joined in ihr uarch last week and thr rep rt oip r xplalr xl th youth uy iiudnijtht three m re tit parked an inrnur iv hour was hiking atons thr urucr icrn wi rt drlailrd li thr ararch by aria farmrri and trail with hia parrnti and ararrh turnty minutn latrr north halton ontario irovn iistr and waa laat awn by thr thinguacouiy poller rrpr cial tobce other mirthwn of thr roup thr boy hicky irvine of around 4 p w surwlay whrn darken was found at 12 00 hr had hot brn aeika by a nt monday auujt 24 on t pin ihry alerted polit and highway 7 brtwn ctorg towq and brampton 1iu ihnri wr almott worn throunh the boy btartrd hiking an pie fcruc trail in the stkeypide free tbm dy brfon fc toth of the chlnue- thre officer froei th north halton dftathmrnt wr dia- patehrd to the arra police cruued tb tri blowing alrenj to altnt at untlod and ttjlini on nigh beurboed farmboniae to are u llr will rrcrlvr thr rurnildr vhnljnhip in mathi and srirnrr whtrh ha a valur aomruhat oer 11700 llr hag rtirollrd at trinity n thr hon our math phiirs and rhtm latry rourar i uark had 60 1 in hii brit rar tn win rhflarhip 100 ontario trd thr hiker had brrn foun llr wa give food and rruntrd n i a with bia worrird parrnti polwe fifcure th hoy follow ed the eleetrd nalurr trail 2 x ir glen lowvill tied sstntt mz ss- sefthaswirinal ceorcctowh toward no 10 llixhway town takes over battle of the smog plazas untroubled to date could be no mans land georgetown a uioppintf pla taa the drljr market crntrr end the grorifview plaza have brrn frr of thr hftodlu tniam that has plagued mftro plaiaa of tatv hut the plaia trouhlr apprara to hr atradily crrrping cloirr aa one hy onr ilaltnn coun ty towns rkprrirncr th diaturh- encei the municipal councils re rirmamling that ivovinrlal legislation be enacted to place private parkins inta and khnpplntf pi a rat under thr jurisdiction of the lhchwas traffic act aliltnn council pressed for puch action last week mention in that recently there has i aeveral instance of a e vacatio the uahon rural softball league artnl final between oun wlllumi and lowvillr tarts at a same apiece follow inf a lowtila win jnday night i iwvillr jumprnl on clen 1 pitching for three runs in the taking three firtt final inning to wring out a onds arven third 08 triumph glen won the fourths first encounter 60 its a best major wumrr in ml offlvr arnrt iclansea wai ttrford tom pravoy startnt for the house of mi ton glen amt wrnt moit of thr way bob rwman came in to hurl thr last inning ihr glen scohdale bull reserve grand champion at ex georgetown khorthorn breed j h c tienbett flgutrd pronl ineaiuy id cattle 6ittitkutiiu it the cktc tbia wrelt i1u bull scotbdale ulumaa not only took thr junior cham pionship but wrnl on tn re arrve grand champion at the ahow iw nut- it alto bhourd thr re ar rvr trnior champion bid rm tec burning dump problem out of contractors hands chaafee in veoofetowt mu twill be latorporatrd in a new altipal garbag rontrvl have by taw mprctrd to br paaard been agreed between council next week a charge ftf falling to remain storra in the plaia to at the scene of an accident i uiem the propnrton wrrc the complainants are not apthua denied thr mrana to rx prallng thu decision cludr an individual thry con the magistrate ruled that aide red undesirable the intention of the act was to ilia second case was hrard el throughout most of thr keep persona from unlawfully before magistrate james black game treapaasing on private property who ruled that a thopping pla hornby and ralermr ar thr but he uid that in the case of ra parking lot is not a public h two aemi rinihlt paler the commrrcial placea there ithroughfarr under the provis- o leads that aeries 2 garni i waa an invitation from thr lion of the art and dismissed ln nnnr i his whks phlss hl 3s6 and rottlractor g w ratum the ramm firm has been wor king undrr a contract which aflowi j2 63 prr caplu for collecting garbicr drpomting a site in thr northrafct part of town near thr ch ravilwaiy and roermg it under shonhorn aaniury landfill sjitem the contractor s reipopuhil ity has not included the cov rnng of industrial waitr and i from time to time the town has been plagued with odour and smoke when wastr has caught ire details of new agrrement wrre arrived at lat week at a council com rait tee mrrtinu and ajid four w ard postpone separate school kindergarten for month one down two to co i kindergarten for wnly croaa teen magistrates dlirniaiing cases concerning certain infrince stents of the hlfihwayi traffic yc georgetown oakvill and recently varboro had all been ttubjee tn these decisions and i illllon council thought some thing ought to be done halton county crown at torney peter k mcwilllama 1 way appeal a decision in a ourt case roncefnlng the plau parking lota he aid ro cently that if the ruling was flpheld then tlif parking lota would become noman a land on july 0 ajagutrate ken heth u langdon of geortfe i town ruld that a peraon could not be convicted of jreapaislng on shopping plaia a charge brought against an 18 year old youth by the owners nf one plaia tinder the petty tfeapai ah was d lam i wed because in magistrate langdona judce went the act wai not intended to cover auch a situation in thia ease the owner of the store are conaiderlng an ap- peal pupils bound addiliou to thr school i not school will yet romuted it waa felt it wa nuuh trt the separate school board deter to postpone kiudrrgarten cided to postpone the