tm mokmtowi mrrald tur4ay tiplnl i im4 majority of august pupils pass tests for swimming hoady of ihia week u the letlng lime for th iw tamrt enrolled u the ceorgc lowa comaaunjty jool awim tning tlawee with bloe nwl twenty inurmediaiea tiny nv junior and fciity fcaweiglnf victor lou ly skilliag roderick wllklo- sod co petteron brc tcuudwfi laura oeborqe bnan seeler ale ovendea wullp lri lytda mny euioe heeler juba sargent beginner jkoh- sell huunu auugcncet uu kr nancy parry teb- hefei bajnple bf lb d jbjf ttogcr pauy shlpcoit tuadlog 4miiluuaj benlor wely galeae stevd louttd were given wate ufcly know wary turnr jeffrey brown ledge teli fend exunbed u jort foaiuicr la ufa v reawhinjf auu artificial rrd lliilm hohngr vojfrry ptruoo hhiliow diving loowatllsig kdrw twctf ly yds aide tc breeet fclrk looftoc walter fyi hogg twcrt yd hlrtncotfcry berk alroke or mul fop mephe luily trwt itm yd frl ttewl or nwtiiib hurni clody tey trudgen atrhl jump into dwp vvortn- llullowsy lt ur4 aler 25 yard irmi only on j wendy nsgorsej joy niehul lb uck so yrdj lega only chrli uutmt uarber the brk running dive kltfly hill nell dvid holme turfectf dive fcd underwater twin twing rreue ami bw fcubjwt drownproofni uimi ruwi were givn tygrvly 1 r 1 1 rigorous fits at th opposite nd of the frtal ik beginners wrre tvler jonrl pholo jan attracts silverware and offers thi uttoktlst uoht on th 103 oniino champ on gorokn hockey mdqeii jin pop 1 i lurveyt lvrnl of h awards h hit accumulated during hit climb up lh kockiy uddf ert h i cuffantly pondering omrt from prom rvenl jun or clubt i havn i md up my mind on vamti hi q from rir iv fold tn mrld pair in fifth gives oaks another victory n vor uri f lurry lid rit to ihr im on tin mb uri d hrren i svrn mrmbfn ttlrndrd the iitnul field day at trfcfaltc j 1 ountry club and tlirve of the udiei wrrr pru wn bf r in a lark id wl lfty i ian o r i o u lbrutubrr uilne dpuglai itato ukb il harris suuti ilwlirf saa- q uf david urtwtuld lynn urlfoww utdj ra hred wui wiur aaitly know jtln thoa tny lur ud ii revhlnc ul uii1rtly awn yi under water tb- ml lultfr hulmer lr wiwi1 nl wjjir kathn alun rrnl latr and ml ovr urry wureh ana marl win 50 ft nd aland cp turn u f h y uul and land up lump in gojbal slenhale llur1 iwlm in place or read warr onion johnun uark sa jlj dbbl uundi uik sarjnt for m aerndi swlitiwera rwrnu tai marki wrre charlie nihm hlske ham bartaln johanna ordon jen fllfer lnln marilyn kmeraon totrt dean peter muwhof debbie lo until uike sargi warren chard randy pop retd walker carol aim wal alt thela ipprauld uda ialirhuk n a n e y uunro nrnda uurkirt uanay dii mond carry rutr diaane fournier iuart ucdaald oakville oaki acored a pair of ruflj in he uotluni of thr fith and final innlnt for a 4 3 victory evr drorgetown at orgown laat wednradsy nuht key figure in thr oaka win vai vrlrran garry llughrt llughea took ovrr after itaxler john ueacrnjl had given up hoth giant runa in the firtt sbd handcuffed the oppaaition the real bf the way a walk a ucrtfice h itc odd bate man dennu dibboru a single by firat baseman ron fcltcwe and a fietderi choice blatd ceorgetftwo rum brforr oak hiarugw tow key en yank j mckenije and brought nn llughea llughea want the ril of the way in the darkyirta thortened game and allowed juat one hit ha walked lhr and wt down ttlna of the 13 ba tiara be re- trd oa alrika twice atrikinij out the tide oaka tied thr tcr in the fourth on a walk by third baae hn raai dryden tirllrea by abartatop dick bondy and tec wd aacker nuddy uckay a va k to f rat uckrr rrank murke and a nfftr by catcher fell kanr drydrn yttifra thr firil nin o kane aifii and burke rwi wba tvtrtoip paul lawtf cwvenng third let fcitrkw tkeo grt by hiu a tarrificr fly in the fifth by dodrn irorrd the winwr centre fjeder ljrry turtia kjnd to han thr inninj iole second and aeored on dryden a fly left field kenny pollock walked after curtu went t acond on drydrn a aacridcr and trorrd on another tingle by shortatop dick bcndy lluchra wu at hia bet in the bottom or that fifth inning e walked the 1 cad off hattrr fanned thr nrat two sen walked a wvont halter and recorded the third out on ktrikei curtu wai tparkplug of lha oakville attack with a double a tingle and a pair of stolen bates pollock making one of- hit in rwjunt atarta djdn t come up redshirts drop second palermo playoff game the hornby red shirts lost their ieoiul tumie of the hal- ton softball league aaml fin au by a acor of 6j to the palermo team hornby held a jl laid up to the alxth inning when in the awventh jnnln aorne infield error proved coitly for the bed shlrta when th palermo boya took advan- lajfe of them and acorei five runa don ilealop was thewlru jilng huder who had 10 atrike 0tiu 1 walk ami 5 hita jamie 101 hurled v inning up 0 hlu s atrike qtaand twp walka wayne afaui took over from cunru u the 8th inning glv- t mad 3 atrike outi with any hiti but thourd a fine re in picking up tu walks north halton golfers visit other clubs ijdir da tur 1j u jn 2ath at sorth hilton olf lub wai v ititing day for manj at the lady membrrt rjght of the members attends a guel itj at jrrgui whrre ii holrt of golf and lunch was rnjurd prue winnrn were liiunt 1st flight u low nh ur s h young 3rd flight 1st uu net uri ij ttrnell 4th flight 1st low grots un k i hitch burn on sunday august 23rd the final match of ike uub chaai pionvhip was played betwrrn uri i injln defending eham p in and mra s 11 young run iner up the winner and 104 jlwaa champion la ura young i consralulallorti are due to i mrs brand ford our first la dy member to hive a hole in one in our own cowrie stevenson blsliger have sweeps in kart racing uikf llakrr sluron v hirrun mllrhfll ury eiid usf i fal uifharl barnr mtirois l hollowly jifklf triliy clr i ninry tlmlfck llowri wr j uivu 1uhburo uon wtrgirrl llonj ilob r u willy wutrch hull jnic lnln itlicla ipban billy bruc kud tim tini llimyfr lilic mn j nrffn slv coll urauiund phyllu brbr lyndi uinmly ronnl jnlm broun siiui rwlfy omn llvttnct alun piulin whilhim andrrl randy dubifn dorii i indvw kirrf bonny llillirr kalhfr jlu n mark ruih rill ln klfrr robrl milrlirll lj i conlon rolrr ann mrl a birij r p up combr dinr panllnj birn hf o sjurl sof limf aflrr two junuri it ihoulii or pointrd out that sally uf arthur atrwy la r tarda and cloth badira it j lif jack ulhhfrt bill qutk ifivtn trrr hut ai a rule thr nhuah rickey dublcn jablmetal laprl pini ar not how ann fhimrrton randv dublrn rvrr hrr thry are donated by ronald llmr rridtey uar the local branch or the red mailer yony ueera uarlena crou and hivt been for the psrholok uiawn ruher shir putt three yean patterson succeeds alcorn hockey beavers go jr c georgaiowh beam will ptay la as oua juauar c group uhi wtatar t tb club wfaieh ttntrd lb autro juniot b circuit in lla initial year last yj tinlahd in uat place dtaijily becaua tbrc hocbora that handicap ped then rooi the atart lack of sue lack of experienced junior plsycrt od later io the aaoo a btring o ioiuriea tb ivwmt club wj oper finals underway braves register shutout minor wtlh ldrl weather um ull the lutl legur w it it kgibi tuady nd thursday to uwuie who would go into tb flali in the lotfrrtalionll lgue atubta alimlmud huffalo bj buffalo earn up with a much itioofcer game thn the first oh in thii aerua hut thing jut dldnt work out for them id the auerioil iaajue chi jgo downed new york by 18 thii iltvd wa a come froid be bind win ahd auo a caw of the wlnivrr- taking advarug of every oportuulty it waa alun for new york end kceter for chicago si tb tuning pitcher with twer gttlbg tome good relief work ironl j lid kes in the national league it wis mania ovr dodjera 40 this game produced tome very good pitching by both teami but whit haw for the cianti wu tenaatlonal ihuraday night in the inter national league it wu uochis ter over toronto 74 toronto t tart d out very strong but tome of the boya got a little fuelled and