opening i opening than to upset thr of kindergarten because the achedule of the older children council drafting proposal for delrex land release see the a l00 at the weathef t j auguat 0 wed max mil n 40 tyisr to b3 41 so t st b2 83 b0 sun m s3 won jo si wvejnoaf 10 52 illgh or august b4 lav 41 i freclpiutlon s 99 ftax r aucu f c scot whett council turned down a proposal mad hy delret dev elopmenta for a new agreement whlrtpwimttd allow release of more subdivision lands for h twite building it waa agreed that the town would submit a proposal in turn to the develop ment iirm monday cr jim young aald hia town planning committee has drawn up three proposals and that the town solicitor is prepaying letter em body lug these to the developer the letter will be submitted to council for approvirwjor it is sent he said and if the devetoper indicates interest we will be having another meeting to discuss it with him lie gave no indication of whst the latter might contain tom trouten in chorusat cne grandstand show jr wyffiw cadeb instnirtor back from ipperwash camp six georgetown high tchool du re qualified cadet lead en now after aucceaiiumy sraplellni their leadership uraea at camp lpperwaah they were away uvea week knrolled in the coune were cadet sgt steve ewlng cadet cpl norman hamilton and ca- deta david prancla gerald clark helmut andrae and cluford levy itray mil each receive 1100 pay for takum the course at lb urna time th geor- fttovn hia 8dwo thoae who attend the grand land ahow at the enhlhltlon thu week will tee former local alnger in the chonli which appear on atage in a couple of production number tom trouten how a bur llngton realdent made hie pro- eaalonal debut in the chorui of south faclfic during a three week engagement of uth pacific at the okeefe centre he had previously atarred in many georgetown ahowa in kitchener in pyjama cam and in hamilton in klaa lie kate 1 laatructor mr archie rob- beru wai completing hl lmtructora course it entltled- cadetbua to the rank of lieutenant mr ilamni will continue to pick up garbage and haul u to the site for a fee of u 00 prr opita the town ill be re- tponuble for covering garbage and is renting equipment from wilei construct n for 475 a month the town will provide an operator and fuel for the bulldoser in addition it will cost the town 3000 to 14 000 a year more but this la the only answer we can arr cr hill smith told council on monday lvcryone has agreed it is not ponible to do a proper covering job at the 2 62 fig ure llr pointed out that the nrw ay it cm is estimated to coit 3 03 pr capiu and this is atill lowr than four of the i tedder bldi received when air ramm wj awarded the contract in 1062 he warned that the burnlna problem will not be utlved la a day or two but that the town war its staff will be follow ing a progressive program of clranms up the landfill site while voting for the new pro posal cr charles hltdebrtndt made a plea that an incinerator be considered a isoooo capital purchase could pay for itself in eight years he uid pointng to a 5 700 jrurly rent which th town will be paing cr powers suggested that i cr hildehrandt wants eonaider- ation he should bring more detailed information with tl mates of operating coats of an incinerator peter jfpnea photo judy wins ticket to screamland hank harms o rh datrax srnok shop prowoi very oxtiltad jody nh wltr a hlghv the baallet labobr day ahow in m3ib lt covtd placo of crttxrd a tlckot tci gardens iff ths ftrst of threw to bo given away by the smoke shop during drew cdnoit fhere the final iwo winners will be declared saturday lucky seeks oil at 1650 ft drill has 550 to go oil driller anthony ynuck president of anthony gaa and oil hxplorations is anxiously awaiting his second oil strike at hornby the drill is presently down to the 1100 foot level veynuck aaid that the drill should en counter oil when it get past 1b50 feet the hole presently being drll led is located on the farm of harold scott on the ninth line drilling baa been going on for the last three weeks at a hole drilled earlier in the summer heynuck obtained 2 000 galldni of crude oil tha hole was located on the farm of george hall north of the hole now bring drilled seymjck said that he expect to hit a bigger reservoir of oil on the bole presently being sunk than on the previous one seyntick plans to pump tha firvt bole in about a weeks time after seynuck pumped 2000 gallons of oil from the first well he ceased pumping and forced an acid solution down the hole the acid was aupposedta tsat away the rock and enlarge the slxe of the un derground cavern since the add was applied id july sey nuk haa been waiting for oil to seep back into the underground oil well when be does the sec ond pumping boon he expects to draw about five or si times greater a volume of oil seynuck had the oil from the hall farm iested by ba oil in curkson end waa told that the oil was top grade penhayl il tony siynufc well again he plans to sell all the oil including the 2 000 galloua now stored at the hall farm to the clarkson jjua refinery junior bowlers last week in the junior lawn bowling league dave clark and joan chamberlain won their match 1sj against philip white and barbara thompson in another doubles match j vanla oil a gmde not foundjn burk m darlene cutobert r- woatera canada fwlnnlnaifrom robert saxe and whan seyonck pumps the cathy sjacdonald 1 l fv

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