hochebter was able to tke advantage of thnr mn cuei in he american iegue cleveland put baltimore out by he score of lft8 it was a had bight for baltimore as no thing teemed te go right for them the nation 1 1 league started the finals lut week with the hravea and gjanu playing a 70 gtit the bravea coming out on top atad by the georgetown sup port tiroup ptraoaael faaactiotv bag m a aepturala executive wltk affiliation with the mocure oandln then hac sulemeat froaa the ohic oa the switch but it is unlikely they will tt- their link with a junior c club the beevera 1cj4 officers aadtf ptrmidtat sid akofb haoded oer the teioj to their aucceaaor wbca a bew buu wa elected by thr hockey men attending a reeling wedaee- day bight the preeldw t scotty palteraoil hcrriry joe jr and directors bid smith juy warwick welbura sid alcorn art sbepperd herb sobtoaoa doai jervie jim beunocr ejbd b1u atorxack use deciaaoa to go c this aeeeoo followed wnglh dl- n a voie found the maj only u faeeur ceorgtriowrl wtu eoutr ea onurk hockey aaan juxue c group wkh oevngerilla hec peier preatoa new- haasbwrg elsblre aed afjitom aiao a stv eauy this effective sat aug 291964 the canadian legion weekly 5050 draw ceased effective sept 1 1964 a mwitkry jojo drw wul canmtk expressbuses y0 cou vooi wvoeo when bob slevrnmn en fine holds together it a bad aewa fur the reat of thr racing field in cits 2 at the north ilaltun kart club stevrmon a tempcrammtal power plant was on it t twst behavior wednetday and il-p- rd robert chalked up a clean aweep at the weekly compel i tions showing thr way home in the class 2 heat irnn final and fealurr the only other vrrp wai ed flail gen in he liu s avrnt but uillger pulls off thr prfrct record so often it would b more startling news if he slipped to second placr ilelmer hint was the- fastest man in the clasa 4 starters fir won the heal tk hack sveal to fluss hurry urry in the semi bu came on to cap ture the feature itlll lfac orniark wk the driver in front when thr fra ture inthe highly competitive no 3 lata finlahed norm shea grabbed aou of the glory with a win in the wml after wayne downs had kicked things off with a win in the beat charlene ilaccormack the mid aeaaon title holdrr set her fana at ease whrn she en tered the lists 3 feature she was taken in hoapltal two weeks ago after a spectacular accident in which ahe suffered injuries she ut out th heat and wmi hut could not ut a waek go by without contesting the racea are held every wednesday al the club a track on he 3th tine of eaquealng just south of i imr house there a no admission price sport continued on next page i i phar jones photo learning while churning sauv reucarthur churns through the water of the geor getown cpinmunlly pool enroulo to tuccess in the red cron swimming evominalioru held theremonday the tetti con cluded the august swimming courses mere demonstrators sunbeam alpine sports 24690 iulanci niw car warranty tram terms cash the amazing sunbeam imp sports sedan t- asiowas 1595m iiveiy rhiabu saucy virtatkj colvarh la e wagon in seeoreaw- u 4045 mius pmr oallon no oraailng tnh ey t look al iiy on th focklboou scr end drivr 1 beckers wagon wheel sales and service whm tervm is guarantee not utt a promise 450 qtmen si e brampton rhone 4k90447 parts and repairs on ail rootes products we specialize inservicng import qar5 georgetown hydro woodbine sept 7th tooct24th leave georgetown blt le lu ltil each racing day 120jpm baylltkl tu kttuin far 215 iruluoal acutluufl ritun iuu1s start ioadino ahu last race stans restaurant s wadi afenl tuphonai m774u v rtwia opens monday night at 745 mohawk mao oammollwum tajlgatbts tbespass wlu uund enw cart by lollowint loo j wy 1 w- yooo 1jjk l ojtauw yx iii l uy jus lr i fcaae yr e mj tu m fcj w ety to mrm m i- al ajui uery ke u r unaairi wij v i hi- fa ulu yi eujy fc v mw wiwwweimuwlvi 4 wt k ishpw 1 vovei y r oo t u v 4 ol mruowwi 4 i cooperator life inurnoe amweisitipil i ivitiiyi 4i t -rf-